The Pack

By Nessastar17

245 1 0

"I felt so comfortable that i did not question it. I snuggled deeper and someone's arms came around me and wr... More

First Encounter
Hiding from the wolves

Giving in to him

35 0 0
By Nessastar17

I opened my eyes slowly feeling groggy and tired. I closed my eyes taking a moment to think back on the events that took place last night. Not just the assault which I have decided to put in the back of my mind for the meantime, but Wolf. I feel overwhelmed by everything that he said and did yesterday.

I hear movement on my right and as i quickly turn to see where the noise is coming from, i cry out in pain.
"Easy little one" i hear from wolf's husky voice which i have come to like so much.

"You have to be careful, no sudden movements, you have to give yourself time to heal" he continues as i stare at him with narrowed eyes. As much as i appreciate him taking care of me and i refuse to acknowledge how much pleasure it truly gives me, I can't just forget our conversation from yesterday and how he stated i was "his".

I have to get out of here so i can get my head, heart and body in order because if i don't i know he will do everything to convince me to give in. The worst part is that I know it won't take much for me to cave, not when he looks at me with those penetrating green eyes full of passion and determination.

After leaving home and getting away from my dad, i swore that i would never let another man control me. Wolf may not see it, but he is an alpha in every sense of the word and i would never be an equal to him because he would be too dominant for that to happen.

As I opened my mouth to ask for the phone so I could call Morgan who must be very worried that I never made it back, there a knock on the door.

"Breakfast and your pain killers first little one, then I will give you your cell phone" wolf spoke over his shoulder as he walked towards the door and opened it.

I was prepared to be greeted with Sonia's glare but instead it was a big guy holding a tray that looked very familiar. Before i could place my thumb as to where i have seen this guy before wolf spoke to him in a cold, harsh tone which was a complete 180 from the gentle man that had rescued me and taken care of me. When the first sentence came out of his mouth i jumped a-little, not expecting him to be so loud.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" He practically roared and i couldn't help but look at the big guy to see his reaction. The big guy was looking down at the floor and as he looked up, he looked paler than when he had first entered the room.

"Well bronze, what the fuck do you have to say for yourself?!, she was hurt and scared, and you had one job!" Bellowed wolf at the poor guy who i just recognized.

"It's you!" I said and both men turned to look at me. "You're the guy from the cafe, the one that made that...bastard leave" i continued. "Yes, Miss and I am so sorry, it was my job to make sure you were safe while the boss was busy and i got distracted" bronze answered while looking at Wolf.

"It's not your fault, no one can take responsibility for other people's actions, thanks for stepping in at the cafe" i continued as both men looked at men in surprise.

"His incompetence will be dealt with" wolf stated in a dark tone and I did not like the sound of that.
"No!" I said as both men continued to watch me.
"It's not his fault and so help me wolf if you hurt him, I will never talk to you again" i stated in a small but firm voice.

I expected to see anger in wolfs face after all i had just defied him in front of one of his workers but as i looked at his face there was a small smile and it looked like he was fighting a grin.

He looked back over at Bronze and the smile was gone. "Be very grateful that my principessa has a generous and forgiving heart, but you will not get a second chance, do i make myself clear?". I looked over at Bronze as he looked up at Wolf. "Yes boss" he stated and then looked over at me "Thank you very much Miss, I am indebted to you". I felt the heat in my cheeks and looked over at wolf who had a look of pride on his face that made me nervous.

"You did nothing wrong, so you do not deserve any type of punishment" i stated and then realized he was still holding the tray.
"Is that for me?" I asked and smiled as wolf took the tray from his hands and brought it over to my lap. As he uncovered the lid, my mouth watered at the smell.

4 pancakes, 6 pieces of bacon, 6 pieces of sausage, scrambles eggs and 2 pieces of toast, all sat there staring at me. "This is too much food" I stated, and wolf sat next to me and said "you need to eat in order to regain your strength and heal little one". I scrunched my nose at the authority in his voice, but it hurt really bad reminding me of my broken nose.

I looked up as I heard the door close softly indicating that Bronze was gone.

My eyes watered and i tried not to cry out, but wolf seemed to notice and picked up the fork "let's get you fed so you can drink your medicine" he said as he cut a piece of pancake and held it to my mouth. I opened my mouth and ate it while whispering "i can feed myself you know" which earned me a chuckle from Wolf. "Don't deny Daddy the pleasure of taking care of you little one" he said while looking me in the eye and i blushed and looked down at my plate.

We remained quiet as Wolf continued to feed me and when i was done, he brought a glass with orange juice and a straw to my lips and a drank from it.

