Living Life Large.(NeedlemOus...

By Gameboycolor242

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Two best friends find themselves in a series of events that led them down a dangerous path. More

Case #1- The invisible man.
Case 1: The invisible man
Case 1: The Invisible Man
Case 2: The Girl Next Door
Case 2: The Girl Next Door
Case 2: The Girl Next Door
Case 3: The Clown
Case 3: The Clown
Case 3: The Clown
Case 3: The Clown
Case 4: The Tall Man in the forest
Case 5: Friends in high places
Case 6: Co-workers
Case 7: Free Time
Case 8: The crazy bit-I mean lady from across the street
Case 9: Aqua

Case 2: The Girl Next door.

65 1 0
By Gameboycolor242

30th October, 2022

Halloween is tomorrow, but unfortunately. You're grounded. Great...

Claire: Hey Kyle, are you going trick or treating tomorrow?

Kyle: No, I'm actually grounded remember?

Claire: And? You only get this chance once a year. Don't let it fly by.

Kyle: I'm sorry, but I can't

Kyle closes his locker.

Kyle: My mom will rip me in half.

Claire: Come on Kyle, she won't be like that.

Kyle: I'm telling you...... She's going to be like that.

Claire: Well, you'll never know unless you try.

Kyle: Are you trying to get me murdered? 

Amy is along with Thomas watching Kyle's conversation with Claire.

Amy: Did he forget, we exist?

Thomas: I think he's still mad.

Amy: Mad about what?

Thomas: um, noting special.

Amy raises her eyebrow to Thomas. Mainly because she can see through his bull.

Amy: What happened?

Thomas: Like I said, nothing special.

Amy: Well, it's strange he's not talking to you.

Thomas: Well, even best friends have their moments.

Amy: Right before Halloween too........ He seems to getting along with the new girl quite well.

Thomas: I sense jealousy...

Amy hits Tom in his nose.

Thomas: Ow...

Amy: They haven't talked to each other that much, and yet it's like their best friends.

Thomas: I see your point, but why is that important to you?

Amy: I don't trust that girl.

Thomas: Yeah, she's a man stealer.

Kyle hits the back of his neck.

Kyle: Mosquitos......

Claire: Anyway, see you tomorrow.

Kyle: Bye.....

Kyle walks away from Claire. He feels a weird surge of pain coming from the spot were a mosquito bit him.

4:30 PM

Lily: No! Your not going.

Kyle: But Mom it's.....

Lily: I don't care....... You should have thought about that before jumping into an explosion. It's not happening.

Kyle: But...

Lily: No buts..... Your still grounded remember.

Kyle makes his face in an angry expression towards his mother. Which causes something in Lily to awaken.

Lily's Mind: Did he just......

Lily's ancestor: Oh yes, he did. That boy has lost his mind to do something like that. I think it's time.

Lily's Mind: No,.... I must resist. I can't...... I can't. I can't do it.

Lily's ancestor: You must. It's the only way.

Lily's Mind: The belt?

Lily's ancestor: Yes, the belt. We passed on it for generations. It's your time daring.

Lily's Mind: I know, what must be done......

Lily starts to floating the air. The Land belt zooms from out of her room straight into her hands.

Lily: KYLE HAVE YOU LOST IT, NIG-(I'm black, so don't cancel me)

Luther: Am I interrupting something?


Luther: I see you still got it.

Lily: Kyle go to your room.

Kyle leaves the two alone.

Luther: What was that about?

Lily: He asked to go treat or treating, I told him no, and he...... Well, it made my ethnicity come out.

Luther: Hmm, that's the first time I've heard he ever do something like that. I guess puberty is kicking in.

Lily: He is around that age.

Luther: I guess so.... Anyway, that's not why I came here.

Lily: What is it?

Luther: We're having a costume party tomorrow.

Lily: No, he's not going

Luther: It's for adults.

Lily: Oh, then I'm not going.

Luther: Come on, it'll be just like old times......

