Her White Wolf

Autorstwa Mich2992

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As the universe began to recover from The Blip, it was an entirely new kind of journey for James Barnes. He w... Więcej

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One

Chapter Twenty-Five

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Autorstwa Mich2992

The storm was rough. It downed several trees in the village and some of the city's buildings lost power, but now that it was over, James and Steve volunteered to help out.

"There's a lot of high water still," James commented as he looked around the village. "Traveling won't be easy."

"They're working to redirect some of the water that's in the central part of town," Steve advised as he lifted a large chunk of a tree and got it out of the road. "Certainly won't be in any kind of drought."

"Not for a good while," James agreed as he lifted a stack of limbs and took them to a pile they'd created. "Have you heard from Cleo today? She wasn't feeling well at breakfast." 

Steve picked up another piece of wood and glanced at Bucky. "She said the same thing to me. She seemed tired too," he replied. "I told her she should maybe go see Shuri just to be safe."

"Pfft. That woman is stubborn. It'll take carrying her before she'll go," James replied.

Steve chuckled softly, nodding. "She certainly can be stubborn," he agreed. "Maybe we should shoot Shuri a text to check on her friend."

"Do you think Cleo would get mad if we did?" He asked.

"Annoyed, maybe. But not mad," Steve said with a shrug. He reached into his back pocket to pull out his phone. "I'll do it, she can be upset with me. I can take it." Steve had always been a worrier.

Steve: Hey Shuri - if you get a chance could you check on Cleo today? She wasn't feeling well this morning and she's seemed more tired than usual.

Shuri: More tired? Tired how? That woman never runs out of energy.

Steve: It usually seems that way, yeah. But she's definitely slowed down. Yawning, falling asleep while we're watching television. She even slept in.

Shuri: Have you noticed any other symptoms?

Steve: Buck said she wasn't feeling well at breakfast. Could be from something she ate last night I suppose.

Shuri: I'll look into it, but have either of you been using protection?

Steve's brows furrowed at the question on his phone screen.

Steve: Cleo has that covered so no...are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?

He stood up a little straighter and glanced at his best friend, who was thankfully busying himself with something else. It was only a few months ago that Buck had said that he wasn't ready for something like... marriage and kids. Steve's stomach churned a little out of anxiety but he didn't want to worry Bucky yet.

Shuri: Anything is possible? At least I tell myself that now since everything that's happened. But I will visit the clinic and check on her.

Steve: Thank you, Shuri. We appreciate it.

He slipped his phone back into his pocket. "She's gonna go see Cleo at the clinic."

James nodded as he dusted off his hands, having cleared a section of road. "That's good. Shuri is a good friend to Cleo."

"She is," Steve agreed, resting his hands on his hips. "Let's move further into town. Gotta get these roads back up and running."

"I doubt it will be today, but we can get a good portion done," James agreed. "Let's go."


"Good job, yay," Cleo murmured to the tropical bird sitting on the table of the clinic. She had broken her wing when she crash landed and the collar was finally off. Typically she'd have more enthusiasm, but today she wasn't feeling like she had much energy at all.

She had been waking up queasy on and off the last few weeks, but never enough to say much about it. She never wanted anyone to worry, and she knew the boys would. Ava was sure it was just a small bug or some bad shrimp, but now that she was as tired as she was, she admitted to herself that she might actually be sick. Not that she planned to do much about it. Rest and fluids and she'd perk back up.

Ava heard the front door of the clinic open and close and she narrowed her eyes, looking up from the table. Eagle raised his head from his position on the floor beside where Cleo was working but when he didn't get up or bark, she trusted that this person must be a safe one for him not to react. "No, I'm sorry, I don't have time for you to tell me about your lord and savior Jesus Christ," she joked with a smirk.

"Lord and savior?" Shuri questioned as she rounded the table with a hand on her hip. "Now that's one I haven't heard before."

"You've never lived in America where evangelists try to push their hateful religion on strangers," Cleo remarked with a knowing smirk. "What's up? Did I forget I was supposed to meet you for something?" she asked, wrinkling her nose.

"Nope, just coming to visit," Shuri answered. "How did the clinic fair with the storm?"

"Almost completely unscathed," she reported positively. "We lost a section of shingles but it'll be pretty easy to fix." She pushed herself back from the exam table and picked up her ginger ale that she had been nursing. "We didn't lose anyone to the storm, did we?"

Shuri shook her head, eyeing her drink. "Not this time around, but it is early in the rainy season, you never know." She leaned against the counter and watched as Cleo rubbed her eyes. "Are you alright?"

Cleo yawned, her eyes a little scratchy. She covered her mouth, raising her brows as Shuri questioned her. "Uh huh," she replied, shaking her head a little to wake herself up. "I'm just tired today. I don't feel great but I'm sure it's nothing."

"Don't feel great, how? You're hardly sick Cleo," Shuri said gently. "How long have you been feeling off?"

The dark haired woman puffed her cheeks out as she thought back. "Maybe a few weeks? It was kind of on and off, but now it's constant," she explained, not even for a second considering that it might be a sign of something growing inside of her. "I don't want anyone to worry, though. You know I hate that."

Shuri smirked. "You're a blonde sometimes, baby girl. Have you thought about taking a pregnancy test?"

Cleo made a face at Shuri and wrinkled her nose. "A pregnancy test? No!" she insisted, sitting back in her chair. "I have an IUD. I haven't had a period in years...". So I wouldn't know if I missed one. Nerves began to flutter in her stomach and she looked up at her friend. "Nausea, feeling tired, food aversions... shit."

"Don't panic," Shuri pulled a pregnancy test from her pocket and handed it to her. "One step at a time. But if that's positive, I need to remove that IUD."

"You just walk around with pregnancy tests in your pocket?" she asked, scoffing softly but it took her only a moment before she gave her friend a knowing look. "They told you I wasn't feeling well, didn't they?" Cleo knew the answer. She heaved a sigh as she got up off of the chair. "Okay, I'll go take this..."

Shuri smiled at her. "They care about you, that's all. I can watch the front desk while you go and take care of that."

Cleo nodded at her friend's instructions and walked to the back of the clinic and into the bathroom. The box was so... bright. Happy. Was that how she was supposed to feel?

Five minutes felt like hours, and she forced herself not to look at the stick on the sink top. Smoothing her hands over her face, she focused on just breathing until the beep of the timer went off.

Two lines. Two lines meant...

"Oh my god..." she breathed disbelievingly. She didn't get up right away, she was worried she might pass out. It was another few minutes before she emerged from the bathroom, eyes glassy as she looked up at Shuri. "I guess you have to take my IUD out..."

