Bella Hale: Peter Hale's Dau...

By AsherGaudreau

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Bella Hale is the 12 year old daughter of Peter Hale. After a devastating fire that killed almost her entire... More

CHAPTER 1: The Beginning
CHAPTER 2: 6 Years Later
CHAPTER 3: Derek's Return
CHAPTER 4: A Week of Normalcy...Not!
Chapter 5: Derek's Arrest
Chapter 6: Stilinski House
CHAPTER 7: Wolfsbane Bullet
CHAPTER 8: The Alpha
Chapter 9: The Alpha Revealed
CHAPTER 11: What If I Wanted the Bite?
CHAPTER 12: Derek is Missing
Chapter 13: The Fight
CHAPTER 14: Transformative
CHAPTER 15: Rescued
CHAPTER 16: The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend
CHAPTER 18: Panic Attack
CHAPTER 19: A New Nightmare
CHAPTER 20: Battle at the Sheriff's Station
CHAPTER 21: I Will Not Lose Her!
Chapter 22: Hales Have Records Too
CHAPTER 23: The Final Battle
CHAPTER 24: Another Enemy is Coming
CHAPTER 25: We Need to Talk
CHAPTER 26: A Debt and a Promise
CHAPTER 27: The Promise
CHAPTER 28: Unexpected Help
CHAPTER 29: First Day
CHAPTER 30: The Vault
CHAPTER 31: Deucalion
CHAPTER 32: Deucalion's Spy
CHAPTER 33: Derek's Past
CHAPTER 34: A Supernatural Secret Revealed
CHAPTER 35: A Storm is Brewing
CHAPTER 36: Shifted
CHAPTER 37: Derek Makes a Choice
CHAPTER 38: The Lunar Eclipse
CHAPTER 39: The Run
CHAPTER 40: What Am I?
CHAPTER 41: The Werecoyote
CHAPTER 42: Alpha Roar
CHAPTER 43: Barrow
CHAPTER 44: Take Control
CHAPTER 45: You Will Always be my Number One.
Chapter 46: Chess Game
CHAPTER 47: Another Enemy Defeated
CHAPTER 48: Let's Get Angry!
CHAPTER 49: A Quiet Birthday
CHAPTER 50: A Die Hard Christmas
Chapter 51: The She Wolf
CHAPTER 52: The Mute
CHAPTER 53: Clairvoyance
CHAPTER 54: The Sun, The Moon, The Truth
CHAPTER 55: 2 Million
CHAPTER 56: Unlikely Family Reunion
CHAPTER 57: Determined
Chapter 58: The Benefactor
CHAPTER 59: The Drive to Kill
CHAPTER 60: Shadows and Demons
CHAPTER 61: Showdown at La Iglesia
Chapter 63: Dr. Fenris Meets with Peter.
Chapter 64: Reunion in Lockup
CHAPTER 65: Not Easy to Convince
Chapter 66: Leaving
CHAPTER 67: The Dread Doctors
CHAPTER 68: Malia's Search
CHAPTER 69: Malia Finds the Desert Wolf
CHAPTER 70: Mother vs Daughters
CHAPTER 71: The Train Station from Hell
CHAPTER 72: Reconciled
CHAPTER 73: Peter Goes Through the Portal
CHAPTER 74: Contact
CHAPTER 75: Peter Tries to Help Malia
CHAPTER 76: Finding the Rift
Chapter 77: They're Back
Chapter 78: Emotional Connection
Chapter 79: The Hunt is Over
CHAPTER 80: Leaving Beacon Hills Behind
CHAPTER 81: Pack Negotiations
CHAPTER 82: The True Alpha Comes Calling
CHAPTER 83: Malia Shows Peter Her Memories
CHAPTER 84: Broken Glass
CHAPTER 85: Jackson Reunited
Chapter 86: Wolves of War
CHAPTER: 87: The Father's Flashback: Bella's Birth
CHAPTER 88: A Father's Flashback: The First Year
CHAPTER 89: A Father's Flashback: Calm Before The Storm
CHAPTER 90: Scared
CHAPTER 91: The Truth
CHAPTER 92: Scorched Earth
CHAPTER 94: Looking Over the Edge
CHAPTER 95: Golden
CHAPTER 96: Illuminate
CHAPTER 97: A Chat Among Cousins
CHAPTER 98: Revelation
CHAPTER 99: A Choice
CHAPTER 100: The End

Chapter 10: Daddy's Home

2.5K 38 10
By AsherGaudreau

Derek agreed to work with Peter. He was reluctant but Peter was the only family he had left. But he still didn't trust him.