Lily: NO. Plus, I have to work.

Luther: Aren't you on vacation?

Lily: Something cam-

Luther: Paid Vacation.......

Lily: Fine, Look I just don't want to go.

Grace: You should come.

Lily: Where are you guys coming from?

Grace: L, called me to convince you.

Lily: He did now.....

Luther scratches the back of his head.

Lily: I'm not going and that's final.

Luther: Hmpf, should have known the...

Lily: Don't you dare say it.

Grace: Yeah, I didn't think the...

Lily: Stop...

Luther: The queen.

Lily: No, I'm not like that...

Grace: Queen.

Lily: No, I'm not..... Just stop ok.

Luther: You don't want me to bring up the stories do you. That tub....

Lily face lights up red in embarrassment.

Lily: Don't talk about that! Especially around my co-worker.

Grace: Oh I already know the story. One tub, One roof. Two goes in and one comes out.

Lily: I was drunk...... I didn't know riding a rub off someone's roof was a bad idea.

Luther: That poor man..... Lily took the entire roof off. I think he had to sold the house.

Grace: Jeez....

Lily: Very funny. Like I said, I'm not going.

Luther: Bet.

Lily: Excuse me?

Luther: 350 right now.

Lily laughs softly at Luther's request.

Lily: On what?

Luther: You'll stay for more than 30 minutes...

Lily: Ha! This is the easiest 350 I've ever earned. Already, I'll take your bet. Grace, are you placing your money down on this?

Grace: Lily..........

I raise you, 500.

Lily: Oh! So we playing that game. It's a deal.

Luther and Grace has this sinister smile on their face, so does Lily.

Kyle lays his head underneath his pillow. He keeps scratching the bite mark the mosquito left on him. Sarah is rocking back and fore in a chair reading a comic book.

Sarah: How does one make these draws look so realistic?

Kyle: I don't know, Sarah. Honestly, I don't know.

Sarah: Are you angry by chance?

Kyle: A little.....

Sarah: It seems your experiencing something called Pissed.

Kyle: Yeah, I guess I do feel pissed. Ah, this bump is killing me.

Sarah: Kill?

Sarah jumps towards Kyle and pin him down.

Sarah: Where is it? What's Killing you?

Kyle: It's a metaphor, Sarah.

Sarah backs off Kyle.

Sarah: Sorry.

Kyle: No problem, just warn me when your about to do that.

Sarah: Yes sir. Hey, you look a bit pale.

Kyle: I'm fine. I am a little hungry.

Sarah: So Am I.

Kyle: Ok, Give me a sec


Kyle: Someone messaged me.

Kyle checks the phone Claire gave him.

C: Hey, Have you thought about it?
K: She said no, bummer....
C: That's sucks.....Personally, I wouldn't have taken right Kyle?

Kyle: The fuck? Yeah, she's right. I wouldn't have taken that.

C: You should tell her how you feel. I mean you almost died, and the first thought was to just ground you. She didn't even once stopped to think that maybe someone threw you in there.
K: Your right, she didn't.
C: What kinda of a mother does that?
K: You know what, I'll be there.
C: What about your mom?
K: Fuck her.
C: That's the spirit.

1st November, 2022

Lily is sitting down at a table with her down crying wise speaking to someone on the phone

Lily: How did I lose 500 dollars?

Luther: I told you.... Once you entered that door. I knew, I had already won this bet.

Lily: That wasn't fair. They had the cupcakes and....

Luther: That's what they all say.

Lily: Shut up...... My stomach still hurts.

Luther: No one told you to drink that much.

Lily: You couldn't expect me to not drink that bottle. I haven't been wasted since I got this job.

Kyle walks pass Lily.

Lily: Off to school, I made you some breakfast.

Kyle slams the door shut.

Lily: He's still acting like that.

10:30 am

Kyle is gathering books from out of his locker. When he closes the locker. He spots Amy standing right beside him.

Amy: So..... What's up.

Kyle: What do you want?

