Little avenger

By jamiebarnes0019

169K 6.2K 1K

Perseus Jackson died He died in the war Instead of staying away from Gaia he ran forward and took Leo's place... More

I walk along this earth
I see you
Im percie
Story time
Its ok to cry
Love is for children
Saved by a girl
Just a kid from brooklyn
Male katniss
A drink
A cursed blessing
Who he is
Wierd age change
Not a update
Girl time
Date and percy
Dead man
Ask for help


5.4K 220 13
By jamiebarnes0019

Percy's pov.

I sat on the cold hard floor

"Ah, this was... Not suppose to happen" a man muttered
I was shirtless and had on blue jeans, I was also bare foot

"Where am I...." I moaned and tried to remember what happened

Gaia, she was winning... and then Octavian shot her, but it wasn't enough, I made a storm stronger then The gods, and The last thing I saw was her enraged face as Gaia dragged me into the earth

Annabeth screamed my name...

And then pain

I stood up on shakes legs and stumbled, the man looked at me for a moment before his face twisted in rage
"You were not suppose to live!" he barked

"Wh-what?" he glared at me I heard a small whimper in the corner an saw a little girl

She sat against the wall and held her stomach , her shirt was covered in blood

I looked at the man and he simply glared at me, I ran to her side and she looked up at me

"You-your here... oh your really here" she said and cried a smile pulled on her face

I patted my pockets for nectar but found none "hey, it's ok your going to be fine..."

"Percie, I'm percie , I have been waiting so long to see you, to be with you again" she said and I pulled her into my lap

I put my hand over the cut and pushed down gently , "its ok, I'm here" I said

I had no clue where I was, but I ... I new this girl, I do t remember her, but I know I love her

"Percy, percy I want to go home" she cried "where is home?" she asked and I pulled her hair out of her eyes

"Hey" I said to the man he looked at me for a moment before rolling his eyes

"Help me, help her!" I demanded an he looked startled by my outburst
"I can't, to bring back a life you must take a life" he said

"Then take mine!" I yelled

I don't know where I am who she is who he is
I should be dead

"I can't" he said and I looked down at her, she looked up at me with large green eyes "home..." she muttered and squeezed my hand

I picked her up, he head laid against my chest and I started to run for the door "what are you Doing?" Loki demanded

'How do I know him?'

"I'm going to save her" I growled an tried to step around him he blocked the door and I glared at him
"If you don't move..." I trailed off

A small tap on my chest got my attention, I looked down and saw her holding a pen, riptide

I held her close with my left arm and grabbed riptide

I uncapped it and pointed my sword at Loki's neck "move" I demanded
"You can't save her" he told me but I pushed past him

I ran down the golden hallways with the percie in my Arms

Loki followed behind me, suddenly he shot a beam of light at me and it slammed ini my back, I fell to the floor and shielded percie from him

"Stop, she wanted you to be alive-"
He argued and I propped myself up on my elbows

"She doesn't know what she wants! she's just a child!" I screamed and percie looked up at me

"I love you..." she said "you like the brother I never had" she smiled and I looked down at her
"Where are we, what's happening?" I said and she raised her small hand

She put it on my cheek and suddenly me head exploded in memory's

The avengers


The gods

I screamed in pain and stood up, percie's hand fell down and she went limp, her eyes closed and I screamed louder

I looked at Loki and my eyes glowed in rage "you- you did this!" I pointed at her and he nodded

I lunged at Loki an suddenly we were surrounded....

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