Shuri turned with her eyes wide. "It was positive? That's... that's amazing Cleo." She could see tears in her best friend's eyes making her walk up and hug her. "Are you okay?"

"I... I don't know," Cleo replied, lightly hugging Shuri back. "We've barely scratched the surface of talking about this, about kids. James..." He was who she was worried about. "I don't know how he'll feel, and I guess that... that scares me."

"Do you want me to mediate? Or talk to one first? Because Steve was right on the money," Shuri told her.

"Steve guessed?" Cleo asked incredulously. "Oh my god... whose is it?! How pregnant am I? Does a super-soldier baby grow differently?" she said in a panic, eyes wide.

Shuri chuckled. "Those are all good questions. Are you able to close for a bit and come to the lab with me?"

Cleo couldn't help but suddenly rest her hands on her lower abdomen. I'm an idiot, I just thought I was bloated. She nodded at Shuri's question. "Yeah, I can," she said, reaching up to wipe her eyes. "Oh my god, Shuri... I'm gonna have a baby."

"Yes, you are." Shuri watched as the news dawned on her best friend. "We just need to find out who daddy is. I have DNA from them both, so it wouldn't be hard to find out who."

She exhaled slowly as she walked toward the door. "I feel like such an idiot. They have super sperm! Of course they can get through an IUD!" She rubbed her hands over her face. "Holy shit, Riri. I can't even wrap my mind around this."

Shuri held in a laugh as she watched Cleo lock up. "We didn't know if they could or not, even a normal person can cause someone with an IUD to get pregnant, it's just rare."

"I know, I know," Cleo said with a groan, some of the nausea returning now that she was out in the heat. "We're not gonna pass them in the village, are we?" she asked, grabbing Shuri's arm. "I'm not ready..."

"They're closer to the city now, clearing debris," Shuri answered. "We'll be good."

"Okay, thank you," Cleo said in relief. "I have no idea what I'm going to say. I guess it depends on who's daddy. But they're both gonna have to know about it. This could... really screw things up," she muttered nervously.

"Why do you think it will screw things up?" Shuri asked. "They're grown-ups, they know that being active can cause this sort of thing. I hope they would anyway."

"Because... James might not be ready," she admitted, stomach turning a little as they made their way up the hill. "He said... he's not sure he has the ability to be a father. I know that he does, he would be a wonderful dad, but the idea of children didn't exactly excite him."

"Have you ever seen him with the children in the village?" Shuri asked. "That very large man is the gentlest person I have ever seen when it comes to them."

"I know! I've seen him," Cleo agreed adamantly. "They love him and he's so sweet and gentle... I just need him to believe that he wouldn't break a baby either."

Shuri nodded as they reached the palace, the guards opening the doors for them. "Well, he did well with Eagle, didn't he? They're like babies."

"He did," she agreed, exhaling heavily. "Do you think... maybe I should tell Steve first? Especially if it is James's. Maybe he could help soften the blow."

"I think it would be a good idea," Shuri nodded as they made their way to her lab. "First thing is to remove the IUD. Is it in your arm or cervical?"

"Arm, thankfully," Cleo replied. "Can we really find out who the father is this soon?" With Wakandan technology the way it was, who knew what was possible anymore.

"If I work my magic, perhaps. But it really depends on how far along you are. Go ahead and sit on the table and I'll get set up to remove that. Otherwise, the pregnancy will have issues," Shuri explained.

Cleo walked over to the table and hopped onto it, pulling her hair out of its ponytail and running her fingers through it. "You know, if my dad were alive... he wouldn't understand any of what we're doing in this relationship. But he would have been a fun grandpa."

Shuri laughed and nodded as she returned with what she needed. "I don't think he would understand it. But he would have been a good grandpa."

Exhaling heavily, she extended her arm so that Shuri could remove her implant. "This is crazy. Completely crazy. I mean, it's not like I don't want children, I do. And there's never a right time..."

"This is true," Shuri nodded as she removed the implant as painlessly as she could before putting a bandage on her arm. "What are you thinking?"

Puffing out her cheeks, she smoothly raised her legs to lay down on the table, eyes staring at the ceiling. A breathy laugh escaped her as she shook her head. "All I keep hearing in my head is holy shit. Just on repeat."

Shuri laughed and nodded. "I can imagine. Do you want me to double check? I have a 3D scanner that I can use to see what's going on in there."

Turning her head to look at her friend, she nodded. "I mean... if we have access to it, why not?" she said nervously, hands resting on her abdomen. Seeing it... would make it even more real somehow. But she needed that.

"Sure." Shuri moved some gear around before hovering a panel over Cleo's abdomen. "Once I dial this in and magnify it, we should be able to see everything."

"Okay," Cleo exhaled with a nod, pursing her lips to get herself to breathe a little more slowly. Her hands were shaking a little, but she laid them to her sides so that Shuri could, as she put it, dial in.

After turning a few dials and checking a few things, Shuri turned on the panel above Cleo. "Do you see that tiny bundle right there?" She pointed.

Cleo had looked at plenty of sonograms; animals got pregnant at an ever-higher rate than humans, it seemed. She nodded in affirmation of her friend's question and as the little tadpole appeared on the screen her eyes instantly welled with tears. She brought one hand up to bite her fingernail before she inhaled deeply and exhaled shakily. "That's inside me," she said plainly, knowing it was obvious, but it was just something she felt needed to be said.

Shuri smiled at Cleo, watching as the news of her carrying a child became apparent to her. "That's your baby. It might be a bundle of little cells now, but it will grow to look more human." She turned and began taking measurements of the little circle. "It looked like you're maybe six weeks, close to seven weeks along."

"Seven weeks... okay," she murmured, trying to think back, eyes turning back up to the ceiling. "That's... right before the dog attack. So the baby... it has to be James's," she said, turning her eyes back to Shuri. "Steve and I hadn't... you know."

"I don't need to know details," Shuri chuckled as she worked to print an image for Cleo before turning off the machine. "But I wonder if that little thing helped to save your life now."

Sitting up on the table, Cleo accepted the picture and looked down at it, finger circling the small figure on the picture. Looking up, she furrowed her brows. "What do you mean?" she asked. "How could it have helped?"

Shuri gave her a shrug. "I'm not quite sure yet. But Barnes has altered DNA. That could be a factor."

That was certainly a possibility. If she had a little super-soldier inside of her, maybe it made her stronger somehow. For a moment she closed her eyes before opening them again to look across at Shuri. "Can you text Steve?"

