Dancer in the dark

By Leigh_923

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Y/N L/N is an American soloist under JYP entertainment living and constantly performing in Korea. She is orig... More

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769 11 0
By Leigh_923

The next day your POV:
3 knocks were heard at my bedroom door, waking me up.

Y/N:Come in! I sleepily shouted. Gun-il came in my room, his hand resting on my door knob as he spoke.

Gun-il:Good, your awake. Start getting ready. The stylist left an outfit for you on your desk.

Today was a huge day for me. I was going to be interviewed by Eric Nam. I slightly groaned in response as he left me room. I lazily got out of bed and made my over to my desk, looking at the outfit my stylist laid out for me. Black ripped jeans, a white blouse, a black blazer, a gucci belt and converse.

Really skinny jeans? She knows I hate those. I thought. I sighed and stripped myself of my old clothes, getting dressed. There was suddenly a knock at my door.

Y/N:Come in! I shouted as I tucked in the white blouse. The door open revealing my makeup stylist, Ae-ri. She softly smiled at me.

Ae-ri:Good, you're dressed, are you ready for your makeup?

She closed the door behind her as I sat down.

Y/N:Yep. I sighed as she pulled up another chair and placed it in front of me and sat down. I had been really close to Ae-ri ever since I met her.

Ae-ri:So, are you excited?

She asked starting to do my makeup. I shrugged.

Y/N:I'm not sure if I'm excited or nervous more.

She slightly chuckled.

Ae-ri:Just remember, be yourself and answer honestly. It's not like you're being interrogated by the police, it's Eric Nam.

She looked at me reassuringly as she applied the light lip gloss to my lips.

Ae-ri:Alright and done. Eric is waiting for you in the lounge room by the way.

My eyes widened and I quickly stood up, grabbing my phone. Most of the time especially with soloists JYP didn't want us going in public unless we had to so he arranged for Eric to interview me at the company.

Ae-ri:Relax, you're not late, he's just early.

I scrambled as I put my socks and shoes on.

Y/N:Yup! I said, my voice slightly shaking. She lightly chuckled at me. I quickly ran out of my room, seeing the guys on the couch, waving them good-bye.

Good luck! They all said in unison. I quickly ran out of the dorm and ran throught hallways. Until I turned a corner and felt my face collide with someone chest and then I fell down. I looked up to see who it was, Hyunjin.

Y/N:Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, are you alright? I spoke frantically. Acting as if I weren't the one who fell on my ass. He smiled and chuckled at me, holding out his hand which I gladly took as he pulled me up.

Hyunjin:I should be asking you that. Are you alright?

I nodded my head.

Hyunjin:Wait, you're Y/N.

I nodded my head again as he pulled out his phone.

Hyunjin:Here, gimme your number, we'll need to contact each other so we can set up a time for us to practice.

I nodded my head and took his phone, putting my number in.

Hyunjin:Where you headed?

Y/N:Uhm the lounge area, I have an interview.

He nodded his head as I gave him his phone.

Hyunjin:I could walk you there, if you'd like.

I slightly blushed.

Y/N:Oh uhm alright.

I stuck my hands in my back pockets as he walked with his arms crossed, crossing paths with a few other idols on our way. I suddenly saw Eric standing in front of the lounge room.

Hyunjin:Wait, you're being interviewed by Eric Nam? He stopped walking and spoke in a surprised tone. I slightly chuckled.


He resumed walking.

Hyunjin:Awe man he's legendary.

Eric looked up from his phone we were about 10 feet away from him.

Eric:Hey, Y/N! Hyunjin? He had a surprised look. I slightly waved to him and kept walking until we were close enough so we didn't have to shout.

Y/N:Bumped into him in the hallway.

Eric crossed his arms.

Eric:Ah ok. You ready?

I sighed.

Y/N:As ready as I'll ever be.

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