The samurai who became demon...

By AllisterGamma007

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Y/n L/n is a 17 y/o boy who comes from one of the last samurai families in the history of Japan (since the sa... More

Breathing techniques
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

201 4 2
By AllisterGamma007


Hey guys, I'm here with a new chapter, hope you like it

Enjoy the story :)


I entered without any problem the infinite train with Kyojurou and started investigating the demon, seems like his presence is difficult to find, even with my ability to sense aura

After some time we decided to rest for a while, then continue the search

Rengoku: what about we eat something? I'm getting hungry

Y/n: I agree, I'm getting hungry myself with all that recognition, this was supposed to be those kid's job, where are they?

Rengoku: I don't know, they were supposed to come in at the last station

Y/n: I see...

Then an assistant brought us our food and we started to eat

Y/n: *munch* *munch* hey, this is delicious, how about yours Kyojurou?

Rengoku: umai!

Y!n: huh?

Then he started saying "delicious" every time he ate a bite, and he ate more than 5 plates. I have no problem with people who eats a lot (hangs out a lot with Mitsuri) but listening to him shouting "umai!" Every bite is a bit... tedious

Then I saw the three recruits arriving at our wagon of the train

Rengoku: umai!

Zenitsu: em, Tanjiro, is this really the flame pillar?

Tanjiro: yep

Zenitsu: he's not just a glutton

Tanjiro: yep

Rengoku: umai!

Tanjiro: yes, I figured...

Y/n: he's being like this for ten minutes already, don't worry about it

Tanjiro: AH, Y/n I didn't see you there for a moment

Y/n: it's ok, Im good at hiding my presence, sometimes accidentally...

I don't know if I want to laugh or if I want to cry... as Tanjiro questioned my existence Zenitsu was trying to stop Inosuke from jumping out of the window

Tanjiro: by the way Rengoku-San, I've been wanting to ask you something

Rengoku: tell me young Kamado

Tanjiro: well it's about this thing I have called "the dance of the sun god" that my father did to ask the sun god for good luck even when he was very ill and could barely move

Rengoku: well your father was a very diligent man, become my tsuguko young Kamado, I'll take good care of you- he said without changing his expression

Tanjiro: em excuse me?

Y/n: jajaja, don't worry about him, Kyojurou is the less focused person in the world when talking, he's like that

Tanjiro: I see...

Y/n: but that's indeed impressive Tanjiro, to pray doing a dance while ill is no easy task, a great spirit and resilience is needed to do something like that

Tanjiro: well he used a certain breathing technique that allowed him to dance all night long

Hmm? Breathing technique? Dance all night long... wait

Y/n: Tanjiro, are there 13 steps in this dance?

Tanjiro: yes that's it, how did you know?- he said surprised

Y/n: once when I was younger I found one book that talked about a 13 step dance that doesn't stop until daylight, and about this certain "sun breathing"

Tanjiro: really? Can you lend me the book?

Y/n: I wished I could, but the book burned a long time ago...- I said as my hair covered my face

Tanjiro: what happened?

Y/n: that's a story for another time, first of all we need to be vigilant for the demon- I said recovering

Zenitsu: eh? Demon?

Rengoku: yeah, the demon is very ought to appear right now, we should be wary

Just then the machinist told us to give him our tickets so he can check them, after that, suddenly I felt sleepy... like I could just... fall

I felt asleep, and when I woke up I was in a mountain, it was snowy, I looked at my surroundings as I didn't know the area, wait don't know the area? I know this, this is my home, why did I say that?

???: hmm? Y/n! What are you doing outside? You're going to get a cold!

Y/n: eh?- in that moment I turned my face and saw a familiar face, the face of the most important person in my life


I was in tears, calling her again and again

Mom: yes I'm here, what's wrong? A proud samurai should never cry in front of others, now come inside, let's make dinner while your dad trains

Y/n: ...yes!