"I can. Do you want me to ask him to come here?" Shuri asked as she got out her phone. "I'm sure he would."

Cleo nodded, brushing her hair back behind her ears. "That's probably best. And then we can go tell James together."

"Alright." Shuri pulled up her messages and quickly messaged Steve.

Shuri: Cap? Could you come to my lab please?

While working in the center of town, Steve felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and he grabbed it. He furrowed his brows as he read the text.

Steve: 10-4. On my way.

He looked around for Bucky and didn't see him. He'd been working with a group of townsfolk; he must still be with them. "Let's see what this is about first before I say anything," he murmured to himself before he turned and made his way up to the palace.

As they waited, Cleo's eyes were still hooked on the photograph in her hands. She took slow, purposeful breaths to keep herself from hyperventilating at the anxiety she felt in her belly.

At the sound of the knock on the lab door, her eyes shot up.

"Come in," Shuri called out, taking a few steps toward her best friend. "Here we go."

Steve stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. "Is something wrong?" He asked. "She's not sick, is she?" He walked over to them before realizing that Cleo held a piece of paper in her hands.

Cleo's expression softened considerably, tears instantly returning to her eyes at Steve's presence.

Shuri chuckled softly at Steve's question. "Well technically she has a parasite, but it will resolve itself in roughly seven months."

Cleo released a watery laugh before she turned her attention to Steve and held out the picture. "Seven weeks."

Steve took the picture and looked at it a moment before it dawned on him. He looked at Cleo with wide eyes. "You're pregnant?" He smiled.

She smiled nervously, tears threatening to fall as she nodded. "Looks like it," she replied with a breathless quality, her cheeks flushing. "It's... James's," she said, even before the question was asked.

"Are... are you happy about it?" Steve asked softly. He didn't want to celebrate if there was a chance she would be upset.

"That seems like a very complicated answer right now," Shuri said, reaching out to take Cleo's hand in hers.

Cleo appreciated her friend's voice. She felt more than a little fragile right now, between feeling like garbage and hormones and the surprising news. She felt Shuri's hand move to her back and she summoned her own. "I'm worried... about how James will feel," she admitted. "You've talked to him about this, right? And what did he say to you?"

"He's told me that he was scared," Steve answered softly. "But I think that any man would be scared to become a father." He knelt down to kiss her cheek. "But I want you to know that I am very excited. Even if the baby isn't mine, I'm not going anywhere."

"Well, you can be next," Shuri remarked with a smirk, making Cleo break into a watery laugh.

She wrapped her arms around Steve and held onto him tightly. "Can you be there? When I tell him?" she asked, swallowing the thickness in her throat.

Steve nodded as he held her close to him. "Of course, sweetness. We can tell him together."

"Thank you," she whispered, holding tightly to him for another few moments before she slowly released him. She reached up to wipe her eyes before she looked between both Shuri and Steve. "I guess... I'll go home and wait for him there."

"Do you want to relax for a little while?" Steve asked. "This is all up to you, sweetheart. I know this is pretty big news to get today."

Cleo laughed knowingly at herself. "I won't be able to relax until James knows and... has his reaction," she said honestly. "I would like to change out of my scrubs, maybe clean up a little bit. I don't want to worry him."

"I can take you home, if you want?" Steve suggested. "Buck will know to head home when the sun starts going down."

Running her fingers through her long, dark hair she took one more deep breath before she slid off of the table. "Yes please. The nausea has been off and on all day."

"Eat something," Shuri advised, looking at Steve and then nodding toward Cleo. "Make sure she eats something. Small snacks and meals all day. If it gets too bad, I can give you something for it."

Steve nodded. "I will, promise." He wrapped his arm around Cleo and led her out of the lab then out of the palace. "How do you want to tell him?"

Cleo heaved a sigh, pulling her hair back away from her face and into a messy bun at the base of her neck. "I don't want to ambush him with it, but he's gonna notice something is off. I know he is."

"He is a pretty smart man. Although his background also makes him notice the smallest of changes," Steve replied. "I just don't want you to get upset if he doesn't have the reaction you wish him to. He's likely to get scared."

Her head dropped back defeatedly. "Yeah, see, I'm not sure I know how to not be upset about that... I can try," she said in reply, shaking her head. "So, we... have to leave him an escape route."

Steve looked down at Cleo with concern. "Cleo, honey. He's not going to leave you because of this. We just have to show him that he can be a good father. I know he has it in him."

Every ending she saw was catastrophic. That was the anxiety, she knew that. But still... it unsettled her. "So, do I. The way he is with the kids in town, how gentle he was with Eagle... he won't see it that way, though, and that's what worries me."

"That just means we have to show him what he's capable of, that's all." He gently pulled her to a stop and had her face him. "I love him as much as you do, and I know that if we explain things right, he'll see what I do." Steve gently placed his hand on her stomach. "Someone else to love."

God, she hoped he was right. Her smile managed to grow a little as his hand rested on her belly and she rested her hand on top of his. "Someone else to love..." she murmured in reply. Nodding slowly, she turned her eyes up to Steve's again. "Okay... we'll show him."


When Steve and Cleo arrived home, Steve had decided that he would cook for them and make spaghetti for everyone. He stood at the stove, browning ground beef while Cleo sat, perched on the kitchen counter. They had been home for a couple of hours and Steve was getting hungry. "The kids talked Buck into a round of kickball, that's why he's late," he commented as he put his phone down beside him. "I think he picked up using a phone faster than I did."

Anxiety sat in Cleo's already sour stomach, but Steve worked wonders keeping her spirit up. He distracted her mind enough with small tasks and she was grateful for it. The more hours that passed, though, she began feeling nervous again. Steve's words of the message from James made her feel a little better. "See? Right there... he's great with those kids."

"He's really fond of them," Steve nodded as he turned to drain the grease from the meat before adding pasta sauce. "I think that will be a major thing to point out to him."

"You're right. Okay... yes, this is going to be okay," she said aloud, nodding to herself. Steve's optimism and support was annoyingly effective. He didn't leave her to drown in her own thoughts long. "Is he on his way or is he still playing?"

Steve reached for his phone as he stirred the sauce. "On his way, now. He wants to shower when he gets home."

She nodded, cursing herself to be patient. It was all that was on her mind, telling him. But she knew this had to be done right. "Okay," she agreed, puffing out her cheeks. She picked up her own phone beside her. She had her own message from James. "He said he hopes I'm feeling better," she shared with Steve, unable to keep from chuckling softly.

