THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1...

By faithmenya01

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⚠️ please don't read this book if you've zero tolerance for typos, grammar Errors, verbosity, redundancies, t... More

Chapter: I wish I never had brothers (Editted)
Chapter 2: Clarrisa De' Costa? (Ediited)
Chapter 3: I am adopted. (Not ediited)
Chapter 4: Bambina?
Chapter 5: The De Costa Brothers
Chapter 6; the pendant
Chapter 7: positive!?
Chapter 8: Sisters?
Chapter 9 we need to talk
Chapter 10: interogation
Chapter 11: I feel so useless as a brother
Chapter 12: who hurt you, Tesoro?
Chapter 13; going shopping
Chapter 14: No,she doesn't have a family
Chapter 15: meeting her bullies.
Chapter 16: meeting John
Chapter 17: drama queen
Chapter 18: Cocaine
Chapter 19: I hate drug addicts
Chapter 20: Break all mafia rules
Chapter 21: seeing a therapist
Chapter 22: what did you do to her
Chapter 24: Antonio's Casino
Chapter 25: who are you to our sister?
Chapter 26: No one will hurt you again, baby!
Chapter 27: A new racheal
Chapter 28: SISTERS TIME, Shall we?!
Chapter 29: Thr story of my life
Chapter 30: His Anger is a mental disorder
Chapter 31: I can't fucking control my Temper
Chapter 32: the bastards are found
Chapter 33: True blood of a De costa
Chapter 34: broken Trust
Chapter 35: you are selfish clarrisa
Chapter 36; I will miss liam
Living with mum
Chapter 38: Letting down his guard
Chapter 39: sweetest among my brothers
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41: fun
Chapter 42: back to my family
Chapter 43: Yes, I am on drugs.
Chapter 44: still searching for kayla?
Chapter 45: Mattoe is dating?
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48: getting checked out
Chapter 49: Leaving school
Chapter 50: my sister and my boyfriend
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54: I am... GAY
Chapter 55.
Chapter 56: your mother is dead.
Chapter 57: Antonio's agony
Chapter 58: self harm
Chapter 59: The Twins fuss
Chapter 60: Antonio is one in a million
Chapter 61: Cigerrete?!
Chapter 62: Starting school soon
Chapter 63: first Day at school
Chapter 64: Jayden is in danger
Chapter 65: Austin is alive? (End of book 1)
Book 2 is out!

Chapter 23; join us for the movie

819 38 4
By faithmenya01

Clarrisa's POV

Days rolls by and roll into weeks. Things hasn't entirely improve with me and my new family. But over the week I seen they've been trying to make things up to me and my sister. They keep taking us out to shopping and places. Honestly if you ask I'll say my sister was one who needed that cause she's been refusing to accept them and maybe me too. But she's somehow improved, she's now at least very close to one of our brothers-Matoe.

My relationship with her hasn't been the best to be honest. She'll virtually get pissed up at me each time something traumatize me and she'll yell, snap at me, before I'll get really scared of her making myself more a weakling disgrace to my family but for the sake of my new brothers who've been trying to warm up to me, I really tried so hard to over come my fear.

I now sometimes try to talk back at Rechel...keyword sometimes.

I'm not entirely scared of her that much because according to our therapist she was reacting from trauma of her past. I really want to know what my sister had gone through but I won't blame her if she's giving everyone cold shoulders.

There are just some memories one need to shut off and talking about it might trigger. At least, I'm an example but whatver it is I hope she hasn't gone through what I've gone through. No one deserve to go through what I've gone through.

Enough of my sister.

Matoe has kind of change. I don't know if I should call it change. He's still as sweet as my brothers but sometime he's very cold and he's been sneaking around lately. The person he mainly relate with is recheal. I wonder what's with them.

And did I talk about Jayden? That guy really know how to be remorseful in the sense that the more he apologizes to me, the more he does the worst things to scare me.

No matter what he does, I wonder if I can ever be free around. His always red eyes, his blazing Aura. Everything about him will always scare me for life.

Liam and Antonio had been sweet but while I'm very fond of Liam, Antonio still somehow makes me nervous.

Right now I am at the kitchen. It's just 6:45 and I want to make breakfast for everyone. Yeah not once have I cooked ever since I've been here. My brothers has been cooking- matoe especially.

Today I want to appreciate them.