I don't know why I'm in tears, but seeing mom made me... happy, happier than other days, like all of my hellish training with dad didn't matter anymore, wait, hellish training? I don't train with dad, what am I saying? I'm confused

I got in and did dinner with mom while waiting for dad to return from his daily training camp at the top of the mountain

We laughed as she taught me how to cook, we were spending good time together. Oh, dad arrived

Dad: Hello there!

Y/n: general Kenobi!

Dad: now that's my son, he's a bold one

Mom: jeje you never change honey

Dad: ja, hearing you say that makes it better

Then the entire family started to get in, uncles and aunts, grandparents, cousins, we were a lot of people, a big happy family

We all laughed and enjoyed dinner together as a family, a big family eating as we cheerfully talking about whatever we want, good things, bad things, fun things, boring things, it didn't matter, as long as we were together nothing was ever really bad

Y/n: ah, this is a good dream...

Y/n: so sad it's going to end soon

Sad kid point of view

Im a kid with a sad backstory that just got into this pillar's core so I can kill him in his sleep since apparently I can't just kill him back in reality and then the demon will let me dream

Kid: so, where is it I have to go? Ah yes, the border of the dream

3rd point of view

The kid approached the edge and used the knife in his hand to cut open space in the invisible wall

At the other side was a ying Yang floor with water flowing as a river with rocks and wind flowing, there were butterflies flying around with hearts in the sky, snakes dancing in the water, and a strange mist covering fire burning in the surroundings, everything just existing while making a beautiful echoing sound

Kid: so... beautiful...

Y/n: what are you doing here?

The kid was startled, Y/n was standing in front of him with the pillar haori, demon slayer uniform, and the black dragon (sword) his father gave him

Kid: how are you here? You weren't supposed to remember anything

Y/n: I don't remember, but luckily it's not the first time I'm here, I once came as part of my training. I didn't see the dream last time, I was inside this room, it was smaller and didn't have so many colors, but the essence  is the same

Kid: dang it, plan B, I just have to destroy de core...

Y/n: won't let you

Y/n grabbed the kid by the neck and threw him out of the dream

Y/n: *sigh* I was having fun, I wished this could go on forever... but, it's time to wake up to reality

Y/n: well, reality isn't so bad, I have people waiting for me there as well

He then grabbed his sword and faced it to his neck

Y/n: Im counting on you old friend

And so he stabbed himself with the sword

Y/n point of view

Y/n: AAAAH AND I woke up... *sigh* that was terrifying I'm not doing that again...

Then I saw a figure besides me, a small girl with a bamboo stick on her mouth

Y/n: oh you're Tanjiro's sister right?

Nezuko: hmm!

Y/n: sorry to ask but, could you cut this rope? It's filled with demonic power so I don't know the consequences of breaking it, but you may be able to

Nezuko then did something I didn't understand and started fire at the rope that was tying my arm to the kid

Y/n: well done, thank you

I patted her head and started to look around

Y/n: dang it, Tanjiro woke up before me, the others should wake up soon if we cut the ropes, can you do that?- I said turning my gaze to Nezuko

Nezuko: hmm!

Y/n: good, I'll go look for the demon, he should be at the front of the train

Then I dashed at the edge of the wagon and went up to the roof. There I saw Tanjiro fighting the demon.

Enmu: eh? You too were able to resist it, how curious, why don't you just keep dreaming

Y/n: so that was your doing huh? I'll have to thank you with a peaceful death

Enmu: nemuré (sleep)

In that moment his eye in his hand opened and saw through me. In that moment I fell asleep. But in that precise moment I woke up

Enmu: what? Imposible...

Tanjiro: now's my chance!

Tanjiro swing his blade at the demon but he evaded swiftly, then I was the one on offensive

Y/n: dragon breathing, first form, dragon fang!

In that precise moment the head fell of his shoulders as I cut him down

Tanjiro: amazing...

I then sheathed my sword and prepared to get back when...