Amy: Attitude? I just came to check up on you. It's been awhile since you and Thomas spoke. Did something happen between you two?

Kyle: That's none of your business. Leave me alone.

Amy grabs Kyle's arm, and gives a cornered look.

Amy: I'm worried about you. You could talk to me you know.

Kyle casually pulls Amy's arm off him, and leans in close to tell her something.

Kyle: Amy, I don't know what your getting at, but right now. Fuck off. Me and Tom don't mess with each other anymore, and no. I don't want your box of chocolates.

Amy: What?

Amy pushes the small box of chocolates back into her pocket.

Amy: Look, I don't what happened to you, but you have some nerve to say that. I was with you when you we're in the hospital.

Kyle: And, you want brownie points for that?

Amy storms away from Kyle.

Kyle: Jeez, what's her problem?

Claire: Jealously, it happens to everyone. How are you feeling?

Kyle: Better than ever.

Claire: That's good. Well, I have to go to class.

Kyle: See you later.


Thomas: Amy?

Amy: Over here.

Amy waves her hand from behind a dumpster.

Thomas: What happened? Why are you crying?

Amy: I Hate him.

Thomas: Who? Tell me who did it and I'll

Amy: Kyle..... He told me to....

Thomas: Oh.... He was giving that mood to you too. Damn, he's been like that from he met that girl.

Amy: Something is up with her big time.

Claire: What is it?

Amy and Thomas scream in fear of this random appearance of Claire.

Amy: When did you get there?

Claire: And when did you get bold enough to say what you said about me.

Amy: I didn't say anything about you.

Claire: My ears heard different.

Thomas stands in front Claire.

Thomas: She said nothing about you.

Claire: Oh, you must be Bentley. Nice to finally meet you.

Thomas: I guess Kyle told you about me.

Claire: No, not once. I just heard about you because that dork club you hang out with.

Thomas: What, we're not dorks....

Claire: Your dorks...

Thomas: Listen here, we analyze and

Claire: I didn't ask Mr.Artwright. Anyway, Amy..... I going to need you to apologize.

Thomas and Amy: For what!?

Claire: Deformation of character. I would never influence someone to do such things.

Amy: I'm apologizing because it's true. Ever since he started talking to you. He became an asshole. It's all your Hag!

Claire: Hag? You are bold to call me that.

Amy: Or what. I'm not scared of you.

Claire pushes Thomas out of way and rushes right in front of Amy's face.

Claire: Count your days, I'll be paying you a visit on Meadow Street

Claire leaves and gives a very furious stare to Thomas.

Thomas: You alright?

Amy: Yeah, sorry for getting you involved. I just couldn't stand her.

Thomas: Trust me, I know.

Amy: You must have been angry if those veins are appearing around your arms.

Thomas looks at his right to confirm Amy's words. To his surprise, veins are poking out of his arm.

Thomas: I have to go.....

8:30 PM

Kyle walks through the front door and Lily is sitting in a soft chair right in front of him.

Lily: Why are you just coming home young man?

Kyle: Why is that your business?

Lily: Why is that my business? I'm your mother. I was worried sick about you.

Kyle: Well, I'm here now.

Kyle pulls out the phone Claire gave him right in front of Lily.

Lily: Where did you get that?!

Kyle walks upstairs to his room ignoring his mother's words.

Lily: Kyle! Kyle! You come back down here this instant!

Kyle enters his room and sits down on the floor with Lily following after.

Lily: Hey, I'm speaking to you! Stop ignoring me!

Kyle: Shut up!

Lily: Kyle, in my days. You've never done this before. First that supermarket and now this. What's going on with you?........ Kyle?.........Kyle?

Lily puts her hand on Kyle's shoulder. Kyle then grabs his hand mother's hand and completely shatters it. Lily is caught off guard by the sight of her finger bones sticking out of her. Kyle punches Lily in her stomach sending her into the hallway.

Lily: K...y..l..e?

What walks out of that room isn't Kyle anymore. A silver beast walks out the room. The gold in Kyle's eye is the only lighting the hallway.

