
By honeynoor21

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Amara Hadid is a muslim girl who lives with her mom and regularly volunteers at her local muslim food bank. O... More

Chapter 1 : Who's That
Chapter 2: Ya Allah, Help me
Chapter 3 : Stupid Baldy
Chapter 4: Pill?
Chapter 5: Fajr
Chapter 6 : Whipped Cream
Chapter 7 : Waiter
Chapter 8 : Bathroom break
Chapter 9 : Dresses
Chapter 10 : Cut
Chapter 11 : Smoke
Chapter 12 : Craving
Chapter 13 : Milkshake
Chapter 14 : Goodnight
Chapter 15 : Confront
Chapter 16 : Rain
Chapter 17 : Happy
Chapter 19 : Mom
Chapter 20 : Betray
Chapter 21 : Broken
Chapter 22 : Finally

Chapter 18 : Cell

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By honeynoor21

I brush through my hair while Elias stares at me as he lays on the bed. I pretend I don't notice even though my bright red cheeks say other wise.

I finally got Yusuf to sleep and prayed Isha with Elias. And right after that we had a tickle fight which wasn't fair because he isn't ticklish, but he did try his best to be gentle.

Anyway, I jump into bed next to him...more like half on top of him, but it doesn't faze him since he's huge compared to me. He plays with my hair as I notice his phone next to him. I miss when I had my own phone. I had left it home the day I met Elias.

"I want a phone." I state as we put our palms together comparing sizes.

"You can use mine."

"No I want my own."

"I'll see." Bruh.

I take his phone, "For now I'll use yours though." I unlock it with his face ID.  He barely has any apps. I casually go through his messages and see that it's all guys, good. I go through his photos and see that their all screenshots of files or papers. Boring. I then notice a photo of me at the hospital when Yusuf was born. He was laying on my chest as I looked down at him.

"I never knew you took this." I look up at Elias.

"Well I had to take a photo of the reason I live." He kisses my forehead. I throw the phone to the side.

I push his hair back out of his forehead with both of my hands as I look down at him. I giggle as I then pinch his cheeks.

He stares at me for a moment before gently holding my chin to kiss me, and I mean really kiss me.

I'm on cloud 9 as he flips me over with one hand on the pillow next to me, and the other on the side of my face. He's gorgeous.


I stretch and reach my arm next to me to feel Elias. But there's nothing there. I slowly open my eyes to the sunlight seeping through the window. Where is he.

I freshen up, get changed, and head straight to the nursery. I notice that Yusuf isn't there either. At this point I am slightly concerned as to where they are. I hear a baby laughing from a distance. So I follow the sound down the stairs.

There is a tiny Mercedes with Yusuf strapped into it, driving around the living room. "What the?" I then see Elias following it with a remote controller, also laughing. I really do live with children. "Elias what are you doing?"

"Oh good morning babe." He comes to kiss me on the cheek while making sure to keep an eye on Yusuf. "Isn't this the best thing ever. I ordered a tiny car so he can twin with me." He says proudly.

I cant even be mad at this point. It's cute how he's so happy about something. Especially since Yusuf cant stop giggling out of joy.

"Hey Mar?"


"Did you know that I love you." He says like an excited little boy.

"You did make that pretty clear actually." I smile.

"Last night?" He asks mischievously.

"No!" I almost choke remembering what we did last night. "I mean in like, uh, general." I turn to walk away out of embarrassment.

"I'm kidding." He stops me. "But actually I needed to tell you something. So there's a team I usually play hockey with. It's a muslim organization. But there's a huge tournament tonight, I'd love if you came."

That's actually so cool. Imagine Elias in hockey gear, damn. "I'd love to."

"Good. Now Ill definitely play better with you watching. It's a pretty important game tonight."

Yusuf laughing catches our attention. It occurred to me that I didn't feed him yet. "Did he eat-."

"Yes he did. I had Agnus help me with his baby formula." He follows Yusuf out of the living room. "Don't worry about anything okay babe." He says as he leaves.

I smile to myself as I head to the kitchen.
"Morning Agnus"

"Oh good morning dear. I'll get breakfast started for you."

I sit on the island stool as I stir in creamer for my iced coffee. I don't care what anyone says, call me basic, but iced coffee is elite. The thing is, I actually hated coffee before trying this. It was actually...Zayn who introduced it to me.

He was over at my parents house for eid morning a long time ago. I saw him make an iced coffee and I was so surprised at the concept of putting ice in a hot drink. He noticed and made me one too. You should've seen the look on my face, imagine your crush making you a drink.

