The Inheritance II Bloodlines...

By BlkQween

691 149 17

Upon reaching the remarkable age of 18, Samira Waterstone ascended to the throne of Etharkia, marking several... More

Queen Samira
Shahid's Embrace
Rise & Shine
Marriage Promise
Join Souls
Love Me More
Journey East
We Go East
The Voyage
Locked In The Mirror
Business Talk
Queen's Advisor
Party Ready
Obsidian's Date
Birth Right
Day Trip
Early Birthday Gift
A Day At The Beach
A Daughter's Love Final Chapter

Mirror Image

14 5 0
By BlkQween

Chapter 12

Samira tied the gold rock to the end of a rope she heard Jakar yell HELL YES! Samira smiled. Samira! How much is down there! It's laying around like eggs Jakar!

Jakar and the men smiled Samira wrapped her self in the rope she held Shahid's hand her head light Shining in his face she vlew a kiss at him causing him to smile.

Look at you! Ahmad kissed her your shining in hold dust the men took a photo of her in the sun smiling. Shahid brushed himself off the men laughed at him lighting Cigars Samira and Jakar got out the mirror.

You okay? Yes papa come lets finish so we can eat a dinner we earned. He kissed her cheek happy he came. They kept walking SHADOW'S! DO YOUR FUCKING JOB CHECK THE GROUND BEFORE I WALK ON IT! She yelled in Shadow speak. ARE YOU TRYING TO GET ME KILLED?! I RELY ON YOU TO BE MY EYES! I LOVE YOU! Shahid grinned because they were the only two there that knew shadow speak.

The rider's laughed at her fire tounge. In Etharkian they said to Ahmad that's the male in her speaking. Samira answered them back in Etharkian that's the fire of my father Onsidian in me we all know he can cuss up a storm when he is upset since he was a child I got it honest.
They chuckled because she knew the launguage now.

The crew of rider's came to a hault JAKAR! He ran to the front as the crew of explorer's stared in shock. 

Can't be Jakar said. This us why I said we need to check all side's of Etharkia. All of you laughed at me I see you aren't laughing now as they stared into a second mirror.

Two day's earlier

Cypher closed his eyes in a dark room with Etharkian markings in white chalk on the floor and wall's.

Rachelle knocked in the door. What!? What are you doing? She opened the door in the basement to the black room with white wall markings.

When she walked in she smiled Necromancer? Cypher smiled I dabble he grinned. What are you trying to do Cypher? I'm trying to get home mother. Why? To kill Ahmad that's why. Cypher I--

What! He stealing my birth right! He your son tossed you and my father out of Etharkia! I deserved it Cypher I Killed Carlise. Okay but what did Idris do? He cosigned with me he knew and said nothing Cypher we've been over all of this as she sipped henny and dragon drops. You do know you're not supposed to mix sacred blood with Alcohol? Rachelle looked at the books he had spread out.

You stole these from the priests. Stole? The books belonged to my father by law I can't steal what belongs to Idris.

Now go mother. No Cypher she grabbed him hugging him i finally get to be your mother openly if you go back to Etharkia Jakar and Obsidian will kill you!

Samira won't kill me mother it's not in here the people here are like sheep she was raised as one of them a sheep.

She will respect my position she will be my wife and she will have my children. Cypher I--

Mother please go Idris! He came to get Rachelle you knew? Yes Rachelle let the boy work.

Cyrus coated the sacred circle of Etharkia with dragon blood, he lay in the circle cutting his wrist suicide deep.

His blood flowing onto the lines made from dragon egg shells and salt.

Cypher was dying when the circle was full of his blood and lined in his blood it lit a bright silver and black lifting him off the floor. As a child and dragon blood descendant of Etharkia the circle recognized his lineage allowing him access.

When he looked at his wrist the incantation healed him as a native son.

Cypher laughed clapping wickedly yelling excited Idris grinned proud of his first born son.

Cypher stood before a mirror to Etharkia.

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