Storm in Ocean

By Scratch_your_head

678K 16.4K 3.4K

Amelia McCarthy; a 21 year old young girl, coming from a good family. She is a lively college student, majori... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Book Cover 2
Chapter 51
Character Aesthetics
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Book Cover 3
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Book Cover 4
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Book cover 5 (Fan Edition 1)
Chapter 72
Book cover(s) 6 (Fan Edition 2)
Character Aesthetics 2
Outfits 2
Character Aesthetics 3
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Lil Facts
Vincent, Terrance, Felix × Crystal
Seth × Melody
Zeke × Trisha
2. Shnelle × Ashwin
2. Vincent, Terrance, Felix × Crystal
2. Seth × Melody
Sia × Samrath
New Book

Chapter 11

8.8K 197 7
By Scratch_your_head

"Happy birthday, love" Ajax said as he took a large bouquet of flowers and gave it to Amelia. She hesitantly took them from him and kept them on her lap. She didn't say anything. What could she say? She didn't want to thank him. He was doing it with his own will.

Ajax sighed internally as he stared at her beautiful face. She was so small, so beautiful, so fragile and all his. He wanted to hear her angelic voice but sadly she wouldn't say anything. She kept her hands on her lap and kept looking at them.

He cleared his throat and asked; "Are the heels comfortable today, Love?" He asked.

She registered his question in her mind which was a little foggy with her situation. She nodded her head as the footwears were really comfortable. Other than a nod she didn't say anything not even a yes.

"I had them specially prepared for you baby. I even personally checked them for any type of discomfort" Ajax said continuing the conversation. He wanted to hear her beautiful voice. At least on call she wasn't able to nod or shook her head and he would be graced with monotonous yes and nos. But now when she was in front of him, he was dying to hear her.

Amelia raised her eyes from her lap and looked at him for a second. Was this man for real?

"You don't like them? We can get them changed" Ajax said as he found her looking at him weirdly. "I brought another pair" He said. He had indeed another set of beautiful golden shoes in his car for her.

He was about to take them out from under the seat when Amelia stopped him by saying; "T-they are c-comfortable" Those were the only words with her usual stutter and Ajax felt so good at hearing her voice for the first time that night.

"Your voice is beautiful. I like hearing you, love" He said as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. He liked her pressed up against his side. Amelia felt her heartbeat quicken. She put her hand on his arm and tried to push him away but her efforts were futile. He paid no mind to her attempts of pushing him away.

He raised his hand and cupped her face as he stared in her beautiful blue eyes. He frowned as he watched them. "You cried!" He stated.

"Why did you cry love? I told your useless friends not to let you cry" His words held distaste for her friends. She got scared for them. It was his fault and he was blaming it on her friends.

"Why did you cry love?" He asked again. Amelia looked at him with teary eyes and said; "Y-you came w-when i was s-sleeping" Her tone was accusing, like a cute kitten.

"Y-you threatened m-my friends and di-id all t-that" She tried to sound strong but couldn't stop the stuttering in her voice. She was refering to all the decorations and gifts from him.

"Yes I did, I wanted to make my girl's day special" He said as he caressed her cheek. He was her boyfriend and he took his responsibility to surprise his girlfriend.

"Did you like the setting?" He asked. She didn't want to answer him but had no choice.

"I-it was good b-but you didn't have to d-do it" She said. He gave her a small smile; "My girlfriend deserves to be treated like a queen" He said. She felt something weird inside her at being called his girlfriend. She didn't want to have any kind of relationship with him.

"Did you eat the chocolates I gave you?" He asked. His question made her uneasy, she didn't think he would ask that. She moved her head in a nod as she didn't trust her voice to lie. He raised his brow at her and his hand tightened around her waist. He knew she was lying. He could read her like an open book.

"I won't appreciate you lying to me love" He said with a hard voice now. "You will go home and eat what I gave you. And that teddy bear is for you not your friends. Okay?" He asked. She wanted to tell him otherwise but stopped herself and nodded.

"Good" He patted her head. "Now, the reason of your crying?" He demanded.

Amelia fidgeted with her fingers and said; "Yo-ou for-rced me to c-ome on this d-date"

"You didn't want to come?" He asked like he didn't know the reality. She wanted to answer him sarcastically but couldn't. She shook her head, she didn't want to come on this stupid date with him.

"Yet, here you are" He said. She looked at him confused, hearing his words. "You can't control it love so there is no use in crying about it" He told her. Her eyes became teary at her helplessness. He caressed her cheek and hugged her sideways to calm her down.


The car finally came to a stop. A guard opened Ajax's side of the door. He got off and held his hand out for Amelia to take. She looked at his hand hesitantly. She didn't want to do it but one look from him and she placed her hand in his. He took it and helped her out of the car.

