Choni: haters to lovers

By Combinios_2

410 10 16

It's a choni story wow includes bughead varchie choni kangs Anywho... It all started with the move between... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
A/N / venting

Chapter 1

146 2 4
By Combinios_2

No one's POV:

Today was the day that all the southsiders moved to riverdale high shall we begin...!

Toni's POV:
I hear my alarm go off for 5:30 because I want to actually have breakfast and be early plus I have to wake up cooper (SweetPea's twin brother yes I know unexpected) and SweetPea. SweetPea, cooper and I have been best friends ever since we were 4 years old our parents knew each other so that's how we met. We all decided to put in late shifts at the Wyrm to get paid extra so we could afford a trailer, update we have the trailer and motorcycles so thats cool.

I get up and rub my eyes so I could see clearly and went straight to my closet to put on a plain white cropped shirt and my serpent jacket with a pair of blue jeans.

Toni's outfit

After I finished getting changed I walked over to our tiny bathroom and brushed my hair and then brushed my teeth.

As I leave the bathroom I see cooper and SweetPea sleeping peacefully on the pull out sofa bed, anywho I walk over to the kitchen and grab eggs from the fridge as I wait for them to start cooking i plop some bread in the toaster and grab three plates as I hear sizzling from my pan I flip the three eggs over and wait for the other side to cook.

I hear the toast pop up and I go over to put butter on them of course I put more butter on mine cause the boys don't really like that much but I clearly do.

10 minutes later

I checked my phone for the time and it was 7:35 so I decided that i should wake the boys up cause school starts at 8:15 and we don't wanna make a bad impression, I started blasting a alarm noise loud enough for them to wake up.

"HOLY FUCK TONI SHUT THAT OFF" I heard SweetPea yell.


"CAN YALL STOP FUCKING SCREAMING" cooper interrupted us as he got up and went to the washroom.

Coopers POV:

As I woke up to the noise of Toni and SweetPea arguing I got up and walked to the washroom to get changed I put on my serpent jacket and a white shirt with black jeans with chains on them.

Coopers outfit

I walked back to the where Toni and SweetPea were and they were talking about something stupid as always but it's fine cause it's funny to watch.

"Sweets you should go get changed now" I said as I walked towards the table and sat down.

"Oh right I forgot I was in my pjs" he says with little chuckles.

SweatPea's POV:

I walked in to the bathroom and got changed into my plaid serpent jacket that buttons up and put on jeans.

SweetPea's outfit

I looked at my phone and it was already 7:55 so I ran out of the bathroom and sat down at our small dinner table and started munching on my food since the others already ate.

It was now 8:00 so we all got on our motorcycles and headed to school since it was a ten minute ride.

Toni's POV

It was currently 8:10 so I waited for the boys to arrive but as I was sitting on the bench outside of the school I saw a red 2017 BMW M6 park right in the centre parking lot and just as I thought it couldn't get better a girl with shining red hair dressed in a red crop top with black tight jeans stepped out of the car with the most beautiful face ever when I tell you she's hot she is most definitely HOT.

"Might wanna close your mouth don't wanna catch a fly do you?" Cooper said laughing causing me to jump in shock.

"What the hell coop don't ever do that again" I said in a threatening tone.

"Sorry t but who were you even looking at" cooper said.

"It was the redhead over there" I say pointing to her quickly.

"DAYUUM" SweetPea said which caused us to laugh.

"Anywho we should head in now considering the fact it's 8:12" I said and we started walking inside the school.

We walked to the mini welcome table at the front entrance hallway, there was a raven haired girl and a red headed boy behind the table making out (IM SORRY I JUST HAD TO LMAOOO).

"Sorry to interrupt but we are the new southsiders from south side high and we were just wondering what to do" I said holding a laugh in.

"Oh yes sorry I'm Veronica and this is Archie we will be the ones giving you your locker numbers and schedules" she says enthusiastically while giving us our sheets.

"Thanks" we all said and left to our first class but as I was walking I saw the beautiful redhead again *I guess we had the same class* I thought.

I walked into history class and sat at the back table and I guess there was no more available seats so the redhead had to sit with me.

As she walked over she rolled her eyes WHICH WAS EXTREMELY HOT.

"Listen here you serpent trash I have no time for underachievers like you so don't bother talking to me" she said and I just couldn't stop admiring her presence.

"Hellooo do you understand me?" The redhead asked but this time it had a bit of sass, I just nodded and turned my attention to the teacher.

"Okay class so today we will be doing group projects and because I don't want to make this hard so your partner is the person your sitting next to, also this is due in two days so you better get started with the little time we have right now" The teacher said after explaining what the project was.

I looked over to the redhead and she sighed and I was about to say something but then she interrupted me.

"We can work at the project at my place also my name is Cheryl, Cheryl Blossom so call me by my name got it?" She told me.

"Nice name, my name is Toni also where is your house so I know where to go after school?" I asked her.

"Here give me your phone so I can put my phone number in and I'll just text you the address" Cheryl said and I handed her my phone.

After school

I walked up to the boys and told them I won't be home till later cause I'm going to Cheryl's place for the project, they just nodded and left.

As I reached Cheryl's house I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Hey Toni come in" Cheryl said as she opened the door.

"Thanks" I said while blushing a little bit too little she didn't notice.

"Also don't get too attached this is just for the project I don't think people would like if I'm friends with a serpent, sorry" she said sadly.

I gave out a sad smile "it's fine Cheryl I completely understand you have to keep your impression of the sassy bitch to fit in" I said understanding why she couldn't be seen with a serpent like me.

She just smiled at what I said and lead me to her room, we started doing the project.

Cheryl's POV (finally)

Hours into working the project I dropped my pencil by accident and Toni reached to get it but I couldn't help but stare at her ass.

She gave me my pencil and I said thanks and we just stared at each other straight in the eye and we both started leaning in, then Toni closed the gap between us with her lips on mine.

She pulled back "I-Im so sorry I think I should get going the boys are probably worried" she started rambling so I just kissed her again so she would calm down.

"Why don't you stay over my mom won't be here for the week so it's fine" I said while blushing.

"Are you sure that's okay" Toni asked.

"Yeah and I probably won't even fall asleep if I'm alone" I said.

"Okay then let me text the boys that I'm staying over so they don't freak out at 3 in the morning" she said while letting out a small laugh.

As soon as she texted them I told her I was gonna get changed and gave her some shorts and a soft hoodie so I could lay on her but she doesn't know that yet.

We both finished changing. " let's watch a movie" I said.

"What movie do you want to watch" she asked me.

"Tangled" I said and she turned it on.

Toni's POV
30 minutes into the movie.

As I was watching the moving I noticed cheryl was almost asleep so I decided to turn it off and let her sleep.

She latched on to my side which I thought was cute so I laid down on my back and she started laying her head on my chest still attached to my side and I wrapped my arms around her waist and fell asleep.

What did y'all think of this? I hope you enjoyed it anywho I'll try getting another chapter up by tmrw goodnight 🌝!

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