Her~ Kirisuna

By zandr5

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AU Star King Kirito is a lonely soul in the underworld, no one peaking his interest. That was until he met he... More

A Lone King
Communication is Key
She Speaks!
The (Annoying) Council
Bedtime Confessions
Once Upon A Dream Pt.1
Once Upon A Dream Pt.2
To the Castle
The Rose Garden
Secrets Secrets Are No Fun
Secrets Secrets Hurt Someone
This Is That Secret
Like Mommies and Daddies Do (Lemon*)
No "Right" Time
Let's Try Again
An Authors Apology


428 15 10
By zandr5

Kirito's POV:

I couldn't control my temper.

I know I looked angry, but deep down I was heartbroken. It's sounds insane because I've known Yui and Asuna for 2 days.

It was of great comfort to have them here with me. Hearing them wanting to leave... to be honest it felt like a slap in the face.

The path to the castle was an unspoken one. It was better for me to shut down anyways instead of getting angry or blowing up.

We approached the guarded gate. Guards crossed their spears immediately until they saw my face.

"Your majesty." The men bowed.

I wasn't king anymore so it felt weird being called that.

Alice came to the gate to see who was entering the castle.

"KIRITO!" She shouted and ran to me. "I'm so glad you've decided to come....back." Her eyes landed on Yui and Asuna.

"I would like to negotiate with the current leader." I asked politely. I didn't want to become king. I wasn't making it seem like it either.

"We had no one else to fulfill the position. Your sister took your place."

"Leafa? Can I see her?". I was proud. Leafa held down the fort and stepped into her own power. Most importantly, I didn't have to.

"Of course!". Alice linked her arm with mine. I didn't have the energy to pull her off. Yui and Asuna followed behind us.

"Well well well. If it isn't Kirito. I told you you'd come back." Eugeo retorted.

"I come in peace, but I'm not here to stay." I brush off his comment.

Leafa came to the group.

"Onii-Chan!" She jumped on me, ruffling my hair.

"You're Queen now!"  I pat her head back with the other hand Alice wasn't on.

"Yeah... we need you back... bad. You're good at all the problem solving and fighting. There's no better diplomat than you, brother. We need you to come home. We're struggling."

Alice and Eugeo looked in agreement. How? It's only been a couple days and the place is falling apart?

I didn't want to see the kingdom fail. And I do like helping people. But was my happiness worth that of thousands?

"I'll come back under one condition. You help me find a way to bring Asuna and Yui back home while allowing them to stay here."

"Yes! Anything!" Alice squeezed my hand in excitement.

"I need to hear it from you." I said to Eugeo seriously. My best friend had turned into a stranger. If he decided to turn on Asuna or Yui, I would have no choice but to imprison him.

"Yes.."Eugeo walked away, his pride hurt.

"You guys should wash up and eat. Kirito, we'll catch you up on the state of the kingdom tomorrow." Leafa said and pushed us off in the direction of our old rooms.

It was back to work for me. Even if I'd do this job for the rest of my life, the two days of adventure I had were worth it.

If I could do it all again, I wouldn't change a thing. I probably stayed in the tub for far too long reminiscing of the good times.

Last night, I was able to hold Asuna in my arms. We were so close. Her skin smelled naturally of sweet pea. When she spoke against my chest, the purr had put me to sleep faster than any potion could.

The thought of giving her up was killing me. I shouldn't have yelled at her. She can't change the way she feels, and I likewise.

After I get out, I'll apologize. Maybe I'll get her something!

"Knock,Knock!" Eugeo said at my bathroom door, knocking simultaneously.

I draped my wash cloth over my lap and invited him him.

"Good evening. Is something wrong?". We were at odds, it was strange for his to visit me in my bath.

"No. I just came to check on you and make sure you didn't drown. You've been in here for longer than usual." He sat down in a chair across from me.

"Sorry. I've just been thinking a lot lately."

"Really? About...?"

"About Asuna and Yui going home. I know you don't want them here, but I feel indifferent."

"It's not that I don't want them here. It's the fact that you suddenly changed. You're always so cautious of everyone. Yet, you overlooked your judgment as soon as you met them." . Eugeo crossed his arms and relaxed into the chair, seemingly less threatening with his body language.

"I didn't over look it. I almost killed them. I know I can trust them now and they really are stuck here."

"Interesting. So why don't you want them to go?" He raised an eyebrow.

I blushed like a beet, embarrassed at the obvious answer.

"I-I... uhhh." I couldn't get it out.

"You love them. I figured that much. But how are you so sure? You haven't known them for long.". The curiosity in his voice peaked.

"I don't know. I just felt it, I love both of them. I haven't known them long, it's true. It feels like I've known them for years. I've never been happier. It's selfish, but I don't want them to leave." I admitted out loud for the first time. I sunk into the warm water hoping to soothe my hot cheeks.

"You are aware that there are others in love with you. You know that Alice is crazy about you."

"I'm also aware that you love Alice as well."

"W-w-what! Pshh. Noooo." He stumbled over his words.

"I'm your best friend. You can't fool me. Alice loves the hero in me, not the whole me. I know for a fact that you two are better suited for each other. It's only a matter of time before she sees it herself. As for the other girls, I see them as family, but I've never saw them in a romantic light."

"... you think Alice and I are suited for each other?" He blocked out everything else I said. I chuckled at his love-struck behavior.

"Of course. You have a kindness about you. A light hearted spirit. Alice is very militant. You need one another to balance the other. If Alice and I were together, all we'd do is fight."

"That's good to hear". Eugeo's blush grew. "How do I even approach her? I don't know if she'll ever see me as her knight in shining armor."

"I'm having the same problem right now."

"Uhh... Asuna is married.."

"Exactly. She said everyone loves him too. But she loves him the most." I sulk.

"What else did she say about him." He leaned in to hear all the details.

"She told me we look identical. And that they met because he saved her and Yui. But they got married right before they adopted Yui. His name is Kazuto."

"Um, Kirito? Are you sure she wasn't messing with you?"

"Messing with me???" What was Eugeo seeing that I wasn't?

"Is it just me or does it sound like she's talking about you? Is it also not suspicious that you say you feel like you know them and she said you guys are from the same place?"

" SHE SAID THAT?!?! Is she talking about me?! I would've remembered marrying her right!?"

" Asuna said that to me in battle. We actually don't have any birth records for you here. You have no parents and neither does Leafa. She was right. Anything is possible in the Underworld I guess."

Eugeo rested his chin on a fist nonchalantly. My head swirled with ideas, connecting everything together.

"Eugeo. I had a dream the other night. I saw Asuna die. It felt real. When I woke up, it was my gut telling me I had to find her. That's when we fought. I can't get the image of her dying out of my head."

"If it was vivid... It's possible it's happened before. Could be a past life. Who knows?" He shrugged.

Asuna telling me I looked like her husband. That her husband saved her and Yui before taking them in. Caressing me in my sleep. Yui accidentally calling me Papa.... It all made sense. Asuna kept this a secret for a reason.

My heart raced. I couldn't tell if it was out of love or fear.

I think IM Kazuto.

I reached for my towel and got out the bath tub.

"I have to go."
A/N: a long chapter we got here. I'm happy the boys made up its hard writing their beef lol. The pot is stirring hehehe. Happy Chappy 10!

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