Amelia rubbed her arm and looked at the building in front of them. It looked so top notch from outside, the inside must be on some other level. She flinched when she felt Ajax's hand on her back. He lead her inside and just like her thoughts, the inside was on another level.




Amelia's eyes widened in astonishment as they reached the stair case. It was decorated beautifully with thousands of roses and candles on each side. Ajax gave her a nudge on her back as she had halted her steps. Her heart was thudding in her chest. She didn't know what would happen up there in that apparently beautiful place.

Nevertheless, she had to take the steps and move towards wherever the man she didn't trust was taking her. The top floor was even more beautiful. The table was decorated with many flowers and candles. It was way much more than their previous date. 'It's his girlfriend's birthday' she thought sarcastically and inwardly rolled her eyes.

She stepped away from him when he attempted to take off her coat. "Let me get this coat off you, love" He said. She tried to stay in her place as he helped her get out of the coat.

"You look so pretty" He mumbled as he gazed her from head to toe. He liked the colour of blood on her. Her breath hitched as he pulled her towards him by her waist and placed a kiss on her cheek. Heat rushed up to her cheeks at his move. He smitked at her blushing face.

He pulled the chair for her and she sat down. Her every move was hesitant. It was screaming that she didn't want to be there but no one was listening to her screams. He settled on his own chair. She tried to ignore his presence. She was scared to look at him.

He was wearing all black, chains, rings and a hell lot of tattoos. His hair were jet black and he would occasionally comb his fingers through them. The tattoos on his body which were visible to her scared her the most. He had the exact bad boy look, the kind of bad boys she had never wanted to interact with. Everything about him was black except his piercing silver eyes which seemed to be fixed on her.

"How is my girl?" He asked. Amelia felt her heart leap out at his sudden hard voice in the silence. Why couldn't he talk more softly? It sounded like he was about to scold her or may be kill her for only breathing. She took a breath and moved her head as in 'I'm fine'. She still didn't raise her eyes to look at him.

"Look at me love" He said. She couldn't disobey him with the authority in his voice. It gave her weird feelings and the top most of them was fear. She raised her eyes and peeked at him through her eyelashes. He was already looking at her. His eyes were so beautiful, she liked them.

"I want you to look at me when I'm talking to you" Ajax told her. She nodded her head trying not to look away. His eyes might be beautiful but they were very intense. She found it difficult to hold eye contact with him.

"Verbal answers love" He said. He was tired of her not talking to him. "Y-yes" She stuttered at his voice getting hard. He sighed; "look love, I don't want to be hard on you but if you won't talk how would we get to know each other. Isn't it what you wanted?" He said and placed his hand on hers. She got alert by his move. She cursed herself for placing her hands on the table.

"Y-yes" She said and slowly retreated her shivering hand back from his hold. His jaw clenched but he didn't say anything.

"Are you hungry?" He asked. She shook her head but then realized her mistake and said; "No"

"What did I tell you about lying to me love?" Ajax asked. He knew she was lying. She didn't eat much all day because of the stress. Shay had offered her to cook a big meal for her birthday or order something but she had turned her offer down. She made an excuse of eating pringles while watching movie.

"N-not to" Amelia said.

"Yes and if you will do it again, I will punish you" Ajax said making her breath hitch. A punishment? From him? Would he kill her? Or cut her tongue for lying? Her thoughts were taking her towards her demise.

"Don't worry love, you might even enjoy your punishment" Ajax said with a smirk. His thoughts were more lewid than murderous. He would love to punish his bad little girl.

"Now about food; we will have pasta tonight according to our girl's choice" He said and took the knife placed on the table. He clinked it two times with the glass and a guy came which seemed like a waitor.

"Good evening sir!
Good evening mam!
My name is Ross, I will be your waitor for the night" The guy introduced himself. Amelia greeted him back while Ajax just gave him a curt nod.

"Here is your menu" Ross said and placed the menu card in front of both of them.

"Pick it love and choose a dish" Ajax said.

Amelia took the menu card. It was filled with different kinds of pasta dishes. She skimmed through them, she could care less about it but she had to choose. She looked through the list and found her favourite type of pasta. She didn't even know about most of the others so she went with the safe one. She told it to Ajax in her timid voice.

He ordered two pastas for them and some drinks too. By his tone towards the poor waitor, Amelia realized that the voice she had been calling harsh was actually the soft one. He had never used his usual tone on her. And if she remembered, her friends would always get his hard authoritative tone. Guess, it was one of the perks of being liked by him.

"So, did you do something special today?" Ajax started the conversation.