Enmu: jajaja, did you really think that would be it? I've fused myself with the train, you have no chance of winning as I'll eat all the passengers who are currently asleep

Y/n: dang it, I'll protect the passengers, Tanjiro, you look for the neck and cut it

Tanjiro: neck? It's a train

Y/n: every demon needs to have a neck, it's like a rule, it's your job to find it, I'll wake up Kyojurou

Tanjiro: alright, I won't let you down

I then rushed at the inside to see how big demonic meat stuff is trying to eat the passengers

Y/n: dragon breathing, 6th form, grade rotation

I used the form to cut quickly all the stuff in my surrounding and protect the passengers, I then saw Rengoku is already awake and slashing some demon meat, ah, he's coming this way...

Rengoku: YOUNG L/n!- he said as he appeared right in front of me

Y/n: I guess you understand the situation Kyojurou

Rengoku: umu, let's end this thing

Y/n: alright, I take the first five wagons

Rengoku: jajaja alright I'll get the last five

Anyways, we started slashing, we protected de passengers while damaging the demon with all our strength, luckily we've been trained for worse so we don't feel tired or overwhelmed at all

Then I heard a scream and the full train was falling apart with a scream

Y/n: ... dang it

And so the train fell off from the tracks and on to the forest

Y/n: *cough* *cough* I thought I was going to die...

Rengoku: jajaja that was fun

Y/n: you have a weird concept of "fun" Kyojuro

I saw Tanjiro lying still on the ground, he had a wound on his stomach, that's no good, it's too much bleeding, he has to control it

Y/n: focus Tanjiro

Tanjiro: eh?

Y/n: if you don't focus your breathing the bleeding will only get worse, stay calm, breathe

Tanjiro then started breathing more calmly, he was concentrating in the wound

Y/n: focus

I pressed his forehead with my finger so that he can concentrate in the breathing. And just like that he found the spot and stopped the bleeding

Y/n: that's much better

Rengoku: ho? He was able to stop the bleeding, that's the first step to become a pillar, well, that's a road of thousands of steps

Tanjiro: I see...

Y/n: for now rest, all the passengers survived and don't suffer from lethal wounds, we'll take care of it from here

Tanjiro: ok, thank you

In that short moment of peace we heard a big struck, like thunder, right in front of us. Surprised we turned around to see... a demon

A/n: oh yeah, you know what's coming up 😎 put this masterpiece at max volume for the best experience

Tanjiro: upper moon... 3?! What's he doing here?

In that moment he attacked Tanjiro with great speed but...

Rengoku: flame breathing, second form, rising sun!

He stopped the attack and slashed his hand splitting his arm in two making him fall back

Akaza: nice sword

He's fast, and he has a powerful aura, so this is an upper moon...

Rengoku: I don't understand why you would attack a wounded person first

Akaza: I thought he would interrupt the conversation we three are having right now

Y/n: sorry but what do we have to talk about? You're a demon, we're humans

Akaza: I have a proposal to both of you, how about you become demons?

Y/n: I pass, I don't really like demons that much

Rengoku: I also pass, Im not throwing away my humanity

Akaza: I can see your strength, you two are pillars right? And that aura developed for perfection...

Rengoku: Im the flame pillar, Rengoku Kyojuro

Y/n: Im the dragon pillar, Y/n L/n

Akaza: Im Akaza. Kyojurou, Y/n, I'll tell you why you can't achieve perfection: because you're human. You grow up, and then you die. Become demons, like that you can live to train for hundreds of years and become far more stronger

Rengoku: to grow up and die is the reason why human lives are beautiful

Y/n: it's because our lives are short that we can live with honor and courage

Rengoku: strength is not related to the body...

Y/n: but to our spirit

Rengoku: we'll say it as many times as needed

Rengoku: no matter...

Y/n: the reason...

Rengoku: we'll never turn into demons!
Y/n: we'll never turn into demons!