After starting a pot of water, Steve moved to stand between Cleo's legs, his arms wrapping around her. "It'll be okay, sweetness. He loves you. We both do."

Cleo rested her head against Steve's strong chest and nodded. "I know. I do. I love you both," she replied, forcing a slow breath. She heard something aside from the boiling water and sizzle of the pan and she turned her head to see if she could hear it better. "I think that's Eagle."

Steve lifted his head just as he heard James' boots before he opened the front door, Eagle's nails clicking on the hardwood as he followed. "How did you hear that?"

She shrugged. "I don't know... maybe the baby? Shuri said something about it maybe keeping me alive during the accident," she said, only guessing.

It was only a moment before James appeared in the entryway and she smiled as normally as she could. "Hi handsome," she greeted.

James smiled at her, happy to see that she was in good spirits after hearing that she wasn't well. "Hi, doll. Feeling better?"

Cleo nodded, offering him a soft smile. "I do, thank you," she answered, breathing through the flourish of nerves she felt in her belly.

"I'm making dinner so if you want to shower, it should be done when you're out," Steve shared, glancing back in Bucky's direction.

"How was kickball?" Cleo asked, hoping his time with the kids in the village was good for him.

"Good," James grinned. "They almost beat me. They're getting smarter at how to play."

"They'll figure it out before too long," Steve replied with a smirk.

"I'm glad you had a good time," Cleo said with an easy smile. "If you want to shower, go ahead. We can talk more during dinner."

James nodded but walked into the kitchen to give both Cleo and Steve a kiss before going upstairs to take a shower.

Watching him go, Cleo swallowed against the anxiety she continued to feel. I need to focus on something else. She hopped down off of the counter and went to the cabinet to pull out plates for them to set the table. Once that was done, she fed Eagle before she walked up behind Steve and wrapped her arms around him. "I need to just rip off the bandaid."

"Baby, things will be okay," Steve assured. He stirred the pasta before turning to wrap one arm around her and kiss her head. "I'm right here."

She nodded against him and stayed right where she was, leaned into his side until she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Wait, where's the picture?" she panicked momentarily, finding it on the counter; she'd been sitting on it when James arrived. Carefully, she slipped it into her pocket and turned just in time to catch James stepping into the room.

"Feel better after a shower?" she asked, hoping he wouldn't sense her anxiety.

"Yeah. It's pretty sticky out after the storm," James answered. "I think it might storm again in a day or two." He walked over to Cleo and bent to kiss her softly.

Cleo kissed him in return and wrapped her arms around his waist, his voice rumbling in his chest as she pressed her ear to it. "We'll do whatever we need to," she said, biting her lip before she released him, turning her eyes up to his. "Oh, so... I actually did end up going to see Shuri today. After Steve snitched on me," she began, lightening things with a small joke.

James chuckled and nodded. "I figured as much when he disappeared from helping out in the city."

Steve grinned as he quickly strained the noodles and rinsed them off. "I was summoned to help our girl; I wasn't going to leave her high and dry."

Cleo smiled gratefully at Steve before she exhaled softly and turned her attention back to James. "Shuri did some tests and found out why I've been feeling so tired and nauseated...". Glancing back at Steve for just a moment, she gave him a small nod before she slipped the picture out of her pocket and held it out to James. "James, I... I'm pregnant."

James blinked as his brain worked to catch up with the words Cleo told him. He glanced over at Steve before he looked down at the small black and white circle on the paper she handed him. "Pregnant?"

She felt nerves fire up as he questioned what she'd said, but she felt Steve step in behind her and she nodded. "Yes. Pregnant," she affirmed, hands unconsciously resting on her belly. "That's... our baby," she added, eyes wide and vulnerable.

He looked back down at the photo again. "O-our? Am I...?"

Exhaling a little shakily from emotion, Cleo nodded. "You're the father," she said, answering his question without him having to finish it. "Shuri thinks I was pregnant when the dog attack happened and it... kept me alive." She shouldn't have survived that attack, and anywhere else but Wakanda she probably wouldn't have. "Steve and I hadn't been intimate yet."

James gulped, feeling his hands begin to shake slightly. "I... I don't... I don't know what to say," he whispered. How can I be a dad after all I've done?

She saw the tremor on his hands, and she turned her eyes up to Steve, her own nerves spiking.

Steve exhaled softly and stepped next to Cleo, reaching out to put his hand on Bucky's shoulder. "You can do this, Buck. And you're not doing it alone."

Cleo's eyes filled with tears, though she tried to keep them in. "I know we didn't plan it, but... you're so good with the kids in the village, and you raised Eagle from a puppy."

"But... I've done so much wrong in my life," he whispered. "What if I do the wrong thing?"

It broke her heart to hear him blame himself again. He'd come so far, but those painful memories still haunted him.

"When has James Barnes ever done the wrong thing?" Steve asked insistently. "James Barnes has always taken care of the people he loves."

James sighed and looked back down at the photo again, feeling tears well in his eyes. The haunting memories were still in his mind but the thought of having a family of his own came to the front, making him smile. "I'm really going to be a dad?"

Seeing James's tears initially worried her but as a smile worked onto his face, she felt a flood of relief. Her jaw quivered as she pursed her lips to exhale. "Yes, baby," she affirmed, tears falling from her eyes as she nodded.

Steve smiled proudly, reaching out to rest his hand on Bucky's shoulder, giving him a gentle shake. "Congratulations, Buck."

James reached for Cleo, lifting her into his arms and spinning her around before capturing her lips in a gentle kiss. "I love you," he whispered. When he looked up to see Steve smiling at him, he reached out for him. "I love you too, Steve."

Her smile immediately grew, and she laughed as she returned James's kiss. She hung on to him as Steve stepped in and wrapped his arms around the two of them and pressed a kiss to James's cheek.

"I love you too, Buck," he replied easily, gently rubbing Cleo's back. "We just have to take really good care of our girl right now."

James looked down at Cleo and nodded. "I think both of us can do that. We might have to dial it back in the bedroom though," he laughed.

"It's not like I can get more pregnant," Cleo replied with a much easier smile than before. Taking James's hand, she brought it to her lower belly and rested it there. "There's something in there..."

He chuckled softly, splaying his large hand over her belly. "We made something, huh?"

"We sure did," she said with a soft giggle. "I think the baby's super-soldier's genes are affecting me too," she offered, glancing between Steve and James. "I could hear Eagle coming before Steve did."

James' eyes widened. "That's pretty amazing." He moved to wrap his arm around her and kiss her temple.

"I mean... all of this is pretty amazing," she remarked, leaning into him. "And we'll do it together. The three of us."

