The Odd One Out

By AnimePhysicist

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In this timeline, Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, masterpiece of the White Room, attends Tokyo Advanced Nurturing High Sc... More

Before you read
Prologue - Opportunity
Chapter 1.1 - Dilemma
Chapter 1.2 - First impressions
Chapter 1.3 - Deception
SS.1 - Ignorance
SS. 2 - Sakayanagi Arisu: Reunion
SS. 3 - Ichinose Honami: A Fateful Encounter
Chapter 2.1 - A Somewhat Normal School Life
Chapter 2.2 - A Tempting Invitation
Chapter 2.3 - The Puppet Master
Chapter 2.4 - The Magician Reveals his Secrets
SS. 4 - Vice-President Ayanokouji
SS. 5 - Horikita Manabu's Soliloquy
Chapter 3.1 - Classroom of The Poor
Chapter 3.2 - Two Sides Of The Same Coin
Chapter 3.3 - Class D's Masked Angel
Chapter 3.4 - Inexplicable Curiosity
SS. 6 - Conflict And Reconciliation
SS. 7 - A New Beginning
SS. 8 - Sudou Ken: Saved From Suspension
Chapter 4. 1 - Forecast Of The Future
Chapter 4.2 - Unfamiliar Territory
Chapter 4.3 - The Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 4.4 - The Stage Is Set
Chapter 4.5 - Declaration Of War And Love
SS. 9 - The Aftermath
SS. 10 - Sakayanagi Arisu - Helping Hand
SS. 11 - A Genius' Considerate Contemplation
Chapter 5.1 - The Zodiac Exam
Chapter 5.2 - A Bizarre Encounter
Chapter 5.3 - To Hide In Plain Sight
Chapter 5.4 - Let There Be Chaos
Chapter 5.5 - All Eyes On Me
SS. 12 - Shiina Hiyori: Book Buddies
Chapter 6.1 - Different Atmosphere
Chapter 6.2 - Delicate Preparations
Chapter 6.3 - Clash of Classes
Chapter 6.4 - Passing The Torch
Chapter 6.5 - A New Era
SS. 13 - A Single Wish
Chapter 7.1 - Intellectual Duels
Chapter 7.2 - Contradicting Truths
SS. 14 - President Ayanokouji
SS. 15 - A Christmas Date
Chapter 8.1 - Starting Over
Chapter 8.2 - Limitless Growth
SS. 16 - Kushida Kikyou: Changing Times
SS. 17 - Cupid's Favorite
Chapter 9.1 - Against The Odds
Chapter 9.2 - So Close Yet So Far
Chapter 9.3 - Closing The Curtains
SS. 18 - The Calm Before The Storm
SS. 19 - Youth Is About To Bloom
Chapter 10.1 - New Year, New Faces
Chapter 10.2 - A Genius' Experiment
Chapter 10.3 - Becoming Human
Chapter 10.4 - To Live Life
Epilogue - Warmth

Chapter 8.3 - Brand New Determination

6.1K 222 34
By AnimePhysicist

Hirata didn't come to class for the next few days, which caused our class to worry.

"Hirata is still absent..."

"What should we do?"

"Sensei, will we lose class points because of this?"

Class D students expressed their worry.

"It's been three days. I'm afraid if this keeps on, Class D will lose more class points," Chabashira-sensei said.

"At this point, class points aren't important. I'm worried about Hirata!"

"Yeah... but he has locked himself in his room for the past days."

"Have you tried talking through the door, Mii-chan?"

Mii-chan was amongst the girls who followed Hirata when he left the classroom after the Class Poll Exam. Apparently, Hirata asked them to leave him alone and went straight back to his room. Mii-chan and a few other girls discreetly followed him and tried to talk to him through his door.

"Yes but... he hasn't said a word to us."

"Say, Horikita, do you know what room Hirata is in?" I asked her.

"Yes. We held a few meetings in his room. He lives in Room 302."

"I see."

"Are you going to go talk to him?"

"Who knows."

"Tch. I hate it when you're vague like that."

Since there weren't any important announcements, Chabashira-sensei used this period of homeroom to answer our questions if we had some and let us chat with our classmates.

Later that afternoon, I decided to head to Hirata's room.

Upon leaving the elevator on the seventh floor, I bumped into Mii-chan who was in tears.

"A-Ayanokouji-kun? Why are you here?"

"I'm here to talk to Hirata."

"To Hirata-kun?"

"Were you talking to him, Mii-chan?"

