Hotter than the blazing sun

Por PrincessMonisola

15.4K 454 38

Ballo Blunt was the hottest thing the earth could offer and he always got everything he wanted. He met Prince... Más

Chapter 2- You look stunning babygirl
Chapter 3-Was that your first time?
Chapter 4-You have beautiful eyes.
Chapter 5-Your fashion sense is amazing
Chapter 6- I want you
Chapter 7-Spokane falls
Chapter 8-This was a sham
Chapter 9- Invisible
Chapter 10- I hate this
Chapter 11- Hi,Miss Wayne
Chapter 12- Cozy
Chapter 13- Intruder
Chapter 14-Stupid man
Chapter 15-Jerk
Chapter 16- Zoo keeper?
Chapter 17-Waterside
Chapter 18- Your Distraction
Chapter 19- I wanted to feel you
Chapter 20- Whatever it takes
Chapter 21- Nightmare
Chapter 22-Holy Molly.
Chapter 23-Stoked
Chapter 24- Hold the fuck up.
Chapter 25-Hot larva
Chapter 26-Insatiable
Chapter 27-Obsessed
Chapter 28-Sad
Chapter 29- 3 second kiss
Chapter 30- Family Jet Rich
Chapter 31- Reality
Chapter 32- Room D
Chapter 33- Move in with me

Chapter 1- Hotter than the blazing sun

2.3K 24 4
Por PrincessMonisola

Welcome all. This book is really close to my heart because it's probably my first writing. Yeah yeah , I know, amateur writing but stick with me still? Please ? 🥺👉🏾👈🏾

The characters in this book are all unique in their own ways so please respect them.

This story doesn't totally relate to my real life but a few bits and pieces are real .

And I might make some mistakes on some topics like lgbtq and the likes but educate me by commenting on it or correcting me. Thank you.

And please drop comments ❤️

Who I see my characters as
Princess Wayne - Ryan Destiny
Rebecca Jay- Keke Palmer
Samuel Ballo Blunt - Keith Powers
Jeremy Jay- Trevor Jackson
Caroline Buck- Ariana Grande with brown hair
Riley Thorne- Sierra A. McClain.
Josh- Zac Efron
Kendall Jenner- Kendall Jenner
Massimo - Michael D. Cohen.
Samantha Walsh - Chloe Grace Moretz
Brooke Thorne - Jussie Smollett
Derek - Dylan O'Brien
Kanye West - a totally cool version of Kanye West.


The sound of my alarm wakes me up at 6:30am . I groan and struggle to get out of bed, when it hits me. "Oh my Gosh , it's today" I gasped.

I literally forgot about today the moment I woke up even though I have been super hyped and excited about it all weekend. I got up, brushed my teeth, took a quick shower , squeezed into the clothes I got from a thrift store online , a white button up shirt and a black pair of pinafore pants, then head downstairs .

I know you are wondering what today is. Well today is my first day of going to work after graduating from uni 3 months ago. I just got my first class degree in Fashion Journalism and I'm really glad I found a good paying job when I did . I mean it's at Vogue Magazine . I can't wait to see my name, Princess Wayne, under my publishes.

I lost my mother to cancer about a year ago and I must admit it was shitty. Everything changed . I was super upset cos I hadn't really done enough for her . She took care of me all my life and she isn't even here now that I have a good paying job.

My mum was my only family. And she was super hardworking, she worked 2 jobs to be able to take care of us both.
I made sure to get scholarships in literally all levels of school so she doesn't have to pay for tuition just so she could have enough money to focus on other things . On my 18th birthday she bought me a car, both as my birthday gift and my graduation gift .

She bought the house I am currently living in on mortgage and paid off her debts completely about 2 months before she died.
Her death broke me to pieces .

I was a fashion journalist intern in uni for 6months and at the end of the program I wrote an optional examination to get a job at The Vogue House. A lot  of people wrote the examination even though  it has a 0.1% success rate. And I am literally the 0.1% that got picked.

I opened the fridge and the only thing left there is leftover pizza from last night .
"I need to pick up groceries on my way back" I said to myself .
I quickly heat up the pizza while packing my bags and wearing my accessories, I couldn't afford to be late on my first day .

I ate the food hurriedly and head to my car.
Vogue house is a couple of minutes from my house so I should get there on time if there's no traffic.
The drive felt longer than it actually was because I was overthinking it.

Then I saw IT. A tall building with "Vogue House" boldly written in golden letters .

I parked my car in the parking lot and walked to the front doors. I inhaled deeply with so much anxiety and pushed the glass doors open .

I don't know why I expected everyone's attention to be on me as I walked in but nobody glanced at me.

In fact they were walking hurriedly to and fro and they all seemed busy.
And apparently you could wear whatever you please . I figured I looked out of place right now. We had dress codes in uni so I thought it was going to be similar.
I walked up to the front desk to ask for directions from an undeniably stunning woman. Her blonde hair was so bright and perfect and her eyes were grey complimenting her hair .

"What the fuck are you wearing" she asked, shocked as if she has seen a ghost .

I looked down at my outfit and I heard her burst into laughter . I felt pretty offended.
'Samantha Walsh', her name tag said .

"Good morning , I am new here..."
"Obviously" she said cutting me off.
"I am a Fashion journalist and I really don't know where I am supposed to go" I said .

"You really don't seem to know anything about fashion either " she said laughing . "Well Massimo is gonna have fun with this one . You are going to the 11th floor" she added .

" Thank you" I said not meaning it. I knew right there and then that I was going to dislike her.