I am not quite use to the kitchen so it was really a battle for me to locate stuffs. I didn't even know what to cook but since I saw rice at first, I decided to go for rice.

There were some ingredients at the top lockers, I couldn't reach for them so I stood on a stool and stood on my toe to start bringing them out. While I was doing that, I heard.

"What are you doing?" Accompanied by the creaking sound  of the door, my heart leapt  and I startled and crash to the floor, a short scream escaping my mouth.

I mentally slapped myself as I realized it was recheal.
"Must you always be a drama princess?" She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Um I'm sorry you startled me."  I muttered. I was standing up when the door opened and two people rushed in.

Liam and Antonio.

"What happened?" They both chorused at same time with panic look on thier faces.

"Nothing?" I came out of my lips like question.

"I heard a scream. What was that all about?" Antonio asked.

"Clarrisa was being a scardy freak as usual. She got startled just because I walked into the kitchen." She shrugged and went to the electric tap to get herself a glass of water.

Antonio sighed and said. "Oh I thought you were in danger. Anyways what are you doing here at the kitchen and up this early morning?"

" trying to prepare  breakfast." I mumbled shyly while inching the nape of my neck. 

"Really? You shouldn't be doing this you know. If you were  hungry you should have hit one of us up to make break fast." Antonio said.

"I'm sorry. I just thought that... I wanted to handle breakfast at least to show you all my appreciation for housing me and coping with despite all my shortcomings. But I'm really sorry if I should have taken permission first." I said quietly. Liam frowned and came to hold my both shoulders.

"Cmon don't get Antonio wrong. You've done nothing wrong by attempting to cook. We are just saying our baby sister shouldn't be stressing herself over anything. Besides you have nothing to appreciate us for. Whatever we do, is our right. Remember what I always tell you? You are our princess. You and recheal." Liam said making a smile form on my lips.

"Now how was your night clarrisa? Rechel?" Antonio asked. I replied it was fine and recheal  just shrugged savagely, gulping down her water.

Antonio suggested that we all joined hands in the cooking so it would be fast. While Liam signed the suggestions, Recheal reluctantly joined us.

"where's Matteo by the way recheal?" Liam asked as they were both busy with the dishes while I was with Antonio assisting him with the vegetables.

"Am I his keeper?" I heard recheal replied back not sounding rude though.

"You've been off and on his room lately" Liam pointed with a shrug. Recheal rolled her eyes and didn't say anything.

Cooking with my siblings was really fun,  though Antonio took the lion share of the work. We are preparing lasagne. Liam kept sneak eating some of the eatable ingredients and Rachel would rats him out to Antonio. Liam will deny and I just kept chuckling at the adorable drama recheal and Liam was shooting through out.

After cooking, Antonio dished the food on two trays. Liam held one, while Antonio holds the other as we all headed to the living room.

Arriving at the living room, mattoe whom we met on a phone call flinched just by our prodding footsteps.

He quickly dropped the phone call as if he's been into something creepy and maybe he was. I mean he's been weird these days. 


"What was that And Who were you calling?"  Antonio asked frowning.

"It was one of my friend" he said blinking his eyes and itching his hair. Obviously lying or trying to hide something.

"Who?" Liam questioned making matoe should him a death glare.

"Don't be an asshole. You mustn't know all my friends right?"

"Right. We are going to find out what you up to anyways. Let's go eat people." Liam said and headed towards the dining. Antonio gave matoe a hard look before going to join Liam.

"How are you doing girls? How was your night." Matoe said smiling after recovering from his nervous stage.

I had breakfast with my four siblings. Jayden didn't come to join us and I'll say, it's quite an advantage though. At least I gave freely without with fear of being in the presence of my most feared older brother.

After dinner was done, Matoe left with Antonio, they told us they had some business to do and then asked Liam to take care of us at home.

After taking the dishes to the kitchen, we arrived at the living.  Liam suggested we watch a movie.

"So are we watching girls?" Liam asked as he was busy shuffling through sole disc. Recheal was on the other couch across me. I looked at her for her opinion because I didn't want to say anything that might spite her up.

"I'm okay with any movie. Anyone recheal is okay with."I said as recheal didn't say anything.

"Oh My God! Would you not be a fun killer sometimes clarrissa? You actually think I'm okay with you seeing me as some devil? What's the fun in it if You're just gonna let me detect-for you?" She asked with a scoff.

