The Stranger on the Train

By Just_writing_a_bit

783K 26.2K 7.1K

Y/n is on her way to New York to start a new life there. On the train she meets a blonde woman and her daught... More

Chapter 1: Dolphins
Chapter 2: Drawings
Chapter 3: Goodbye for now
Chapter 4: New York
Chapter 5: First day
Chapter 6: See you again
Chapter 7: Park
Chapter 8: Second job
Chapter 9: Walks and talks
Chapter 10: Gossip
Chapter 11: I'm famous
Chapter 12: Dinner
Chapter 13: Second job and apartment
Chapter 14: Moving day
Chapter 15: Emergency
Chapter 16: Little dolphin
Chapter 17: Good morning
Chapter 18: Casual Thursday
Chapter 19: Saturday night
Chapter 20: Movies and storm
Chapter 21: Another morning
Chapter 22: Important talk
Chaper 23: First date
Chapter 24: Fancy restaurant
Chapter 25: Marvel
Chapter 26: Little waitress
Chapter 27: Hot
Chapter 28: Lotion and water guns
Chapter 29: Movies
Chapter 30: Taking care
Chapter 31: Is it my fault?
Chapter 32: Second date
Chapter 33: Will you be my girlfriend?
Chapter 34: Questions
Chapter 35: Gold digger
Chapter 36: Lizzie
Chapter 37: Girls night
Chapter 38: Boat date
Chapter 39: New opportunities and costumes
Chapter 40: Halloween
Chapter 41: Aquarium
Chapter 43: First time*
Chapter 44: Florence
Chapter 45: Warm enough*
Chapter 46: Holiday plans
Chapter 47: Scarlett's birthday
Chapter 48: Cooking with Flo
Chapter 49: Thanksgiving and jealousy
Chapter 50: Spa Day
Chapter 51: Full relaxation
Chapter 52: Swimming lesson
Chapter 53: Cookies and skates
Chapter 54: Future plans
Chapter 55: Birthday
Chapter 56: Trust
Chapter 57: School problems
Chapter 58: Train and family meeting
Chapter 59: Christmas morning
Chapter 60: Grave
Chapter 61: Exes and Stars
Chapter 62: Back home
Chapter 63: New Year
Chapter 64: The new job
Chapter 65: Night out
Chapter 66: New apartment
Chapter 67: Snow
Chapter 68: Sick
Chapter 69: Cloud 9
Chapter 70: Pleasure
Chapter 71: Furniture shopping
Chapter 72: Goodbye
Chapter 73: Zoo
Chapter 74: Valentine's Day
Chapter 75: Snow day
Chapter 76: Winter break
Chapter 77: Just keep swimming
Chapter 78: Rumors
Chapter 79: Rose's birthday
Chapter 80: Surprise
Chapter 81: Poor baby
Chapter 82: You're not her mother!
Chapter 83: Black Widow and L.A.
Chapter 84: Anniversary
Chapter 85: Skinny dipping and more
Chapter 86: Horse back riding
Chapter 87: Beach Day
Chapter 88: Bachelorette and flower girl
Chapter 89: Venue and puzzle pieces
Chapter 90: Lizzie's wedding
Chapter 91: Red carpet
Chapter 92: Strawberries and loose teeth
Chapter 93: Florida
Chapter 94: I will always protect you
Chapter 95: Welcome to the mile high club
Chapter 96: London
Chapter 97: Lost
Chapter 98: Camping
Chapter 99: Finally diving in the ocean
Chapter 100: One plus one equals love
Book 2 is out now!
A New Scarlett Book

Chapter 42: Tourist things

7.6K 256 165
By Just_writing_a_bit

TW: 9/11

Pov y/n

I look up from my phone when Scarlett enters the living room with a grin on her face. She comes to sit next to me, the grin staying on her face. I put my phone down and give her my full attention. She just brought Rose outside because her dad picked her up for the weekend.

"Is there anything you want?" I ask and raise an eyebrow with at little smirk.

"How would you come to that conclusion?" She asks and dramatically puts her hand above her heart.
I laugh a little at her played offended tone.

"I don't know. So you don't have anything in mind?" I ask and she hums undefined.

"Maybe I do want something." She gives in and I chuckle a little and take one of her hands to intertwine our fingers.

"You know how you arrived here and immediately got a job and everything?" She asks and I nod, not sure what she's on about.

"Exactly, so you were quite busy and on top of that, you live in Brooklyn and come only to Manhattan to visit me." She continues and I nod again, still confused where she wants to go with this.