"This child will have the best mom anyone could ask for," Steve said sweetly. "Along with two amazing fathers... if that's what you want Cleo."

"Of course it is... they say it takes a village, right?" she replied with an easy shrug. "Is that what you would want?" she asked James, turning her head up to look at him. She didn't want to decide who was or were the fathers of his child for him.

"Steve will be in the little one's life just as much as me," James answered. "I'll always be their father... but Steve can be their dad too. I'm sure if the baby was his, he'd feel the same way."

"I would," Steve said, stepping up beside the two of them. "We're all a family, right?" A family... I've gotta talk to Buck. Some of Steve's old-fashioned ideals had changed, but if Cleo was pregnant... wasn't it the right thing to marry her?

Cleo's eyes watered as the men in her life sweetly included the other. This could really be done. "We're a family."

"A very happy one, too," James said softly before bending to kiss Cleo once more. He turned with the photo in hand and pinned it to the fridge with a magnet. "We'll be happy to meet you little one."

"Take it easy on me, okay?" she added, turning to look down at her currently non-existent belly. "I'll take care of you, you take care of me, okay?"

"Speaking of taking care, you need to eat something," Steve prompted, reaching out to smooth his hand over Cleo's back. "Come on, let's all sit down."

James grinned and got everyone a plate so they could have their spaghetti. "It smells good. I'm starved."

"Thank you, baby," Cleo said with a tired smile. "And thank you for cooking, Steve. I'm so tired. I hope that that fades."

"I'm sure it will," Steve commented as he dished everyone's plates before carrying his and Cleo's plate to the kitchen table. "We'll do some research."

"I'm growing a super-baby, so who knows if that'll be different," she observed with a shrug as she picked up her fork. "I'll apologize now for any mood swings."

Steve chuckled as he sat down and glanced over at Buck. He still seemed uneasy, but he was trying to take things in stride. "We understand, sweetness."

Throughout dinner, Cleo yawned and rubbed her tired eyes until finally, when she set her fork down, Steve reached out to brush a little hair behind her ear.

"Why don't you go lay down? We'll take care of things down here," Steve suggested gently.

"No, I'm okay, I can help," she replied before another large yawn took over. She gave Steve a guilty smile before she nodded. "Okay, maybe I'll lay down for a little while."

James chuckled as he stacked their empty plates before standing. He then bent down and picked Cleo up bridal style before kissing her softly. "Let's get you to bed."

She giggled as he lifted her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I could get used to being carried up the stairs," she said with a smirk.

"You have two willing men to carry you," Steve added, stepping over to kiss her softly. "I'll clean up dinner. Go rest, sweetheart."

James grinned and stole a kiss from Steve before he turned and took Cleo upstairs. He didn't let her stand until they reached their bedroom. "Were you wanting to shower tonight?"

She yawned again as she crossed the room to her dresser. Shaking her head, she pulled her top off and reached into the drawer to pull out a tee shirt. "I just want to lay down. Especially after pasta," she said before she slipped off her pants, walking barefoot over to the bed.

"Do you want me to lay with you?" James asked. "We could watch some tv?"

"I wouldn't say no to your company. I'll probably fall asleep fast, though, so feel free to leave me if you get bored," she answered, climbing into the bed and finding her spot.

James removed his sweats, then his shirt, stripping down to just a black pair of briefs. "I'm feeling tired myself. We did a lot today." He climbed into bed and took his usual place beside her, letting her curl against him.

Resting her head against his chest, she angled herself so that she could easily see the television. "You guys are such a huge help to the village. Everyone adores you down there," she told him, nestling against him a little more. A moment later, Eagle jumped onto the bed and walked over to the two of them.

"What's up, buddy?" Cleo asked, reaching out to pet him.

Eagle slowly curled up into a ball and sat down beside her, resting his head on her abdomen.

"Aww..." she cooed. "You know there's something in there, don't ya?"

James smiled as he reached to rub the large dog's head. "They're pretty observant," he murmured.

"Good boy," she said sweetly to Eagle before she rested her head back against James's shoulder. "I'm surrounded by good boys. I need this baby to be a girl to start to even things out," she chuckled softly.

"Start to?" James pointed out. "Do you want more than one, doll?"

She furrowed her brows a little, not realizing she'd stated it that way, but she shrugged after a moment. "I mean, if Steve wants one of his own, or... I don't know. I'm open to it."

James smiled and kissed the top of Cleo's head. "It's no rush, doll. Let's have this one first."

"Um, yes, absolutely," she agreed. "If this one is a handful, they might be an only child," she joked with a gentle laugh. "Were you a terror as a child? Not that you would know I guess."

"My memory is spotty," he said quietly. "From what I do remember, I wasn't too awful."

"I bet you were a little protector from day one," Cleo said, turning up to look at him. "Your sister, Steve... that's always been a part of you."

He smiled down at her before closing the gap with a gentle kiss. "I'll always protect you and Steve both."

She curled more into his body and rested her head on his chest. "I know you will. That's part of why I love you." She closed her eyes and listened to the steady beat of his heart.

"I love you too," he murmured softly. "Forever and always."

It was nearly a half hour later when Steve climbed the stairs, the quiet muttering of the television the first thing he noticed. Stepping into the bedroom, he smiled instantly. "She's asleep already?"

James nodded, smiling up at Steve, watching as he turned to grab his sleep shorts. "Yeah. She zonked out pretty fast. She didn't last a whole episode of her favorite veterinarian show."

Steve stripped his shirt off and chuckled softly. "She's not kidding about being tired," he said as he pulled his shorts on. "How are you feeling now?" he asked quietly, fairly sure they wouldn't wake Cleo because of the sound of the television droning.

"I'm... still in shock, I think," he answered honestly. James looked down at Cleo, running one hand slowly through her hair. "Scared."

Steve nodded, slowly making his way to the edge of the bed where Bucky was resting. "I think that's normal when you find out you're having a baby," he observed with a shrug. "But I know you can do this. And I think the second you see your baby, that will all go away."

James let out a breath of air, but his chest still felt tight and constricted. "The both of you have more faith in me than I ever will."

"Well, maybe that's all that matters. As long as one of us does," Steve replied, taking the other man's hand in his. "I, uh... I wanted to get your feelings on something," he said with a slightly nervous sigh. "With Cleo being pregnant... my old-world sensibilities are kicking in..."

Watching Steve's eyes bounce to his and to their joined hands before coming back again, made James tense. "Steven... what is it?"

