Storm in Ocean

By Scratch_your_head

678K 16.4K 3.4K

Amelia McCarthy; a 21 year old young girl, coming from a good family. She is a lively college student, majori... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Book Cover 2
Chapter 51
Character Aesthetics
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Book Cover 3
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Book Cover 4
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Book cover 5 (Fan Edition 1)
Chapter 72
Book cover(s) 6 (Fan Edition 2)
Character Aesthetics 2
Outfits 2
Character Aesthetics 3
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Lil Facts
Vincent, Terrance, Felix × Crystal
Seth × Melody
Zeke × Trisha
2. Shnelle × Ashwin
2. Vincent, Terrance, Felix × Crystal
2. Seth × Melody
Sia × Samrath
New Book

Chapter 7

10.2K 219 27
By Scratch_your_head

"I'm almost done" Gracie said giving a final touch to the written part of their project.

"Bravo Grace" Shay taunted. Gracie glared at her.

April came out of her room; "Okay, how do I look?" She asked swaying around.

"Fine, just get ready" Shay said.

"Slutty" Gracie snickered, April threw her makeup brush at her which she successfully dodged.

"You look good April" Amelia said. She just informed Ajax that she was going to the department.

"What's the occasion?" She asked.

"She has her eyes set for a new guy" Shay said.

"Who? Do we know him?" Amelia asked.

"Nah, he is some new play boy from Fine arts block" Gracie said. She packed her laptop.

"Yes he is and he is quiet fine" April bragged.

"And I'm going to get him by the week" She said.

"For the week" Shay smirked.

"May be!" April winked and the girls laughed.


"So how is my future girlfriend today?" Dylan asked as he came in the cafeteria. He slinged his arm on Amelia's shoulder. She laughed at his silliness. He was a sweet and funny guy unlike certain someone.

"I'm not your future girlfriend Dylan" She said.

Dylan formed his lips in a pout; "Why not? I'm so young and handsome, it's my age to date" He said.

"Then go date someone else, Amy isn't available" Gracie said.

"Isn't available?" Kane asked.

"Is she in a relationship?" Kyle questioned.

The girls panicked at Gracie's mistake.

"She means that Amy is already in a relationship with her studies. She is reserved for her books only" Shay did a save.

"Oh yeah! That's quiet right" Kyle said.

"Then adopt me as a puppy, look how cute I am" Dylan made his pout bigger.

"I will even give you licks and kisses" He said and poked his tongue out to pretend licking her face.

"Eww.... " She said and tried to get away from him, laughing at his antics.

"Get away from our Amy, you doggo" Shay hit him with her book.

"Cruel" He said.


The girls were walking towards the girl's dorm area where their apartment was. Amelia stopped in her tracks with wide eyes. Her friends looked at her confused. They followed her line of sight and saw Ajax Santiago leaning on his expensive car. There were five black tinted cars and many guards. The dorm girls were looking at him stunned. Some were crushing at him while some were just surprised by his presence.

Ajax smirked as he saw his girl stopping a few steps away from him. Like that could stop him from reaching her. He straightened up from his leaned position and walked towards her. With his every step, Amelia could feel those fearful and weird sensations coming back in her body which she would always get in his presence.

"Hello love!" He said as he approached her. He cupped her left cheek and placed a kiss on her right one. She didn't say anything, didn't even greet him. She wasn't happy with his visit and he should know it. But did he care? No.

"What are you doing here?" April asked in an angry tone from beside her. Amelia's fear increased at her bold tone when the man in front of them could kill her with a snap of his fingers. His men were carrying guns and they came inside college premises without any trouble.

Nobody stopped them. The dean must have known of his frequent visits. The girls had concluded that he had fed some money to the dean too. And besides money, his visits were a benefit to the college's reputation anyway.

Ajax looked at April with his deep eyes. Anger was visible in them. His face was poker but his eyes always looked angry. Like there was a storm in them. His eyes would only soften for his Lia. But that softness was harshness to her. She was a very delicate girl, easily gets scared.

"I'm here to spend some time with my girl" Ajax stated.

"She is t-tir.... " Shay tried to say but he cut her off.

"Let's go inside" He said as he placed his arm on Amelia's waist. He entered in their apartment with her and took her to her bedroom. She wanted to tell him that they could sit in the living area where her friends could see her but his strong grip on her waist told her that he wasn't in the mood to stay away from her.

She sat on her bed and he sat beside her. She hadn't said a word till now. He looked at her face for few seconds and then asked his usual question; "How is my girl?" Amelia hated being called his girl.

