Antidote [Corazon x reader]

By Ducchan_

23.4K 841 329

I'm a doctor, but it's a shame that I can't even find an antidote for this poison that is ruling on my whole... More

Fifteen: End
Special : Enchanted


1.4K 55 3
By Ducchan_


"Are you sure about this, (yn)?!" Corazon asked for the 9th time. You are now sailing your little boat that shanks gives you. You are going back to the little island you were staying at.

"I am. And why are you even with me, Corazon?! I thought you're going to leave and look for Law?" You ask. But you can't deny that you feels good with him beside you.

"I'm coming with you with whatever plan you have!" He answered.

"And why is that?"

"I don't know" He shrugs. You turn at him and frown.

"What kind of answer is that?! Why would you even want to get drag of my own mess?!" You taken a back when he smiles widely at you.

"You drag yourself in my own mess too, so we're just even" He said and wink at you

Your eyes widen as you felt a sudden heat climbing up to your face. You turn around quickly to hide your face. But Corazon still caught you since the sun is already rising and you two are in the middle of the ocean sailing back. He can clearly see your face.

You heard him chuckle, that made your heartbeat go crazier than usual. You didn't mind him and focus on the ocean

You shouldn't let this nonsense thing get ahead of you. This attachment will just go nowhere once this is all over.

"Corazon. You should really leave. I can handle this alone, and I don't want you to get involved with this." You said when finally you reach the shore and you are now leaving the little boat.

"I will help you with this." He said. You are now walking to the sands heading to the forest where it leads the way to your little house. You sigh in defeat.

"Fine if you really insist then do me a favor." You said.

"I would gladly too!" He beam. You just shake your head. Why is he even being so lively? Whats with this guy really.

When you arrive at your house you immediately make some coffee and food as you felt your hunger. Corazon help you out so the work doesn't get difficult as your energy hasn't fully got back.

"Say, (yn). Do you hate marines?" Corazon suddenly asked out of the blue. You two are sitting on the couch in front of your fire place to ease the coldness. You are trying to clean and treat your wound in your arms that you got from the gunshot and Corazon is helping you with that.

The snow is again falling so the temperature drop down again. Corazon is sitting beside you, he's leaning to you while he's trying to clean your wound, his scent that mixed with cigar and mint is invading your nostrils. That made you lose your mind a little bit but then it got back when Corazon accidentally press a little hard to your wound that made you wince.

"Oh!! I'm sorry!" He panick. You shook your head then you chuckled to his clumsiness.

"Careful, you clumsy guy" you said. He turn to you then pouts. You gran the cotton that he's holding and you ask him to help you attach the bandages instead.

"I am not" he said. You bit your lips and focus on whatever you're doing to distract yourself from his cuteness.

Damn it (yn) put your shits together.

"I don't generally hate marines. There are some that still kind.. But most of them are shit." You respond to his question earlier. You saw on your peripheral vision that he nods.

"My real name is.. Rosinante." He said. Your brows furrowed as you turn to him. He is not looking at you, he is just staring at the bandages.

"Rosinante?" You asked in confusion.

"Corazon is just a codename, doffy gave me that. I'm a former marine commander." He explained. Now that he said that, you suddenly remembered the vice admiral last night who calls him Rosinante.

"Hmm. I see. That made sense to why that vice admiral knows you." You said and sips to your coffee.

"But why are you with the pirates?" You asked.

"My name is Rosinante Donquixote. Doflamingo is my older brother who is planning to take upon dressrosa and all of his evil plan. I got a mission to infiltrate the Donquixote family to prevent the atrocities they have planned. But they had a subordinate that is a marine too, he's the one who received my report accidentally so he told doffy everything. That is the main reason why doffy killed me that day." He explained.

"So.. You betrayed your brother. Now I understand." You said. He now finish bandaging your wound and sits properly besides you.

"I did that in hope that I can still save my brother for becoming a monster, that its not too late. But everything messed up. But atleast there is still one thing that I succeeded." He said then a warm smile appear on his lips.

"I know I saved Law for becoming one too. He is free now, from his disease and from my brother. I never regret anything at all" He says as he smiles widely while staring at the fire.

You don't know but seeing him smile like that warms your heart. Without you noticing, a small smile appear on your lips as well.

After all, he's one of those marine who has a good heart. Corazon is the one who's a wonderful person.

"Suzume." You starts, Corazon look at you with confusion in his eyes.

"I hated that name. Thats why I changed it." You said.

"That was your real name?" He ask. You just nod.

"I'm sure you already saw my wanted poster." You said as you turn to him to watch his face. On how he will react.

Corazon, I'm about to reveal to you who I really am because you insist to stay with me. But I will understand if you'd change your mind and your opinion about me.

"I am not that wonderful person as you thought." You said.

But whatever your opinion to me, it doesn't matter anyway. As all of this will be over tonight.

"Whatever your past is, my opinion to you will not change, (yn)." He said while staring at you intently. You smirk.

"I do killing as a work. I'm a mass murderer. I'm not an ordinary traveler who happened to just pass by. What if I have some evil plans to you thats why I save your life?" You ask him, you never tear away your eyes at him and watch closely his reaction.

