the door is my death | Roblox...

By isaac_cooked

3.8K 89 157

---o--- This story is hugely inspired by the Roblox game named Doors. Credits to LSPLAH for all characters... More



1.1K 22 27
By isaac_cooked


Before you read, I highly suggest you play the game "Doors" on Roblox as this is the inspiration behind the book you're reading rn! Learn about how each entity works and its behavior, and just experience it all before reading this book. ok, on with the story! :)


   I looked around to find myself on the floor in a moving elevator. Immediately alarmed, I got up and began trying to find the emergency stop button, which I presumed every elevator had. Unfortunately, this one did not have such a feature. Within a moment's notice, the elevator stopped. I jolted back a bit, startled by the sudden stop in motion. After waiting for a couple dozen seconds, a "ding" sound played and the doors to the elevator began opening. The patterned diamond-like barrier slide from my sight. This was followed by 2 copper-colored walls of metal separating, revealing a rather glamorous and luxurious-looking lobby to a hotel. 

   Despite the intriguing look and the fresh smell of incense filling the air, there was no one to greet me behind the counter. In fact, it seemed to be that I was the only person in the lobby. The lights were still on, and the walls, furniture, and flooring all looked tidy and fresh, so this building was definitely not abandoned. As I stepped out of the elevator, I could hear the barrier slide back in, with the walls of copper meeting each other shortly after. Turning around, the once brightly-lit elevator shaft had been barricaded by the orange-like walls, with no "up" or "down" button to press. 

   I examined the room a little more, and eventually found a door further down the room, marked with a polished golden frame screwed onto the wood, with the numbers "001" carved into it. What was quite peculiar about the door, however, was that there was a rather rusty metal lock on it, clearly attached to the doorknob to prevent access to anyone. The place seemed welcoming but eerie at once, and the feeling of wanting to leave washed over me. I walked back to the elevator to try and find a way to bring the elevator to open its doors again, but to no avail. 

   With no other options, I continued to look around the room once more, and eventually found a key hanging from a bulletin board behind the counter. Access to the key, however, required me to duck under a curved piece of metal, secured onto a piece of wood, which is fastened onto some wheels. No words come to mind as to what this strange piece was, but I didn't have much regard to it. My only assumptions are that it was used to carry items around, hence the small boxes laid on the wood.

   Getting past, I got back up on my feet and grabbed the keys from the bulletin board. I inspected the key and noticed that it had a piece of plastic with "001" etched on it, in which I believed unlocked the padlock on the door from earlier. My deductions were correct, as the key fit perfectly into the lock and came right off with a twist, granting me access to another room. As I entered the room, a small beeping sound went off, and I backtracked, wondering if I was trespassing. Turns out, it was just a red light incased in a circular piece of glass above the door, similar to those of a hospital alarm. Except, it lacked the loud wailing sounds and the spinning of light, just a small beep.

   I saw the next room was shaped rather weirdly for a room beyond a regular hotel's lobby. Instead of a diner or some stairs, I was met with a sitting area with a bunch of bookshelves and tables. I reckoned that it was most likely just a viewing hallway for visitors and continued onwards. The door forward looked exactly identical to the last door from which we entered from, only this time, the golden frame had "002" chiseled into it. This was definitely strange, as no regular hotel would number irrelevant doors. In fact, standard hotels would only number rooms where people would sleep in. However, curiosity got the better of me, and I continued onwards, going through the door and hearing the beeping sound again. 

   This room was just another hallway with more chairs, tables, and bookshelves. This time, however, there were some empty closets around the room, accompanied with windows. I walked over to the windows and saw that it was raining pretty harshly outside. Other than that, I was unable to make anything out, as it seemed to only be pitch black. Out of the blue, lightning struck, sucking the daylights out of my soul for a second. I recollected myself and continued, passing through Door 003. Although, I was wondering as to why this hotel had two viewing hallways and why random, empty closets were even there. There weren't any boards inside which would provide as an item holder. If anything, it was made almost as if it was meant for a game of hide-and-seek. 

   As I entered the next room, I saw something new. There was a desk that had some drawers. Wondering if there was anything that could help me out in any way, I began to rummage through them. I opened the bottom drawer. Nothing. I opened the middle drawer. Still, nothing. I opened the top drawer and found . . . gold coins! I was completely shocked by my discovery, and I immediately closed the drawer, not trying to look like a thief. However, as I scanned the hallway, I saw that there were no cameras in sight. So, with small movements of stealth, I snuck my hand back into the drawer, snatched the two coins, and placed them in my pocket. I didn't know what the gold was for, but I wasn't going to complain over some sweet, shimmering currency! Continuing with my journey, I went through Door 004. 

   At this point, I was beginning to suspect that this wasn't a real hotel, nor was it made for human slumber at all. The place never seemed to have any access to rooms, and the interior placement of everything was certainly odd. Nevertheless, I continued to look through some drawers. I didn't really find anything other than some envelopes with a heart on top, some pencils, and a cup. None of these items were of any value to me, so I didn't bother collecting them. However, I did find some more gold coins, so I gladly took them. However, I was still confused as to why someone was leaving behind all this gold in the drawers. It was seemingly as though they were purposely left behind for someone to snatch. 