Lily: Who are you?

Kyle walks over to his mother and picks her up. He opens his mouth to tear off Lily's neck. A beam of purple goes right into Kyle's eye. Causing him to drop Lily.

Thomas: Alright, Kyle. That's enough.

Lily: Thomas?

Thomas: ...........Hi, Ms.Henderson................

Thomas gives a little wave to her, but is rudely cut off by Kyle.

Kyle: You..... You left me in that building. You wanted me to die  Thomas!

Thomas: Come on now Kyle. It was on fire and surrounded by police. What did you wanted me to do?!

Kyle kicks Thomas downstairs hitting a head against a wall.

Thomas: Alright, that hurt.

Kyle towers over Thomas from the top of the staircase.

Thomas: The hell has gotten into you?

Kyle holds his finger out to Thomas and a beam fires out of it. Putting a hole in the side of Thomas's shoulder. Once a again pinning him to the wall. Thomas tries to get up. However, that shot completely paralyzed his right arm.

Thomas: This is just perfect. I'm stuck down here.

Kyle turns his back to the injured boy and walks back over to his horrified mother.

Lily: Kyle, wait it's me!

Lily drags herself off the wall and tries to reach the bathroom crawling on her stomach. As she gets closer to the door. Kyle pulls every last hope of that happening by grabbing her leg.

Thomas doesn't know what to do at this moment. He can't call for help, and he can't move. If he doesn't do something that thing is going to kill her.


Thomas: Ms.Henderson! A bug....

Lily: What?!

Thomas: Throw a bug on him. He's terrified of them.

Lily: How is that going that to stop him?!

Thomas: Well, do you have any other idea?!

Lily: Fuck me.....

Lily looks around her surroundings to find something to throw at him, but nothing. Kyle walks on Lily's broken hand to stop her from moving.

Lily: What are you? What have you done to my son?

Kyle doesn't respond to his mother's cry for help. Luckily, her prays were answered because miraculously. A dust bunny falls on  his head, and he freaks out.

Kyle: Huh? What happened?..... Mom! Your hand!

Kyle tries to go near his mother and she drags herself away from him.

Lily: Stay away from me.

Kyle: What?

Lily: Just stay back ok. Please....

Kyle is confused about what his mother is talking about. After all, he was talking to Claire a minute ago in the school hallway. Then again, that wouldn't explain him just being home all of a sudden. Kyle scratches him neck in confusion, and that's when he feels it.

Kyle: When did this....

A parasite is sticking out of the wound the mosquito gave him earlier. He tries to pull it out but his hand moves on it's own. Kyle also finds that he is kinda a giant man wolf standing right in front of his mother. Kyle isn't taking in this information well. Not to mention, the sight of his mother in pain.

Kyle: Oh no, I didn't mean to. I......

Lily's eyes turn pale. She isn't dead, but she is unconscious. The pain from her hand must have been to much to bear.

Sarah: What's with all the noose? Oh, Am I interrupting something?

Sarah walks out Kyle's room into the hallway rubbing her eyes from all the sleeping she's been doing.

Thomas: Now, you show you up.

Kyle: Tom? When did you get here?

Thomas: Well, long story short. I came here to actually slap the shit out of you for what you said to Amy earlier, and then I hear a loud bang. Then that bring us here.

Kyle: What I said to Amy? I didn't said anything to her.

Thomas: Yes you did. Look, this isn't the time. You blow my shoulder off and I'm currently losing blood.

Kyle: That's bad.

Thomas: No shit......

Kyle looks over to Sarah.

Kyle: Can you?

Sarah: Hold on. Keep still.

Kyle: Huh, What are you

Sarah pulls the parasite out of Kyle's neck.

Sarah: You had a hornet stuck to your neck.

Kyle: A what?

Sarah: A hornet.

They attach themselves to human hosts to gain control of their nerve system. Even so, this one looks different from the ones in my database. It's purple instead of Brownish Gold. Plus, it looks more like a mosquito than a hornet. How did this even get on you? This breed isn't even in the state.