Derek, Bella and Peter arrived at the high school just as the lacrosse match ended. Once the three of them got to the locker room, Derek shut down the lights and they stayed out of sight while watching for Scott.

"Danny?' Scott's voice said

Derek rolled a lacrosse ball towards Scott. He picked it up and walked towards Derek, Derek had stood there stiff and straight. Scott looked relieved

"Thank god! Where the hell have you been? Do you have any idea what's been going on?"

Peter then walks into the view holding a lacrosse stick in one hand and Bella's hand in the other.

"I really don't get lacrosse." Peter said

"It was you..." Scott trails off in shock

"When I was in high school, we played basketball. That's a real sport. Still, I read somewhere that lacrosse comes from Native American tribes and that they played it to resolve conflict. IS that right? I have a little conflict of my own to resolve, Scott, but I need your help to do it."

Scott looked back at Derek in horror

"I'm not helping you kill people." Scott said lowly

"Well, I don't want to kill all of them. Just the responsible ones. That doesn't have to include..." Peter trailed off, looking at Derek

"Allison." Derek supplied

"You're on his side? Are you forgetting the part where he killed your sister?" Scott asked Derek

"It was a mistake" Derek replied monotonously


"It happens."

"Scott, I think you're getting the wrong impression of us. We really just want to help you reach your potential" Peter said

"By killing my friends" Scott said

"Sometimes the people closest to you could be the ones holding you back the most"

Bella scoffed

"Something funny?" Peter asked Bella

"You don't really believe that, do you dad?" Bella asked him

"You too?" Scott asked Bella

"I think I know where my loyalties lie. Do you?" Bella asked Scott and he looked confused.

"Maybe you should try and see things from my perspective. " Peter spoke as his claws grew

Peter sunk his claws into the back of Scott's neck briefly before removing them. Scott falls to the floor, grunting.

"Well now, let's get out of here shall we?" Peter said

The three walked out to the car and drove to the loft. Derek said he had things to do and took off, leaving behind Peter and Bella.

"Well then," said Peter, "At least now I get some quality time with my favorite daughter."

Bella smiled as she opened the door to the loft "I'm your only daughter, dad."

"Oh, well, favorite kid in the world." Peter said, wrapping an arm around Bella as the two of them walked inside the loft. Peter took a look around.

"You know, when you said that you and Laura were living here, I was expecting it to be a little more furnished and perhaps bright."

"That was Laura's doing." Bella said as she made her way to the fridge to grab herself a soda "She just said in case we had to suddenly leave, we wouldn't have to deal with getting rid of furniture or something. Just take what we have."

"Interesting concept." said Peter as he sat down on the couch

"You don't know half of it." Bella said as she sat down next to her father.

"Now, it wasn't all bad, was it?"

"No, just tough."

"Well, at least you don't have to worry about it now that I am back." Peter said, wrapping an arm around his daughter.

The two of them stayed like that for a while

"What's gonna happen now?" Bella asked

"Hmmm? What do you mean?"

"How do we just start this new chapter in our lives? You came back and I don't even know what we are supposed to do next?"

Peter smirked "Well, let's start by having the day together tomorrow, just the two of us? How does that sound?"

Bella smiled "I'd love that. So much. But, what about school?"

Peter snorted "To hell with it. You are miserable there. I'm disappointed that Laura didn't do anything more to help you."

Bella's eyes squinted in confusion

"What? Did you not think that I didn't hear everything you ever said to me all those years?"

"You heard...?"

Peter took Bella's hands. "Sweetheart, I had spent every day in agony. Not being able to move or talk was just a struggle. But the real pain I had to endure was not being able to be your dad. Your visits were the highlight of the week. I loved it when you came to talk to me, even when I couldn't talk back. I even enjoyed your movie nights. I've seen and heard everything. I have missed every moment of your life. There were so many times that you needed me and I couldn't be there to help you. I don't want that to happen again."

Peter cups Bella's face "You are the most important thing in the world to me. I am so proud to be your father and I promise to always be there for you, whenever you need me. I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere."

Tears began to well up in Bella's eyes as she clutched herself in her father's arms, not wanting to let go. "I've missed you so much, dad. It's been so hard. The pain I have been through...."

"I know," Peter said, soothing his daughter. "It doesn't matter now. You won't have to be in so much pain anymore. Daddy's home"

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