An Outsider's Love Story ~ Da...

By ManonMoulinard

16.6K 407 107

๐•ด๐–‹ ๐–™๐–๐–Š๐–—๐–Š ๐–Š๐–›๐–Š๐–— ๐–ˆ๐–”๐–’๐–Š๐–˜ ๐–† ๐–‰๐–†๐–ž ๐–œ๐–๐–Š๐–“ ๐–œ๐–Š ๐–ˆ๐–†๐–“'๐–™ ๐–‡๐–Š ๐–™๐–”๐–Œ๐–Š๐–™๐–๐–Š๐–—, ๐–๐–Š๐–Š๐–• ๐–’๐–Š ๐–Ž... More

First meeting
Will you be my girl ?
First date
Good enough for you
Happy Birthday
One dinner, a big news and a decision
Wonderful news
A happy event, Leรฏla and Naรซl Winston
Wedding day
Honeymoon and a big surprise
New house
A good father
First wedding anniversary
Holidays in Algiers
Romantic and relaxing day
Nothing is more important than family
Comfort after rumble
Weekend in New York
Jasmine is sick
Zoo trip
Ordinary day
โ„‘ ๐”ด๐”ฆ๐”ฐ๐”ฅ โ„‘ ๐” ๐”ฌ๐”ฒ๐”ฉ๐”ก ๐”ญ๐”ž๐”ฒ๐”ฐ๐”ข ๐”ฑ๐”ฅ๐”ฆ๐”ฐ ๐”ช๐”ฌ๐”ช๐”ข๐”ซ๐”ฑ ๐”ฃ๐”ฌ๐”ฏ๐”ข๐”ณ๐”ข๐”ฏ
Dally's birthday
๐•ด ๐–ˆ๐–†๐–“'๐–™ ๐–Ž๐–’๐–†๐–Œ๐–Ž๐–“๐–Š ๐–™๐–๐–Ž๐–˜ ๐–œ๐–”๐–—๐–‘๐–‰ ๐–†๐–™ ๐–†๐–‘๐–‘ ๐–œ๐–Ž๐–™๐–๐–”๐–š๐–™ ๐–ž๐–”๐–š ๐–†๐–˜ ๐–’๐–ž ๐–—๐–Š๐–†๐–˜๐–”๐–“ ๐–™๐–” ๐–‘๐–”๐–›๐–Š ๐–†๐–“๐–‰ ๐–‘๐–Ž๐–›๐–Š
๐”„๐”ฉ๐”ฉ ๐Ÿบ ๐”’๐”ซ๐”ข - "๐”…๐”ข๐”ฃ๐”ฌ๐”ฏ๐”ข ๐”˜, ๐”š๐”ฆ๐”ฑ๐”ฅ๐”ฌ๐”ฒ๐”ฑ ๐”˜, ๐”„๐”ฃ๐”ฑ๐”ข๐”ฏ ๐”˜"
Stay in Athens
Twins' birthday
The twins' first day of school
Happy Valentine's Day
Wedding anniversary in Algiers
The birth of Lady's puppies
Fun fair
Christmas in New York
Happy New Year !
Author's Note
Family stay in Algiers
Just like Persephone who stole Hades' heart, you stole mine
Happy event
Travel to japan
Baby sitting
A party and a big news
A happy event, Sherine Winston
Surprise proposal
Sherine's first stay in Algiers
Ordinary day
Never I would have imagined
Two days in New York
Wonderful proposal
Wedding anniversary
Sherine's first birthday
Author's Note
Dallas birthday
Visit to the aquarium
Jasmine's birthday
The concert
A million times over, I will always choose you
Surprise, return to Disneyland
Day just for us
Happy Mother's Day
Visit to the museum
Trip to Verona
Surprise, trip to Egypt and cruise on the Nile
Everything I Do, I Do It For You
Family return to Algiers
Wedding anniversary
Back to Japan
Great news
A happy event, Lรฏana Winston
I love every single part of you
Ordinary day
A picnic and a surprise
Lรฏana's first stay in Algiers
Exhibition on Thailand
Unconditional love
Lรฏana's first birthday
Happy event
Family day at the funfair
You are my Universe
Happy Fathers Day
Baby sitting
Ordinary day
Family vacation in Algiers
Wedding anniversary
Family weekend in New York
Wonderful decision
A happy event, Aaliyah Winston
Aaliyah's first stay in Algiers
The happiest and luckiest man in the world
Ordinary day
Visit to the aquarium
Surprise, return to Disneyland
Wedding anniversary
Aaliyah's first birthday
Trip to Japan
Ordinary day
Weekend in Salem
Ordinary day
Jasmine's birthday, return to Algiers
The treasures of my life
Leรฏla and Naรซl's play
Ordinary day
Costume party
Day at the lake
Surprise, return to Disneyland
Romantic meal
Exhibition on pre-Columbian people
Back to the circus
Christmas in New York
Ordinary day, dinner at Tony's
Happy New Year
A happy event, Syana Winston
Author's Note
Syana's first stay in Algiers
Ordinary day
Wedding anniversary
Visit to the aquarium
Valentine's Day
The most beautiful thing that ever happened to me in the world
Trip to Athens
Author's Note
Syana's first birthday
Trip to Tokyo
Ordinary Day
Trip to Algiers
Surprise idea
Wedding anniversary in Florence
Ordinary day
Ordinary day
Romantic day
Baby sitting
A Happy Event, Tahina Winston
Tahina's first stay in Algiers
Ordinary Day
The circus is back
Happy Mother's Day
Ordinary Day
Visit to the aquarium
The most beautiful thing that has happened to me in my life
Immortalize this moment
Wedding anniversary
Holidays in Algiers
Happy Fathers Day
Ordinary day
Tahina's first birthday
Surprise, return to Egypt
Ordinary day
Family outing to the amusement park
My Love, My Life
Romantic Moment
A Happy Event, Naya Winston
Naya's first stay in Algiers
Ordinary day
Wedding anniversary
Trip to Tokyo
Ordinary Day
Leรฏla and Naรซl's play
Tell me a story
Ordinary day
Visit to the zoo
Jasmine's birthday, trip to Algiers
Ordinary Day
Author's note
Naya's first birthday
I love when you take care of me
Author's Note
Author's Note
Dallas' birthday
You're mine and I'm yours. It's written in the stars
Author's Note
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year