"Well I thought you wouldn't like my suggestion so..."

"And that's the fun in it. Sometimes a feet of argument is more fun than agreeing to everything. I'm really trying to flow well with you but you are just...whatever." She shook her head and I bit my lips.

"Okay girls let's not fight" Liam interceded. "How about we watch strike back?"

"No way in fucking hell" recheal objected.



Liam keep calling out different movies but recheal kept objecting. "Okay what do you want us to watch then?"
"Um... frozen!" She suggested. Liam frowned at that and I just wowed. I didn't expect that with her saucy attitude that she'll result to watching cartoon. My Favourite cartoon actually. Liam asked if I was okay with it and after double confirming, he search up the movie.

Liam brought us popcorn and juice as we sits to enjoy the cartoon.

I was really enjoying the movie, I felt so relaxed but nothing my eyes spotted someone which made my heartbeat race to the highest degree. It was that guy of the other day, yes that guy who'd threatened me the other day. He was walking into the house.

"What happened clarrisa?" I heard Liam asked when my juice had spilled all over me. I didn't say anything before I heard him call

"Hey John" the John stopped at his track and turns to face our direction. I can swear I noticed the shock and terrified look he had when his gaze met mine.

"Qualche problema? Cosa stai facendo qui?" Liam asked him curiously in Italy.

[Any problem? What are you doing here?]

"oh io... he seemed nervous as he scrunched his nose  "Non è niente di grave. Sono venuto a consegnare un messaggio a Sir Antonio".

[Oh I... Its nothing serious. I came to deliver some message to Sir Antonio.]

"Sai che se Antonio fosse qui ti prenderai in giro rivolgendoti a lui chiamandolo Signore, per amor del cazzo sei come una famiglia per noi ora, quindi elimina le formalità." Whatever Liam said in Italian made recheal scoffed.

[You know if Antonio was here you gonna be getting ass-whooped addressing him as Sir' for fuck sake you are like a family to us now so do away with the formalities.]

Gosh, I felt so left out for not understanding Italian.

Liam frowned at recheal.

"Si certo" John nervously smiled.

[yeah sure]

"Antonio non è comunque disponibile per ora" Liam said.

[Antonio isn't available for now anyways]

"Va bene. Ora vado via" as soon as he turned to leave, recheal called out.

[Okay. I'll leave now]

"John aspettare..." we all gave recheal a confused look.
"Che ne dici Unisciti a noi?" She said Italy in Italy smiling creepily at the John and I know whatever that mean must be absurd cause even Liam frowned harder in confusion.

[John wait... How about you Join us through the movie?]

"What?" John guy shrieked.

"I didn't speak French did I? I want you to join us perharps it isn't  bad if I want to know our family friend right? I'm a part of this family so I should get acquainted with you too. Right Liam?" Liam gave recheal a baffled long stare before agreeing with her. "Right. Join us John."

My heart was rising, panic surging through me as the presence of this John took me back to that day at the kitchen. How he'd threatened with a knife, his beastly facade played in my head in loop and I swear I was fighting to hide the trauma. Even though he's panic all over his face now, I'm still hella scared of him.

Liam noticed my change of mood and asked worriedly if. Was alright of which I lied I was. No I can't tell Liam about it. This guy might just decide to sneak in on me and do something worst to me.

What's recheal up to anyway. I know she knows this guy somehow, with the way they were staring at each other I know they knew each other.

"Let's play a game guys." Recheal suggested as soon as the frozen ended. Didn't really enjoy cause I'd been trembling and avoiding john's gaze.

John tried to object the game but recheal insisted that he stay and plays with us, Liam backed recheal up. He convinced John to stay. I know he was trying to please recheal but if he only he knew I didn't want John here.

I didn't want to join but Liam coaxed me.

Recheal suggested we play truth or dare.  After setting the rule that anyone who doesn't want to answer a question, will take a shot of alcohol, she left to go get the spin bottle and alcohol.

Minutes into waiting for recheal, I got pressed. Or maybe my nervousness triggered my bladder. I excused myself from Liam and then headed down to my room to wee.

While coming out, I walked past the kitchen and I'd to stop when I was hearing noise. I peeped in and to my shocker, I spotted recheal missing some substances into a glass of drink. Holy fish bones. I didn't have courage to attacked her but I hid at a corner and watched her. She poured alcohol on other three glasses but she didn't miss any substance in them. I trailed behind as she walked out and even when we were all settled back together, my eyes didn't leave the alcohol she'd missed up.

