Danganronpa Despair Redemption

By Freezetaggers

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16 students from 3 different killings game. International Killing Game, Killing School Semester and the Capti... More

Prologue - A new mutural killing
A remembered character
Chapter 1 - Memories of the past
Failure of the present
History of the future
The new way of land
Having a rocky restart
The shattered hope
Trusting classmates
Chapter 2 - Paths of escape
End of the path
Highway of length
The next investigation
Betrayal of smarts and strength
No straight road to truth
A new set of mind
Chapter 3 - All in one and not for all
Split opinionated
Drained spirits
No longer a classmate
A worst made environment
Tricks and traps
Hatred of yourself
Chapter 4 - One remains when five have died
A lie hidden in truth
Trapped by guilt and truth
Ending the clear accusation
The accusaton for truth
The end of friendship
Chapter 5 - One's mind flip leads to an untold truth
In all our hearts
Locked in our hearts
Forgon mystery
The final murder
Hanging on lives
Behind the facade
Chapter 6 - Void
The final class trial
The truth is now

A puzzle without a clue

12 0 0
By Freezetaggers

Ding Dong Ding Dong

Monokuma: good morning future victims, it is now 8am meaning you may now enter the school store and restaurant. Happy killing

Another day, another time dealing with Monokuma, it wouldn't take me long to get to the cafeteria where the mood was at least somewhat better

Ozan: say what did we do with that hammer?

Adam: I dealt with it, broke it in half and binned it

Lewis: that definitely makes it less effective as a murder weapon

Vicky: no kidding, if that wasn't found who knows what could have happened

Sebastian: ...

Sebastian wasn't even at the table, he was far away from the group, I almost feel bad for him...almost

Harry: hey there's Faye

Faye: hello everyone

Jill: you really need to work on your sleep schedule Faye, it feels like you are always last to arrive

It's not exactly easy to sleep when you spend entire trials clearing up everyone's mistakes, that takes a lot out of you even if it was a few days ago

Adam: based on our current sequence we will likely be getting our motives tonight or tomorrow

Ozan: they really are rapid aren't they?

Adam: yes so be prepared for them

Alice: I have something I found from after our investigation actually

Lewis: you investigated after night?

Alice: I wasn't worried, either way I looked at the machines in the casino some more and noticed that it didn't seem to be too hard to get the tokens needed for the prizes

Vicky: that's unlike a normal casino

Sebastian: there's a reason for that, the prizes aren't just normal prizes you commoners get

Harry: aren't you trying to be nicer?

Sebastian: is commoner not a nice way of saying poor people?

Alice: it's not nice either way!

Sebastian: ah then instead I'll say as you people get

Vicky: that's even worse!

Sebastian: well I apologise the only people I speak to are the high folks, what would I call the rest of you other then commoners?

Jill: how about classmates?

Sebastian: but I am high class and you low class and we can not be considered mates

Ozan: heh this is harder then I thought

Adam: I think what Sebastian was trying to say was that the reason the output of tokens is so high is due to the weapons that can be bought for tokens

Alice: right that would add up

Lewis: I suppose all we can do is not use the casino and hope no one else does

That wouldn't work, someone will betray us it's just a matter of time

Adam: I'm assuming that's everything then?

Harry: well it seems to be

Adam: in that case everyone is excused

We all went our separate ways I think now would be a good time to speak with everyone

Free time start

I decided to head over to the arcade where I found the remaining students from the killing school semester

Adam: do I really have to do this?

Vicky: come on Adam it wouldn't hurt to let loose a little

Lewis: you have to admit you have been very serious this entire killing game

Adam: the fact that it's a killing game means I must take it seriously, you two are the strange ones

Lewis: well sure maybe it is strange to be relaxed in a killing game setting but if you are too serious all the time you can't do anything without feeling like something bad will happen

Adam: if no bad things happened then why are there only 9 of us left?

Lewis: I mean...

Vicky: Adam why can't you just learn to let loose a little?

Adam: because that isn't my way, I wasn't trained to let loose as you put it, I was trained go always be prepared for what would happen

Vicky: then why are you here?

