Faithful Love Book 2: Cardfig...

By BerryBerryBlitz

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Love Series Book 1 Blind Love Book 2 Faithful Love Book 3 Broken Love Book 4 Healing Love Peaceful, that's... More

Chapter 1: Long deserved break
Chapter 2: Il a Adore pour les cheveux et yeux bleu
Chapter 3: Miwa's thoughts
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5: Unknown
Chapter 6: Sadness
Chapter 7: Pain
Chapter 8: Untitled
Chapter 9: Odd
Chapter 10: Missing
Chapter 11: Help
Chapter 12: Rest
Chapter 13: Struggle
Chapter 14: Unknown result
Chapter 15: Long needed break
Chapter 16: Concern
Chapter 17: Chatting
Chapter 18: Caring
Chapter 19: Exposed
Chapter 20: Miwa you idiot...
Chapter 21: understanding
Chapter 22: Self Doubt
Chapter 24: Despair
Chapter 25: No title
Chapter 26: Plans
Chapter 27: Permission
Chapter 28: decission
Chapter 29: packing
Chapter 30: Departure

Chapter 23: Hide

620 35 10
By BerryBerryBlitz

Chapter 23 is here~ I don't own cardfight vanguard!

The blue haired boy ended up falling asleep against the door, he was woken up by Emi opening said door to make him fall backwards out of his room.


The peach haired girl questioned, wondering why her brother just fell out of the room when she opened the door to wake him up.


The blue haired boy asked sleepily, unsure as to how he would explain why he had fallen asleep against the door.

"You should really sleep in your bed...."

"Yeah sorry..... Anyway what do you want?"

The peach haired girl sighed as she watched her brother get up from the floor, he was wearing the same clothes as the day before.

"It's breakfast, get changes before coming down Aichi"

Emi sighed as she left her brother and went downstairs towards the kitchen. The young boy felt uneasy, he didn't feel like eating so he stretched and went to his room to change his clothes.

After he changed, the small boy was now wearing a navy blue t-shirt and light grey pants. He then exited his room to go down stairs and greet his family.

"Morning Aichi!"

The cyan haired mother called with a smile as she noticed her son enter the kitchen.

"Hi mom"

Aichi yawned as he sat down in his seat where a plate of scrambled eggs laid in front of him. He took a few bites then started to pick at the yellow pieces with his fork, not too keen on eating anymore.

"Aichi you need to eat more....."

The cyan haired mother sighed as she noticed that the blue haired boy was just picking at his food.

"Sorry.... I don't have much of an appetite....."

The smaller boy whispered softly before leaving the table, the peach haired girl looked over worriedly towards her mom, recognizing her brother's actions.

"Mom..... Something happened to Aichi....."

The cyan haired mother nodded sadly, she was worried that something between her son and the brunette had caused the sudden change within her son.

"Yeah..... He's acting like how he did before meeting friends....."

"I wonder if something happened between everyone......"

The peach haired girl murmured to herself, she hoped that her brother was just ill and feeling under the weather.

"I wonder if he was telling the truth about eating last night......"

"Ehhhh........ That's not good....."

Emi quickly sat up from her spot at the table and ran towards her brother's room, concerned that he might pass out from lack of nutrition.


The young girl whispered as she slowly opened the door to her brother's room, she frowned slightly when she heard no response but took that as an okay.

"Ehhh, get out of bed Aichi!"

The peach haired girl huffed as she opened the door to see her brother hidden under the many blankets that covered his bed.


"Aichi, why are you hiding?"

Emi sighed as she tried to tug the blankets away from the blue haired boy.

"I don't want to go outside....."

Aichi whispered in response, he didn't want to see the brunette, not because he didn't love him, but because he knew that he needed to leave him for Kai's own good, yet he couldn't bring himself to approach the older teen.

"But it's a nice day out.... Don't you want to go to card capital or see Kai?"

The young boy winced slightly at his boyfriend's name.

"I'm now a vampire...... Sunlight will kill me!"

The peach haired girl frowned at her brother's childish behaviour, it seemed odd to her for not too long ago, her brother was so happy.

"Well I don't care Aichi, do I have to get mom to ground you?"

"......... What can she ground me from?"

"........ Ummmm your room?...."

The peach haired girl didn't know what to do, Aichi didn't do much besides cardfight and that was the thing that she was trying to get him to do.

"Nice try.......I can't be kicked out of my room"

The peach haired girl released a huge sigh as she left her brother to stay under the blankets and walked downstairs.

"Mom...... Aichi really isn't acting normally...... He won't leave his room...."

The cyan haired mother pursed her lip slightly at her daughter's words, she didn't like them at all.

"I can't make him leave his room..... It's not like he's a young child who I can physically pick up......"

"He is small though...... Ah maybe Kai can help!"

Shizuka was a little unsure at the young girl's suggestion for she had a small idea that the brunette may somehow be linked to her son's trouble.

"....... Maybe....."

The peach haired girl tilted her head in confusion, wondering why her mother seemed unsure about bringing over Aichi's partner to deal with his childish ways.

"Is something wrong with bringing Kai over?"

"I don't know, but since Aichi is with someone now, he could be having love problems......"

A small frown made its way upon Emi's face, she had never guessed that love would be such a troublesome thing.

"Aichi I'll call Kai over if you don't go outside somewhere!!!!"

The peach haired girl called, causing the cyan haired mother to cover her ears. A few moments passed before the two girls heard the soft footsteps of the blue haired boy coming down the stairs, sapphires swirling with hidden emotion as he silently put on his shoes and went out the door.

"........ So it was love problems......."

Both girls sighed, relieved that it wasn't something serious for all they knew.

The blue haired boy was a little angry at his mother and sister, though not in a hateful way, it was more like an slight prickling annoyance that he felt towards them.

He did not want to go outside, however he did NOT want to face the brunette even more, he knew that it was childish of him, but he was afraid of the hurt. Afraid that the older teen would see through his lies that he didn't like him anymore, which was the exact opposite of the truth of how the young boy actually felt.

Me: that's le end of le chappy

Miwa: poor Aichi

Me: hehe ^~^ he's just confused

Miwa: and unintentionally hurting himself in the process......

Me: aww well~ wonder what'll happen~

Miwa: you don't know?...

Me: no >~> I write dis chappy by chappy straight from le head with no edits~

Miwa: yeah I can tell

Me: >.> ....... Anyway hope ya people enjoyed le chappy~

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