my zombie's heart🤍 - Yoon Gw...

By kunacooky

63.9K 1.4K 1.5K

L/N Y/N is regrettably a part of Myung-Hwan's "Friend Group", however only in private as a way to keep her re... More

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Christmas Special 2022 🎄❄️

♫ 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 (10)

2.5K 62 47
By kunacooky



- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

✑𝘺/𝘯 𝘱𝘰𝘷

"On-jo!" Su-hyeok yelled.
"Y/N!" Cheong-san shouted. They both started running towards us, and Cheong-san pulled me aside while Su-hyeok went to On-jo.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ҽɳԃ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

"What the hell's wrong with you?!"  I stood silently with shame-filled eyes while On-jo stood up.
"You think that everyone is wrong but you," I could see Su-hyeok glaring at me from the corner of my eye, but I kept my head tilted slightly down, wanting to go back in time and stop myself from commiting to such bitch behaviour. 
“...” Staying soundless, I glanced at Cheong-san, who was looking at me with a concerned expression. Surprisingly, he didn’t look pissed at me, and I was confused to see that he hadn’t gone running to On-jo.
“Why are you looking at me like I’m the hurt one? Wouldn’t you much rather help On-jo?” I muttered to him, stepping moderately back.
Cheong-san furrowed his eyebrows, “Because I care about you? Is that bad?”

“Stop being so stubborn,” On-jo looked at me after getting up. The room was mostly quiet, with the exception of some people breathing rather loudly.
“Cheong-san, why won’t you drop that?” I looked over at him to see that he still had the music stand. 
“None of your business.” The ‘argument’ seemed to have died down, and while On-jo went to talk to Nam-ra, who was still sitting on the floor, I glanced over at Cheong-san. 

“So annoying…”
“She literally tried to bite him…yet On-jo’s saying she’s fine.” 
“That’s true…” Cheong-san hummed. “I hope she doesn’t turn. I’m not friends with her, but I bet Su-hyeok will act how On-jo did when we had to say goodbye to I-sak.”
Say what?”
“When I-sak turned?” So that’s what happened to her. 
“I wasn’t there. In fact I didn’t even know about that.” Cheong-san’s eyes widened a slight bit before returning to how they were.
“You didn’t? I thought you would’ve guessed by how she wasn’t with us.” I shrugged.
“I had hope.” He sighed.

Wu-jin suddenly spoke up. “She seems fine. Let’s…”
“She should’ve turned by now,” Joon-yeong approved.
“I’m not okay. I wanted to bite Su-hyeok.” Su-hyeok looked a little panicked as he tried to deny it.
“That’s not true. Stop that.”
“No, I really did. I wanted to bite him.”
“What do you mean?” Cheong-san questioned her.
“That’s all. I wanted to bite him.” Is this a kink? “I don’t think I should stay with you guys. If I hadn’t come to my senses, I would’ve bit him.” 

Su-hyeok intervened again. “Stop that. What’s wrong with you?” 
“I’ll go.” 
“Wait,” On-jo told Nam-ra, before turning to face Cheong-san and I. “Did you see Gwi-nam get bitten by zombies?”
“How many times must we tell you?” I asked her. “We did. And though he got bitten, he seems to have a better brain than yours.
“Do I seriously have to repeat everything I said like 15 minutes ago?!”
“Your stupid ‘theory’?” Su-hyeok asked.
“It’s not stupid, and no! About how I was with Gwi-nam before I came to this room.”
“So did you see him turn?” On-jo queried.
“No, but he definitely ain’t human. Zombies just sniff him and walk away and he’s insanely strong. Like – stronger than those guys in Baki or something…” I trailed off.

“He was really strong when I fought him,” Su-hyeok told us.

“Well there’s no reason for any of you to lie. Maybe Gwi-nam was bitten and didn’t turn.”
“Your point, Miss Judge?”
“In the movies, there are people who are immune,” She continued.