I stepped into the empty elevator and pressed 11 and I had an anxiety attack again because my outfit was that awful.

The elevator stopped at the 9th floor and time must have stopped too.

It felt like it slowly opened because I saw the greenest eyes piercing through me as it opened.
The hottest man alive entered the elevator with me .

Shit such black excellence. His skin was perfectly brown and smooth and I could instantly tell he was a model.
He had a dirty blonde curly hair that seemed quite moist.
His brows were so black and seemed perfectly shaped. It was way better than mine .
His bright green eyes looked like a dream, I could swear that it glows in the dark.

I could see his perfectly long lashes from where I stood.


His cheekbones were so sharp it could actually slice a coconut in half.

His lips were shaped to perfection and it moved in perfect harmony. Wait . Why were his lips moving .
"...ello ?? Can you hear me ? I said is this your first day here?" He asked

Oh. He was talking to me .
"Uhm hi, yeah, I mean yes it's my first day here" I stuttered.

He was wearing a graphic tee and Jean pants, he looked so cool. His scent is the most attractive thing in the whole world and I'm so sure it's damn expensive. Like I could literally drown in his scent and not even mind.

His fingers were long an.. "...cuse me do you normally zone out like this in public spaces?" He asked waving his hand in the air to snap me out of my intense gaze at him. " I said What department are you in" he added.
"Fashion journalism" I said.

"Oh, Massimo's unit" he said.
"Who is Massimo" I asked
"He's the head of the department. You'll love him" he said.
"And where is this Massimo's office?" I asked
"Good thing I know literally everywhere in this building, I'll take you to him" he said.
"Thank you, you are a life saver" I said quite relieved that I won't have to ask anybody else. Memories of the interaction between I and Samantha downstairs made me shudder .

"So what's your name?" I asked, prolonging the 'So' in a dramatic way. I didn't want the conversation to end there.

"I'm Samuel Ballo Blunt , but people call me BB for short" he said .

"Why not Sam? I mean Sam sounds way cooler to me" I asked .
Then the elevator door opened.
"You can call me Sam" he said stepping out of the elevator with me.

"Your graphic tee is so cool" I said as we walked past a long cluster desk .
"Oh thank you, just one of my many hobbies" he said as we reached a glass door.

"You haven't really told me your name" He said.
"Uhm I'm Princess. Princess Wayne" I said .
"You really do look like royalty" he said.

'Oooh flattery' I thought to myself.

He pushed the door open and said "Massimo darling, How do you do!"
"BB!!!, now someone actually worth looking at in this office!. Thank you for the perfume you got me from Italy, I almost shed a tear." Massimo said.
Massimo is fabulous. I mean literally, he is quite small and is wearing a suite that is so colorful with a cute little black scarf around his neck.

I noticed about 3 ladies standing with files in the office.
"Don't mention it, uhm , This is Princess and she.."

"You have got to be kidding me! This is the , and I quote 'Super talented, brilliant, impeccable and flawless journalist that got 100% in our examination on her first try '? This is the record breaker???." He said, and not in the good way.

"Ayee, Go easy on her M" Sam said .
"I'll try" Massimo said.
"I need to run, catch you later" Sam said to me and walked out the door.
"What in Gods name are you wearing ?" Massimo asked.

"I really didn't know what the dress code was like so I..."
"Save it, why are you 2 minutes late?" He asked .

"I got here early but I had issues locating here that's why I seem to be late sir" I said. He is sassy and I am not loving it.

"You are expected to get here 30 minutes earlier everyday. If you aren't here by 7:30 tomorrow I'll take it that you aren't serious ." He said .
"Okay sir"'I said back. Work literally starts at 8:30 and we are supposed to be here by 8:00 last time I checked but okay.

He led me to my table and introduced me to several other people. Truth be told I only remember 2 peoples names because I am quite bad with names and they have really unique looks.
Joselyn with the jet black hair and Caroline with the perfect Brown hair.
I kid you not when I tell you Caroline's hair is perfect. Not just her hair, her body too. And she's very graceful and pleasant.

I sat at my desk just admiring everything, taking in the view .
Finally I am here.
"Massimo is like that at first but when he gets to know you, he would loosen up" Caroline said to me.

"I don't think so" I said back with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Caroline Buck in case you have forgotten " she said sweetly, relating to the fact that Massimo just introduced me to everyone .

"I'm Princess, nice to meet you Caroline" I said.
She really is pleasant.
" Well if you have any questions or you need help with anything , just ask me" she said.

"I sure will" I said back .

After a short while, Massimo came to my desk and said " I sent you 4 articles, you must read through, and give me a feedback by tomorrow"

I wasted no time in starting . The day went by fast and I spent most of it reading the articles.

About 4 minutes after we closed I went to the bathroom to ease myself and I saw Caroline crying .

I tried to comfort her and I realized she and her boyfriend had an argument which led to their breakup.
I offered to take her home since she didn't have a ride because he dropped her off this morning and was supposed to come pick her up.

I stopped at a convenience store to buy groceries and bought her a bucket of ice-cream .
I was happy that I could cheer her up a bit. Breakups are the worst .

Apparently she lives in my neighborhood. I dropped her off and head home .

After taking a hot shower I snacked on fruits while reading the rest of the articles.

I noticed that the last article was by Massimo.
It was so good!. His use of words were impeccable.
He is actually a brilliant writer.

I was done by about 11pm then I set my alarm to 6:30am and I picked out my outfit for the next day and dozed off.

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