EXTRAS Thanatophobia -Death G...

By sum3dud3

367 34 7

An extras books spin-off of Thanatophobia -Death Game by Majority- (https://www.wattpad.com/story/279403521-t... More

Before you read...
(Sec 1-1) The First Trial GAME OVER
(Sec 1-1) Discuss and Execute GAME OVER
(Sec 1-1) Gustav and Mackenzie
(Sec 1-2) Don't Take My Sunshine GAME OVER
(Sec 1-2) The First Main Game (Final)/Curtain Call (Alt Ending)
(Sec 1-2) Bestest Friends Ending Epilogue
Not a Chapter... But...
Still not a chapter but... HOLY SHEEEEETTT!!!
(Sec 2-1) Various Personal Info
(Sec 2-1) All Attraction GAME OVERs
(Sec 2-1) Is This How to Heal a Heart? GAME OVER
(Sec 2-1) Consumed by Hell (GAME OVER)
(Sec 2-1) The Impression Room Part 3/The Final Push (Alt Route)
(Sec 2-2) Remembrance (Alt Route: Vinny)
(Sec 2-2) Ring-Up Box (Alt Route: Vinny)
(Sec 2-2) The Ultimate Decision (Voting Addison) (Alt Ending)
(Sec 2-2) Massacre Ending Epilogue
(Sec 2-2) The Ultimate Decision (Voting Damian) (Alt Route) (Alt Ending)
(Sec 2-2) Walkdown (Alt Route: Sasha)
(Sec 2-2) His Final Present (Alt Route: Sasha)

(Sec 2-1) Feeling Antsy (Alt Ending)

5 1 0
By sum3dud3

Zill's POV


As I entered the lobby, I noticed something strange. Rusty was pacing around the room, biting his thumb. When he noticed me, he called me over.

Rusty: Hey Zill, Wanna... trade tokens...?

He was much quieter than usual. He seemed to force those words out of himself. He was sweating bullets as he couldn't look me in the eye.

Rusty: How many... you want? I'll... I'll give ya 40. Just give me 10. You have 10, right...? Not a bad deal for ya, I'm sure. You got those tokens, right?

I stared at him for a good moment. I wanted to say no. I wanted to refuse but... it was a good deal.

Zill: Y... Yes...?

I couldn't stop those words from coming out. Rusty stared at me with wide eyes. Suddenly he yelled.

Rusty: Just 10 tokens is fine! Just trade 'em to me! I'll... I'll give you 40... It's perfect for you...

He began to breath heavily.

Zill: True... That's a good deal for me- ngh!

My mouth moved on its own again. A sharp pain pieced my brain. Rusty didn't seem to notice.

Rusty: Sure is. Definitely good for you. What am I thinking?

What's happening to me? Those tokens...

Zill: What's wrong with you Rusty? You're acting really strange.

Rusty cringed.

Rusty: Strange... me... Course not... I'm just a little tired. That's it...

Zill: But why 40? That's just an uneven trade.

Rusty's eyes widened as he stammered.

Rusty: W-Why the hell are you making a big deal 'bout this? My tokens have no value to me. Better for others to have them, y'know. Let's just trade. Right now!

The air grew heavy as the room began to darken. I felt it again... Those tokens... The darkness in my heart. My greed... My need... I can't let it win. Rusty's definitely planning something.

Zill: Hold on a sec...! This is definitely weird...!

Rusty growled.

Rusty: You're just imagining things! It's just a normal trade! I wouldn't just screw you guys over... Trust me...

He stared at me... not with rage... it was desperation.

Zill: But...

Rusty: Please, Zill... I'll... give you 40 tokens, you just have to give me 10. Will ya trade?

He stared at me waiting for my response. 40 tokens... for just my last 10... No... We could probably use those later... NO.... If we can find that exit ticket... NO... We could leave this place behind and get back to Kayla... NOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Zill: I get it. Let's just trade.

I handed him 10 of my Me-tokens as he handed me 40 of his. He sighed out heavily and forced a grin. He looked a little paler as his eyes shrunk a bit.

Rusty: Hehe... Welp... I've got places to go... See ya!

