
By Kaiamila8874

55.6K 3.4K 145

love knows no career. What happens when a young woman with her life planned falls in love with a man who woul... More

Twenty six


2.2K 166 9
By Kaiamila8874

The fact that he spoke to me while I was at the verge of fainting in a taxi filled with people I don't even know sends me blushing like crazy. "Hi" I greet back then look out the window after that. It bothers me that I am acting like a love struck teenager while I am a grown ass woman with very stable hormones. As I glance back at him I find his eyes looking straight at me with a smirk on his face. His eyebrows thick and seized together while his mouth is carved into a sweet and dreamy looking smile.

Where was he born? How did his parents think about such a  beautiful specimen? Can i get bra God's digits because wow. I have never seen such a man. He's intimidating yet absolutely beautiful all in the same time. He keeps stealing glances at me and I'm letting him because I am taken by him. I'm still stuck on my chair when I finally realise that I'm left all alone. "Shit" I mummer. "Such a dirty word from such a gorgeous woman" he says loud enough for me to hear.

"Sorry?" I ask. "Nothing, uyehla kuphi sisi omuhle?" I am dead sure my cheeks are most definitely blue haiibo why am i a blushing mess. I don't even know the guy but already I'm picturing being with him for the rest of our lives and how our children will inherit his thick, bushy eyebrows and his beautiful dark chocolate skin that looks so smooth. I'm wearing my glasses so don't diss me. "Before the bridge" I reply, he nods softly and turns his eyes to the road.

Let's just say when I get home I was all over the place. I couldn't stop thinking about that particular gentlemen who I don't really know. "Buhle!" I jump. Shit I'm guessing he's been calling me for a while. Forgive me father for daydreaming about a lightning God that drives a taxi and also manages to drive me insane. "Baba?" I say showing him that he now has my attention. Nkanyiso is playing on the floor and my brother is just sitting in fron of me with a smug on his face.

These past few weeks my brother and I have been in this unbreakable relationship and it's been amazing as it has annoying. He annoys the shit out of me but he's also a great big brother sweet and all buy very strict when it's time to be. "What are you even thinking about Hle?" My brother asks while my father squints his eyes they want trouble, i see. "School things just yeah" I reply sticking my eyes in my own food that has gone cold already yoh mind nawe. "That's all?" My stupid brother asks again. Kanti what does this male counterpart want from me? "Yes that's all" I say giving him the stink eyes.

Can you believe that I spent the next couple of days looking for a man I barely knew at the taxi rank? Hee. I have been busy these past few days. I have been looking for someone that probably was made out of my own imagination I mean that could explain why he was that beautiful. I shake my head out of my own dirty thoughts as I get into a taxi home. I am at the verge of giving up until he gets into the taxi and this time I am the only one inside. He starts the car and my heart starts beating in a very fast pace. For all I know he could be a serial killer. He clears his throat before speaking this time his voice is even deeper and he is wearing a cap which sort of hides his beautiful scary eyes.

"Before the bridge?" He asks as his voice just sends goosebumps all over my skin. I have kissed a lot of people that I though were handsome I mean Sfiso is also a very handsome boy but he is no where near this man driving this taxi. "Yebo" I say quietly before he turns left on a certain street and then speaks again. "Bengisacela uze la phambili. (Please come on the passenger side)" he asks which sounds weird but also very cute. I sigh before walking inside a moving taxi hoping to God that I don't fall and embarrass myself further. I jump on the passenger seat and then watch as he stops the car in the middle of the road. Are we stuck because then God would have answered my prayers faster than I would've thought he would.

"I heard that you have been looking for me" he says with his eyes stuck on mine. How did he get even more handsome that he already was or is it because I'm now closer to where he is? Damn these blind eyes of mine. "Mina no." I reply to a statement that was never a question to begin with as I feel like the taxi is suddenly getting smaller and lacks oxygen. "Really?" He asks with a condencending tone mocking my very existence and the fact that I am undressing him with my eyes. "Uhm..." I breath out the word as he gets closer to me. His face mere inches away from where I'm sitting. He smells amazing, that's the first thing that pops in my mind. "You're a horrible liar MaKhumalo" wehhh did i not just melt guys. I am melting from the inside out.

I force my eyes to look else where but he decides to bring my face back to his using his long Satan fingers. He turns his head towards my neck then sniffs, this is considered weird but because he's a handsome specimen I'm like ok this is actually cool. "You smell amazing" he says. I know I scrubbed myself thoroughly last night hoping to see you even if I was at the brim of giving up and turning to the Shembe way of living. "Err...what's your name?" I thought that this is the best time I mean he is sniffing my neck and I am at his mercy in a road without a single sign of a car approaching. "Philasande Mabaso" he says. He's name sounds so earthly and made just for him. "How did you know my name?" I ask yoh Hlehle so many questions. He has not even taken you on a date as yet and already you want to know how many cows he's going to lobola you with.

"You're the only daughter to uKhumalo omkhulu. Everybody know you lapha e rank and everyone knows not to mess with you futhi" he says nonchalantly so. Why would everyone know not to mess with me? And how do they even know my father because that man still lives under a rock somewhere with Shaka Zulu. "How do you know my father?" I finally get the strength to ask. His eyes tell me that I probably don't know. But what don't I know? I raise my eyebrow only to have him smiling like an idiot who needs mental evaluation. "I just do nkosazane." This man and nonchalance go hand in hand. I just nod my head then look out the window since he stopped sniffing me and is now staring at something through the windscreen. "Awusho keh uthi uzongi shada nini phela? (Tell me here, when exactly are you planning on marrying me?)" Haiibo!

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