Beastars: The Beast and Louis

By volleyball_Love_002

129K 4K 792

(NO STEALING, ADAPTING OR WRITING THAT HAS THE PLOT OR MY CHARACTERS!) Diesel is a ' vicious' Doberman, at le... More

Character information
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Birthday Special 💕
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Not a chapter, just wanna say stuff ✨
Chapter 58
Sorry another non chapter: just wanna talk
Chapter 59
Life update!
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Hey all
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Im back!
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter: 34

1.1K 32 23
By volleyball_Love_002

(The pic is my puppy Albus Dumble paws (yes like the Harry Potter character. My father named him, not me). He's a poodle cross breed that we've had from a very small puppy. He loves stealing my socks as you can see 😑. He's about 1 1/2 years old now and is a polite gentleman... except when he's compared to his siblings, then he looks like an absolute thug, but the sweetest little guy you could ever meet. Anyway back to the story, sorry I got distracted 😁)
Louis' POV:

That was so strange. So strange. Could... what Diesel said... be real? Could he really feel that way? As a herbivore I couldn't know what he's thinking. Maybe I should get a second opinion on this.

I quickly put on my extra clothes and wrapped the towel around my neck, drying my head with the fabric. Picking up all my things, I exited the bathrooms and into the hallway once again. Other members walked past me, greeting me with a polite good morning. After returning the greetings, I made it to my office.

I took a seat again at my chair and cleaned up the rouge papers that littered the surface. I sighed deeply, leaning back in my chair, the sunlight flooding my face through the blinds once again.

'Does he really think that about me. Does he really just want to use me? Maybe I'll ask him in a minute. He's bound to arrive any second Mm now, practice starts in...' my eyes looked over at the digital clock on my desk '...2 minutes?! How long was I in the bathroom?'

I quickly got up from my desk and fast walked (A/n: more like gay walked 💅✨) to the rehearsal room. Mostly everyone was there. All except the doberman twins.

"Hey Louis. Good morning, how are you?" Els asked me.

"I'm fine thank you Els. Just a little hungover but nothing serious. And yourself?"

"Lucky! You got off lightly from last night. My head is screaming at me. Most of us took the toll but that's the consequence of drinking a large amount." She said smiling, obviously tired.

Everyone gave a hum in agreement.

"Does anyone know where the twins are?" I asked.

"I haven't seen them." Many replied.

"Well... Heidi is in my dorm so I saw her this morning. She went to go see her brother about something. She said she'll be here with him any minute now." Sheila said, sat on the floor with her legs crossed and her hand wresting in her palm.

"Very well. Let's get on with rehearsal. I want a flawless run through with no long or late stage directions, transitions and definitely no muddling up lines by the end of today. The performance is just around the corner. Understand?" I spoke looking down at all the animals sat before me.

"Yes Louis." They all replied in union.

"Good, now get to work-" as I was speaking the doors slammed open and Heidi, in a state of panic, stood at the door panting with a worried look plastered on her face.

"Heidi? What's wrong?" Sheila asked as Heidi walked towards us. She was tense in the shoulders and her lips quivering with worry.

"It's.. it's my brother! He's missing!" She said clapping her hands over her eyes and cheeks and crying softly.

My eyes widened in shock. Missing?

Sheila got up and went to her, placing her paws on her shoulders bending down so her head height is to hers.

"What do you mean missing?" Sheila asked. Heidi removed her hands from her face to talk.

"He didn't come back from the club last night, his roommates haven't seen him since yesterday night before he walked down to have his shift. I've called him many times and texted him but... he's not answering! I've asked Haru and Reen if they've seen him but they haven't seen him since he saw his boss yesterday. He's just...gone!"

I stood in shock still wide eyed and my mouth slightly agape. I looked over to the grey wolf of the club that is Legoshi. He was also wide eyed with his mouth open. I turned back to the group.

"How many times have you called him?" Bill asked getting to his feet. Everyone got to their feet and crowded her, except I and one certain grey wolf.

"About 78 times?" She said tears still pouring down her cheeks.

"Okay you would have thought he would answer at least one of the calls." Sheila said letting go of her shoulders.

"Exactly! He would never miss or decline a call from me, and I would never miss or decline a call from him. It's our twin rules. He's the only family I have left and family always come first." Heidi spoke looking down at the floor, her tears still flowing down her face.

"What do you mean?" Sheila asked.

"Our parents died when we were pups. Our parents' best friends happened to be married and couldn't have kids themselves so they took us in. They are our adoptive parents. A bengal tiger as our father and a Siberian tiger as our mother. Our new father retired after the finalisation of our adoption and decided to pursue his dreams of being a fashion designer that creates man's and woman's clothing for both carnivores and herbivores alike with no divide. Our new mother is a healthcare worker at the hospital and refused to retire as she's not in any risk of passing on. Diesel is all I have left in my blood family." She explained still not looking up.

A series of chatters of 'I'm so sorry that happened to you.' And 'oh my we had no idea!'

I have a small gasp. I heard a gasp and looked to legoshi. He also was in a lot of shock and his mouth hung open a little wider than before.

"Wait... hold up so your adopted." Tao asked.

"That's right. So's diesel. I wouldn't mention it to him though, if we ever see him again, he doesn't want to remember. But what do we do about him missing?" She said almost shouting.

"Hey... drama club, keep it down will ya?" We all turned to look at the open double doors. A male hyena stood there with a saxophone around his neck. He was accompanied by a golden retriever with a violin. "We're trying to practice next door. What's with all the shouting?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise I was being so loud. Do forgive me." Heidi spoke turning around to face the hyena.

"Woah... are you okay?" The hyena asked with concern.