Holidays in Algiers

29 3 0
By ManonMoulinard

As promised to his wife on their wedding anniversary, Dally had booked plane tickets for them to spend a few days on vacation in Algiers

Jasmine was so happy and looking forward to it

The young girl was happily packing their suitcases in her room while Dally was taking a shower and Leïla, Naël, Sherine and Lïana were happily playing in the garden with Lady and the puppies

Aaliyah was chirping happily in her crib, holding her doll close to her

"Mommy ...

- Yes sweetie ?" Jasmine suddenly froze, realizing that Aaliyah had just spoken for the first time

Moved and happy, Jasmine sat up and tenderly approached her baby

"Oh my heart, you said mommy" With tears in her eyes, Jasmine tenderly took her daughter in her arms and kissed her tenderly on the cheek

Aaliyah chirped happily

"Dallas ! My love, come quickly !" Cried Jasmine happily

Dally, a towel around his hips, quickly entered the room

"My little angel what's wrong ?" Asked Dally worried

"Aaliyah just spoke for the first time

"Really !?" Exclaimed Dally happily

Jasmine nodded happily, smiling

"Yes, she said mommy

- Oh my little angel this is wonderful" Dally tenderly took his wife's face in his hands and kissed her tenderly and lovingly before tenderly kissing Aaliyah on the forehead

The baby chirped happily

"Daddy ..."

Big smiles of joy and happiness appeared on Dally and Jasmine's faces

"She said daddy" Dally had tears in his eyes

Jasmine nodded happily, smiling

"Oh my heart" Dally tenderly kissed his daughter on the cheek, tenderly cupping her face in his hands

He was so happy

Aaliyah chirped happily

Jasmine looked at her husband and daughter with love and tenderness

Dally gazed tenderly and lovingly at Jasmine before tenderly placing his hand on her cheek and kissing her tenderly

"I love you my little angel

- I love you too my love" Jasmine snuggled tenderly against her husband, burying her face tenderly in his neck

Dally tenderly wrapped his arms around his Jasmine, kissing her tenderly on the head and tenderly stroking her beautiful black hair

They were just so happy

The next morning, it was finally time to get ready to leave for the airport

Jasmine had already prepared Leïla, Naël, Sherine and Lïana and they were watching cartoons in the living room with Lady and the puppies

Aaliyah was chirping happily in Lïana's arms

Jasmine, in her room, was looking for clothes in her closet, in her underwear

Tenderly and lovingly, Dally passed his arms around his wife, cuddling her tenderly against him

"You are so beautiful, my little angel, so sexy, is this a new lingerie?" Asked Dally tenderly, kissing Jasmine tenderly and lovingly on the neck

Jasmine smiled tenderly

"Yes, I bought it last week, you like it ?

