While you're here (Ghostface...

By drk_writr

10.9K 408 414

You're a very negative person living in a small town where people don't care about anyone or anything but the... More

That day
My pet
Together 👀
"While I was here..."


465 23 20
By drk_writr

Danny gasped and turned back to the man.

"Oh please forgive her... she usually doesn't speak like that to strangers" he turned back to me, "but this time she might be allowed to" he crossed his arms as I still was speechless while staring at him and the man tied on one of my chairs.

"You know what?" Danny turned his head to the man, "I'll let you two talk" he said happily and ripped the tape from the man's mouth, making him hiss in pain and cry slightly.

"Please! Please help me!" The man shouted making Danny immediately cover his mouth.

"Shout again and I'll cut your throat" he said coldly in his ear and removed his hand slowly.

"What's going on?" I asked looking at Danny worried, "should I tell her or will you?" Danny whispered in the man's ear.

A couple of seconds passed by and as the man was about to speak Danny interrupted him, "alright I'll tell her myself" he walked slowly towards me, "that little piece of shit you see there..." Danny walked behind me, "was getting inside your window and sadly I caught him in the act" he put his hands on my shoulders while I looked at the man a little scared.

"Of course I had to do something because I wouldn't want someone doing my job so..." Danny walked back to the man who started to panic a little and I could see fear in his eyes, it was clear.

"Please-" the man cried but Danny grabbed him from his hair in a flash, "shut it" he said aggressively and looked at me, "I tried to ask what the fuck he was doing nicely... right?" Danny moved his hands on the man's shoulders and looked at him from above.

"Then I tried another method and I found out that this piece of shit here... is the coworker of the other piece of shit from last night" Danny clapped his hands a couple of times, "And do you want to know what's the best part?" He asked me excitedly, I nodded a little insecure about wanting to actually know what he would say next.

"They're my stalkers!" Danny laughed, "And they're stalking us... they're stalking a killer who stalks people and you... my pet... aww my precious pet" Danny walked to me and cupped my cheeks, staining them of blood.

I was kinda creeped out from the way Danny was acting to scare the poor man.

"And guess what? They wanted to kill you... to get to me" he said with a sad tone and caressed my cheeks, then he turned back to the man.

"Well I guess your plan could have worked if you guys weren't both so stupid" Danny grabbed his knife and the man started crying and trying to escape somehow, he even looked at me with a begging look.

But I just stood there... watching as Danny walked behind the chair again, "can't wait for your next friend to visit us" Danny said in his ear and put the knife in front of the man's throat, while his other hand made its way to the man's forehead.

Then Danny chuckled and quickly pushed the man's head back and cut his throat like butter.

I flinched slightly and looked at Danny, he was looking at me too.

"You didn't have to kill him right there" I said a little angry at him as the blood poured from the man stained the floor.

Danny put his knife in the sink and walked to me slowly.

"I'll clean everything" he took off his mask and looked in my eyes coldly.

"So I'm in danger?" I asked, looking at the floor, Danny chuckled making me look at him.

"No one is going to hurt you. Not when I'm around" his tone was soft and gentle, I nodded and went back in my room.

I opened my room's window and took a sigarette from my jacket's pockets, lighting it up and sitting beside the window.

I put on my headphones and started smoking while looking at the pitch dark sky, at the couple of stars sparkling and at the moon, shining bright in the darkness.

I kept thinking about how Danny didn't think twice about slitting that man's throat only because he would have killed me.

The face he made, while blood was pouring quickly out of his neck, was definitely something I would have never forgot.

His life fading from his eyes slowly while crying.

I kept my eyes closet thinking about that, so that I could see it more clearly and finished my sigarette, throwing the cigarette filter out the window.

I wasn't completely okay about what happened and not because blood was all over my floor but because I didn't want people to die in my house, it was already the second night happening.

Even if I didn't want to... I was a little scared.

I fell asleep there, on my window with the cold breeze moving my hair lightly.

I woke up to my alarm being louder than ever, I flinched slightly almost scared as I could have fell out the window.

I stood up and took off my headphones, I was still dressed for work and didn't care to change.

I opened my room's door and looked if there were any more tied men.

And there weren't. 

I walked to the kitchen, completely clean, and drank some water before going to brush my teeth and wash my face, my hair were kinda messy but I really didn't care that day.

I walked to my room and got my jacket and put on my boots, I closed the door behind me and stopped in front of Danny's room, his door closed.

I knocked a couple of times, "hey umm" I said, my sleepy voice probably still evident, "if you're there I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to work..." I couldn't hear anything from the other side of the room.