“Still, she tried to bite him,” Ji-min pointed out. “And she could have. Regardless, she isn’t normal.” That’s a harsh way to put it, but it doesn’t mean that it’s not true. “I can’t be with her.”
“Ji-min,” On-jo defended.
“What? Am I wrong?” 
“...I don’t know. I don’t know what we should do.”
“So? What do you want us to do?” 

“Please,” Nam-ra interrupted, standing up. “Don’t fight. If I leave, it’ll solve everything.”
“Don't go. Where would you go? Stop it. Please.” On-jo tried to pull Nam-ra back by her wrist, however she just stopped and stood facing On-jo.
“Let’s not let anyone else die,” On-jo said. “Hyeon-ju’s and I-sak’s hands were very cold before they turned.” She turned to face us. “Nam-ra’s hands are warm. She isn’t a zombie. So let’s just talk about how to get to the roof.”

“I’m gonna jump off of it and flash zombies,” I blurted out, unable to stand the feeling of not having spoken in a few minutes.
“Y/N, shut up,” Cheong-san muttered to me.
Ji-min said, “Let’s not talk about how to get to the roof.” I can tell that she’s still pissed. 
“Ji-min!” On-jo shouted.
“No! She may be fine now, but who knows when she’ll turn? The rest of you say something. This is wrong. She said so herself that she wanted to bite him. She has zombie blood flowing through her veins! Zombies killed my mom and dad.” Those last two sentences sound racially motivated. “My innocent mom…” 

Su-hyeok looked around before going to the door and grabbing something.
“Hey,” he said. “Give me your hand.” He began to tie the cloth that he had picked up, tying his hand to Nam-ra’s.
“What are you doing?”
“Tying our hands together.” 
“Stop it. Stop.” Nam-ra tried to fight against Su-hyeok’s hands, but he was far stronger than her. We all watched silently as we watched the interaction and he held up their now tied hands.

“Happy? She can’t go to you now even if she turns. She can only bite me.” What’s with these very strange kinks about biting?

✩*⢄⢁✧ --------- ✧⡈⡠*✩

All of us sat in the corner of the room whilst Nam-ra and Su-hyeok sat together, facing the window. I sat beside Cheong-san, mindlessly looking into space.
“It’ll all be okay,” On-jo muttered.
“Yo, what if the zombies got on a horse and rode them around town?” I paused for a moment. “Sorry, force of habit.” 
“Hey. If she’s immune, does that mean she’s okay even if she gets bitten?” 
“Ask Y/N, since she knows it all better than anyone,” someone sarcastically spoke.
“No shit, Dae-su, not to be rude.”
“Fuck, I’m so jealous.” 
“I used to be jealous of my great grandparents. Trust me, you’ll get over it,” I mumbled.
Cheong-san furrowed his eyebrows, “Your great grandparents? Why?”
“Because they’re dead.”
“Why do you say such morbid things?”
“Good question.”

“But Nam-ra still has zombie blood flowing in her veins,” Ji-min said.
Joon-yeong looked at her, muttering, “She isn’t completely a zombie.”
“Ugh,” I groaned. “This is such a dead topic…no pun intended. I swear it was an accident.”
“...a hambie?” Dae-su suddenly said.
“What’s a hambie?” Hyo-ryung asked.
“Half zombie?”
“What the hell?”
“It’s like half-half. Like half spicy, half fried…I want fried chicken.”
“Stop it.”

“We haven’t had water for two days,” Joon-yeong told us.
“Is it true we’ll die if we don’t have water for three days?” Dae-su asked everyone.
“I don’t know,” Hyo-ryung said. “Don’t talk to me. I’m hungry.
“Dae-su, don’t you want that soda we had on out way to school?” Wu-jin asked.
“Guys can we get off of the topic of food before I eat someone?” I groaned in hunger and looked through the windows of the doors.
“I want Hot Six with Pocari.”
“I’ll see your soda, Hot Six, and Pocari and raise you an iced vanilla latte.”
“Well,” I continued it. “I’ll see your soda, Hot Six, Pocari and iced vanilla latte and raise you an entire bottle of vodka.”