He then grabbed a pill bottle from the nightstand and put 2 pills in my hand. When i placed them in my mouth he brought water to my lips and i swallowed them down.

"Can i borrow your phone?" I asked and he looked at me with determination in his eyes. "No, you can't borrow my phone, little one" he said with such a serious look that I was about protest. Who did he think he was. "You can't borrow my phone because you can use yours" Wolf said with amusement in his eyes as if i was entertaining him.

"I do not have a phone; I have to get a new one" i said mad that he was making fun of me. Leaned down by the nightstand and opened the bottom drawer and pulled out a small white box with the words "iPhone" in black on the side.

"Here is your new phone little one" he said and as i stared at the box with wide eyes he continued, "I have already programed my number and added it to the favorites as well as added Alex, Zane & Bane,"

"This is too much, i can't accept it..." i started but he held a finger to my lips "Daddy does not accept back talk little one, I am doing this more for my sanity, I need to know you are safe principessa" he whispered while staring at me with soft green eyes.

I couldn't find it in myself to keep arguing "Thank you" i said as i looked down at my folded hands. He used his hand to make me look at him. "Thank you who, little one?" He asked and the amusement returned to his eyes.

Oh, what the hell, it's not like i didn't want to say it. "Thank you, Daddy," i whispered as he leaned in an placed a gentle kiss on my forehead making me flush and sending tingles all over my body settling between my legs.

I opened the box and powered the phone on as Wolf connected the charger. Once it was powered on i typed in Morgan's number, thanking God that i had memorized it in case of emergency, and she picked up on the second ring.

"Hello, who is this?" Morgan asked on the other line. "Morgan, its Sophia, this is my cell phone number"
I stated as Wolf stood overlooking out of the glass window.

"Oh my god, Sophia! How are you feeling? Wolf called and told me what happened. I am so sorry we should have never let you walk back to the dorm on your own, but it won't happen again" she continued as i looked over at Wolf to find him watching my face intently. When did he contact Morgan, i thought and narrowed my eyes at him.

"Are you in pain? How did wolf find you? I was shocked when he called me, thank God, he found you, your dark knight" she gushed as i rolled my eyes.

There was a knock on the door and wolf opened it and stepped outside closing the door behind him.

"I'm okay, I just had breakfast and took my pain meds, and Wolf was walking by and found me" i whispered. "We will talk when we get back to our dorm. I don't want to bother you, but can you come pick me up today?" I asked nervous to get away from Wolf and everything he is making me feel.

"But Wolf said you would be staying with him until you made a full recover, since you can get 24-hour care there. We agreed that I would come by today after classes to make sure everything is okay and to make sure you're comfortable" Morgan continued as I became madder at his audacity.

How dare he make decisions for me. "Must be a misunderstanding, because i plan to go back with you but what time will you be coming by then?" I asked and Morgan stated "Around 3:30pm, Liam is coming with since he is also worried about you" she stated, and I whispered a thanks before we said goodbye and hung up.

I was planning how I was going to tell Wolf to stick his plan where the sun doesn't shine when all of a sudden, the door burst open making me jump and Alex walked in followed by Zane, Bane and a scowling Wolf who closed the door behind him and crossed his arms glaring at the others as Alex settled on the bed and took my left hand in his huge one. "Hello Angel, how are you feeling? Wolf has been keeping you all to himself" he stated with a serious tone yet i saw a spark of amusement in his eyes as he looked at a glaring wolf.

As Alex and Wolf entered a staring contest, Bane and Zane made their way over to the bed and both smiled at me. "How are you feeling love" asked Zane with a smile. "She's tired and needs to sleep so get the fuck out" growled Wolf from his position at the door. "I'm doing better, thanks" I answered while looking at Zane and ignoring the low growl coming from Wolf.

"Wolf said you are going to be living with us now," said Bane with a look of excitement that reminded me of the excitement i felt getting hot chocolate from my mom with marshmallows. I couldn't help but smile back at him until his words sank in and my smile dropped. "I will not be living here; I am actually going back to my dorm room today" I stated and felt Wolf's intense staring on my face but i refused to look at him.

"You cannot go back to your dorm; you need looking after and care. That roommate of yours has her own life and boyfriend and she is too busy to babysit you." were the words that were growled by wolf.

I looked over at wolf astonished at his audacity and before I could open my mouth to argue he held up his hand and stated, "Do you want Morgan and Liam to die."

I stared in horror...was he threatening to kill them if I left?

He had already killed for me once when he killed my attacker and starring into those intense green eyes, I think I found the answer...he would kill for me again.

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