She served the drink round and she gave John the particular drink she'd missed. Thankfully it's not for me nor Liam but I wonder what could be in there.


The game started as recheal spun the empty bottle of the table, as if she'd aimed it, he pointed at John.

"Truth or dare John?" She groined creepily.

"Dare" replied John after staring at her for ages.

"I dare you to pull off your cloth and show us your back." The words rolled out as if she'd planned it. That dare doesn't seem like an impossible one but with way John tenses up, it seem like a death wish to him.

He didn't do the dare, he just took a sip from his drink.

Liam hummed.

I watched Recheal smirked butt she quickly wipe it off.

John spinned the bottle and it points to Liam.

"Wow. Truth or dare liam?" John asked with no emotion.


"What do you fear most in life?" John asked after thinking.

"Well... fear fear fear. I don't think there's any but... maybe I fear my weakness and hey you aren't asking me what my weakness is that'll be two questions in a row" Liam said and John laughs briefly.

Over to Liam, he spins the bottle and as if in turns, it pointed to me.


"Yo baby. Truth or dare?" Liam asked playfully.

"Truth?" I don't think I'll be able to do any crazy dare neither do I want to drink alcohol.

"What do you hate most in life?" He asked.

"Ummmm... school I guess"

Not really hate tho. I actually fears school among the many things I fear.

"Wow guess we are on the same boat then" he said rolling his eyes.

We aren't the same boat at all.

About school. Liam's school resumed last week and he was suppose to start but Antonio suggested that we'll all start school at the same time when he deems we are ready. Quite considerable of him but I don't think I'll ever be ready for school.

I spun the bottle and it pointed  to recheal. She immediately picked truth and since we are talking about hate, I asked.
"What do you hate most in life?"

"I hate back-stabbers. Traitors and liars." She spat angrily while fixing her gaze on John.

The game continues and recheal kept aiming at John in all her spins, I know she was doing it on porpoise and she is quite a talented Aimer. she'll dare him impossible dare and truth and in end John drinks his alcohols finish.

I soon got bored of the game, no the game was fun only if this John guy isn't here and finally the game ended when Liam received a call. Seems like his attention was needed somewhere. He'd to leave after he dropped the call. John left immediately as well.

Recheal had this creepy smile on, like a smile of triumph and Keeps me wondering at every nano seconds, what be up between she and John. How's she connected him.

"I saw what you did." I finally voiced out while we were watching a movie called squid game. Courtesy of recheal.

"What?" She turns to face me with a frown.

I told her I saw her put something in the drink she gave to John after lashing at me as being a stalker, I put pressure in trying to get words out of her mouth. I asked her if it was poison and why she'll want to poison him. This was the first time I'm having the courage to go beyond boundaries but I desperately want to know who John is and how she's related because in a way I'm kinda a victim here.

"Well it's not poison just sedative. Excess doses that'll make him sleep away his senses." She smirked. "I heard he is now a consigliere to Antonio De Costa which means he must be quite important to his business. Let's see how'll play his duties by the time those sedatives starts acting on him and the last time I check, the De Costas don't joke with thier busnies." 

I desperately asked her why she did all that?!

"Why would you want to know?"

"Because I feel like you know each other. I mean you wouldn't do all that if...if you don't know him and..and The other day he attacked me at the kitchen with a knife threatening me not to expose him to my brothers. He could only had mistaken me for you cause I don't know him. Rechel what's he hiding from our brothers? Who's he?" I manage to voiced everything out with a gulp. Silence stilled the air for a while as I and recheal shared gazes.

"Well as you may or may not have known, I use to work in a mafia and John was and still works for the other mafia empire.Who are the  de costas  rivals. He's just working as somewhat a spy here which isn't my business if you ask me. My only business is that he's a shameless traitor. He was the one who rattled me out to the De' Costas but his bad luck, the table turned against him." Rechel said casually and I went dumbfounded for a while.

"D...don't you think you should expose him brothers?" I asked quietly and to my shocker, she flared up all of a sudden.

"Hey I didn't tell you this to go start spilling shits to your brothers. If I wanted to tell them I would have. But I'm the one he offended not them so leave me to handle him my own way.!" She sounded so threatening and rather not bandling words with her, I  kept quite.

I don't want to get into another trouble with her.

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