"F-fine" She mumbled looking at her lap. He shifted closer to her; "I missed you love" He said and hugged her body. He moved his face in her neck and inhaled her scent. She stiffened in her place at his sudden act. She wanted to push him away but forced her hands to remain in her lap. He didn't like her resistance.

Suddenly his arms around her body tightened. He moved his head out of her neck and looked at her with his hard gaze. "You have someone else's scent on you" He said. She looked at him and shuddered at his hard eyes. He looked angry.

"Who the fuck were you with?" He asked pulling her arm. His mood changed in seconds. She shuddered in fear. She remembered that Dylan had kept his arm around her all day. She shivered at the thought, she couldn't tell Ajax about him. She didn't know what he would do to him.

"M-my f-friends" She stuttered.

"Which friends?" He asked.

"S-shay, Ap-pril, G-gracie..." She mumbled.

"You have a man's scent on you. Do you think I'm a fool?" He asked with harsh voice. He left her arm and fisted his hands. He didn't want to hurt her in his anger.

"No-o" She said with a low scared voice.

"Then tell me who the fuck was he Lia?" He asked.

"K-kane and K-kyle" She tried to say and controlled her tears.

Ajax knew that Kane was Gracie's friend. "Who the hell is this Kyle?" He asked. Amelia was terrified with his look right now. She hadn't seen him this angry before.

"A-a... F-friend" She said.

"I will kill that bastard!" Ajax yelled.

"No!" Her voice came out loud in fear.

"What did you say?" He pulled her arm and brought his face closer to hers.

"I.... I... I" She couldn't form words in terror.

"What?" He roared.

"H-he li-ikes S-shay" She closed her eyes and said it. No words were said after that. She opened her eyes after few seconds to look at Ajax. His eyes seemed a little calm now.

"You won't like the consequences love if you will ever try to lie to me." He said. Absolute fear had surged in her body but she couldn't risk telling him the truth.

"Understood?" He asked. She nodded her head. "Verbal answers love" He said. "Yes" She was relieved that he was back to calling her love. She hated being called with an endearment by him but she had come to know that whenever he uses his own given nickname for her, he would be talking strictly. So she was forced to prefer the endearment from him as it ensured his good mood.

"Another thing, Don't get too close to these guys or I will kill them. Their safety is in your hands. Don't let them touch you" He said. She nodded.

"Now go and change" He told her. She instantly nodded and got up from the bed to go to the washroom. She would gladly grab the opportunity of getting away from him, even if it was for few minutes only. Ajax stared at her as she closed the washroom door.

He sighed and tried to calm down his anger. Her eyes told him that she wasn't telling the truth completely. But it didn't matter, he would find it sooner or later. And when he does, he would not let her off the hook. He smirked.

His eyes scanned her room. It was pretty girlish. Her sheets were in baby blue colour. There were some photo frames of her and her family on the shelf. She was smiling in the pictures. She had never smiled around him, not even a slight ghost of it.

Fear was her only constant expression when he was around. He wanted to see her smile but it didn't seem possible anytime soon. She was scared of him and wanted to do nothing with him.

His eyes scanned her walls. They were decorated like a college dorm. Some art and craft stuff was also up there. He wondered if she made it. She had made huge angel wings on the bed side wall. It looked awesome, she was good at this. The flowers and other decorations were also amazing. A few paintings were also hung, her taste was good. He turned around when he heard her coming out of the washroom. She was in soft pajamas now.

She looked at where he was standing and stood at her place with eyes casted down. "Come here" He ordered her. She reluctantly took steps towards him and stopped at his arm reach. He wrapped his arm around her back and pulled her towards his body. She gasped as her front pressed against his chest. He stiffled a groan as he felt her soft boobs pressed up against his hard chest.

"I don't like the distance between us. Always stay close to me love" He said as he held her chin and made her look at him. "Yes?" He asked and she nodded.

"Now, do you want to eat something?" They sat on the bed. She had come back from her class and he thought that she must be hungry. She shook her head. "Why?" He asked.

"I-I ate in the c-cafeteria" She said in a small voice. Finally! Some words. He loved to hear her angelic voice but she never really talked to him. She would always nod or shook her head at his questions. And if he would press more, he would get a yes or a no. He would love to hear her rambling to him about her day. But even in their night calls she wouldn't say much.

"What did you eat?" He asked. He rested his back against her headrest and made her press against him.