- I adore it, it suits you divinely my little angel" Whispered Dally tenderly, kissing his wife again on the neck "I really can't wait to take it off you tonight when we're in our room in Algiers" Dally let his hands tenderly slide up to his Jasmine's breasts which he grasped tenderly and lovingly

"Dal ..." Jasmine blushes

"I love it when you blush my little angel, you're so cute ..." Dally tenderly buried his face in his Jasmine's beautiful black hair "You drive me crazy, I love you

- I love you too my love" Smiled tenderly Jasmine

Finally a few minutes later, the whole family was ready to leave for the airport

Dally had already installed Aaliyah, Lady, the puppies and their suitcases in the car while Naël, Sherine and Lïana ran happily towards the car and Leïla gave Jasmine her hand as she locked the house with keys

أنا سعيدة للغاية لأننا ذاهبون إلى الجزائر العاصمة (I'm so happy we're going to Algiers mommy)

- وأنا أيضا قلبي (Me too my heart)

- هل يمكننا الذهاب لرؤية ثعالب الفنك؟ (Can we go see the fennec foxes ?)

- بالطبع يا قلبي سنذهب حيثما تريد (Of course my heart, we'll go wherever you want) Jasmine tenderly kissed her daughter on the head

أحبك يا أمي (I love you mommy) Leïla cuddled tenderly against her mother

أحبك أيضًا يا كنزي ، من كل قلبي ، أحبك (I love you too my treasure, with all my heart, I love you) Jasmine kissed her daughter tenderly on the head again

Arrived at the car, Jasmine tenderly installed her daughter in it before tenderly kissing her children on the forehead, tenderly taking their faces in her hands

"I love you my treasures

- We love you too mommy" Leïla, Naël, Sherine and Lïana smiled happily

"Love you mommy" Aaliyah chirped happily, holding her doll close to her

Jasmine smiled tenderly, tears in her eyes

She was so happy

Dally, like a true gentleman, had opened the door for his wife

Jasmine smiled tenderly at him

"Thank you my love

- You're welcome my special lady"

Smiling tenderly, Jasmine tenderly kissed her husband before getting into the car

Dally smiled tenderly, he was just so happy, he just loved her so much

Dally also got into the car and they finally left for the airport

Jasmine, Leïla, Naël, Sherine and Lïana were so happy and impatient and during the whole trip, Jasmine tenderly held Dally's hand in hers and kissed it tenderly several times

Dally smiled tenderly at her

Finally after a few minutes of driving, they finally arrived at the airport

Leïla, Naël, Sherine and Lïana happily pushed Aaliyah's stroller while Dally took care of the suitcases and Jasmine held Lady and the puppies on leashes

"Airplane ..." Aaliyah chirped happily in her stroller

"Yes Aaliyah it's the plane" Said Leïla happily "Did you see how big and beautiful it is ?"

The baby was chirping happily, holding her doll

Jasmine was smiling tenderly, looking at her children with love and tenderness, she was just so happy

The family had their luggage checked in and they were finally able to board the plane

Installed in the plane, Dally tenderly held Jasmine's hands in his

Lady and the puppies were lying at Jasmine's feet and Leïla, Naël, Sherine and Lïana were playing with their toys and taking care of Aaliyah

Lïana tenderly held her little sister in her arms

"I can't wait for us to be in Algiers, my little angel" Whispered Dally tenderly, kissing his wife's hands tenderly and lovingly

"Me too my love" Smiled tenderly Jasmine, looking at her husband with love and tenderness "So so can't wait"

Dally looked at Jasmine with love and tenderness, tenderly placing his hand on her cheek

"I love you Jasmine, I love you so much my queen, I would do anything for you

- Me too Dally" Jasmine had tears in her eyes "With all my heart, I love you" Jasmine barely finished speaking when Dally kissed her tenderly and lovingly

Jasmine cuddled tenderly against her husband as he put his arms around her and stroked her beautiful black hair

Quickly during the flight, Jasmine fell asleep, cuddled tenderly and lovingly in the arms of her Dally

"Sweet dreams, my little angel, I love you so much if you only knew" Dally kissed Jasmine tenderly on the head, tenderly tightening his arms around her and cuddling his face tenderly and lovingly in her beautiful black hair

The flight to Algiers was long, very long but finally after several hours they had finally arrived

"Wake up my little angel, we have arrived" Dally tenderly kissed his wife on the head and tenderly stroked her beautiful black hair

Jasmine slowly opened her eyes

"We've arrived ..." Whispered the young girl still a little sleepy

"Yes love of my life" Dally kissed Jasmine tenderly on the head again

Jasmine smiled tenderly, enjoying the kiss and looked up at her husband, looking at him tenderly and lovingly

Dally gently placed his hand on his Jasmine's cheek, stroking it tenderly with his thumb

"Are we going sweetie ?"