"So, what you didn't got to do was typical tourist stuff." She concludes and I think about it for a second but nod.

"Apart from taking Rose on that ferry to see the Statue of Liberty, I didn't do any tourist stuff, that's true." I agree and Scarlett nods, shuffling to sit criss-cross.

"So, I thought maybe we could do that together. I could show you around a little. We'd be on a tourist-date." She grins, her eyes sparkling at her own idea, which is quite cute. Of course, I can't help it but to smile as well.

"You would really want to do that with me? I mean it's Saturday, so probably even fuller than on weekdays." I make sure and she nods.

"Yes, I would love to show you around a little. I know it's gonna be full but isn't that part of the experience?" She asks and laughs a little. I chuckle and agree.

"Great! Then get up and ready, so I can show you New York City." She commands with a smile and uncrosses her legs. I salute.
"Yes, ma'am." I say and get up to stand up straight. She laughs at my antics and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

We get ready and put on our shoes and coats. Scarlett decided it'd be easier to take the subway because 'parking is a bitch' in New York. It made me laugh a little but I agreed and now we're on our way to the subway.

In the subway, we have a little talk about how we will handle the expenses today.
Scarlett didn't want to tell me what she has in mind yet but she did tell me it would cost some money.
I honestly appreciate her respecting it a lot. She doesn't mind or judge me for wanting to talk about it and she also doesn't put it off that I don't want her to pay for everything all the time.
We settle on her paying for entrance and stuff like that and I will pay for coffee or snacks. It may be a date but I still don't like the idea of her paying for everything we do since I earn money myself.

We arrive at our first destination and Scarlett takes my hand to lead the way. It's a little cooler today and it's adorable how she's wrapped up in her scarf and hat. Well, it might also help to not be seen by paparazzi or fans. I know Scarlett loves her fans and just as much meeting them but being stopped every few steps can be exhausting.

"The first sight is a little sad and maybe not the best thing to visit on a date but it is something you should definitely visit when you're here." She states and nods ahead.
I take my eyes off her and look at what's in front of us. It's the 9/11 memorial.

I gulp a little, that is indeed not the first thing I'd visit on a date but I agree that it's something one should see when visiting New York.
Scar squeezes my hand a little and I look at her, giving her a little smile. She returns it and we continue our way to the memorial.

As soon as we enter, the mood completely changes and it seems as if the outside noises are switched off.
I breathe in and try not to be intimidated by the heavy mood this place has within it. Not because I don't honor what all those people did or because I'm not sad about what happened because I do and I am. It's just a little scary to think about.

Scarlett and I walk in silence around the memorial and the museum, looking at the pictures, videos and names. My heart feels like it's being pushed together and I feel my throat tightening when I watch the videos.

When it happened I was a toddler, so I don't really remember it.
The only thing that I remember is that my Mom and Dad were really shocked and sad that day and that I didn't understand why.

When we step out again, I take a deep breathe, processing everything I just saw and read.
"Are you okay?" Scarlett asks softly and pulls me into a warm embrace. I nod slowly and meet her emerald eyes.

"Yeah, just a little..." I try to find words to describe how I feel but it's hard. But I don't need words, she understands me without them and nods understandingly.

"I get that. Whenever I visit, I feel the exact same way and am shocked that such a horrible thing happened." She says and brushes her fingers through my hair.
I nod and stay quiet for a few moments, enjoying the feeling of her hands in my hair and getting a hold of my emotions. I give her a small smile once I feel composed again and she returns it and grabs my hand.

"How about we stroll down the streets a little to the Brooklyn bridge?" She offers and I nod and let her guide the way.
We walk in silence and I still process everything but I feel my mood lighten up the longer we walk and soon I am feeling better again.

"Did you hear from that organization yet?" Scarlett casually asks as she notices my shift in mood and glances over at me. I shake my head.

"Not yet but I think the last date to apply to that job is in a few days, so I guess they wait until then before they take a closer look at the applications." I shrug and Scarlett hums and nods.

"I got a role offer." She tells me and I look at her excited.

"That's great! What kind of role?" I ask and a little mischievous smirk plays around her lips.

"I'm not allowed to talk about it, especially not yet." She says and side glances me. I nod, understanding that she has to keep some project information a secret.

"Where will it be shot?" I ask and we cross a street. Scarlett takes a breath and frowns a little.

"So far, LA but there could be places added." She answers and I understand her expression now.

"Okay, do you know how long the shoot will be and when it starts?" I continue to ask, almost a little worried to get the answer.