"Ooh, Steven?" Steve echoed, making a face. "I just think... that we should talk about..." he began before he raised one of his hands and released Bucky's pretend to slip a ring onto it.

"Marriage?" James asked. "Are you scared to say it?"

"No, I just... in case she can hear us," Steve said, lowering his voice. "But yes, I... I think we should at least consider that."

James turned his hand over and gripped onto Steve's. "I wouldn't marry one without marrying the other," he whispered softly.

Steve's expression softened and he held onto Bucky's hand securely. He dropped his head for a moment, a more boyish grin slipping onto his face. "Are you asking if I'd marry you, James Barnes?" he asked, his voice deep in his chest.

Letting out a shaky breath, James met Steve's blue eyes, which mirrored his own. "IF you'll have me. I'd love to have you both."

Steve chuckled breathlessly, shaking his head. "Of course I'll have you. You were all I ever wanted for a long time," he gushed just barely above a whisper before he leaned in and caught Bucky's lips in a tender kiss.

James reached to cup the side of Steve's face with his hand as he slowly returned his kiss. "Why don't you come lay in bed?" He whispered. "Unless you want to sleep by me tonight."

A smile spread onto Steve's features. "I'd love to sleep by you," he answered. "Think we can make enough room for me over here?"

"We can scoot Cleo over," James nodded, speaking softly. "I don't think she will wake." He looked down at her before bending to place a lingering kiss to the top of her head.

Steve moved in beside him and watched with a smile as Bucky gently moved Cleo. She weighed practically nothing to them. "She's exhausted. Her body is working hard growing your baby."

James turned to lay on his side, feeling Steve wrap around him. "I still can't believe I'm going to be a dad," he murmured, watching Cleo sleep.

Steve peered over Bucky and down at Cleo, his smile warming further. "You're gonna be great," he assured the other man. "And the kid's gonna have the best mom any kid could ask for."

"I agree with you about Cleo. I'm not so sure about myself," he murmured. James turned and looked at Steve apprehensively.

Steve rested his head on the pillow as he held Bucky's eyes. "I know it. I've seen it. Let's be real, taking care of me was probably harder than taking care of a baby. I was sick all the time, I always overdid it, and ended up in the hospital. You can do this."

"That's not counting the multiple fights that I rescued you from," James added, a smirk on his face. As Cleo rolled over in her sleep, James turned to face Steve fully. "Do you really think it will be okay?"

Reaching out, Steve smoothed his hand over his best friend's cheek. "I really do," he replied gently but surely. "I think you'll be surprised how quickly you get the hang of it. Of the two of us, I always pictured you as the one with kids."

James chuckled, letting his eyes close at Steve's touch. "I always saw you settling down before me," he murmured.

"What woman would have wanted me, huh? I could barely get one to even look at me," Steve replied with a knowing grin. "You were gonna be Dad and I would be Uncle Steve. I don't even know if I could have even had kids back then. Probably just one more thing that was wrong with me."

"Well... now you get to be a dad. Cleo has already mentioned she would give you the opportunity to have one of your own in the future."

Steve nearly blushed at the mention of a baby of his own. "That's very sweet of her to say. Let's see how this one goes first," he said with an easy smile. Leaning in, he caught Bucky's lips and kissed him securely. "I love you, Bucky Barnes."

"I love you, Stevie." James nipped at Steve's bottom lip before kissing him in return, sighing softly as he opened his mouth to him.

Smiling against Bucky's lips, Steve slipped his tongue into the other man's awaiting mouth. It reminded him of what he and Bucky used to do when they were exploring what they felt for one another. They laid together and kissed, just like this, for no one knows how long. It was unbelievable that they were here now.

James sighed softly, feeling himself becoming hard. "Stevie," he whispered. "We don't want to... wake Cleo."

Steve groaned quietly and nodded. "You're right," he agreed reluctantly. "But... there are other rooms in this house..."

He chuckled softly. "Do you want some alone time?" He asked. "Just with me?"

"I'd love some," Steve replied quietly. "But we don't have to leave Cleo if you don't want to right now."

James ran his thumb over Steve's lower lip. "We can keep one ear on her," he murmured. "I can hear her heartbeat pretty much anywhere in this house."

"Me too," Steve agreed, tongue licking his lips after Bucky's touch. "Why don't we go to my room?" he suggested. He had a room here, after all, even if he didn't use it.

"Sure," James agreed. "It's just across the hall. Do you want me to bring the toy bag?"

"Only if you want to," Steve answered, carefully sitting up so that he could turn to put his feet on the floor. "I want to feel you." Standing up, he glanced at the nightstand and picked up the lube he found there. "We'll need this, though."

James licked his lips and nodded before he stood silently. He turned to see Cleo curled in a ball, fast asleep with Eagle's head resting on her legs. "Leave our door cracked."

"We'll be back, gorgeous," Steve said to the sleeping woman before he made his way out of the room, leaving the door cracked as Bucky had asked. It was a short walk to his room and as he stepped inside knowing Buck was right behind him, he casually pulled his shirt off and tossed it aside.

"Eager to get started?" James asked as he closed their door, only leaving it open just a crack.

Steve chuckled a bit. "I just thought I might make your job a little easier," he replied, turning to face the other man with an easy smile. He stepped in towards Bucky and reached out for him, resting one hand on the side of his best friend's face and the other on his hip. "It's still just so... unbelievable that we're here right now."

"I know how you feel," he replied. "I never thought that I would ever get this back with you. I thought it was gone forever."

"I didn't want to mention it in case you didn't remember. Plus, you had Cleo so I figured it was gone too," Steve acknowledged. He closed the distance between their lips and kissed Bucky fully, allowing the both of them to savor the intensity of it.

James moaned into Steve's mouth as he cupped his face in his hands. "I'll never give this up," he breathed. "I won't ever let you go."

Steve rested his forehead against Bucky's and closed his eyes. "We do seem to keep finding each other in spite of it all," he observed, a more youthful glint in his eyes.

"Yes, we do." James ran one hand through Steve's hair, making him smile. "Your hair is getting long again."

"I know... what do you think! Should I cut it?" Steve asked with a shy smile. "And what did you think about the beard when I had it?"

"I like it long. It gives us something to grip onto," James smirked. "Plus, a little beard burn never hurt anyone."

"Maybe I'll have to grow it back," Steve remarked with a smile. "I wouldn't want you to lose interest in me. Gotta keep you on your toes," he teased gently, leaning in to steal another kiss.

James laughed before nipping at Steve's bottom lip. "I could never lose interest in you." He ran one hand down his chest and over his stomach to palm at his growing cock.