He then walked away, his body quivering, toward the hallway with that weird vending machine. I,on the other hand... just froze there... my heart beat pounding in my head. I stumbled onto a nearby couch. I sighed heavily, feeling whatever possessed me earlier slowly left. My tail wrapped around me, as if trying to comfort me. I took a quick glance at him... a frown was plastered on his face. My body trembled like it would fall apart at any moment. I felt sweat begin to pour down my face. I can't believe that just happened. Why...? Why did I do that?! It felt like my heart was going to explode out of my chest at any moment. I was filled with a dark inky aura that drowned me in nothing but sorrow and self pity. I bit my lip until I drew some blood. I felt my eyes begin to well up. I wanted to cry... I wanted to scream but... Other than my self hatred... My mind also wandered to Rusty. His behavior was, needless to say... strange... Almost... eerie. Ever since we lost the laptop... Rusty has been acting differently. I noticed that he went toward that vending machine hallway. I should go look at what he's doing. I gathered all my strength to fight off my self-loathing. I slowly stumbled toward the hallway. Then I froze at a sound that echoed through the hallway. The sound of tokens being inserted into a vending machine. I saw Rusty, huddled over by the vending machine, slowly inserting one token after the other.

Zill: R-Rusty...?

Rusty flinched, he stood right up and turned to face me, his face paler that I've ever seen before.

Rusty: Oh hey Zill...! What's up...? What are you doin' here...

Zill: W-What's up...? What am I-

I shook away all previous fears, giving him a darker and more serious look.

Zill: That's my line! What are you doing here?!

His face grew a little redder. He growled slightly.

Rusty: D-Don't judge me! I ain't doing nothin'!

I scoffed.

Zill: That implies you're doing something! Just stop it! What in...

I turned to the vending machine.

Zill: What in the hell... Is that vending machine...?!

Rusty froze, he bit his own lip. He shook his head as if shaking away his own fear to continue yelling.

Rusty:D-Don't get in my way Zill! I collected these 200 tokens fair and square!

My jaw fell as soon as he said that. I stared at the number 200 that was written in blue above the machine... Just like... the Prize Exchange... I felt my blood run cold.

Zill: D-Don't tell me... Is this... the escape ticket...?!

Rusty gasped as he clenched his teeth. His body grew rigid.

Rusty: I-It's not-

Zill: "It's not what it looks like"?! What?! You are trying to buy a soda from that vending machine, is that it.

Rusty growled, turning to me with bared teeth.

Rusty: I ain't that thirsty!!!

Zill: Yeah you are! You're thirsty for the air outside!

Rusty: That's not how thirst-

He facepalmed, taking a deep breath before looking me in the eyes.

Rusty: I was... just investigating the escape route... So we can all work together... Overthrow these fuckers and escape!!!

My eyes widened for a moment. I almost felt relieved until I realized a few things... One... We still have these collars around our neck, the kidnappers could kill us at any time... Rusty should know this... Two... Why be so secretive about this... If he was telling the truth, he would've just told me... and finally... three... Rusty... His body was still trembling, his smile quivered... and his eyes... They had a certain glossiness about it... A glossiness I can't trust.

Zill: You're lying, aren't you. Despite everything, you've always been honest and fair ever since we've been in this place... If you really wanted to escape... You would've told me before we traded! You just wanted to escape alone!!!

Once again, Rusty froze, like a deer in headlights. His face grew a bit darker as he fell silent for a moment... but just for a moment.

Rusty:... What's... wrong with that...?

My eyes widened slightly.

Zill: H-Huh...?

Then he exploded.

Rusty: I never did anything unfair! I earned those tokens fair and square... So I can go outside first! It's not like I'm planning on abandoning you guys! I'll go get help! It's less realistic to rebel against many kidnappers... Especially with these damn collars around our necks! I ain't leaving you guys to die! I... I won't abandon you guys...! Please... just... Just lemme go, Zill!!!

Zill: T-That's...

I paused for a moment to gather myself.

Zill: That's underhanded! Aren't we all in the same boat?!

Rusty: Of course we are! That's why... I'm going to call for help!!

Zill: Then why not me, huh?! I've worked with the police from time to time as a vigilante. What about Simon, or Damian... or anyone else!

Rusty's face grew pale. He fell silent.

Zill: See, Rusty?! You... You just want to save yourself!! Haven't we overcome all they threw our way together...?!

Rusty sighed.

Rusty: I know... We even overcame our allies death...

I nodded.

Zill: Then we can all leave toget-

Rusty: Didn't you just hear me?! Where's the hope of that?!

Suddenly, his face grew slightly redder.

Rusty: If we pass on this then... We're gonna have to deal with another Main game.... Some of us will die again! Is that a sacrifice you're willing to make! At best, they'd off themselves like Jill... at worst... They'd end up like Gustav and Jack...