"T-tortilla... T-tortilla wraps" She stuttered at his closeness. She wanted to get away but his arms were tightly wrapped around her. He always had strong grip on her. He was a big man and she was a timid girl. His arms felt way too strong for her.

"Okay. You want to go somewhere out?" He asked. He could spend the whole day with her in that small room of hers and not get bored but he wanted to see her happy. May be she would like to go on shopping. All the girls he had known, loved doing that. Or may be she would like to dine in a top notch hotel or just simply any fun place.

She shook her head. It was fine with him. He moved the hairs from her shoulder and lowered his head in the crook of her neck. She fisted his shirt in her hands as his lips met the sensitive skin of her neck.

"I-I... " She squirmed and tried to get away but couldn't. She wanted to stop him from placing kisses on her neck. Also, she wanted to talk to him about something. "A-ajax?" She called. His kisses stopped. He moved his head out of her neck and said; "Yes love!" His gave her his whole attention.

She fiddled with her fingers. "You want to say something love?" He asked as his thumb rubbed circles on her waist. "I...w-was just sa-ying that a-all the s-tudents at the c-college and t-the gi-irls d-orm stare w-eirdly when y-you c-come h-ere" She said, her stuttering was bad. His mood changes within mini seconds and she didn't want to risk it.

"Who cares about them. If I want to come and meet my girl, I will come." He stated.

"B-but it l-looks we-eird w-hen y-you come in a c-college" She said. He knew what she was doing. Wow, his innocent little girl was trying to manipulate her way. Those bitchy friends of her must be filling her mind with this trash. He didn't like them, specially the hooker.

"Oh so it's like that" He said and she nodded her head. Hope bubbled in her, may be he wouldn't come now.

"No problem love, we can meet somewhere out or at my place. I will love to take you to my house, afterall it will be your forever home" He said. Her heart dropped in her stomach. She couldn't go to his house. God knows what he would do to her. What if she got him angry? He would probably torture her in his basement or feed her to his dogs. Mafia men always have some dark torture rooms.

"N-no.... I-its fine h-here" She immediately said. He smirked which told her that he already knew what she was trying to do. "Are you sure love?" He asked getting closer to her face.

"Y-yes!" She said....

"So what do you do after classes?" He asked. She didn't want to have any conversation with him but she had to answer him. His thumb was rubbing small circles on her waist as he wait for the answer making her more nervous. "I-I... " She stuttered and trailed off.

"You?" He asked, the more he wanted to hear her voice, the more she was getting nervous. "I-I do my chores, i-if it's m-my turn" She said. She would clean her room almost daily before going for classes. But if it was her turn to clean living room or kitchen, she would mostly do it after classes.

Ajax frowned; "What chores?" He asked. "C-leaning living room and kitchen, s-sweeping, d-dusting, cleaning webs" She said, he was asking so many questions. May be he didn't believe that she was telling the truth so she named the chores to explain that she actually has work.

"And what do you do after?" He asked. "I g-get in b-bed with sn-acks to watch my s-season" She said, still nervous about his closeness and all the questions. He was trying to know her routine. He was also enjoying talking to her, which was only possible if he would ask questions and she would be forced to answer. So he did it, to hear her sweet and timid voice.

"Okay" He placed a soft kiss on jer cheek.


They were laying in the bed watching "Modern Family". Ajax had asked her about the current season she was watching. She had some episodes downloaded so they got in the bed to watch it. One of his men had come to give them snacks after he texted something on his cell phone, which were a lot.

Amelia wasn't comfortable with him but her favourite season was helping overcome her anxiety. She tried to focus on the mobile screen while Ajax focuses on her. He would place a kiss on her head or stroke her hair or glide his hands on her back or stomach. She had tried to squirm away from him but he didn't let her. She knew that it would only anger him so she stayed still and prayed that he would leave soon.

He left after two hours but not before placing kissed on her face. After he left Amelia came out of her room and was surprised to find out that his people had cleaned the whole house. She had lightly mentioned wifi problems when she had to tell him that she wasn't able to download episodes in her room for some days. She had to come out in the living room near the device for strong signals.

Gracie told her that one of his men came and solved the issue in the device. April told her how funny his men looked while doing their dishes. Amelia laughed with her friends and made jokes but she didn't like any help from Ajax.


Next day they had college again. It was only for a few hours but they had to go. Gracie had the most trouble waking up. Shay and April were done with their morning work out when Gracie woke up and got ready for class like a zombie.


"How was your new guy last night?" Kane asked.

"He was good, we had fun. I guess I'm inviting him to the next party" April said.

