Mine (NueaToh FF)

By PeNO84ling

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"never have I imagined this day will come" Toh whispered. Nuea smiled. "You do not need to imagine this" he w... More

eye glasses
smile for him
Toh's number
my photos
ride with Nuea
his lips
someone you like?
Lunch in his condo
my inspiration
stole the kisses.
steal him
eye to eye
I will be serious
A day with Nittiman
inner beauty
be ready heart
don't fall too hard.
I promised myself.
Van Gough who?
for documentary
tell him already
drunk Toh.
head ache
2nd day?
smiles and photos.
to love and not to.
you made me.
Daisy's worries
just love
I'm his boyfriend
Saturday with Nittiman
hard to trust.
dream like.
that's why
he deserves more
sweet lunch
what are the odds.
demand and suply
Time... take it slow.
we get it he is yours.
got my phone back
he pass
wall picture
dinner after
pool party
my secret place
less than a day
Som Time
tiny creatures
be my date
how to tame a lion
no blood please.
bullies and I inspirations.
broken eyeglasses
paids off
claiming back
author's note
go crazy
Sky over the skies
missed him also
not when you're drunk

Jao's puppy eyes.

499 17 3
By PeNO84ling

Jao's POV

P' Sky never stopped following me.
After they have done the last renovations. He always follows me

"P' your like a lost puppy following around" I said to softly.

"Be the owner of this lost puppy na so it won't be lost anymore." P' Sky said.

Should I laugh or roll my eyes.
This is too cringe.

I .not a teen ager anymore and this does not affect me.
His puppy eyes.
His pout and his handsome face.

Damn why does he need to be this handsome

"P' get back to work." I scolded him.

"My work is done. Time to assist you na"he said.

"Then go with p' Nuea. And p' Touch."  I said.

He pouted even more but do what I said.

It is our last hours here. We are just cleaning and we are to say goodbye and go home.

It's been a nice experience to be part of an outreach like this.
I feel proud of myself. That once I help rebuild a school for elementary.

Though I did not do as much as others. But the chairs and classrooms we painted I hope the students will appreciate them.

I smile as look at the classrooms

"That smile is really worth capturing" Toh said

I pouted.
"You ruin my moment " I said.

He showed me my photos and it was really good.

"Why it is you captures my best smiles." I asked.

"Cause I am your best friend " he said

"Send me that na." I requested

"Yes sir I will" he responded with salute.

Toh and I then cleaned the room. Then place the stuffs in their places.

*How your extra assignment I asked him.

"I only have the after math. Because ei did not took picture of the before because of being drunk" he sound disappointed.

"Don't worry na. I will tell Daisy to give you. The picture he had. And I will also send you what I have." I winked at him.

He back being happy and thanked me a lot.

Toh get inside the room we left for him and P' Nuea.

"Did something else happened here?" I whispered to Toh'.

"Jao!" He said a bit mad.
"This is elementary school respect the kids." He said.

I laughed a little.
He placed his things and p' Nuea's in one corner. Then we cleaned the room.

"Toh Jao is this your second room?" P' Touch asked

"Yes. p'." Toh said.

"Then come at the assemble area after na." He commanded.

"Yes sir" Toh said.

P' Nuea's things are already arranged that is why it is easy to manage it. Even Toh's.

We then went to the assembly area.
While waiting for others.

P' Nuea's band is called in the stage.
P' Sky, P' Time , and P' Kwan went with P' Nuea and they sung. Two songs.

Then the people we are waiting for come in the area.

The Faculty and Staff of the School with their Principal.
Thanked us.

Then the Principal announced "it's time kids."

The children came to us and gave us letters and gifts.

A girl came to me.
"P' Jao. Do you like girls or boys?" She asked me softly.

I smiled at her.
"I like someone. It's a him" I whispered in her ears.

She giggled. And gave me a letter.
It says.
Thank you p' Jao for helping repair our classroom. For painting our chairs. And I saw you clean our writing board.
I hope you like my little gifts.
Thank you na
Wait for Mr to grow up na
I like p'.

She gave me a cute squirrel keychain. It's fluffy and stuffed.

"But you like boys. So good luck na. P' Jao always smile na you are so cute when you smile." She said.

"Can I hug you?" I asked

She happily nod her head and we hugged.

Then two kids come to me and gave me letter of thanks also.

And gave me snack
"Mama said you like sweet snack na" the older said.

"How did she know?" I asked.

"She served you desserts yesterday and she said you like these na." He answers.

"Thank you so much. Thank your mama also na" I said.

"Umm" they both said. And waved at me then went to other volunteers.

I placed the cute squirrel on my bag. And the snacks holding it is it placed on a plastic usable bag anyway.

"Jao. Why do you have so much gifts from others" P' Sky pouted.

"I didn't asked for any of this. They have it as gratitude." I responded softly.

"Then kids came to him and thanked him also I just smiled at the kids and slowly walked away form them.

I sit beside Toh.

We wait for the next.

After the students gave all their gifts and letters.
The Principal again thanked.

Now we are all given a lunch pack.
It's time to go home.

I took last picture of the school. Before I get inside the bus.

Toh called for me and sit beside him.

P' Nuea stand beside me

Toh protested. But p' Nuea pleaded for me exchange sit with him.

I then sit on the vacant chair behind ours. And p' Nuea sit by Toh's side.

The. Daisy sit beside me.
I am glad it's Daisy.

We are all tired.
It's like the whole three days came to us and made us this tired.

But Toh stood and took pictures again.

We have stop over.
Everyone went down.

We send to Toh's email all the photos we took.
It's his job to edit it now.
Back to the bus.
"Daisy can I exchange seat with you?" P' Sky asked.

Daisy stood then sit again.

"I am sorry p' Sky." I can't. He said

"Then I'll take you home tonight cutie." He said to me. He went back to his seat beside p'Touch.

"Is he mad. I am sorry Jao I don't wanna seat beside P' Touch." Daisy whispered.

"It's okay he won't do anything to me. He is tired he'll go back home soon when Im in the dorm." I said.

Daisy signed me Toh and P' Nuea. Like they are not talking.

We are back in the engineer's gate where are picked up by the bus.
From here to my dorm is 10minutes away.

"Guys I'll take Jao na" p' Sky said.
Daisy and Som pushed me.

I get inside p' Sky's car.

We stopped in front of the dorm.

"Jao" he called. I looked at him.
"Let me send you to your room na." He said.

I nod my head.
We walked the stairs to my room he carries my big bag while I have my back pack.
When I opened the door. He slid himself inside. Nothing I can do now.

I rolled my eyes and placed my bag on the table he placed my other bag on the floor beside the table.

"P' it's getting late. You should go na." I said.

He looked at me.

"I am hungry Jao. I wanna eat you." He said.
I gulped.

He walked closer to mei felt like I am damn frozen.

"Jao. " He whispered on my ear.
I can feel his breath and I felt like he blew air on my ear that travelled my whole body.

"Be my boy friend na" he asked.

"P' you should go back na you are tired." I said.

He leaned his forehead on mine.
He closed his eyes.
"5 counts." He said.

I counted.
He opened his eyes

I am stunned when he hugged me.
He himself counted five.
Then let go.

"Good night Jao" he said.

I smiled.
"Good night p'." I said.

He smiled and walked out of the room.
I closed it and leaned on it.

Damn my heart wants more of him.
His hug.
I hugged myself.

Jao! I scolded myself what am I doing?

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