Hearing his name again made chills run up my spine...

Zill: B-But...

Rusty: This could be our last chance...! A way out where one of us can definitely return...

Zill: What about the others?! Forget about yourself and me for a moment. Simon and Vinny still have their brother out there! Damian still has his family too... I may not know much about Venganza but... Sahara just lost his brother and Addison his boyfriend! Think about them. Sure... Sahara, Addison, and Mackenzie may come from a foster family bu-

Rusty's eyes widened...

Rusty: Foster... Family...?

Zill: Y-Yeah! Sure they may come fro-

Rusty's face grew pale...

Rusty: Dear god... the orphans... they're still waiting for me... The caretakers... Mary...

This time, my own eyes widened as my jaw dropped.

Zill: H-Huh...?

Rusty: I... I never stood on the pitcher's mound as a first-stringer... I... I have to prove that people like me can achieve their dreams...that people like me have worth!!! I have to show that hope to those kids at the orphanage!

Rusty gripped his last token tightly. I reached out for him.

Zill: W-Wait! Rusty!

I was going to grab him when suddenly, the vending machine opened and closed as a door would, quick as lighting. And out popped-

Rio: Sorry! Forget to mention a little somethin'!

The both of us stumbled back. Rusty stood his ground as I fell on my butt. Rusty growled.

Rusty: W-What is it now?! You're not gonna say you didn't expect us to really get 200, so we can't actually escape...?!

Rio chuckled.

Rio: Dumbass. Of course you can really escape. It's real-deal freedom. You'll be free from the threat of death. But y'know... I didn't tell you how we'd handle the ones who were left. This is what you'd call a solitary victory.

Our eyes widened at this. The room suddenly felt as cold as ice, dark as shadow, and dead as a graveyard.

Zill: Don't... Don't tell me...

Rusty: Does that mean...?

Rio's eyes suddenly grew dark.

Rio: It means everybody 'cept the escapee dies.

Rusty and I's faces grew paler.

Rusty: I... I didn't hear nothin' about this!!

Rio cackled.

Rio: Ahaha... Sooorry, Dickskin I forgot to talk about it!

Rusty growled.

Rusty: Don't mess with me, dammit! I... I already used all those tokens! How dare you do this to me?! I'd never... I never would've done this if I knew that!

Rio put a finger to his chin.

Rio: Hmm... Yeah guess it's not very fair, huh?

Rio suddenly snapped, his eyes widening slightly.

Rio: Gotcha! I'll pay 'em back just for you! All the tokens you used!

Rusty's own eyes widened as he froze in place. Rio chuckled.

Rio: ...Great, right? Good for you. You don't have to kill your allies...

Rusty's lips pursed. Rio took notice.

Rio: Oh... What's the matter? All you gotta do is say the word and I'll happily give you all those tokens back.

Rio leaned closer, placing a hand to his ear. Rusty just stood there... Slack jawed and pale...The... He took a step forward... Rio cackled, darkness overtaking his eyes.

Rio: Nooooo... don't tell me! You gonna sacrifice them just to save yourseeelf? Whaaaaat! How scaryyy!

One step... two steps... three steps... four... Rusty crept closer to the machine. I attempted to lunge at his but I was too tired. I reached for his ankles.

Zill: D-Don't be an idiot, Rusty! We're all allies, right?! You... You wouldn't do such a thing... Right...? Not to innocent people...

Rusty paused for a moment. He dragged his legs out of my grip. Five steps... Six steps... Seven steps... Eight...

Zill: R-Rusty... You're being tricked! This is Rio we're talking about! Are you seriously trusting that asshole over us?! W-What about Jill?! Her dying wish?! What about everyone else here?! What about our families?! Our friends?! How would they feel when they find out you did this... How would those orphans feel...?

This finally got Rusty to freeze for a moment. He turned around...

Rusty:... I'm sorry... Zill...


Zill: S-Stop!! No!! Rusty!!!


The clamorous sound. An inorganic, mechanical sound. A very long, endlessly continuing sound. Mixed in with it is the faint sound of a door opening. Would this be the last thing I heard...? No... This blaring alarm I hear... The alarm around my neck as my collar began to vibrate. Rusty disappears into the light behind a door. The light began to engulf me... The light of hope, just at an arm's reach away... The light of the outside world... As I reached for that light... Darkness overtook it...

Ending 2: "Betrayed"

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