But to your surprise he just shook his head and chuckled.

"I doubt that. If you really got evil plans for me you will never let me leave in the first place. You are too pure for that, (yn). I am not blind" he said. You glare at him.

"Pure? Do you hear yourself?" You said and laugh sarcastically but he just smiles at you that made you stop.

"You are just broken too. I'm sure with that. I saw how genuine you are when you're talking and laughing with the town people in this island. You are even willing to sacrifice anything for this island, (yn)."

You didn't know what to say as he lean down to you and focus his stare in your eyes.

"You're a doctor. I'm sure you don't like killing people. You sure has a deep reason for that."

You lean back and move away your face from him. You felt sudden heat and your heart is racing like idiot. You look away and sips your coffee in an aggressive way.

This feels wrong. I should not be overwhelmed just because of him. No, I should not feel this.

"J-just.. Don't get too attached." You said. Corazon tilt his head as you hear his playful hum.

I will never allow myself to feel this way. I am not capable with this. No way!

You almost jump when you felt his warm hand touch your cheeks. Your widen eyes meet his russet sparkling eyes thats reflecting the fire beside the two of you.

"Why not?" He ask. You don't understand yourself but his voice became soft and like music to your ears.

You shook your head as you hold his hands and put it away. You lean back further to gain more space away from him. You shook your head to come back to your senses.

This is not right. He shouldn't get attach from me, same goes for me.

"You heard Shanks last night, Corazon." You said seriously. He just stared at you so you continue talking

"I can be used as a weapon to destroy this world." You added.

"I'm sure you won't let them use you to be a weapon." You nod.

"That's why don't get too attach. I will never let them use me as a weapon. I will save this world tonight."


"(Yn) reconsider your decision. You don't have to do this!" Corazon said as he is catching up to you who's now walking to the shore.

"There is no other way." You answer coldly.

The sun is already setting and the golden color from its light is spreading to the vast ocean as you hear the gentle waves crashing in the shore. The salty air is embracing your soft skin and making your silky hair dance in the air.

The thick clouds are still covering the skies that made you can't see the sun directly but the sky is covered in pastel color of pink and orange.

"You are like suggesting to die!" Corazon shouts. That made you stop and turn to him. You look directly into his eyes.

"That's the point. Corazon. I will annihilate them along with me." His russet eyes is reflecting the gold color of the sun's light that made his eyes looks so wonderful that made your heart flatter.

His eyes is like the color of a very beautiful sunset.

You close your eyes to calm yourself down.

"You don't need to do this, (yn)! I'm sure there's still some other way!" He insist. There is a strong fear and worried on his face.

"There is none. Please just do my request. Don't let the people in this island get disturb from the loud chaos that I'm about to make."

The strong disapproval in his face is very evident but no matter what words he'll say, you are already determined and no one will stop you from this.

"(Yn) you don't need to die." He said still trying to convince you. You continue walking and when you reach the little boat that Shanks gives to you, you started to prepare to set sail.

"Watch over the island for me, until its all over." You said.

"(Yn)! Please don't do this!" He says in a shakey voice, you turn to Corazon. He really looks frustrated now.

"This is my decision, Corazon. This is the only way to save the world. I can't let wicked people use me to their evil plans. I rather die." You said. A genuine smile appear on your lips

"Don't worry about me that much. I will save the world so that even the child that you save can live in this world peacefully, Corazon." You said.

You see tears are slowly forming from his eyes that made it sparkle from the reflection of the sunlight.

You felt the urge to get close to him, to wipe the forming tear from his eyes, to comfort him and hug him. You didn't understand but you felt your heart slowly tearing apart at the moment you saw his tears flows from his cheeks.

Why are you crying, Corazon? You should not be sad for me.

"I-I can't accept it." He said in a shaky voice. He quickly wipe his tears.

"Do you think I can just watch the person who saved my life go to her death? Then I hope you didn't save me at all!" He said in a very frustrated voice. You don't know how to response so you remain silent.

The sun is slowly fading as the darkness of the night is already enveloping the surrounding. The wind is getting colder and you can felt the shivers to your body

"Let me atleast, save you too.. (Yn)." Corazon said almost whispering.

You slowly walk to him, and when you're already infront of him you look up and stare directly to his eyes. There are still some tears threatening to fall but he is doing everything to stop it from falling.

You can feel your heart beating so fast and it hurts

"I want you to.. But not in this lifetime. Because I cannot be save anymore." You said.

"Can you please lean down?" You requested. He look at you with a confused look but he still lean down to you. You smiled sweetly as you remove his dark red hood that's covering his head.

You gently touch his soft golden blonde hair, you really wanted to do this for a long time but you always stops yourself from doing it because you're afraid of the emotions you might get but now you took all the braveness as you thought this would be the last time.

You lean then you planted a soft kiss to his head.

Corazon widen his eyes from the shock when he realizes what you did. He felt his heart got crazy, a strong heat slowly climbing up to his face. You lean back and released him.

Before Corazon react to what you did you quickly turn your back and walk away. But before you can climb to the boat that you are going to use Corazon speak as you froze in your place.

"I will let you go this time. But if you survive, come back here. I'll be waiting."


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