Bound to My Human Mates...Boo...

By MKG2012

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Ryker Walker, a lot can be said about him, one of the many things people think and know about him is that he... More

1. Ryker
2. Gaelen
3. Matthew
4. Ryker
5. Gaelen
6. Ryker
7. Matthew
8 Gaelen
9. Ryker
10. Gaelen
11. Maya
12. Ryker
13. Gaelen
14. Ryker
15. Julian
16. Leo
17. Gaelen
18. Dallas
19. Ryker
20. Gaelen
Ranch House
22. Gaelen
23. Dallas
24. Ryker
25. Gaelen
26. Dallas
27. Ryker
28. Ryker
29. Altan
30. Bradford
31. Dallas
32. Ryker
33. Bradford

21. Ryker

330 21 8
By MKG2012

Song ^^ there seemed perfect for these three! 

Well this just got interesting. Here we were having a lovely time only for it to be interrupted by my mate's family, only thing is I didn't quite mind the interruption. See I have been in touch with them for years and they know their son is my mate. I told them only because they noticed Leo was me for those two years and asked why and asked why daddy was so upset all that time so we sat down, me, daddy, and his parents to tell them about who I am and that their son rejected me and since they have been like parents to me and Zane. I love his mom and dad, they are amazing people.

"Mom, dad, it's not what it looks like." Gaelen was scared, I could hear his heart pounding so fast in his chest that I instantly took him in my arms and he calmed down some.

"No? So we didn't see you finally making up with your mate after so long, hmm?" Sherly, Gaelen's mom asked with a raised brow and his dad, Patrick snickered behind her.

"Wait what? You know?" Gaelen asked, now shocked and confused.

"Yes son we know. We also know that you're gay. We have known you were into boys even before you did. We are your parents Gaelen, if we didn't know I would think we weren't doing a good job in taking care of you or knowing who you are." Patrick said and it was like a weight had been lifted off my mate's shoulders after all these years because I could literally see his body relaxing with each word his dad spoke.

"I was so scared to tell you. I didn't want you to hate me." Gaelen walked to his mom and dad and they hugged.

"We could never hate you. I'm sorry you felt so scared of telling us and along the way making you think you couldn't tell us anything, especially something so important as to who you are." Sheryl had tears in her eyes as she hugged her son and held him tightly.

"It's ok, all that matters now is that you know and that you don't hate me. I guess I should also tell you that Dallas is Ryker's mate and my other boyfriend. And also that Ryker is my mate and I took back the rejection and are going to work on our future together." Gaelen smiled looking at me and Dallas and I winked causing him to blush. Dallas was standing in front me the whole time with me having my arms wrapped around his waist and my chin on top of his head, both of us watching the scene in front of us.

"Oh that's wonderful! Go, do what you have to do and don't you dare come home unmarked young man. It's time you heal that poor boy's heart, you hear?" Sheryl pinched his blushing cheeks and I chuckled and Dallas shook his head smiling.

"I wouldn't plan on him being home for a few days at least." I said and I swear if my mate got anymore red he would give himself a fever but I loved how red he got at the thought of having sex with me.

"You don't mind waiting on the tour of the town, do you mate?" I whispered in Dallas' ear causing him to shiver and shake his head no. I smirked and blew lightly on his ear and his hold on my arms got tight and I knew I was turning him on, I could smell the sweet arousal coming from him and it made my mouth water.

"Ok should we get going? I need to go to the store for a few things since we are finished here." Dallas spoke up when I started to tease the bottom of his asscheek through his tight jeans.

"Oh, yes of course. Have fun you three." Sheryl said and walked over to me and had me bend slightly.

"I wouldn't mind grandchildren at this point in my life." She whispered and I couldn't help but picture both my mate's pregnant with my cubs.

"That could be arranged but it does take time." I said lowly and she nodded, kissed my cheek.

"I'm happy you're going to be ok son. I'm happy my son undid what he did and that you are together now. I hated seeing you so hurt Ryker." I wiped the tear from her cheek and hugged her.

"All is well now, I promise. We will have a good long happy life together. It won't be perfect but it'll be ours and that to me is worth the pain I had been in. Things happened for a reason and now, it's time we become the mate's we are supposed to be. I love your son, so damn much you know that so I'm so happy we ran into one another and talked, we will be ok." I assured her and she smiled while wiping her eyes dry of tears.

"Ok good. Have a wonderful time Ryker, you three deserve it." She walked back to her son who was chatting with his family and I could see a difference in him. I can tell he feels so much lighter now, free and that made me so happy for him.

After they talked for a few more minutes we left the cafe and I honestly wasn't expecting to leave so soon with my mate's but I had a plan in the works so it didn't matter what time we left, it would be ready in time.

I went to my house while my mate's went to Gaelen's and also to the store per Dallas request so we planned for me to pick them up in an hour. That gave me time to pack and to talk to my baby brother.

"Zane!" I sang his name as I walked into the house and he came into the kitchen from the living room and smiled at me.