"Wow play girl!" Gracie teased.

"Shut up Gracie" April said.

"What about you guys?" Kane asked Shay and Kyle.

"I had fun bro but I don't know about this Miss cold shoulder here" Kyle bitched about Shay.

"I've already told you that I'm not interested" Shay said bored.

"Why?" Kyle asked whining.

"Yes why Shay? Why are you not interested in our Kylie?" Amelia joked. Kyle poked his tongue out at her.

"Not only Kyle, I'm not interested in any guy" Shay said.

"Well then, only girls are left" Dylan said.

"And why are you here today?" Shay asked.

"You know about my daily trials of hitting on my beautiful crush" Dylan said wiggling his eyes at Amelia.

"Nah... " She said getting away from his forwarding hands. He was moving them like a spider on her arm. She didn't want his scent on her again. Or the devil would take away her soul.

"Don't change the topic Shay" She said.

"Yes, if you don't want to date the guys only girls will be left" Gracie said.

"And even if you want to date girls our Kylie Jenner here would be available" April teased.

Kyle scrunched his face at her; "Piss off!" He said.

"But yeah I can accept that name only for my lovely girl" He tried to act cheesy.

"I just don't want to date guys yet" Shay said sternly and everyone stopped teasing her. They knew she wasn't over her last break up. Her stupid boyfriend cheated on her.

"But we can always think about me here, girlies" Dylan divverted the conversation towards him.

"Girlies? Ewww... " Gracie gagged.

"Why are you even here? We are not your group" April said.

"Rude" Dylan mumbled.

"Well then go to your own group where you belong Dylan" Amelia said.

"And where we wouldn't have to see you daily" Shay said.

"You girls are really bitchy" Dylan said.

"The guys of this group are bitchy too" Kane said.

"I like this group" Dylan high-fived.

"At least you can hit on someone else, other than our young baby here" Kyle said.

"Only by a year" Amelia tried to snarl at him.

"Well you know, I'm a cool guy. Not too cool to date Miss. Ape and not so lazy to date Miss. Grace. Miss, Shay Shay here is giving a No-No vibe. So that leaves Miss. Young for me to date" Dylan said.

"And you are going to get your ass kicked by these misses" April showed him her heel clad feet.


"You aren't going?" Amelia asked.

"No, I will walk you to your dorm" Dylan said walking beside her. He placed his arm on her back. She wanted to tell him 'No' but didn't want to be anymore rude after their go away bickering at cafeteria. Dhe feared Ajax, he met her yesterday, he wouldn't come today. That's what she hoped, she could easily shower and change her clothes before the devil sniffs her like a dog. She tried to assure herself.


They walked to their apartment. Just as she turned the corner, she saw Ajax standing in front of her dorm door. His cars and guards were beside him as usual. Her chest constricted in fear when his eyes met hers. His eyes travelled to Dylan's hand on her waist. She could see the anger raging in them. In that moment, she wanted earth to swallow her.

He marched towards her and jerked Dylan's hand off her waist. Dylan groaned at the sudden move. "What the hell man?" He asked. He looked at who attacked him out of nowhere and was surprised to see the big, tattooed, muscular guy in front of him.

Before he could say anything else, a hard punch was thrown to his face. "Dylan!" The girls screamed. They tried to get to him but Ajax's guards stopped them. None of them touched Amelia. She was standing like a statue in her place. She was shocked to see what was happening in front of her. She knew that Ajax was dangerous and his threats were real but she never really imagined for him to beat someone like shit.

Dylan got up with difficulty and asked with heavy breaths; "What is wrong with you?"

"You touched my girl!" Ajax roared to his face. He hit him again and again. Dylan tried to fight back but his strength was nothing in comparison to him.

"Ajax!" Amelia shouted. She instantly regretted when his silver eyes snapped to where she was. He was beyond angry. He kicked Dylan one more time who was laying on the ground and marched towards her. He held her wrist and dragged her towards his car. "W-what are you doing?"

"Let me go!" She screamed and tried to get away but he dragged her to his car and pushed her inside. Her friends yelled at him to leave their friend but he didn't listen to anyone. He saw red. His guards also dragged Dylan who was almost unconscious, to one of their trucks and threw him in it.

The cars left leaving dust and smoke.


The car stopped in front of a large house. It was Ajax's villa in the city. His main mansion was far away and kind of hidden.