"We c-cut the c-cake last n-ight" Amelia said. He nodded and gave her the look to go on. "My f-friends wanted to take me to the m-mall to buy me a gift" She said. "K-kane and K-kyle" She hesitantly added.

Ajax fisted his hand, he hated her male friends. Kane was somewhat bearable because he was Gracie's boyfriend but what the hell was Kyle's deal? He calmed himself down knowing that she didn't went out with them. And he could see the complain in her words about that.

"I'm a very possessive man love. I don't like it when my girl interacts with any type of guys" He said.

"Kane is Gr-racie's boyfriend" She tried to explain to him.

"I know love and Kyle is single" He said.

"He... He l-likes Shay" She said. She just wanted to get her friends out of the red zone.

"Okay" Ajax said. Well, that was a relief.

"C-can I please hang out with t-them?" She asked.

Ajax fisted his hand. He needed to control his anger; "We will talk about this later" He said. "What else did you do?" He asked trying to change the topic. "I face timed my f-family. It f-felt good to see my mom" She said. Her features relaxed thinking about her mom. He read her thoughts; "you love your mom" He said.

"Yeah" She said with a lost look. "And we watched movies and popped balloons" She told him almost excitedly. But instantly realized her mistake. He looked at her amused. "Did you enjoy it?" He asked.

She did enjoy it. April was right, it really worked as stress reliever. "No... Y-yes" She fumbled with her words not wanting to tell him truth but still didn't want to get the punishment for lying. Her heart thud when she heard a laugh. She looked at Ajax to confirm that it was his laugh. He was chuckling at her silliness. She never thought that he would be able to laugh. She thought that his usual poker face was his permanent face, other than the glares and smirks he throws at people.

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed yourself love" He said. He found her staring at him with the surprised look. "I like your eyes on me like my eyes are always on you" His words made tingles appear in her body. She instantly averted her gaze making him give her another chuckle.

The waitor came back with their food and wine. Ajax had asked her about juice or something and ordered diet cola at her request.

Their dinner went well with occasional chit chat. She couldn't deny the fact that the food was really good. But she just wanted it to be over as soon as possible. She wanted to talk to him about letting his infatuation about her go but couldn't find the courage. Her dad was back and now she could talk to him about the monster in her life so she chose the safe path by not mentioning about letting her go. She didn't want to anger him.

After dinner was over, he stood from his seat and helped her stand from hers. He held her hand and took her to a long table. She was surprised to see a many stepped cake placed on it. "Time for my girl to cut the cake" He spoke huskily in her ear as he was standing behind her. Goosebumps instantly raised on her body when his hot breath fell on her skin and she curled her toes.

He passed her a knife ad told her to cut the cake. She held the knife but her body went rigid as he wrapped his hands on her stomach. "Go on love" He said and she had to come to her senses to blow the camdles and cut the cake.

"Happy birthday to my dear Lia!" He said as she cut the cake. She awkwardly placed the knife aside after making the single cut. He unwrapped one hand from her stomach and took the knife to cut a piece. He turned her around in his arms and held the piece to her lips. She hesitantly opened her mouth to take a bite from his hands. He was acting like they were an ideal couple. Amelia couldn't believe it. How could he ignore her will in that forced relationship!

Ajax himself took a bite from the piece he fed his girl. She looked at his chest while he admired her face. She wanted to ask him to take her back. "I have a surprise for you my love" He said. She felt a feeling in herself that she wouldn't like his surprise.

He took a small black box out of his pocket. He opened it and it held a beautiful diamond ring. It had many small diamonds all over it and a large diamond in the center. Amelia felt the fear slowly rising inside her as he took the ring out of the box and held her left hand. She was in a shocked state when he put the ring in her ring finger. "I want you to be my fiance" He said. He was tired of being her boyfriend. He didn't like such weak name to their beautiful love. He wanted to have more intimate relationship with her.

Fear surged in her body at his words. First girlfriend and now fiance. She didn't want to be anywhere near this man. She didn't want to be his fiance or marry him, she wanted to get away. It wasn't what she wished for. He wasn't the love of her life or her true boyfriend. He didn't even get on his knees and proposed her. He just announced that she was his fiance now. She didn't get a chance to think about marrying him or to think anything. This man was forcing her, she couldn't take it anymore.

"No!" She yelled and pushed him away. She hurriedly took off the ring from her finger and placed it on the table. "I don't want to be your fiance, I don't want to marry you!" She said in a breath as adrenaline flowed through her veins. "Let me go!" She yelled.

"What did you say?" Ajax asked as he picked the ring. His voice was so hard that it sent chills in her body making the adrenaline hide somewhere in fear. His eyes turned dark as he glared at her. He stepped forward and she immediately stepped back in fear. He moved towards her and she tried to move back in attempt of getting away from the dangerous man in front of her but to her luck, her back collided with the wall behind her.