Speaking of Zayn, I haven't seen him since the night at that hotel. What happened to him. "Hey Agnus?"


"Do you know anything about where Zayn might be?"

She clears her throat. "Um I have no idea."

" you know anything at all. Elias usually lets you know about everything."

"Mr. Alfera probably let him go after he caught him at the hotel he took you to."

"Probably?" Wait, that doesn't seem like Elias. He would never let someone like that go. "Agnus where's Zayn? Or else I'll have to get it out of Elias."

"Amara, Zayn took you to the hotel in the middle of the night alone, with out anyone knowing. I don't think that's okay-." She begins.

"Agnus where is he?"

"It's not a place for someone like you dear." What does she mean. Just then Elias walks in and kisses my neck from behind. I can feel Yusuf grabbing my hair.

"Isn't mommy the most beautiful girl to exist?" He says to Yusuf.

I turn to look at him and his happy expression changes to confusion. "Everything good Mar?"

Agnus comes and takes Yusuf from Elias, "I'll just take him to the play room." She leaves.

"Where's Zayn?"

I notice him become more tense. "It shouldn't concern you."

"Concern me? Elias I've know Zayn for years. And like I said, he never did anything wrong, it was all my idea." He clenches his jaw.

"Why don't we forget about him." He tries putting his hand on my arm. I move away.
I promised Zayn I'd protect him.

"Elias just tell me where he is." I look into his eyes.

His anger grows visible. "He's been taken care of."

"What does that even mean? Elias I don't care. I need to see him. In real life, now!"

"No you do not." He looks to the side. Who does he think he is.

"Elias if you don't let me see him, I will find a way. And you know I will." With one last look at him I hop off the stool and walk past him, when suddenly I feel someone grab my forearm.

"Wait." He still isn't looking at me but his grip on my arm is pretty tight. "I don't- I don't want you to get hurt. So I'll take you." His voice is dark.

"And I'll go get changed." I try getting out of his grasp but he doesn't let go. "Elias, let go." After a moment I'm freed. I head upstairs to get changed.

Just when I think everything's going well, something has so go wrong. Obviously. My life can never be stress free.

I come downstairs where Elias is leaning on the front door on his phone. He opens the door for me without saying a word and we're on our way.

I can just feel the tension in the air. I feel like Elias has anger issues. It shouldn't affect him if I want to check on Zayn. Zayn's been a family friend from ever since I remember. And since I'm the one who got him into this, I'm the one who should get him out.

We arrive at this weird building. After opening the car door for me, he leads us to an elevator.

Nothing but silence as we descend. The elevator leads to a dark hallway, where eventually, we stop at a metal door. Elias looks at me, and then scans his card on the door as it beeps.

He opens the door, revealing jail cells. Literal prison cells. My lips part in shock. Elias continues walking, so I hesitantly follow him. Each cell includes a bed, toilet, and sink. I see men sleeping, sitting or reading on their beds as their heads turn to look at us.

I suddenly hear a bang on the cell bars, which causes me to grab onto Elias's arm. He moves his arm away from me, which kind of hurt my feelings but instead, he holds my hand. Even though Im mad at him right now, I am scared.

We stop in front of a cell where I see Zayn sitting on the bed. "Zayn-."

He looks up at me. "Amara, Is that you?" He comes closer to the bars.

Just then Elias's phone rings. He looks to me before he answers the phone and walks away. 

I turn back to Zayn. "Yes it's me." I come closer. "Are you okay?"

"I guess." I notice a bruise on his jaw.

"Did someone hit you?"I ask worriedly.

"It's okay. It's what I deserve-."

"No. Zayn no you don't. It was never your fault, it was mine. I'm so sorry."

I can hear him whimper. "Is he- still here." He looks around.

"No. He's on the phone." I wipe a tear that I didn't know was there.

"Amara I don't regret a thing okay? Don't feel bad." He tries reassuring me

"Zayn you helped me. I'll be forever grateful that you were always there for me." I hold one of the cell bars. I can see a single tear in his eyes. His whole life is destroyed, he finally got a job and now he's in prison getting beaten.

"Amara, I'd do anything for you. And I mean anything. I'll always be there for you. I always was..."

Was? "What do you mean?" I ask.

"For however long I've know you, I've always been there for you. I was just waiting for you to call."

"What-." It can't be."Yes I remember you at my dad's funeral when you brought me candy-."

"Amara I mean I loved you. For over a decade I could not get my mind off you." He cuts me off.

I'm shocked. I am completely out of words...



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