"Um... yes, I was happy he talked to me... but... he just told me to go away... he said that I was annoying. Do you mind if I stay to listen to you talking to him?"

"I would like to talk to him alone if possible."

"O-Okay," Mii-chan left the seventh floor and entered the elevator.

I walked to Room 302. I first knocked on the door, but heard no response.

"Hirata, it's me, Ayanokouji."

I put my ear on the door to listen for any noise.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here to talk to you."

"Go away."

I sat down on the ground with my back leaning on the door.

"Leave me alone, please," Hirata said.

"Hirata, who do you think is at fault for Yamauchi's expulsion?"

"It's everyone else's fault. They betrayed our agreement."

Knowing my classmates, they probably told Hirata useless things such as we're sorry, it won't happen again, and similar phrases. However, those words don't work. They have the opposite effect.

"Wrong, Hirata."


"It's nobody's fault but yours."


"You heard me. Your incompetence as a leader cost the class."

"Are you kidding me? It's my fault?"

"Who else's fault could it be? It's your fault they betrayed your words. It's your fault you couldn't avoid Yamauchi's expulsion. Look at Class B, they didn't expel a single student. Even so, you could've expected this to happen, and you could've avoided Yamauchi's expulsion with 20 million points."

"What? I don't even have enough points."

"That would be your fault. There are many ways to get private points in this school. It's your fault you couldn't address the shortage of points."

"Still... What you're saying doesn't make sense at all, Ayanokouji!"

"It doesn't, but it's the reality. This is the result of your mentality. The truth is, Hirata, you're not only mad at the class for betraying your words, you're also mad at yourself for not avoiding Yamauchi's expulsion."

"W-what? How did you know?"

"Just a guess."

Hirata didn't say a word. Seems like I hit the weak spot.

I figured Hirata would have that kind of mentality. Someone with his social and academic abilities couldn't possibly be placed in Class D.

If we were to judge him purely based on those things, that is.

Hence, the reason he got placed in Class D is something hidden, something that goes beyond academics or athleticism.

His past.

He got placed in Class D because of his past. That is the only logical possibility.

He probably changed because of his past. However, that was besides the point, I don't need to know what happened.

"I know what you're thinking, Hirata. You want to bring everyone to Class A. But you have to make a choices, Hirata. It is impossible to save everyone while doing so. Especially for someone like you."

"Tch. What's your problem?!"

"If you truly want to save everyone, then you have to put in more effort. Think hard, Hirata. Do you want to aim for Class A or hope to be everyone's savior?"

"I-I don't know... I want to lead the class..."

"I'm afraid if you don't know then you're not fit to be Class D's leader. Simple as that. Unlike Horikita who has her eyes fixed on Class A, you're still stuck in that utopia of yours. However, if you want to keeping staying there, then you have to assume responsibility for everything that happens to everyone. Even if it has nothing to do with you. Doesn't that sound problematic?"

"What the hell are you trying to say?"

Hirata was visibly frustrated by my harsh words.

"There are sacrifices to be made, Hirata. I don't care what happened to you in the past, but if you get over it, then you'll get nowhere in this school. That's the truth."

"Tch. Don't talk about my past."

"You think you've got a harsh past, huh. Sorry to burst your bubble, but everyone in Class D has known suffering in one way or another. You're simply nothing special, Hirata. Don't go thinking that you have to be everyone's savior because of your rough past."

I could hear him crying from outside the door. Perhaps I was a little too harsh, but I wasn't not done yet.

"Decide right now, Hirata, before the class abandons you like you're currently abandoning them."

"I'm not abandoning the class."

"Is that so?"

"...I'll lead them to Class A."

"Even if it means making sacrifices?"


"Even if it means expulsion?"




"Then that's good enough, Hirata."

"Tch. Damn you, Ayanokouji. If it weren't for your betrayals, Class D would be in a much better situation right now. I don't know what you're up to," he half-joked, but I felt like these were his true thoughts.

"You say you want to lead the class to Class A, right?"


"Are you willing to do whatever it takes?"


"Then show me, Hirata."


"Show me that resolve of yours."


The next morning, Hirata came to class, he was close to being late for homeroom. Chabashira-sensei had already arrived.

"Hirata-kun!" Mii-chan was the first to greet him.

"Hirata! You're back!"

"Welcome back!"

"We apologize again!"

"Sorry for worrying you guys," Hirata gently said, "Sensei, can I use the podium? I want to say something to the class."