   As I entered Door 005, there were some stairs that needed to be climbed. Maybe this was an actual hotel and that it just liked its hallways. When I reached the top, two bookshelves suddenly fell, shaking the room and giving me a great scare. As I looked around the room, I saw some cobwebs here and there. This led me to believe that this hotel wasn't abandoned, but it was given the best care, either. I left that room with three additional coins added to my pockets. However, what the next door had to offer me was something I would never forget.

   Upon entering the next room, the lights suddenly began to flicker. Not thinking much of it, I continued to look through the drawers. However, I began to hear glass breaking from a distance, followed by a glitchy scream. I looked behind me and was absolutely horrified to witness a face surrounded by darkness rapidly approaching me. The face with no body was ginormous, taking up almost the whole hallway height and width. It was in a dark grey shade, with pits for eyes and the widest, most bone-chilling smile plastered across its face. Whatever it was made of did not seem of this world's materials, as it had wrinkles all over and looked rather dehydrated. Something you'd see in a sci-fi movie. Not knowing what to do, I searched the room for anything that would shield me. 

   My eyes landed on the closet next to me; so, I hopped in and prayed that it wouldn't get me. I felt the walls around me began to shake as the room suddenly turned pitch black. I was able to see from the small creak in between the closet's flaps in I saw the face fly right past me, still screaming in a buggy and malfunctioned voice. Afterwards, I peered out of the closet and wondered if it was gone. I stepped out of the closet and into the once bright, now dark room. Despite the absence of illumination, the lightning flash gave view to the rooms before, now in complete shambles. The chairs, bookshelves, and tables that used to stand against the walls now lay scattered on the floor, some in pieces, others intact. Glass shards which were the remnants of lightbulbs were now spread across the floor, covering the carpet. 

   Still shaken from what had happened, I went back into hiding, hoping that whatever was out there wasn't going to find me in here. By then, all previous thoughts of a normal hotel were thrown out the window, as this was definitely no ordinary building. If these walls contained an entity which possessed the ability to go speeds beyond what is humanely possible and destroy everything in its past, then God knows what else this "hotel" was hiding. As I stayed tucked inside the closet which saved my life earlier, I could suddenly feel something. Something . . . unwelcoming. My vision began to blur as I could feel hands beginning to wrap themselves around my body. Within seconds, I could hear whispering voices telling me to get out. overwhelmed by what was happening, I jumped out of the closet, just to see that I'm still in the room I was in earlier. I looked back into the closet and the feeling had seemingly disappeared, but would return if I stayed in the closet for too long.

   Not wanting to know what would happen if I stayed any longer, I proceeded to head towards Door 007, cautiously avoiding the fallen furniture and shards of glass thanks to the light of the door in front of me. As I exited the room in where I narrowly avoided death, I was met once again with a hallway filled with furniture. Sighing in relief, I looked through the drawers and found four pieces of gold. Before I headed onwards, I sat down on a couch and just relaxed for a bit. I was wondering to myself what kind of twisted adventure I was going to experience, and whether I'd ever see the light of day again. (The sofa was surprisingly comfy, might I add!)

   Upon entering Door 008, I was met with a rather dark area filled with bookshelves. As I carefully traversed in between the books, I came across a barrier which prevented me from continuing, as Door 009 was just beyond. As I looked around the library a little more, I eventually found a switch. When I pulled it down, I heard some metal screeching and some steam being released. I went back to the barrier and saw that an entrance had been opened, allowing me to keep moving forward. This place was definitely something else disguised as a hotel, although its incognito state was rather see-through, as no regular hotel would have a random library in a dark room with a barrier preventing access to a door. It just all seemed so unnatural. 

   Door 9 was a long hallway, with a padlocked door at the end. To the sides were four different rooms, each containing drawers waiting to be looted. It was here when I realized that each room deeply resembled a regular hotel room. What was weird, however, was that the rooms had no label on them; they just looked like ordinary doors, undistinguishable from one another; however, doors which progressed onward were marked with numbers. As I went through all the drawers, I finally found the key inside the bottom drawer. It was like a replica of the key for Door 001, except it had the numbers "009" written on it. Coincidentally (rather not coincidentally), Door 009 was the entryway which had a lock sealed on its doorknob. With a twist, the lock fell down, and I proceeded to enter the next room.

   Door 010 was just a room with nothing in it except two things; a boarded up door and a vent in the wall. Not even trying to take down the wooden frames blocking entry to the door in front of me, I turned my attention to the vent. (not that the door would matter anyway, as it had no golden frame) The registers came off quite easily, which was a shocker, as I thought I would have to pick a fight with it. I got down on all fours and crawled through the vent. I didn't know if I was being a genius or if I was making the deadliest move possible. After all, crawling into a vent to progress down a "hotel" which housed a killer face and strange foundation set-up seemed like something only a lunatic filled with moonshine would even consider to do. However, things ended up working in my favor as the vent leaded to another room with had a door with gold framing screwed on, reading "011". The vents were a little questionable; where would airflow be coming from? Since throughout the whole time I was in the vents, it was only one narrow passageway. No holes or other ventilation routes existed. However, this was the least of my worries, as the creature from before . . . clearly was not done with me.


well, that concludes Doors 001-010 for you! my apologies if the vocabulary or wording or anything about this was hard to read, hard to understand, or just not enjoyable. i'll gladly take light criticism on my writing! if u read this, ily <33


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