Lost and Found (Discontinued)

By RixRedz

1.9K 18 5

(A Flash and Glee crossover) When Barry and Sebastian Allen were 11,their mother, Nora Allen, got murdered by... More

Chapter 1: Visiting Central city
Chapter 2: The Reunion
Chapter 3: Adventures
Chapter 4: Spending time
Chapter 5: Taken
Chapter 6: Kidnapped
Chapter 8: What happened to him?

Chapter 7: Trapped

118 1 0
By RixRedz

Sebastian woke up chained up, he looked around, he then saw a man.

"He's awake." The man said to the others as they came.

"What do you want?!" Sebastian yelled angrily.

"Listen here, you shut your mouth or else." The woman came up to him.

"Come on, let's go." Another man said, they left, but the woman punched Sebastian before leaving.

"Damn it." Sebastian cursed.


"Chester where are they?" Barry said running around the City in his Flash suit.

"Main street." Cheater answered.

Barry ran to Main street finding the meta.

"Hey buddy, how about we take a trip to Iron heighs huh?" Flash said, the meta facing him.

"How about I crumble you to pieces?" The meta said, he then used his super strengh to punch Flash, who didn't see it coming and poorly dodged it.

Flash's bones started to break, you can hear it cracking, he screamed in pain. He then stood up and then ran 5 miles away from the meta, he then started running.

"Barry what are you doing?" Iris asked through the comms.

"Supersonic punch." Barry replied.

Barry then punched the meta, but there was no effect, The meta then flipped him over, blood coming from his head, lip and nose.

"You lose Flash." The meta then ran away, Barry then losses consciousness.

"Barry? Barry! Can you hear me?!" Iris said worried.

"Guys we need to go now!" Mecha vibe opened a breach to Main street, Iris and Cisco jumped in finding themselves in Main street, they then saw the unconscious scarlet speedster.

"Barry!" Iris ran to the speedster who was laying on the ground.

"Barry! Wake up!" Iris yelled, her eyes tearing up, she then looked at Cisco.

"Even Sebastian can't fix this, Cisco get Caitlin please!!" Iris said.

"But Iris-"

"Hurry up! Sebastian can't fix this, please Cisco! Do it for Barry!" Iris begged.

Cisco felt pity, "Alright, but lets get Barry in Star labs first." Cisco opened a breach to the medbay, he helped Iris shove Barry to the breach, Iris then jumped in before the breached closed. Cisco then created a new breach, leading towards Caitlin's apartment door.

Cisco knocked, "Caitlin?!" Cisco yelled from outside.


Caitlin was at her bedroom, she left team Flash for a bit to have time for herself. Until she heard a voice outside.

"Caitlin?!" She heard yell, it felt like he needs help, she jumped out of bed and went to her front door, she opened it finding Cisco wearing a worried face.

"Cisco, what's wrong?" Caitlin asked.

"It's Barry, he's hurt. His brother isn't at Star labs to help, we need you to patch him up!" Cisco explained, Caitlin's eyes widen.

"Barry has a brothe-"

"That's not important now! Please help us!" Cisco cut her off.

Caitlin thought for a bit, " Alright. I'll help Barry." Caitlin replied.

"Thank you." Cisco said, he opened a breach he and Caitlin jumped in before ot closed.

Caitlin's eyes widen as she looked at Barry.

"I need the room." Caitlin said, Iris left since Cisco was pushing her.

Caitlin then started cleaning Barry's wounds, she then started stitching them closed.


Caitlin sighed as she managed stable Barry, Iris then barged in the room, rushing to Barry's side.

"Is he ok?" Iris asked quickly.

"He's fine." Caitlin responded.

Iris sighed, "Thank you." Iris said, Caitlin nodded and then went to the cortex.

"Can, anyone tell me who is Barry's brother?" Caitlin asked, as Everyone was looking at her.

"Well, Sebastian..is Barry's twin, after they got seperated, they lost contact. A week ago, he came in Star labs with Joe." Cisco explained.

"Oh, well. Where is he now?" Caitlin asked.

"We don't know actually." Chester answered.

"Anyways, how's Barry?" Cisco asked, changing the subject.

"He's fine." Caitlin said, she walked out of the cortex, Cisco followed.

"Caitlin wait." Cisco called out, Caitlin stopped walking and turned to him.

"Thank you for helping us." Cisco said.

"That's what friends are for." Caitlin smiled and walked away.


Sebastian tried breaking the chains, but he failed. The furious siblings left a few minutes ago, he has the chance to escape, even tho he knew he will be in trouble.

"I need to get out of here." He growled.

If only he could reach his phone, then he could press the alert button so his brother could track him.


Barry slowly opened his eyes, then saw Iris, who was smiling like a child in Christmas day.

"You're awake!" Iris jumped and hugged him, not thinking.

"Ow ow." Barry winced.

"Oh, sorry." Iris smiled sheepishly and let go of her husband.

"It's ok." Barry smiled.

"Are you alright? You were pretty beaten up." Iris said.

"I'm fine, is Sebastian here?" Barry asked looking around.

"No he isn't here yet." Iris said.

"Wait- if he isn't here...then who patched me up?" Barry asked.

"Caitlin did, Cisco went to her place." Iris explained.

"Oh, do you know where Bas is?" Barry asked once again, Iris just shook her head.

"No, I tried calling him but he wasn't answering." Iris replied.

Barry nodded and layed down, think where Sebastian may be.


"What is he even doing here?" The woman, Maria, asked her brothers and sister.

"He is bait for the Flash, once they noticed he is missing. he'll probably run around the whole world." Raymond said.

"You idiots think he'll fall for your trap?" Sebastian growled.

"Calm down there pretty boy.." Samantha walked up to the cage.

"Your brother will fall for this trap. And probably die." Michael stepped in.

"Don't you dare-" Sebastian got cut off with a tranq dart on his neck.

"He's so annoying." Fredrick said.

So sorry for the wait! But...I have something to say...

I am thinking on holding this book for a while. I am running out of ideas and if once I do. I'll continue. I don't like to discontinue this book. So I hope all of you understand.

For now, I will be making a Glee x Flash book.

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