Adam: what?

Vicky: if you always prepared for every situation why are you in a killing game for people who have died

Adam: I...let my judgement get the best of me and payed the price

As Adam looked away he saw me

Adam: Faye, what do you think?

Faye: huh?

Adam: to let loose or to always be on guard, which is best in a killing game

Vicky: right maybe a not bias source can help here

Faye: there's not really a right answer to that question, it can help to let loose in a place like this, otherwise you would probably go insane constantly however being carefree feels almost disrespectful to those that have died, they died so we could live so acting so casual about life doesn't seem right

Vicky: honestly that makes a lot of sense, I'm sure James and Leary would want us trying to escape from this place

Adam: however being so on guard has its downsides, in a way I suppose that's how I acted in our game and it would be a mistake

Lewis: wow Faye you are really good at pacifying situations all I do was stand there

Faye: well it helps I always look at things with a logical and emotional mindset

Adam: it isn't like you were going to argue against your girlfriend

Lewis: h-hey, how do you know about that?

Vicky: Lewis who do you think I went to for advice?

I couldn't help noticing a red face on Lewis and a smile on Adam, this class has such an interesting variety to it while also being so close to each other

Faye + Classmates' bond has increased

Jill POV

All I wanted was time to myself that's why k went to the room Faye was talking about but I was followed

Sebastian: I do wish to speak to you Jill

Jill: I don't want to even look at you Sebastian

Sebastian: can you not at least let me apologise?

Jill: no you did so much bad that I don't even want to listen

This is the first time I've ever hated someone, it feels strange but absolutely justified

Sebastian: if you are this against me why did you not say anything about my inclusion in the group

Jill: there was no point, you would have just done it anyway, the best thing to do is just avoid you

Sebastian: it seems you aren't acting like yourself

Jill: says you, all of a sudden you want a second chance? After blaming me for murder despite knowing I didn't do it

Sebastian: to be fair I didn't know who killed Janet

Jill: that doesn't help! Either way you were framing me for that murder and not only did you almost get everyone killed by doing so you also were the reason big brother died

Sebastian: now you blame me for James' death? Surely you know Janet caused that incident in order to save as many lives as possible

Jill: big brother felt even you could change and he died because of that

Sebastian: you certainly look up to him no?

Jill: obviously! Big brother is the best

Sebastian: why not honour his memory by heeding his words, give me a chance to show I have some good in me

Jill: ...

Sebastian: I have a memory to honour as well you know

Jill: you do?

Sebastian: Leary, maybe it seems strange for me to even care about her but I suppose you could say she was someone I tried to overcome but never got the chance

Jill: what do you mean?

Sebastian: I cannot explain it myself, it was if once she had died I just felt someone close to me leave, I can't say I knew her that well but even so I still felt a sadness about it

Jill: ...

Sebastian: all I can do is atone for my actions and that starts here, if you would just learn to trust me I can do so much more

Jill: like...betray us again?

Sebastian: like work with the group, it's not much but I've never worked with anyone before, I've always been a lone wolf but this could be my chance to do something worth a damn

Jill: are you saying...

Sebastian: with my job being a hitman, not an artist like I thought, Sidney is bound to get the Faulkner name meaning I will but nothing, so I wish to become something

Jill: Sebastian...ok I've decided, I might not completely trust you but I think I'm willing to help

I still don't like him but I can't really go against someone like him, I suppose it's always best to help someone out

Jill + Sebastian's bond has increased

Ozan POV

Seems I'll be hanging with Harry again, can't say I'll hate it though, since he's less energetic it's much easier to chill with him

Ozan: well any reason you wanted us to speak aye?

Harry: not really just needed someone to talk to

Ozan: guess I've been told I'm easy to talk to yknow

Harry: yeah I definitely see that

Ozan: so what you wanting to talk about?

Harry: I suppose our memories in a way

Ozan: what about them?

Harry: well we now know everything that happened up until the third class trial right?

Ozan: yeah you killed Faye because you thought she was the traitor, Zara killed Sophie to attempt to make an impossible class trial and Tom killed John because they both wished to end the motive

Harry: that's everything we know so far but there's gotta be some left

Ozan: mhm still don't know the exact details on how I died ey?