Did I offend him in any way the night before?

I sighed and nodded one time, "um alright, see you later" I chuckled a little nervously and left.

I took the elevator and walked to the diner.

I was immediately greeted by my boss when I got in.

"Had fun yesterday huh?" He frowned as I blushed slightly and smiled, I nodded and went in the kitchen.

"Morning" I said looking at Caleb, hanging my jacket in my locker and taking my apron.

"Good morning" Caleb smiled softly, "What did the boss mean exactly?" He chuckled as I sighed, "nothing. Please don't ask again" I smiled and started filling the coffee pot, "alright then" Caleb raised his hand in surrender.

"So... what is it gonna be today? Slap or punch?" He chuckled, "I'm sorry alright... you just have a very punchable face" we laughed and I turned off the coffee machine.

"Oh really? Nobody's ever told me that before" he looked at me and smiled, I grabbed the coffee pot and smiled quickly at him as I got out and started serving the few costumers.

It was lunchtime when I tried to call Danny on the phone but he didn't answer.

I was starting to worry, he said he wouldn't leave me again but he wasn't talking to me.

I got out from the back entrance and decided to leave him a voicemail.

"Hey, are you okay? Please call me as soon as you can... just to know you're fi-" I couldn't finish as strong hands grabbed me from behind, one hand firmly on my mouth while the other was around my waist.

I tried to scream but my screams were muffled by the hand so I tried to free myself but the bastard was too strong.

It wasn't Danny, I was sure of that.

Then the man let me go and I quickly turned around to see who it was, but as soon as I saw him: a tall, fit man with slicked back black hair and angry hazel eyes.
He quickly took out a piece of clothing and covered my mouth with it.

It was chloroform.

I woke up in a dark alley, tied to a chair just like Danny tied the man that he brutally slaughtered in front of me.

It was dark and there was a single light, in front of me, a streetlight, so I thought that if there was a streetlight there would have been a street too and someone to call for help.

So I shouted... but my voice was almost completely gone.

I looked around and down at myself, my clothes were full of blood but I didn't feel nothing.

After a couple of seconds I heard footsteps behind me.

"Oh I see you woke up" a young male voice said, I looked up and there he was, the man that knocked me out.

I looked at him angrily as he was smiling proudly.

"What do you want from me asshole?" I said with the little voice I had left, the man laughed and walked in front of me, crouching at my height.

"I want to revenge my friends... the ones your killer boyfriend slaughtered" he said coldly, I had mixed feelings: fear and anger.

"I was lucky that Ghostface didn't feel like staying with you today. It made everything easier" he smiled again and caressed my cheek, I frowned and bit his finger... so hard he started to bleed.

"FUCK!" He exclaimed being able to move away his finger, he looked at it and then at me.

"You crazy bitch" I smiled and blew him a kiss.

That made him angry.

He put both his hands on the back of the chair harshly and came closer to my face, "you think he's going to save you huh?" He laughed.

"You really think that a serial killer... who's only job is to go from town to town to not get caught would risk it for a couple of fucks?" He cupped my cheeks hardly, as I was slightly starting to believe him.

I remained in silence.

"That's what I thought" he took out his phone and turned his back on me, calling someone.

"Hey... did it go according to plans? Did he leave?" He asked smiling as he looked at me, I started to panic.

"Perfect, now the town is safe then" he chuckled and hung up on his phone.

I felt broken and... disappointed once more by him.

Then the phone rang again.

"What now? Are you serious? Oh shit it's going to be amazing... let's finish her" he looked at me and winked as he walked behind me again.

I heard a door opening and footsteps again, someone new got in.

"Here she is" my kidnapper said happily.

"Help" I said with my cracked voice very softly, "what was that?" the kidnapper asked but I decided to not show him I was scared.

"Fuck. You" I said forcing my voice, he grabbed my hair violently and pushed my head back making me face him.

"Shut the fuck up" he looked at me and let go harshly.

Both of the footsteps I heard were coming closer, fearing that my time came to finally die.

I looked at my right and there was my kidnapper, when I looked to the left though, I was shocked.

"Hello pet" Danny waved at me just like the first time I saw him.

A tear ran down my eyes but I kept my angry face to not show my soft side.

"Sorry... Ghostface" the kidnapper looked at him smiling, Danny nodded.

"Are you going to kill her painfully?" He smiled madly.

Danny looked at me and back to the man.

"I brought my camera... does that answer the question?" His changed voice said coldly.

I let my head fall in front of me completely helpless.

I was fucked.

To be continued...

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