Kyle: I don't know, I did remember something biting my neck.

Sarah: Whatever it was.

Sarah crushes the bug between her fingertips causing a purple liquid to fall from it.

Sarah: It's gone now. What was it you were going ask?

Kyle: Can you fix this?

Sarah: Your asking me if I can heal your friend. Um, no.

Kyle: What do you mean no?

Sarah: No as in, I can't do that because I don't know how.

Kyle: But we could heal ourselves. We can heal other people.

Sarah: Thomas probably, Your mother. Highly unlikely, she's not awoken like you, so it's not going to work.

Kyle walks over to his mother and grabs her broken hand.
Sarah: What are you

Kyle: Shut up. Maybe if I focus all my energy into this.

A yellow aura appears around Kyle's hands. That aura soon travels to Lily's unconscious body. Kyle closes his eyes, and

Tiny little yellow strings start to reattached Lily's fingers. Connecting every nerve, muscle, and tissue. Making her hand good as new. Sarah is embarrassed by Kyle. The kid proved her entire statement completely wrong. 

Sarah: I was wrong it seems.

Kyle: Your "database" might be outdated.

Sarah: NO........ Maybe, but still. That's not possible. How did you do that? You must teach me.

Kyle: I don't enough know how I did. How am I going to teach you it?

Thomas: My shoulder......

aaaaahh, my head.

The young detective rubs her forehead as she awakes from her slumber.

Lily: What happened? Shit, I must have fainted again..... ah, my back hurts... no everything hurts. 

Thomas: I'm sorry to hear that.

Lily: Tom.... 

Lily raises her hand towards the blurred out figure in her vision.

Thomas: Wait, don't move!

Lily: Ow!.. What the 

A bunch of purple and yellow strings are moving throughout her body. Lily freaks at seeing this discovery.

Kyle: Mom, don't move. You need to stay still for this to work.

Lily: Why do you have silver hair coming out of you?

Thomas: Your not going to comment on me. Ok, that's fine....

Kyle: It's a long story.

Lily: If your going to have magically strings run through me. I'm going to need some explaining before I go through this.

Thomas puts his arm around Kyle's to whisper something into his ear.

Thomas: What now?

Kyle: We tell her. 

Thomas: But, man.... she isn't going to believe half the stuff we're going to tell her.

Lily: I can still hear you two you know.

Kyle: Alright, just don't mention Sarah to her.

Thomas and Kyle both nod their hand in agreement.

Kyle: Ok, you remember when that guy broke in.

A doorbell rings off.

It rings again, this time. More rings start going on.

Amy: Alright, I'm coming! jeez.

Amy looks through a peephole to see no one is standing in front of door. Yet, the door bell keeps going off. Amy walks away from the door in fear. The ringing stops and a note slides underneath the door.

"This is a nice house you've got here AMY, but don't enjoy it for too long. After all, you'll be joining your mother very soon"~ Your best man stealer.

Amy opens the front door and swings it open furiously. She walks outside and looks around to see anyone, yet again there's no one


A drop of liquid falls right on Amy's shoulder. The liquid pulls her attention to look upward and she finds Claire smiling with sharp fangs staring right down at her as she hangs inside of porch's covering.

Claire: Scream and your dead.

Amy is too scared to even disagree with Claire. She's never seen anything like this before.

Amy: Please don't

Claire: Shush, if I wanted to kill you. I would've done so already. Now, if don't want to happen. Your going to do exactly what I say.

Amy shallows the lump in her throat.

Amy: Ok.....

Claire: Good, I need you to show me a disc that Kyle has.

Amy: Disc? What are you talking about?

Claire: They have a disc called NeedlemOuse V2. I need that disc.

Amy: I-I

Claire: I don't care how you get it. Have it by tomorrow evening, or 

Amy: Or what?

Claire: I won't have to worry about dinner tomorrow.

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