"Yes, my dearest annoying brother of mine?" He sassed and I shook my head smiling at his idiot self, he's my brother, I can call him an idiot all I want and he would agree.

"I have planned a few days away with my mate's. I as you know never had sex before and I'm sure both my mate's aren't virgins. How should I feel about knowing other men have been inside each of my mate's? I am sick to my stomach about it and I want it to be special but I can't get it out of my head." I asked and he looked at me sadly.

We were taught to wait till we found our mate's or until we were married. Zane and I have waited and now it's me who is the last one who is a virgin out of my family and mate's. I'm old fashioned in that sense. I wanted it to be our first time together. Granted I didn't know Dallas was my mate but Gaelen, I had a fantasy of us being each other's firsts and now it's not going to be that way.

"I know you wanted things to be a certain way but Ryker, not everyone is like us. The past doesn't matter, what you and they do from now on is all that should matter."

"That's easy for you to say, your mate waited until he found you. Mine was fucking around before we even met at sixteen Zane. I have no idea how many people he's slept with but I know I felt it each and every time he did. I felt it a lot when he rejected me for months and it got less and less but it picked up when he went to college. He doesn't know I felt him fucking someone else, just knows I felt pain from the rejection."

"Tell him. You can't move on with feeling how you feel and hope it works out for the best. You need to be honest with him no matter how much the truth hurts. You can't let it in Ryker, it isn't healthy and I don't want to lose you for even longer than two years next time." He was right. I couldn't keep how I felt to myself and hide within myself like before. I can't do that to myself or my family again.

"Yea, I will. How's my little niece or nephew doing?" I asked and rubbed his small baby bump and he had a goofy smile on his face.

"They are doing good. I hope this sickness is done soon. It's not just in the morning, it's all the time so the name needs to change but other than that, everything is going great. They are the size of a lemon now." He said and showed me his phone, a pregnancy tracker app of the baby's stats at the stage he's at.

"Aw how cute, a little lemon. Gonna call the kid lemon till it hits the next fruit?" I asked and he smacked my shoulder making me chuckle.

"No, well maybe. It is rather cute." He sighed happily rubbing his belly and I placed a kiss on his forehead.

"The kid is lucky Zane, you are going to be an amazing papa to the little lemon."

"Thank you Ryker, you will to one day when you have a baby." He said and I shook my head and my heart broke a little.

"No baby brother, I can't have kids. I found out since I'm intersex, my sperm aren't alive so I'm sterile. A bio kid of mine is not going to be possible." I said out loud for the first time since I found out years ago. I didn't want to tell anyone I'm such a failure of a man who can't ever have kids.

"Oh Ryker, I'm so sorry. I know how much you wanted kids but there is adoption and you have two other mate's who can have the kids for you in a sense. It doesn't matter if they are blood related, a child no matter how it was made will be lucky to have you as their parent because you are a pretty amazing brother and your love is endless." He rubbed my hand but I felt different. I wanted my kids to be blood related, I wanted to have that bond I have with daddy with my own cub, it's natural to want to breed my mate's and I can't do that.

"I'm gonna get packed and go pick up my mates. I love you Zane. Thanks for the talk." We hugged and I ran up to my room to grab some clothes, shower stuff, and my charger, I had everything else on me. I went back downstairs and left with a goodbye to Zane and went to pick up my mates.

"Coming!" I heard Dallas call out when I rang the doorbell and a few seconds later he opened the door and his smile was bright and beautiful, exactly what I needed to see at the moment.

"Hey beautiful, hi sweetheart." I greeted the gorgeous men who were blessed to me and hugged them both at the same time, enjoying having them in my arms and sighed happily.

"Hey handsome." Dallas whispered and Gaelen kissed my cheek.

"Are you both ready?" I asked and they nodded so I went to grab their bags and they grabbed snacks and we got into my Jeep and put their bags in the back. Gaelen got in the back in the middle and Dallas got into the passenger's seat and me in the driver's seat.

I took us out of town, a couple hours out into the country to a ranch house that I bought a few years ago. I bought it because I wanted us to move into it down the road and raise our family here. There is a city not even a half hour away that I could work at the hospital there if I applied for a job there. The ranch house is beautiful with so much land for animals and two barns, with the farm equipment and all you could ever need to run a ranch house.

"Wow Ryker!" They both gasped as I drove down the dirt driveway that had a ton of trees on both sides the whole way from the road to the house.

"It's breathtaking isn't it?" I asked as I parked and they could only nod and I chuckled and got out and so did they. I went to open the door which thankfully I knew where the key was and opened the door to the home and allowed them in before me. They both gasped loudly looking at the beautiful home we were in and I smiled, happy they liked it.

"Shall we get unpacked and think about what to have for dinner? We can grill out on the back patio and watch a movie, there is a TV in the wall out there." I said and they agreed so we did just that.

The evening was nice and sweet, nothing sexual happened. We were connecting as mates and I was happy, for the first time in eight years I felt complete and happy.

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