"Mmm..." Steve groaned as Bucky touched him. "I can remember the first time you touched me there," he said, pulling his lover against his body.

"Oh, really?" Bucky turned to kiss up his neck. "Tell me about it," he whispered, his breath blowing in his ear.

Steve's eyes fluttered closed, his cock hardening as goosebumps appeared on his skin. "It was after that girl... Betty, maybe, had stood me up," he recalled. "You got home from work and tried to cheer me up."

"What else do you remember?" He murmured, slowly sliding his hand beneath the waistband of his shorts.

A groan floated out of Steve, and he immediately hardened further. "You made me stand up and look you in the eye while you told me why anyone would be lucky to have me. I didn't believe it, but you gave me goosebumps."

James placed a butterfly kiss to his lips. "Do you believe me now?" He whispered, slowly stroking his cock.

Steve shivered as Bucky's hand smoothly moved over his skin. "I'm... still working on believing all of it," he admitted, hands reaching to grip the other man's hips. "But now that I have you back, I bet I'll make progress."

"You are complete putty in my hands right now," James smiled. "What do you want Stevie?"

He laughed boyishly, cheeks blushing a bit as he moaned with another shiver. "I want you to suck my cock. Just like the first time you did."

"Do you want to sit on the bed?" He questioned. "Or would you like to stand?"

"I'll stand, or at least I will until you make me weak in the knees," Steve replied with a knowing smirk.

James chuckled before running his lips down Steve's neck before biting down on his collarbone. "Do you still like a little pain... like you used to?"

Steve's eyes fluttered closed again and a whimper escaped him. "Apparently," he answered with a shaky exhale.

He chuckled before slowly lowering to stand on his knees to place open mouthed kisses on his stomach. "Tell me how you want it, Stevie."

His body felt like it was trembling on the inside in anticipation. Looking down at Bucky like this pulled a groan out of him. Reaching down, he ran his hand through Bucky's hair, stomach contracting with each kiss. "I want you to take me in your mouth and suck it like a lollipop."

"I can do that," James murmured as he ran his stubbled cheek against his hip while barely sliding his shorts downward. "Do you want more than that tonight?"

"I'll take whatever you want to give," he answered, a heavy breath escaping him as he continued to look down. "Or you can have me, if you want."

James slowly lowered Steve's shorts and helped him step out of them before he held each hip and licked Steve from base to tip. "Whatever you want. You're in charge."

Steve groaned, the sound rumbling in his chest. The warmth of Bucky's tongue was enough to start driving him crazy. "I think I want you to fuck me after this," he shared, something darker about the blue of his eyes.

"Mmm..." James grinned up at Steve before swirling his tongue around the head of his cock. "Should I tease you more?"

Steve chuckled; a moan laced throughout. "Buck..." he whispered beneath his breath. "You're driving me wild..."

James licked his lips before gasping the base of Steve's clock before opening his mouth to take as much of him as he could.

"Oh shit," Steve breathed, his fingers curling into his lover's hair. He heaved a few breaths, eyes slipping closed. "Your mouth has always felt good..."

He looked up at Steve as he slowly sucked on his cock and began to bob his head while gently holding his hips.

A shiver worked its way through Steve's spine, and it made his hairs stand on end. He gripped Bucky's hair a little tighter in response to the pleasure he was feeling. "Yes, ooh," he moaned, eyes fluttering open to look down and find Bucky looking up at him. "How do I taste?" he asked, his voice a little deeper in his chest.

James moaned softly as he swirled his tongue around the head of Steve's cock once more. "Amazing."

"God, the things you can do with that tongue..." Steve groaned. "I always was jealous of all those girls you took to bed."

"I know," he murmured before kissing Steve's hip. "But we had a while, that was just us too. Before I left the second time."

Nodding, his smile heated but fond. "We did. When you left the second time... I would have done anything to go with you. And I guess I did."

James looked up at Steve as he wrapped his arms around him to rest his hands on his ass. "Yeah, you did. Cap."

"I couldn't stop myself from doing something stupid," Steve replied, tucking a finger under Bucky's chin to coax him to stand up. "I had to be with you, Sarge," he said breathlessly before he took his lover's lips feverishly.

With a moan, James wrapped his arms around Steve's neck, letting Steve's tongue invade his mouth. As they stood there, he couldn't help trying to rut against him, needing the release of friction.

Steve felt Bucky's hips against him, and he gripped onto either side of them. "Is someone eager to release some tension?" he asked between heated kisses. "You seem like you want to fuck, Buck..."

James growled before nipping a bit hard at Steve's

lower lip. "That's an understatement."

A throaty sound escaped Steve. "You might draw a little blood if you're not careful," he teased, slipping his fingers beneath the waist of Bucky's shorts to push them down.

"Sorry," he murmured before bending to lick and suck at his neck once more.

"I didn't say that was a bad thing," Steve remarked smartly, his hands reaching out to smooth over Bucky's ass as his shorts fell to the floor. "I like the fire..."

"I don't know if I could hurt you on purpose, Steve," he said softly. "I don't want to hurt anyone anymore."

Smiling softly, Steve took Bucky's lip again but gentler this time. "And that's part of what I love about you," he murmured before he firmly pulled the other man's hips against his.

James gasped. "I love you too, Stevie."

"What do you say we get lost in each other, huh?" Steve suggested, grinding his pelvis against Bucky's, their hardened cocks creating friction for one another.

With a whimper, James rested his head on Steve's shoulder. "I would love to." He reached between them to grasp both of their cocks in hand before rutting his hips, creating friction.

"Shit," he breathed, both of hands taking Bucky's face in his hands to devour his mouth. He bucked his hips against Bucky's hand.

James moaned as he continued to rut against Steve, gripping onto both of their cocks. "Steve... Do you want me to prep you?" he breathed.

"God, yes," Steve groaned, hands gripping Bucky's hips hard.

"Then you might want to lay on your back or get on your hands and knees, cowboy." James reluctantly let go of both Steve and himself before stepping back. "Do you want me to use my hand?" he asked next. "Or a toy?"

A grumble escaped Steve as he exhaled, backing up towards the bed. A smile broke onto his face as he laid on his back. He wanted to watch Bucky work. "Your hand is fine. Lube is right there," he said, gesturing to the dresser he'd set it on.

James turned and grabbed the lube before walking over to the bed and sitting down between his legs. "Do you want me to start slow?"

"Just for a minute or two," Steve replied, propping himself up onto his elbows just slightly, curling his back to allow easier access. "Then I want you to have your way with me."