Harry: yeah plus I'd really like to know what happened to Grace and Cam

Ozan: same here with Mac, don't think he died

Harry: but the only way we can know their fates is with another class trial

Yeah last thing I want is another classmate dying

Alice: what are you two talking about?

Ozan: oh hey Alice, just talking bout how we still don't fully know my fate

Harry: yeah and that led to us talking about the fates of other people from our killing game

Alice: oh I see

Harry: now that I think about it I don't think we ever heard anyone from your class talk about your death Alice

Alice: mine must've been later, it's the same thing with Janet though...she isn't here

Ozan: as for the other class I've heard bits about Lewis, Vicky and Leary but not Adam of James

Harry: during the first motive Adam said he killed two people for justice while James said he became a victim by blackmailing his killer

Ozan: those sound completely different

Alice: yeah it seems unlikely that Adam killed James or that James blackmailed Adam

Harry: so based on that first motive we know your killing game and Adam's killing game had at least two more murders and because of previous motives it would seem that both were left with five people left

Ozan: heh you got real brains when you want to

Harry: heh guess so

Alice: no I think mine would have four, because I was killed for breaking the school rules but I didn't kill the victim of my case so someone else must've

Ozan: well we know it ain't Cane because of Janet

Alice: I know it wasn't Lilly either and I don't think it's August so that leaves Vincent or Sidney, but my head...

Harry: maybe...it's best if we stop here

I'd agree, last thing we'd want is someone in pain over this

Ozan + loud voices bond has increased

Faye POV

I still have some time today so I decided to head to the cinema where I found Lewis

Lewis: there's a lot of movie options here, that's nice at least

I think Lewis could use some free time as well

Faye: Lewis I was wondering if you could help solve a mystery with me

Lewis: well I'm never against helping but I don't think I'll be all that helpful at solving a mystery

Faye: why not?

Lewis: well I wouldn't exactly call myself the best at solving mysteries

Faye: well that doesn't matter as this has to do with you

Lewis: m-me?

Faye: yes I was wondering about your talent

Lewis: Ultimate Friend?

Faye: yes I was wondering how it worked

Lewis: how it works?

Faye: well the other talents make sense, Ultimate Brawler is the best at hand to hand combat, Ultimate Swimmer is the best at swimming but what does it mean to be the Ultimate Friend

Lewis: ah well there's not really much mystery to it, I'm just the best at being a friend

Faye: I suppose that makes sense but does that mean you are also the best at making friends?

Lewis: I suppose so, no one seems to be against being my friend

Faye: so you don't have people who hate you?

Lewis: I don't think so

Jeez talk about a Mary Sue, then again his mental and physical side isn't perfect just his social

Faye: this was a helpful insight thank you Lewis

Lewis: it's no problem, I'm always glad to help a friend

It's always nice to have someone like Lewis to keep things positive

Faye + Lewis' bond has increased

Sebastian POV

I've made my amends with one classmate so there's one more I need to make amends with

Ozan: so how's that then?

Alice: I'll admit of all the guys I probably misjudged you the most. Actually wait no it was definitely Adam

Ozan: heh he's your goal ain't he

Alice: yea, I will beat him!

Ozan: well he ain't a brawler for nothin

Alice: I know that, but one day he will go down

Ozan: well I ain't stopping you

Perhaps he can make this easier, I believe Ozan is a calmer person of sort

Sebastian: greetings Alice, may I have a moment of your time?

Alice: fuck off

Sebastian: a shame, I was hoping I could make amends with my classmates but it seems you won't allow it

Alice: I don't want a monster like you to speak with me

Ozan: hmm

Sebastian: if you hate me so much perhaps I can prove my loyalty?

It was then Alice attacked, it's a shame her attack pattern is so predictable otherwise she would really be hurting me

Alice: wha-

Sebastian: I must apologise I hope I didn't hurt you

Alice: how...how are you so strong!

Sebastian: I suppose it comes with the talent

Ozan: heh I got just the idea

Alice: what do you mean?