Jasmine nodded happily, smiling, and Dally stole a tender kiss from her before tenderly taking her hand

Joyfully, they collected their luggage and with their children, Lady and the puppies, they left the plane

Jasmine was so happy and had tears in her eyes

Dally held her hand tenderly, lovingly and proudly

Although it was already late in Algiers, they still decided to go to the Souk

Leïla, Naël, Sherine and Lïana marveled at the toy stand

"Soft toys ..." Aaliyah chirped happily, shaking her arms in the direction of the soft toys

"Is there something you would like, my loves ?" Asked Jasmine tenderly

Leïla, Naël, Sherine and Lïana nodded happily and they showed their mother many stuffed animals and toys

Jasmine bought then many new toys and stuffed animals for her children

Leïla, Naël, Sherine and Lïana were overjoyed and thanked their mother, throwing themselves into her arms

"Come on my treasures, we're going to join daddy" Said Jasmine tenderly, kissing her children tenderly on the head

Her children nodded and they joined Dally in front of the food stand

"Look Aaliyah, tcharek and makroud !" Said Sherine happily

"Makroud ..." Repeated Aaliyah happily

Jasmine looked at her children with love and tenderness, smiling tenderly

After they finished buying food and strolling through the Souk, the family decided to go to the park where they ate what they had bought

A little later in the evening, Leïla, Naël, Sherine and Lïana were already sleeping in their room

They had wanted Aaliyah to sleep with them so Jasmine had set up her crib in their bedroom

Jasmine, her, in her room, looked at Algiers from the window, this city that she loves so much

The young girl was just so happy, she could still hear the noises and smell the smells coming from the Souk and the cool evening wind was slightly blowing her beautiful black hair

Tenderly, Dally came to put his arms around her, hugging her tenderly against him

"Are we going to bed, my beauty ?"

Jasmine nodded tenderly, gently stroking her husband's arms around her, and Dally gently pulled her to the bed before turning her to face him and kissing her tenderly

"I love you Jasmine Lina Winston, I love you more than anything" Whispered Dally tenderly against Jasmine's lips

"I love you too Dallas Tucker Winston, with all my heart I love you"

Dally kissed his Jasmine tenderly again

"Oh my little angel, I've been waiting for this moment for so long ..."

Jasmine blushed as Dally slowly and tenderly took her dress off her, gazing lovingly at her

Finally a few moments later, small moans of pleasure, love and tenderness emanated from their bedroom

"Oh Dal ...

- My Jasmine ..." Dally was penetrating and making love to his wife with all the love, tenderness and devotion he has for her

The next day, the family decided to go picnicking at the beach

Leïla, Naël, Sherine and Lïana were just so happy and happily, they ran towards the water, followed by Lady and the puppies

Jasmine, sitting on the picnic table and tenderly holding Aaliyah in her arms, looked at them, smiling tenderly

Dally, seated at her side and tenderly holding her hand, also looked at them, smiling tenderly

"I'm so happy we're here together my little angel" Said Dally tenderly, turning his head tenderly towards his Jasmine

"Me too my love" Jasmine tenderly smiled at him

Dally kissed his wife tenderly

"Mommy, daddy, are you coming ?" Asked Leïla happily

Dally and Jasmine smiled fondly

Dally was tenderly caressing his wife's cheek, tenderly brushing her beautiful black hair behind her ear

"We're coming, sweetheart"

The family finally spent the whole day at the beach, having fun, swimming together

Aaliyah even walked for the first time, much to the delight of Jasmine, who couldn't hold back her tears

It was also on this beach that she had walked for the first time as a child

The young woman was so moved, happy and proud

A little later in the evening, Jasmine tenderly and delicately tucked her children into their room

Naël, Sherine, Lïana and Aaliyah were already asleep and only Leïla was still awake

Jasmine tenderly kissed her children on the forehead

"I'm so happy we're going to the zoo tomorrow, mommy, I so can't wait to see the fennec foxes

- Me too sweetheart" Jasmine tenderly kissed Leïla on the forehead again, sitting up on her bed and tenderly repositioning the blanket over her daughter

The little girl smiled happily, pulling her fennec fox toy closer to her

أحبك يا أمي (I love you mommy)

- أحبك أيضًا يا كنزي ، من كل قلبي ، أحبك ، سأحبك دائمًا (I love you too my treasure, with all my heart, I love you, I will always love you) Jasmine tenderly kissed her daughter on the cheek