"Oh, really? Wanting it hard and rough tonight?" James applied lube to his hand and rolled his fingers around before running them slowly between his ass cheeks.

Steve swallowed a moan, his muscles relaxing with an exhale. "I just... want to feel how much you want me," he answered, cock twitching at the thought.

James smiled as he reached Steve's entrance and slowly began circling the area with his finger. "I can do that."

His legs spread wider, presenting his asshole more completely and he shivered at the sensation of Bucky's finger. He released a groan, hands curling into the covers of the bed.

"Do you like that?" James asked, a broad smile on his face. He pressed gently around the entrance, creating pressure, but not inserting his finger into his body. "Do you want me to keep teasing you?"

"Yes, shit Buck..." Steve moaned. "Your finger there feels so good. But I need you inside of me soon..."

James watched as precum leaked from the tip of his cock, making him grin. "Hold out for me, babe." He continued to pleasure Steve by circling his asshole gently.

"I'll do my best," Steve replied, his voice thick as he looked at Bucky as he worked. His cock twitched and his hips pressed himself further against the bed.

Going slowly, James made sure Steve was lubed up before slowly inserting one finger, watching as Steve melted in front of him.

"Ooh, shit, that feels good," Steve breathed, his voice a little shaky. "Buck... the things you make me feel..."

"That's it, Stevie." James slowly began thrusting his finger before soon adding a second, hoping to stretch him.

All he needed to do was relax, and that was easy to do with Bucky. Steve moaned louder as he felt the second finger and his hips tried to start moving in rhythm with his thrusts. "God, I want you... do you want me?"

"I've wanted you since you started this, tonight," he grinned. "How do you want to be? Like this? I could lay on top of you... or I could sit here and make you ride me?"

"I want to see your face while you fuck me," Steve told him intensely. "And I want you to see what you do to me."

James licked his lips and nodded. "Do you want to lay there?" he asked. "Or sit up?"

"Right here. I want to look up at you," Steve told him with a shuddering breath. "Come on, Sarge. I need to feel you."

He nodded before moving to hover over him as he gently withdrew his fingers from his body. James used one hand to lube his cock, stroking himself a few times before lining himself up. "Are you ready?"

Steve's muscles contracted a few times, longing for more and the sight of Bucky over him like this made him somehow stiffen even harder. "Hell yes," he said with conviction and desperation.

James smirked as he gently rubbed his tip against his entrance before slowly pushing forward in sinking inside with a moan.

"Yesss," Steve hissed, reaching forward to grab his knees and offer even more to Bucky. "Oooh my god..."

Watching Steve's face, made James moan again as he sank to the hilt. "Such a big guy, able to take all of me in his tight ass," he grinned.

Steve's mouth fell open as he reached to grasp the back of Bucky's neck with one hand. "I want all of it. I want it so hard it makes you come inside me."

James bent down and kissed him deeply as he began making shallow thrusts, keep his cock deep inside him. "You have all of me," he assured. "I can't hold back long."

"Bucky, Jesus..." Steve huffed between passion filled moans. "Rub yourself against my cock as you fuck me. I'll be there in no time."

With a moan, James laid down fully, putting his elbows above Steve's shoulders. Then he smirked at his lover before pumping his hips hard and fast.

Desperate sounds filled the room as Steve's body begged for Bucky's. Sweat formed on his brow and he looked up into his lover's eyes. "Shit, oh yes," he moaned feverishly.

James grinned before covering Steve's mouth. "You're going to wake Cleo," he grunted.

That fact had left Steve's mind entirely; it was easy for him to get lost in Bucky like this. He contained his sounds in his chest, blue eyes lost in his lover's. "Don't stop...oh god, don't stop," he breathed intensely.

"Oh, I don't plan to." James panted before bending down to kiss Steve once he removed his hand.

Steve's moan filled James's mouth instead of the room around them and the friction against his cock made him begin to feel a tightness in his lower belly. "Buck...oh god, Buck...you're gonna make me come..."

James began thrusting harder, rolling his hips to make sure his stomach rubbed against Steve's cock with each pass. "I'm close too."

"Come inside me, shit," Steve nearly whimpered breathlessly. The friction of Bucky's skin against his cock triggered a hot ball of energy to fill his lower belly. "Oh... oh god, I'm coming..."

Feeling Steve clench around him, James groaned as he ducked his head, filling Steve with his seed. "Fuck... Steve..."

Steve erupted onto his own belly, shuddering as Bucky came wildly. Reaching up, he took his lover's face into his hands and held his eyes. "Yes, handsome... careful, you'll wake Cleo," he teased blissfully.

James chuckled breathlessly as he held himself still. He could still feel his cock twitch with the remnants of his orgasm, making him shiver. "You're shaking," he murmured.

Steve laughed, a subtle smokiness in his voice. "You have that effect on me," he remarked in reply, "God, I love you, Buck."

He smiled and rested his forehead against Steve's. "I love you too."

"We're gonna have that family we wanted," Steve said softly between them.

"Yes, we are." James pecked his lips before pulling back slightly. "Let's get ourselves cleaned up." He removed himself from Steve then laid to the side.

Steve pushed himself up to a sitting position before he got up off of the bed. On the corner of the dresser he found towels and he cleaned off his stomach before wiping off more of himself. "Any less stressed at this very moment?" he asked his lover, a soft smile on his face.

James looked up at him and smiled. "You could say that."

Steve leaned in and pressed a kiss against the other man's cheek. "I think I'll sleep pretty well. You ready to join our girl again?"

"Yeah." James sluggishly sat up and nodded. "I just need to clean up and put my sweats back on."

"Okay. I'm gonna go hit the restroom before I get back in bed. I'll see you back there?" Steve asked, gently raising a brow. Maybe Buck needed a little space to gather his thoughts. He didn't want to rush him if he needed time.

James nodded and held back a yawn. "Yeah. I'll meet you back in bed." He watched as Steve turned and left, giving him the opportunity to clean up then dress once more.

Steve smiled as he entered the master bedroom again, eyes resting on Cleo and Eagle. The dog lifted his head to investigate but only wagged his tail when he saw Steve. "Good boy," he whispered before he made his way to the bathroom.

He took his time in the bathroom, wanting to be sure that he was fully cleaned up. Once he was, he made his way back out into the bedroom and towards the bed, crawling in before reaching down to pet Eagle.

When James came in soon after, he smiled at seeing Steve lying beside Cleo, with Eagle at the foot of the bed. He sighed softly before walking over to the other side and lying in bed, feeling utterly sated and tired.

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