Her body wanted to escape but before she could move in any other direction, he trapped her by placing both his hands beside her. "So you don't want to be my fiance?" He said with hard voice near her face. "N-no, I-i don't l-like you. L-let me g-go" She said but her voice came out stuttering due to the fear coursing through her veins.

"It doesn't matter!" He said in loud voice. "Let me make you clear one thing love, you will be my fiance and I will marry you whether you like it or not. You. Are. Mine" His voice was hard and commanding. She felt the tears forming in her eyes as he moved closer reducing the distance between them. She immediately held out her hands and pushed at his chest. She was tired of him pishing her around and doing whatever he wants.

"I'm not yours! Let me go!" She said and struggled to get out of his hold as he wrapped his arm around her waist. He held her jaw and made her look into his eyes. "I won't tolerate your resistance towards me love" He said.

"I don't care, let me go!" She punched at his chest and tried to get away but he pulled her close and smashed her body to his chest. He held the back of her head and before she knew it, his lips came crashing down on hers. Her eyes went wide and her body immediately resisted the forced kiss. She screamed in the kiss which was muffled and hit his chest to get away from him but he held her close. She didn't stop and tried to struggle as much as she could.

He was kissing her so ferociously that it made her whimper. He was pouring both his love and anger in the kiss. His tongue tried to enter her mouth but she kept her lips sealed tight not wanting to give him any access. His hand which was holding her waist moved downward on her butt. Her struggles of getting away from him increased but they didn't effect him. He squeezed her butt harshly making her gasp in his mouth. No man had ever touched her like that.

His hot tongue instantly darted in her mouth the moment she opened it. And before she knew it, he was pressing her tongue with his own and exploring every nook and cranny of her mouth. Her head felt heavy and her mind dazed at what was happening. She got more desperate to get away. She punched at his rock hard chest but he caught her hands. He twisted them behind her back and held them with his one hand.

She tried to move her head back to get out of the kiss but his hand instantly came back at it's place not letting her get away. She was trapped, all her struggles went in vain. He was way too strong for her. She couldn't fight him. He put more pressure in the kiss. She felt week in his arms. Her movements seized as she gave up. He kept kissing her for few minutes. She was loosing her breath. She didn't know how to breath through a kiss, neither could she stop him.

He finally released her lips, leaving her all breathless. She took deep breaths as she stared at her now pink face. "Your resistance will only get you a steamy punishment love" He said and she glared at him. He gave her a smirk and once again leaned towards her lips. She hurriedly moved her head to the right making his lips meet her left cheek. He chuckled but kissed her cheek. He was still holding her hands.

"Let m-e go y-ou b-bastard!" She yelled as she tried to resist again. "I thought my good girl didn't like to curse" He said against her skin. His lips left small kisses on her jaw. She didn't like to say bad words but he was testing her patience. His lips moved downward placing wet butterfly kisses on it's way.

"Don't worry, I've a punishment for it too" He said, his face was now burried in her neck. His tongue touched the spot on her neck where he had bitten her last time. Her body convulsed at the sensation, it was her sweet spot. He loved the effect, she was so sensitive. His sensitive little girl.

"No!" She said but a scream left her mouth when he took her skin between his teeth and bit her hard. She twisted her wrists in his grip to take them out. She struggled hard but his grip was strong.

"Ahhhh..... " She cried but he didn't leave her. "I-it h-urts! S-stop!" She screamed. His bite was harsh and more than she could take. Tears started flowing out of her eyes. She had dared told him that she wasn't his. Now he was marking his territory. He had already told her that he was a possessive man. Now he was showing her that he was a territorial man too. No one raises their voice in front of him. And yet she dared to curse him, she needed to be punished.

"P-please s-stop!" She pleaded whimpering. She was in too much pain. To her relief, he left her skin. His tongue met her skin again as he licked the burning spot, sending sparkles in her body. First, he hurt her by biting her and now he was relieving her pain by licking her skin. She couldn't understand him. He soothingly licked his bite and then sucked at the spot to intensify his mark on her.

By now, she was completely crying. He left her neck and her hands. He raised his head to look at her tear-stained face. She instantly brought her hands to her chest and rubbed her wrist. His grip was hard, she sniffled.

He kissed her tears away. "P-please don't d-o th-his" She pleaded.


>There is an instagram page for the fans of this story. Do check it out here,

>I will be posting some pictures and gifs related to the chapter and our main leads on my Instagram account. It will be fun and you guys can enjoy it.


Word count: 4165

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~Till then

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