Bose X Chapa Oneshots!

By blizlady

21.3K 257 242

Just a bunch of Bose X Chapa Oneshots. More

Roller Cowards
Bose X Chapa Oneshots!
Class Action Heroes With Alanna Part 2!
Class Action Heroes With Alanna Part 3!
Class Action Heroes With Alanna Part 4!
The Meeting
Bose X Chapa Oneshots
Alanna Oneshots!
Earth To Bose Epilouge
Danger Force With My OC!
Unmasked With Alanna!
Danger Force With My OC!
Angry Bose
Earth To Bose With Alanna And Cindy!
Danger Force With My OC!
Bose vs Miles
Chose Incorrect Quotes
Bose X Chapa Oneshots!
Bose Saves Chapa
Alanna Oneshots!
Alanna Oneshots!
Bose The Chapa Whisperer
Bose X Chapa Oneshots!
My OC Cindy And Bose Oneshot!
Sing Song
Well, She Kissed Me
My OC Cindy Quotes And Oneshots!
Bose And The Bad Girl Part 1
The Hook
What I Hope Will Happen In Danger Force Season 3 2 Part Adventure!
The Truth Ray
Bose And The Bad Girl Part 2
Pet Sitter Bose
The After Events Of...Whatever Happens When Danger Force Comes Back
The Dentist
Random Stuff
Street Fightin' Alternate Ending
The Battle For Swellview Alternate Ending
Chapa's Phone Home Oneshot
Love Muffin
Bose X Chapa Oneshots
Bose X Chapa/Sister Oneshots!
Street Fightin' Alternate Universe
Chapa X Bose Oneshots
Bose X Chapa Oneshots
Standing In The Pouring Rain
Chapa's Bad Day
Chapa X Bose Oneshots
JAM Session

Bose X Chapa Oneshots!

544 8 0
By blizlady

At S.W.A.G. Ray is teaching. Everyone is taking notes except for Bose. He is bored and is a playful mood so he decides to tease Chapa and push her buttons because he thinks it's so cute when Chapa gets mad-it is!-and also because he likes her.

Bose turns around in his seat.

Bose:"Psst. Chapa?"

Chapa:(To herself)"Just ignore him, Chapa."

Bose:"Chapa, over here."

Chapa:"Whatever you do, don't look at him."

Bose:"Psst, Chapa.(grunts as he throws a piece of wadded-up paper at Chapa)Psst, Chapa.(throws a book at Chapa)Chapa?(spits a bunch of spitballs at Chapa's face)Chapa? Psst, over here. I'm trying to tell you something. Something important."

Chapa:(whispers loudly)"What?"



Chapa's hands spark as she growls, removing all the spitballs, then stops when she sees Ray angry, covered in the spitballs.

Ray:"Perhaps this would be a good time for recess.(sternly)Chapa, I-"

Ray is about to scold and punish Chapa but Bose stops him.

Bose:"No! Wait! Stop! Ray! It's not Chapa's fault! It's mine! I started it!"

Ray:"If this is true-"

Bose:"It IS true!"

Ray:"Than I guess Chapa is off the hook. However, as for YOU Bose-"

Bose:"Yeah, yeah, don't get all dramatic, just hit me with it."

Ray:"Detention after school today. I'm sorry Bose."

Bose:"Hey, I gotta learn my lesson."

Ray:"Also, stop interrupting me Bose. It's rude."

Bose:"Yes sir. Sorry sir."

Ray walks away, leaving Chapa and Bose alone. Mika and Miles are already outside for recess. 

Bose:"Yay! Recess!(to Chapa)Meet ya on the monkey bars."

Bose is about to head out the door but Chapa stops him by grabbing his arm.

Chapa:"Bose, wait!"

Bose turns around.


Chapa:"Thank you."

Bose:(Confused)"What for?"

Chapa:"For taking responsibility for your actions. That was so sweet. So thank you Bose."

Chapa kisses Bose's cheek and Bose's face turned the color of a tomato.

Bose:(Dazed and stuttering)"N-no p-problem."

Bose touched where Chapa kissed, savoring how her soft lips felt.


When Bose and Chapa are not dating.

Chapa:"I hate you, Bose."

Bose:"I hate you more."

Chapa:"I'd hate you no matter what."

Bose:"Yeah, well, I'd hate you even if I didn't hate you."

Chapa:(stares at Bose for a few seconds, then narrows her eyes)"I'd hate you even if that made sense."

Bose:"I'd hate you even if you were me. That's how much I hate you."

When Bose and Chapa ARE dating.

Chapa:"I love you, Bose."

Bose:"I love you more."

Chapa:"I'd love you no matter what."

Bose:"Yeah, well, I'd love you even if I didn't love you."

Chapa:(stares at Bose for a few seconds, then her eyes turn into hearts)"I'd love you even if that made sense."

Bose:"I'd love you even if you were me. That's how much I love you."

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