Ozan: Alice you wanna be able to beat Adam don't cha?

Alice: yes!

Ozan: and Sebastian you wanna prove you can be trusted correct?

Sebastian: naturally

Ozan: how about you train Alice then, give her some advice, it might just help her

Alice: what! I refuse to get help from him

Ozan: but he's stronger then you no? He would be the perfect mentor for taking down Adam

Sebastian: I am quite good with my analytical abilities, there are plenty of weaknesses I've noticed

Alice: ugh fine, one session, if I feel I'm not improving by then I'm kicking your shins

Sebastian: if you get the chance

For the rest of our time together we practiced, admittedly Alice knocked me down a few times, if that is what it takes for her to trust me then it's absolutely worth it

Sebastian + Headwear's bond has increased

Vicky POV

I didn't expect to see anyone at the casino but even so Jill was playing with the machines

Vicky: Jill what are you doing here?

Jill: huh? Oh hello Vicky, I wanted to get something from the prize area

Vicky: you weren't...trying to get a weapon were you?

Jill: w-what? No way

Vicky: ah good, I was worried honestly

Jill: I wouldn't do that! I would never kill someone

Vicky: I know I know, guess I can't help being paranoid in a killing game

Jill: I understand

Vicky: huh actually I just thought about something

Jill: what is it?

Vicky: what would happen to you if you had to face execution

Jill: h-huh why are you thinking that?

Vicky: well it's just you know...your execution has already been used so you can't really be executed

Jill: huh...I suppose you are right

Vicky: would you just be able to leave then? I mean what else will they do with you?

Jill: I suppose so

Vicky: in a way you could kill someone and you admit to the murder you wouldn't be executed then you could escape

Jill: I wouldn't do that though! I don't want to betray big brother!

Vicky: it's alright Jill I trust you won't, after all you have plenty of friends here

I almost feel bad for what I said to Jill I just hope she realises I didn't mean to hurt her feelings

Vicky + Jill's bond has increased

Adam POV

It seems Harry is alone, how unlike him he is usually with Faye

Adam: what are you up to?

Harry: huh oh hey Adam

Adam: that didn't answer my question

Harry: I'm not really doing anything, you need to calm yourself a little

Adam: Faye said the same thing...

Harry: guess it must really be an issue then

I sat down at a chair and motioned for Harry to do the same

Adam: I've never told this story to anyone before

Harry: not even your classmates?

Adam: I almost told Kate but bit my tongue and regretted doing so

Harry: so why are you telling me?

Adam: ...people do strange things in circumstances like this

Harry: ok then, so what's the story?

Adam: it's about a boy, when he was younger he was attacked constantly

Harry: but why?

Adam: he was different, unlike his classmates, he didn't show his emotion

Harry: not even laughter?

Adam: he wouldn't laugh at jokes, he wouldn't cry when insulted, none of it. One day a group of bullies decided to deal with the boy "he is too different!" They said, and so they attacked

Harry: what happened to the boy!

Adam: the real question was what happened to the bullies

Harry: w-what!

Adam: first responders came onto the scene and what they saw shocked them, four bodies, well three of them were still alive but barely

Harry: holy mother of-

Adam: the emotionless boy looked to them and when asked why he only said "it had to be done, for justice."

Harry: Adam...what the hell!

Adam: I've lived my whole life believing I was living a life of justice and maybe in some cases I was but the world isn't as black and white as I had thought so I know I need this second chance...this redemption killing game as it's called

Harry: Adam...I don't think you are emotionless

Adam: hmm?

Harry: I mean look at yourself as you were telling that story, I saw anger, regret, sadness no emotionless person would talk that way

Adam: but why? Why did they...did I feel that way?

Harry: well I can't say I know the answer to that question, maybe it's just one of life's many mysteries, but hey you are here now and trying to change, I trust you

To have trust in someone like this, is this what I was missing? What master was telling me I needed?

Adam + Harry's bond has increased

Faye POV

And just like that another day had past, still with no motive concerningly...I suppose I'll just have to wait and see what will happen next

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