A couple of seconds of silence

Akaza: I see...

*crack* *pum*

Akaza: technique development, destructive death, compass needle

A giant snowflake was below Akaza's feet, in that moment Kyojuro and I noticed, he's something else. That's not just for show, it has an effect of some sorts, I need to figure out what it is...

Akaza: if you don't turn into demons I'll kill you

Rengoku and I prepared sword in our stances

Y/n: let's go Kyojuro

Rengoku: yeah, let's do this

And so the battle against the third upper moon begins, he dashed at us giving powerful strikes that we parried

Rengoku and I went on the flanks to attack him from both sides and divide his attention, he's fast, I can tell

Akaza: from all the pillars I've met I've never got to kill a flame pillar, none have accepted my offer either, but dragon pillar... I've never even heard of them

We then attacked him at the same time but he grabbed our swords with his bare hands

Akaza: why would that be? As a person that also follows the warrior life I don't understand, someone can't just become a demon, he has to be chosen...

In that moment we broke free and I used the fact that he's talking to go and chop one of his arms, then Kyojuro aims to cut his neck but he evades

Y/n: he's fast...

Rengoku: I know...

We continued to strike Akaza continuously, but we're both tired form protecting the train, my breathing is slower

Y/n: dragon breathing, second form, ascended dragon

I slashed Akaza upwards and broke his balance

Rengoku: flame breathing, first form, sea of fire

He slashed his neck open but he used his feet to counter. Now's my chance

Y/n: dragon breathing, seventh form, tear

I then slashed his body with a powerful strike, he blocked it but I slashed both of his arms and broke his body in half

Rengoku: flame breathing, third form, blazing universe

Rengoku then slashed the falling Akaza on the head to behead him, but his legs and arms were already regenerating so he was able to block the attacks and retreat

Akaza: tch, this is getting more difficult than what I thought, I need to get a little more intense...

Then his strength went up, seems like he stopped playing around, he'll take us seriously

Akaza: come, pillars, let's fight our hearts out!

Y/n: I will, let's go!

I started to raise my speed and strength as well, Kyojuro and I dashed against him. I used the current speed to aim at his neck

Y/n: dragon breathing, first form, dragon fang

Akaza: !!!

Akaza jumped back at the attack and half of his neck was cut, he regenerated in an instant

Y/n: gh, I missed

Akaza: (he missed?!)

Rengoku: once more, if we try it again we'll make it this time

Y/n: umu

Akaza: (tch, this is difficult, Kyojuro is strong, but this guy Y/n... even upper moon one will have problems fighting him, this is getting interesting)

Akaza: let's stop this thing already...

Damn it, he disappeared from sight, I can't see him... then he appeared striking Kyojuro with a powerful kick that broke his sword and slammed him to the train

Y/n: Kyojuro!

Akaza: now only you and I are left. Now tell me Y/n, who the hell are you? That strength is not normal on a human, you might be even stronger than upper moon 1

Y/n: are you running away?

Akaza: of course not, if I die here it just means that I'm weak in front of you, now answer my question

Y/n: there's no answer, I was just trained that way, if I'm stronger than someone or weaker I don't care, I'm here to protect the people

Akaza: I see, such wasted talent, if you became a demon you could become upper moon 1 instantly... but I guess that's futile isn't it?

Y/n: yeah, I won't become a demon no matter what

I made a promise after all, I'll use this sword for the people as my father did once

Akaza: alright, then I will kill you now

His aura is different than before! I see, before he was just playing with us, now his aura is a murderous one, he plans to kill me right here right now

Akaza: come, pillar, I'll show you the difference between a human and a demon

Y/n: ok...

I got into stance with my sword

Y/n: let's dance!


And that's all for todays chapter, you liked it? I absolutely loved writing this chapter, I hope you enjoy it as well

Well, I'll be posting next chapter soon, or maybe late, who knows?

See you next chapter :)


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