I knew that she is an actress and that she has jobs in other cities and states but somehow that went to the back of my mind and I didn't think about her taking a job that would pop our bubble in which we were kinda living in for the past couple of weeks.

"The shoot probably will last around three months and they want to start filming in February. Until then I will prepare for the role, meaning I will have to work out and read the script, maybe start to memorize some lines at the end of January." She explains and I nod with a little sigh.

Her eyes look at me before she looks back at the street in front of us. I am a little lost in my thoughts until she gently squeezes my hand, making me look at her.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asks in a soft voice, her eyes showing worry. I slowly nod.

"Yeah, it's just...three months are a long time and I guess I kinda forgot that your job requires you to be away for a couple of months." I try to explain my thoughts but feel like I'm failing at that.
But Scarlett still seems to understand what I want to say.

"You're sad that I'm leaving for three months?" She asks and pulls me to sit. Only now I notice that we're on a pier from where we have a nice view on the Brooklyn bridge. I nod and look down at our intertwined fingers.

"I know it's incredibly selfish to think that you'd always stay in New York and that all your jobs could be here but...I kinda hoped for that." I mumble, feeling bad for having those thoughts.

Scarlett's free hand softly cups my face and she tilts my head so I look at her. She doesn't seem mad or offended or anything else negative.

"I hoped for the same honestly, even though I know that it's not possible. It is nothing bad that you wish for me to be close to you, I wish the same but it's not within my power. A lot of movies are shot in LA. Sure, also in New York but this one in LA. I know, it won't be easy when I'm all the way across the country but I believe we can manage that. Don't you think?" She asks and looks into my eyes. Different emotions swirl in hers and I can tell that she's afraid I will bail on her. But I slowly nod.

"You are right, we can manage that. It will be hard though." I agree and sigh. She nods and rubs her thumb over my cheek.

"It will, no doubt but if we both want it to work, we will figure it out. We both have phones and can call and text whenever it's possible. I know we will be in different time zones but maybe we can find a time that fits for the both of us." She says with a warm smile and when I look into her hopeful eyes, I smile a little and nod.

"You're right, we can do that. But I will still miss you like crazy." I mumble and Scarlett chuckles a little before leaning closer and kissing me sweetly.

"I will miss you too. But I am sure we will find maybe long weekends, where you can come visit or where I can come visit. I know you don't like me spending money on you but I could hire a private jet that will fly you over whenever our work schedules allow it. Or you could take the plane, doesn't matter. We will be able to see each other, I believe in us." She concludes and I feel a little lighter at her words.

"I believe in us too." I say and lean my forehead against hers.

"We still have like two and a half months until I have to go, so let's enjoy that time together." Scarlett smiles softly and I nod in agreement.

I lean back and let my eyes look over our view. It's really nice and I wrap my arm around Scarlett's shoulders, pulling her closer to me and together we enjoy the view in silence.

The thought of her going to LA for three months is still present in my mind but she is right, we should enjoy the time until then and thinking about her leaving is not helping with that, so I try my best to push those thoughts away.

Our next stop is further away, so we take the subway there. I can't help it but to think about what Scarlett said again, not because of me though.

"What about Rose? Where will she be when you're in LA?" I ask and Scar looks at me in thought.

"I honestly don't know yet. Of course, I considered that when I took the job but I haven't come up with a solution yet. Maybe I will take her with me or maybe she will stay with her dad for those three months. It depends a little on how the next few weeks go and if he can pull himself together and proof that he is responsible enough to watch Rose for three months." She says and I nod.

I get her worry, if Rose stays with him, he can't bail on her and has to take responsibility for her and he hasn't really done that those past months. For a second the thought of Rose staying with me pops up in my head but I throw that thought away since my apartment is too small for that and it's also not compatible with my job and her school schedule.

A bit later, we arrive at our stop and get off the subway. I smile when I look up at the Empire State Building and squint my eyes.

"I should have been able to guess you'd take me here." I say and look back at Scarlett who grins a little.

"But you didn't." She teases and nods towards the entrance.

"I hope you're not afraid of heights." She says and I look from her up the skyscraper.

"Well, I wouldn't say afraid but maybe a little intimidated." I answer and she chuckles a little.

"I will hold you close to me, so you won't fall off." She says amused and I pout at her at which she playfully rolls her eyes.
"There are walls and fences up there that keep you from falling down. And if no King Kong shows up, you will get back down with me through the elevator."

I giggle a little at her words and approach the entrance.
"I think that I am able to do." I answer and give her a cheeky smile. She presses a kiss onto my cheek.