"Let me go!" Amelia screamed as Ajax forcefully dragged her out of the car and took her inside the house. She was screaming and pleading him to let her go but he didn't listen. She tried to get her wrist out of his hand but couldn't. She hit his strong arms but his grip didn't loosen. She stumbled as he dragged her through the hall and up the stairs to his room.

He opened the door and pushed her on the bed. Amelia screamed as her body met the soft mattress. Silence fell in the room, both of them were breathing heavily. Ajax looked like he would flare fire through his nose. He took off his suit jacket and threw it on the couch. He angrily paced in the room. Amelia turned on the bed and looked at him, scared.

"He touched my girl" Ajax said. Amelia kept looking at him.

"He fucking touched my girl!" He roared and she screamed in fear.

He took fast steps towards her. She tried to scurry away from him but he held her arm and pulled her up from the bed.

"Who the hell does he think he is!" He yelled, this time in her face. She was so scared, her body was trembling in fear and her breathing was uneven.

"H-he i-is j-just a-a f-friend" She tried to squeak out hoping that it would calm his anger. Dylan only touched her back, it wasn't like they were kissing. She didn't understand why was he making such a big deal out of it.

Ajax roared an evil and humourless laugh. Amelia looked at him in fear. She knew that nothing good was going to come next. She screamed in pain when he pulled her hair. "He has a fucking crush on you and you are telling me that he is just a friend. Just a friend doesn't touch your waist" He spat. She looked at him in shock. How did he know?

"What? You thought you would lie to me; Ajax Santiago and I will never find out" He said. This increased her fear. She tried to get her hair out of his hand but he pulled them more making her whimper. Her scalp burned, his grip was too strong.

"You fucking lied to me when I clearly told you that you shouldn't ever dare lie to me" He spoke.

"I-i am s-sorry, p-please let me g-go" She pleaded. She didn't really lie to him, she just hid some information.

"No! I need to teach my girl a lesson. So she will never dare lie to me again" He roared and pushed her on the bed. She fell on her back. Before she could compose herself, he was on top of her. She pushed him and tried to get away but he brought her right under him.

"P-please l-let m-me g-go, l-leave m-me" She begged him but he didn't listen. She desperately tried to get out of his grip. He forced her down and sat on her waist. His body weight kept her in place as he leaned forward to take something out of his side drawer. Fear increased in her when she saw what it was.

"N-no, p-please" She cried seeing the handcuffs.

"I told you, I hate your resistance but you never stop. This is how you will get treated when you won't listen to me" Ajax said. He took her hands in his grip. Amelia squirmed and struggled to get away but he forcefully cuffed her hands above her head and to the bed post.

She pulled at her now cuffed hands but they were securely restrained. He lowered his head to her face and roared; "You are mine!" He captured her lips in a hard kiss. The kiss was nothing like he gave her on the cliff. It was harsh and forceful. He forcefully devoured her lips, claiming them as his. He sucked on her lower lip and bit on it for her to open her mouth.

She didn't want his tongue down her throat but his bite was harsh and painful and she had to open her mouth in a whimper which gave him a chance to completely claim her mouth with his sinful tongue. Tears started flowing from her eyes. She couldn't move her hands to push him away.

She tried to kick him with her legs but he locked them in his own giving her no movement to struggle. She cried which was muffled by his ongoing kiss.

After few minutes of forcefully kissing her, he left her lips. She looked in his silver eyes, totally out of breath. His eyes seemed darker than their usual colour and they held a ferocious look.

"You will learn not to lie to me, love" He said as he burried his face in the crook of her neck and started placing harsh kisses on her soft skin. She whimpered when he harshly kissed a spot on her neck. It was her sensitive point. She shuddered when he moved his tongue on that spot. Her screams filled the room when he harshly bit her skin.

She trembled and tried to shook him off but he kept biting her. Her smooth skin was between his hard teeth and it hurt a lot. After few minutes of harshly biting her, he left her skin and said: "No one will ever dare touch what's mine."

She was crying and drained of energy. Her active nerves had taken a toll on her. He moved from her neck to her shoulder and ripped her dress. She screamed in fear as he hungrily kissed her shoulder and collar. His hands moved on her thighs. He moved her dress aside and ran his hand on her skin. His other hand was holding her waist down. "No!" She screamed but he had no effect. He was busy in claiming her skin.


He felt her writhing stop beneath him after few minutes. He lifted his head from her shoulder and saw that she had passed out.


>There is an instagram page for the fans of this story. Do check it out here,

>I will be posting some pictures and gifs related to the chapter and our main leads on my Instagram account. It will be fun and you guys can enjoy it.



Words count: 4813

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