Austin and Ally: "Romances an...

By ccpink8

63.4K 880 155

When Sonic Boom is moving locations, Ally and Mr. Dawson have to move to California. Austin, Trish, and Dez a... More

Ch. 1- Crushing
Ch. 2- Dating
Ch. 4- Big News
Ch. 5- The date
Ch. 6- Do I like him..?
Ch. 7- Letting them know
Ch. 8- Arcade
Ch. 9- Do you like me?
Ch. 11- Does anyone care?
Ch. 12- Fundraising
Ch. 13- We have to fix this
Ch. 14- The real thing
Ch. 15- Arch Enemies
Ch. 16- Cakes
Ch. 17- I give up
Ch. 18- The Hospital
Ch. 19- The Sleepover
Ch. 20- Goodbye Miami

Ch. 10- Reading

2.6K 43 6
By ccpink8

OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGG SORRY I HAVEN'T WRITTEN IN SO LONG!! My dad kicked me off the computer so... lol I'll try to stay good for u guys;) I've noticed I've been getting more readers though. More follows, likes, and adds. Thanks everyone!!!

Austin P.O.V.

I was so upset. And mad. I just wanted to punch something.

Wait, no Austin. I said to myself. That won't help. Wait... THE BOOK!

I ran onto my bed and grabbed the book. I started to read from from where I left off. It was the whole thing where Ally used to like me. Wow, she puts so much passion onto a piece of paper. She even made a couple name for us; Auslly. That's too cute! I'm starting to root for Auslly now. AUSLLY, AUSLLY!! I smiled, not realizing it though. Then I saw a whole bunch of really BORING things. It was about getting straight A's on her report card and being in all advanced classes. Then it was all "Dallas Dallas Dallas". I hate that little fucker so much. I flipped the page and saw something I couldn't believe. Ally likes me? And she knew I liked her? I-I- Wait what? I was so in shock. She really likes me! But if the book just turns up, she'll know I read it. I used my left hand, since I'm a righty, and I wrote "I didn't read this" On the first empty page. I closed the book and decided I'd put it in the lost and found tomorrow. Well, today, because when I looked at my alarm clock it was already 5:30!! I tried going back to sleep, but it didn't work. I figured Ally really wouldn't notice me this early, so I got dressed and decided to head to the lost and found now. I put on my hoodie and wrote a note saying I was going to Sonic Boom. I stuck the sticky note on the fridge and took my skateboard over to the lost and found. But suprisingly I found Ally there.

"Ally, what are you doing here?" I asked. I then realized I was holding the book, so I hid it behind my back.

"Austin!! Oh, I lost my book. I'm not leaving here without it." She stated. Maybe I should hold on to it for a while. But then I couldn't find out anything new, so I dropped it into the bin behind me. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, me? I couldn't go to sleep, so I decided to come out for a breath of fresh air." I lied. "Want me to help you look for your journal?" I offered.

"Yeah" She said. I walked over to the other side and pretended to look. After Ally digged deep enough into one box, she found it. "AUSTIN! HERE IT IS!!!" She yelled. She ran over to me and hugged me. I smiled. I didn't really know what to say. Wait-lie. I knew exactly what to say, so I went on with it.

"Ally, okay enough's enough we need to talk. Things have been kind of awkward and I-I'm just gunna say it. Allyson Dawson, I really like you. As more than a friend." I blushed. I've never really liked a girl this much before. All my other girlfriends were just because I didn't want to be single. Or I thought I liked them. But I really like Ally. I noticed her face light up.

"Austin, I-I really like you too." She said. She hugged me. Our face were so close, and I leaned in for a second kiss. It was a great kiss.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" I asked. "YES!!!" She said. She gave me ANOTHER kiss! I beamed with joy. She took my hand and I held it tight. We decided to go to iHop for some breakfast. Our first date!! We skipped over to the restaraunt and sat down at an empty table. We shared a chocolate shake and we each got some pancakes with butter, syrup, ice cream, chocolate fudge, whipped cream, and sprinkles! It was so delicious. At first Ally just wanted syrup, but I forced her to try it my way, which she totally loved. She got a sugar rush afterwards. Ally took out her wallet but I placed my hand on top of hers.

"No, I'll pay" I said with a smile. I took my wallet out and paid for it all, and she said thanks. By the time we got back to Sonic Boom it was about 8 A.M. Mr. Dawson wasn't at the store. It looked so sad, and empty. I looked over at Ally.

Ally P.O.V.

When we got back to the store, I just got all sad. I then remember. I was going to have a fundraiser!! I can't believe I just forgot about it. I quickly dashed over to my dads office and started unpacking instruments.

"Austin, we're going to have a fundrasier. Sonic Boom is staying, and so am I." I said with confidence. Austin smiled at me.

"Oh yeah! Okay, I'll help unpack." He went upstairs and unpacked the practice room while I texted Trish and Dez to come over. It was about 10 minutes before they arrived.

"Hey Ally, wassup?" She asked.

"Trish, Dez, great you're here! Okay, welll, we're gunna have a fundraiser to save sonic boom!" I announced.

"YEAH!!" Dez yelled, and him and Austin did their "Whaddup" handshake.

"So you two can make signs and posters while me and Austin get the shop ready. But first we need some ideas.."

"I'll get a job at Cupcake Emporium and we can have a bake sale!" Trish said.

"Mmmm, I like that idea. How 'bout you guys?" Austin said. He flipped his hair, he looked so cute when he did that. I can't believe we're dating. We should tell Trish and Dez.

"Yeah!" I said. I then whispered into Austin's ear "Should we tell them, about me and you?"

"Yeah" he said. "Guys, we need to tell you something." We both said at the same time. We laughed, while they looked confused.

"Me and Austin...are going out!" I said excitedly. We both blushed, and they seemed happy for us. Me and Trish hugged.

"Austin and Ally, sitting in a tree!" Dez said. Austin punched him in the arm.

"We should go on a double date!!" Austin said. I actually really liked the idea.

"Omg yeah! But I'm gonna go get that job now. Dez, wanna come with?" Trish said.

"Yeah" he responded. He took her hand as they walked out of the shop.

"But the posters...ugh!!" I said trying to stop them from leaving, but it was too late. Me and Austin had already finished unpacking, so I just kissed him.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"I just really like you"

"I like you too" he said. "Wanna go watch T.V."

"Yeah" I said. We walked up into the practice room and snuggled up together on the couch. I smiled. We turned on TeenNick to see Austin's music video was on!! I hated seeing Kira, but it's still a great song. Me and Austin stood up and started singing and dancing like maniacs. I'm a HORRIBLE dancer, so i was doing things like the sprinkler and this one dance I made up, where you clap twice and wave your hands in the air like CRAZYYY!!!! Austin on the other hand, is an amazing dancer. When the song ended, we both booed and awwed. We just listened to music and ate pizza and hung out upstairs the whole day. I have to admit, that was the best day ever.

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