"We could also take the stairs." She suggests and I stop in my tracks and spin around to her, an almost shocked expression on my face.

"Are you crazy? Have you seen how high this thing is? We'd have to climb like a million steps." I exclaim and Scarlett looks at me with a plain expression before she bursts out laughing.

"That was a joke, baby. I wouldn't want to climb that many stairs. Although, I doubt that it really would be a million." She laughs and I just huff and glare at her before my expression softens and I roll my eyes at her. She shakes her head and steps up to the counter to get our tickets.

The elevator ride takes quite long. Who would have guessed that when the tower is this high?
When we step out, I can already see parts of New York and gasp at the incredible view.

Scarlett holds onto my hand and I'm not sure if I imagined it or if her hold really tightened only slightly while we stepped to the edge.
The view is breathtaking and even though it's high up, I feel safe with the stone barrier in front of me and Scarlett by my side. It feels like I can look over the whole city and when I look up, the sky looks so close that it almost feels like if I would be just a little higher, I could touch it.

Scarlett lets go of my hand to wrap her arms around my waist and stand behind me, resting her chin on my shoulder.
"Do you like it?" She asks and I tilt my head a little to look at her.

"Are you kidding me? I love it! The view is just wow and it feels like we're so close to the sky and it's just..." I'm at a loss of words and just beam at her. Scar seems more than happy with my answer and kisses my cheek.

"You like the sky, don't you?" She asks and looks up herself. I hum and nod.

"It's so fascinating in it's own way. Just the fact that it shines in so many colors when the sun rises or sets is amazing." I smile up at the sky as a cloud slowly covers the sun.

"You're cute when you're excited, angel." She chuckles and spins me around in her arms to give me a proper kiss. I smile into the kiss, which makes it a little difficult to last long.

"You haven't seen the best yet." Scarlett says and lets go of me to lead me around on the platform until she stops and I take a look.

Now we're not facing the city anymore but the upper bay and indeed, this view is even better than the one before. Once again Scarlett's hand sneak around my waist and she pulls me into her, her chin resting on my shoulder once more.

"You're quite cuddly today, hm?" I ask and lean my head against hers. She only hums in response and kisses my jaw.

"I think it's cute and I think you are now officially my cuddle bug." I smile and hear her chuckle but nodding in agreement.

We enjoy the view for a little while longer, watching a few ships drive through the bay.
"How about we get something small to eat while I lead us to our next stop?" Scarlett suggests and I nod.

She reluctantly lets go of me before taking my hand again and we walk back to the elevator.

We both get a pastry and a tea when we're down and find a cute little bakery. Eating and sipping our drinks, Scarlett leads me down the street and as soon as we both have a free hand again, she takes mine, which makes me smile to myself.
I don't mind it at all, especially since it's very busy here and I don't want to lose her.

Even though Scarlett is hidden underneath a hat and a scarf, some of her fans recognize her and she takes a few pictures with them before coming back to me. She has a huge, happy smile on her face and tells me about how cute her fans were and what they said about Scarlett being their favorite actress. It makes me happy to see her this happy and I let her ramble on as long as she wants.

"We're here, welcome to Rockefeller Center." She says and gestures around. My eyes dart around the place while she guides us further. She points down to a plaza.

"That's where the ice skating ring will be in around two to three weeks. They will also put up a huge Christmas tree and beautiful decorations, it's really magical here during Christmas time." She tells me and her eyes sparkle at the thought. Her eyes stay on the plaza and I am pretty sure that she's currently seeing it in front of her inner eye.

"Maybe you can take me here again once it's all decorated." I say and her head turns to look at me with a huge smile.

"You mean that?" She asks excitedly and my heart melts at that.

"Yes, of course. I love seeing you happy and excited." I tell her and get a kiss for that before she looks back at the plaza.

"You'll love it." She assures me. "And I hope you can ice skate, otherwise, I'll have a lot to laugh."

"Rude." I comment with a smile and she just grins at me and sticks out her tongue.

We stroll around further and Scarlett also shows me the Times Square and I am very impressed by the huge billboards and the amount of people on the sidewalks.
After that she shows me 5th Avenue and I listen to her tell me a story about how she got super excited when she first saw one of her movies on one of the huge billboards. I listen to her and just enjoy us being together.

We decide that we did enough sightseeing for today and head to the subway to drive back home.

A/n: I won't lie, I am very excited about the next update and your reactions to it. ;)
What do you think it will be?

Little bit of an earlier update today ;)

Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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