“How could you think about food with a zombie right here?” Ji-min said. Jeez, she might be competing with me on the bitchiness scale.
“Stop it. Nam-ra isn’t a zombie,2 On-jo defended her.
“That’s still a zombie.”
“Let’s not do that among ourselves. We’re all we have.”

“She’s right,” Hyo-ryung agreed. “Prez is better than Na-yeon.”
“What does Na-yeon have to do with anything? I’m not defending her, but if you don’t like her, wouldn’t you rather not talk about her?” I queried.
“Don’t even say her name. She’s subhuman,” Ji-min complained.
“You were just acting like her..”
“Gyeong-su died because of her—” 
“How would you know that though? It was my handkerchief that was used, to be fair…” 
“So you’re saying that he died because of you?”
“Well what else would it be?”
“You can’t say that you aren’t defending her and then defend her.”
“She’s still a bitch to me. I’m just not blaming something on her.”
“Well, what about Miss Park? Did you magically send a zombie after her?”
“Nah, I was not related in that whatsoever. That’s Na-yeon’s doing.”
“The PTA asked the parents to send stuff before the competition and asked my mom to send some chicken.” Cheong-san broke out of his strangely long silence.
“Chicken? We would have seen it if it were here. There’s nothing here.” Dae-su stood up and looked around.
“There's a dead zombie if you’re that starving,” I signalled to the zombie under the piano.”
“I think we’d turn into zombies. Hold on.” He walked to the storage closet.
“Fuck, maybe it’s in here.” Wu-jin got up and stopped him from opening the door.

“What?” Dae-su looked at him.
“We don’t know what’s in there.”
“We need to eat and survive first.” He wobbled the handle, which didn’t budge. “Fuck it’s locked.”
“It’s locked, damn it.” Cheong-san got up as well.
“Let’s open it.” 
“Find something to open it.”
“Look for something. Hurry.”

✩*⢄⢁✧ --------- ✧⡈⡠*✩

Dae-su tried to pick the lock with some thin metal object, however he wasn’t succeeding in any way. 
“It won’t work? Should we knock it down?” Dae-su banged on the wall rather…lightly.
“Put some power into it. God damn,” I watched his desperate attempt to open the door, and the noise of him banging on the door attracted zombies to the doors. He put his body weight on the door. Nothing. He kicked the door. Nothing.

I stretched my arms above my head. “This is pathetic. Maybe if you opened the door I could have popcorn to watch this entertaining scene with.” Dae-su continued to kick the door, which had created a small dent.
“It’s a fucking wooden door.”
“Hey take it easy,” Joon-yeong panicked as he looked at the zombies starting to gather. “Hey. Keep it down! Quiet!” Why is not one person helping this poor man? I walked over to the door and helped him keep it shut so that it wouldn’t creep open from the zombies force.

“Hey,” Hyo-ryung called to Dae-su. “Stop it.” 
“It won’t work.”
“Because you’re weak,” I raised my voice over the zombies.
“You can’t do any better.”
“I can.”
“Forget it.”
“What a waste of time.” A strange noise began to play from where Ji-min was, and we all looked over to see her with a camcorder.

“Don’t play any music either,” Hyo-ryung told her before Ji-min closed it silently.
“That was music?” I furrowed my eyebrows. All of us had sat back down other than Ji-min, and I turned to Cheong-san.

“I’m hungry.”
“We know.”
“Just let me know if you’re willing to give up a limb…and you guys make too much noise, you attracted zombies which meant I couldn’t sneakily escape the room.”
“You can’t stay silent for 5 minutes.” 
“Because I always think of a joke to say and nobody even appreciates it.”
“If it makes you feel better, I laugh at some of them mentally.”
“That does make me feel better. I’m still scared, though.”
“Huh? You’ve never said something like that before.”
“I’m terrified.” I looked down at the ground, starting to imagine the deaths that most of the people I know would go through. I don’t want “Turned into a zombie” on my tombstone. 

The familiar warm embrace of Cheong-san engulfed me, and I began to feel tears prick at my waterline.
“Cheong-san…” I hiccuped before tightly hugging him back. How about that, On-jo?

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ҽɳԃ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

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