"All Eyes" {Eyeless Jack x Re...

By XannesDestiny

29.9K 457 675

"Oh Y/N~" he said as he walked past the table I was hiding under. My tears were falling on the ground as I sa... More

#1; Jenny
#3; Darkness
#4; Crush
#5; Scissors
#6; Savior
#7; Liar
#8; On the loose
#9; In charge
#10; Bullet
#11; Stone cold
#12; Eye
#13; Dark pit
#14; Food
#15; Cabin
#16; Burrito
#17; Grocery shopping
#18; Day 1 - Murder
#19; Day 2 - Scaredy cat
#20; Day 3 - Hot tub
#21; Day 4 - Last goodbyes
#22; It's hard to say goodbye

#2; 2AM

2.8K 45 80
By XannesDestiny

-= POV; Y/N =-

Groaning I rolled over on my side. I didn't know what had woken me up, but I couldn't get back to sleep. My gut told me something was very wrong. I looked at the time on my phone 1:57 AM. I've only slept about 3 or 4 hours. I got up and looked out of the window. Fire in the woods. Out of instinct I looked at Jenny's bed. Empty.


As fast as I could I got dressed in a F/C hoodie and gray sweatpants. I put on my shoes, and I ran out of the dorm room. I pulled while running my phone out of my pocket; 2:07 AM, I can make it there before anyone will be in danger. I turned a corner and ran into Jack. "Jack!" I yelled. He turned around and greeted me with a smile on his face. The smile slowly faded when he saw my worried expression. "What's wrong, Y/N?" He asked me. "Where are you going?" I asked, avoiding his question. "I'm going to see what the fire in the forest is all about." He said. I shaked my head. "Don't go there! Jenny is gone and she's talking all about this cult she's in and that she's going to sacrifice someone! Jack, please, for the love of God, don't go there!" I said. He hugged me. "It's okay, Y/N, there is no cult, and if there's something wrong I'll come back immediately." He whispered. I hugged him back, letting a tear drop on his dark blue hoodie. "Okay." I said quietly. He kissed the top of my head, let go of me, and walked towards the forest. I let out a shaky breath and went back upstairs. Everything's going to be fine, Y/N, stop acting like that.

I decided that instead of going to my dorm I went to Jack's dorm. I went there already a couple times and me and Greg were friends. I knocked on the door and Greg opened it. "Hey, Y/N, what are you doing here?" He asked. "Can I please come in?" I asked with a small smile. "Of course." He answered and opened the door for me. I got inside and sat down on the couch. "So, why're you here?" He asked as he sat next to me on the couch.

I told him the whole story about Jenny, and that I was worried about Jack. "I'm sure everything will be fine though." I said at last with a sad smile. "I hope so." He sighed and gave me a hug. He got up and walked over to the mini fridge. "Snacks?" He asked. I shaked my head. I can't eat when something like this happens. I grabbed the tv-remote and put on a random channel.

20 minutes later we heard a knock on the door. Greg and I looked at each other, not sure what to do. Eventually Greg got up and looked through the peephole. "Who is it?" I whispered. "It's Jack I think, but he looks... Different?" He said. And by that the door got kicked in. Greg jumped out of the way. We screamed when we saw Jack: his clothes were covered in blood, he was wearing some strange blue mask without any eyes and black goop like tears crying out of it. His skin was gray almost black, he had razor sharp teeth, and big deadly claws. Greg ran out of the room since he was closest by the exit. I was still sitting on the couch.

I heard Jack chuckle as he slowly came closer. Every step he did towards me, I went crouching backwards on the couch, not taking my eyes off of him. Eventually I couldn't go further back and sat with my back against the wall. Jack chuckled when he saw me like that. He got on the couch on hands and knees, crawling slowly on top of me. I squeezed my eyes shut and looked away. This was the end, bye life, bye friends, bye family, I loved every single one of you.

A small cry escaped my lips. I felt Jack's gaze gliding over my body. I felt his hot breath getting closer and closer to my neck, until I felt his cold lips on my skin. A tear dropped from my eye. "Don't worry, love~. I won't hurt you~." He chuckled. I let out a shaky breath. He started kissing my neck. I hated it, I hate this, I hate it so much. I got an idea. As fast and hard as I could I kicked Jack in the balls with my knee. He screamed and got off of me. I took that opportunity to run out of the room as fast as I could.

Crying I ran towards the school, there are so many big classrooms and good hiding spots there, maybe he couldn't find me there. "Oh Y/N~." I heard behind me. Don't look keep running, don't look keep running, don't look keep running. I looked and screamed. He was so fast. I ran inside the school building, through the halls, zigzagging to try and let Jack lose me. Suddenly I got pulled inside a classroom. I tried to scream but the person held a hand on my mouth so I couldn't make a noise. I squeezed my eyes shut and let my tears stream over the hands of the person that saved me. "It's okay, Y/N, it's me, you're safe." I heard Greg's voice. I opened my eyes and hugged him. "I'm so scared Greg." I cried quietly. He hugged me tightly.

"Oh Y/N~."

-= A/N =-


you can't be serious.


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