Leïla smiled happily

أحلام سعيدة كنزي (Sweet dreams my treasure)

- أنت أيضا أمي ، أراك غدا (You too mommy, see you tomorrow)

- أراك غدا حبيبتي (See you tomorrow sweetheart) Jasmine kissed her daughter tenderly on the cheek again before getting up and heading for the door

أغمض عينيك الجميلتين كنزي (Close your beautiful eyes my treasure)

Leïla nodded and snuggled into her blanket

Jasmine sent a tender kiss to her daughter before turning off the light and leaving the room

The young girl went then to her room

Jasmine smiled fondly, entering the room and seeing Dally, wearing only boxers, dozing on their bed

Tenderly, Jasmine came to lie down and snuggle up against him

"My Jasmine ... my little angel ..." Whispered Dally sleepily tenderly

Jasmine smiled tenderly

"Sweet dreams my love" Jasmine placed a tender kiss on her Dally's lips before snuggling even closer to him and closing her eyes

The next day, as promised to Leïla, the family went to the zoo

The little girl was so happy and happily held her mother's hand

Dally tenderly, lovingly and proudly held Jasmine by the hand while Naël held Lady and the puppies on leashes and Sherine and Lïana held Aaliyah by the hand as she walked and chirped happily

As soon as they arrived at the zoo, the family went directly to see the fennec foxes

"Look, Aaliyah, how cute they are !" Said Leïla happily, pointing to baby fennec foxes

"Fennec ..." The baby was chirping happily

Smiling tenderly, Jasmine looked at her children with love and tenderness

Dally had his arms around her and hugged her tenderly against him, placing tender kisses on her head

The family stayed in front of the fennec foxes enclosure for a long time before going to see the other animals

"Mommy, daddy, look, hippos !!" Cried Naël happily

Jasmine smiled tenderly at her son, stroking him tenderly on the head

The little boy smiled happily, cuddled tenderly against his mother

Dally looked at his wife and children with love and tenderness, he was just so happy and he just loved them so much

A little later in the evening, Leïla, Naël, Sherine, Lïana and Aaliyah were already asleep in their room

Dally and Jasmine, in theirs, cuddled tenderly and lovingly together at the window and gazed out at Algiers

Jasmine was so happy, a small light shone in her eyes and the cool evening wind made her beautiful black hair fly slightly

Dally kissed her tenderly on the head, lovingly cuddling his face in her beautiful black hair

Jasmine smiled tenderly, enjoying the kiss

"Your beautiful eyes are shining, my little angel ..." Whispered Dally tenderly, tenderly tightening his embrace

Jasmine smiled tenderly, tenderly stroking her husband's arms around her

"... they are so beautiful ... you are so beautiful my goddess, so so beautiful, I love you my queen

- I love you too my love" Jasmine tenderly turned her head towards her Dally, looking at him with love and tenderness, and Dally took the opportunity to kiss her tenderly, burying his tongue tenderly and lovingly in her mouth

"Come on my little angel, we're going to bed"

Jasmine nodded tenderly and Dally tenderly intertwined their fingers together before tenderly leading her to their bed

The family finally spent two weeks of vacation in Algiers before returning to Tulsa

Installed in the plane Jasmine looked through the window, the young girl was sad to leave

"Don't be sad, my little angel, we'll be back soon, I promise you" Whispered Dally tenderly, tenderly and lovingly kissing Jasmine's hands, which he held tenderly in his owns

Jasmine turned her head towards her husband and nodded

Dally tenderly caressed his wife's cheek with his finger before kissing her tenderly

"I love you my little angel

- I love you too my love" Jasmine tenderly cradled her head in her husband's neck and Dally tenderly cuddled his face in her beautiful black hair

Finally after several hours of flight, they had arrived in Tulsa

Sitting on the porch and cuddled tenderly together, Dally and Jasmine watched their children with love and tenderness as they played happily with Lady and the puppies

"Come on Aaliyah, we're going to swing" Said Lïana happily, happily leading her little sister by the hand towards the swing

"Swing ..." The baby was happily chirping

Jasmine was smiling tenderly, looking tenderly at her children and stroking tenderly her husband's arms around her

Dally placed a tender kiss on her head

"I love you my princess, I love you so much

- I love you too my love, with all my heart, I love you" Jasmine tenderly turned her gaze to her husband and Dally took the opportunity to steal a tender kiss from her before cuddling his face against hers

Jasmine smiled tenderly

They were definitely the happiest in the world, forevermore

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