"Go ahead, Hirata. I don't have anything to announce to the class anyway."

"Thanks sensei," he said as he walked up to the podium.

"I know I've been absent for these past days, but I've been thinking a lot. Yesterday, I decided to put the past behind me. Let's all start over. I want to lead Class D and reach Class A. With the help of Horikita and Kushida, I'm sure Class A is not just a distant dream. I will do everything I can to reach Class A, you have my word."

Yesterday, right before leaving, I told Hirata to not tell the class that I had visited him.

His message got some mixed reactions from the class. One could see how this was unusual coming from Hirata. After all, he had suddenly expressed his desire of reaching Class A. However, they all wanted to reach Class A and supported him.


"This is a new Class D!

The classroom erupted in cheers.

"Thank you all. That is all I wanted to say."

Hirata went to his seat and sat down.

"Impressive, I must say. Let's see how far you guys can go," Chabashira-sensei said, "Let's hope your future results will be an improvement of your previous ones."

"We won't disappoint you, sensei," Hirata said with determination.

"Ha ha ha! This is interesting! I wonder if you monkeys can even reach Class C! Wouldn't it be difficult, Masterpiece boy?" Kouenji suddenly pointed out.

Indeed, it was still difficult for the class to truly move forward, because I was still somewhat of a traitor in their eyes. Even though they didn't have as much hatred as they had in the past, they can't trust me. And with no trust, comes no cooperation. Kouenji knew that.

To truly move forward, they would have to expel me from their class, or at least have me leave their class.

Let's see if Hirata will realize that.

This was a test for Class D.

My curiosity was at its peak.

Just how far can a class initially full of defects go?

That was also one of the reasons I want to transfer classes. I wanted to see how much they can develop on their own.

I hope my questions will be answered in the future.

"Who knows," is all I could say at this point.

"Ha ha! You sure are interesting, Masterpiece boy! I hope you'll entertain me!"

The class looked at us in confusion.

It wasn't long before homeroom ended and class started


"Ayanokouji, here are some of the reports I've started to write. I've talked to the Music Club, the Art Club, and the Swimming Club representatives. They told me they're pretty satisfied with their budget allocation."

I was in the student council room with Asahina. We were sitting next to each other and discussing matters regarding student clubs. Based on last semester's report, I've changed a few clubs' budget. It seemed like those clubs were happy with their new budget.

"I see. That's good to hear. Anything else?"

"Hmm... not much. The clubs I've talked to were all pretty satisfied with their current situation. Seems like you've done a good job, eh?"

"I guess."

"Hmph. Shouldn't you thank your beautiful senpai for all of her hard work?"


"Thank you my beautiful senpai for all of your hard work."

"Hehe~ you're welcome, Ayanokouji. Say, do you even have any big plans as president?" she excitedly asked me, "All you've done so far is just gather reports about clubs and do some small things, no big changes yet."

"Well, the school is in a pretty good spot right now, don't you think, Asahina? I also think it's better for me to think things through. After all, I have a little more than two years left."

"Hmm, I guess you're right, the school is in a good spot. We're doing a good job," she agreed as she gave me a thumbs up.

"It's getting late, how about we end things here?" I said as I looked at the time on my phone, it was almost 6 PM, "You can go on ahead, I'll lock the room."

"Okay!" she said as she stretched her arms, "Ahhh, this work is kind of tiring, but it's fun! I'm glad I'm your secretary, Ayanokouji! I'll be going on ahead then, see you, President!"

She stood up and saluted me. That had become her typical goodbye. I could understand how she was extremely popular in her year. She had a playful side and had good physical features. She was arguably the best second-year candidate for the secretary position.

I cleaned up some things, turned off the lights and locked the room. I walked home alone while lost in my thoughts.

It was true. As President, I haven't made any significant changes to the school... yet.

Although I was President, I wasn't in the best situation in my class.

Most of them still held a grudge against me for betraying them or what not and had their eyes on getting me out of their class.

So that's exactly what I'll do.

Once the second year starts, I'll leave Class D and finally join Arisu's Class A.

From that moment on, the entire school will be my chessboard.


Author's Notes


That's the end of Chapter 8!

I hope you liked it!

Regarding Hirata, his talk with Kiyotaka is different from the one in the LN. Kiyotaka doesn't ask about his past, he kind of brainwashes Hirata into aiming for Class A.

What are Kiyotaka's plans for the school? Who knows.

Anyway, two SS will follow before Chapter 9 that will cover the Event Selection Exam!

See you then!

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