"Heidi! Have you heard from Diesel?" The golden retriever asked.

"No... Murphy, I haven't."

"That's really strange that he didn't come back. Like he's gone without a trace." The golden now known as Murphy, said looking to the side in thought.

"Wait... your missing someone too?" The hyena spoke looking at Heidi.

"Yes, my brother. He went missing last night." She spoke to the hyena.

"What do you mean by 'too'?" I asked the hyena.

"My roommate who is a doberman x husky hybrid went missing as well last night. He left campus yesterday to 'run some errands' but didn't tell me anything else, he just left and never came back. Our house mother is furious! Maybe their disappearances are connected in some way? Meh, Axel is one strange first year pup, but I doubt he would be kidnapped. Anyway, we'd better get back to practice Murph, before the conductor gets mad." The hyena spoke looking to the side at the golden. Murphy have a small nod before turning to go. "I hope you find your brother soon!" The hyena said before turning as well giving us a wave goodbye.

"Wait.. so another student is gone too?" Sheila asked looking to Heidi.

Another... male student? Could Diesel... have replaced me for his own kind? I mean it would make sense. A doberman and doberman cross breed should be together. Their both dogs, both carnivores and the same breed of dog more or less. I'm just a herbivore, that in most carnivores' eyes is just a snack with tooth picks as bones so they can pick their teeth with them after they devour me. Why would Diesel see me any other way? Why would I be any different in his eyes?

I'm sure he's fine, in fact, more than fine. I could see it now. Him kissing Axel. Staying at a hotel for the night. It made my blood boil with anger but alas it's probably true.

I looked over to Legoshi. He looked shattered, his ears drooped and he close his mouth. Looking down at his paws.

"No. I don't believe it. Diesel wouldn't not come back to the school after work." Heidi spoke hoarsely.

(I think I did that right? What Heidi is trying to say is that deisel would come back to school after his shift. Wow that took a lot of time to work out. My poor 2 remaining brain cells 😭)

June entered the building. She took one look at everyone and gave us weird looked.

"Why are you all so depressed? Who died?" She asked with sass, but we all just looked at her before returning to what we were saying.

"My brother is missing." Heidi spoke angrily.

"W...what? My sweet Deiselkins is missing?" She said gasping and covering her mouth with her paw. "My boyfriend can't be missing! He... he would call me to tell me that!"

"Boyfriend?" Heidi asked almost with disgust.

"Yeah. We're practically dating. He loves me. He worships the ground that I stand on." She said in a bragging way.

"Impossible!" Heidi yelled making her jump.

"Believe it short stuff. Remember your looking at your future sister in law, you'd better treat me with some respect. I can make your brother turn on you. Remember that." She said laughing and walking off.

Heidi have a scoff in anger. Legoshi stood up straighter than usual, making him even taller than he was. He had a angered look on his face.

"Legoshi, Louis, can... can I talk to you in private for a moment?" Heidi asked, grabbing the wolf's wrist, and then mine, and dragging us into the hallway.

"My brother wouldn't just disappear. He must have a reason not to come back."

"I wanted to ask him something yesterday... but I couldn't find him." Legoshi spoke softly.

Tell him something? Wait... could Diesel be Legoshi's crush? No no, he can't be! But legoshi wanted to tell him something, could that be... that he likes him? No wonder he looked so upset.

I grined my teeth and scowled at the wolf. He's trying to take Diesel away from me. I won't allow it, diesel is mine!

Diesel's POV:

The female bozori, who I now know as Stacey, came to tell me that Breakfast was ready and that we needed to meet in the main dining hall.

I followed her to the large hall that we previously visited on our tour. Everyone was assembled at the long tables.

I was to sit at the middle table at the end. Stacey sat next to me and the 'most important to the gang' ranked in importance were sat down the same table. The 'troops' we're to sit on the tables to the side of me.

"As you know, all of us are Carnivorous so have the urge to eat meat. That's why we satisfy our needs with actually eating meat provided by our allies in the market. We do make sure that this meat comes from funeral homes and hospitals to make sure we, or others, aren't killing them ourselves and made sure they die of natural causes. As our boss, we give you our finest quality meat."

"Well... I'm not a fan of eating meat myself. By all means, you can have what your personal favourites are everyday if you so wish. I would like my personal favourite: fried tofu. But I do not wish to deprive you of what you so desire, so by all means, tuck in to our finest meats." I said standing in my chair.

I was given a few cheers in joy.

I sat back down as dishes were brought out. One was set in front of everyone. The waiter told me that he would get me tofu in a short while, and I was happy waiting. They said 'Watashitachiha chōten hoshoku-shadesu' before picking up a meat knife and fork and tucking in.

"Sir, as the committee of the gang, we have decided that you should continue your studies at the gang, we have decided that you should continue your studies at Cherrington. We all agreed that it would be suspicious that you just disappeared into thin air without a trace. Of course as our new boss, your vulnerable to other gangs trying to harm you, but you needn't worry about that. Our head of scouts and protection has his best recruit coming with you. His name is Axel. I understand you've already met." Stacey spoke looking at me then to the table to the left to see Axel talking with several others his age. He noticed us looking at him and looked back at us, the smile on his face disappearing.

The waiter put my tofu in front of me and topped up my water, bowing before leaving to go back to the kitchen.

I turned back to Stacey. "When do I go back?"

"Right after breakfast. We have the car all ready Sir. Your personal driver will take you there immediately. So finish up here and we will take you back." She said taking a bite of her meat.

I tucked into my tofu, with a excited feeling in my stomach. I get to see Louis.



Heyyy Lovlies!

Here is the next chapter of the book and I have a little Announcement to make. DO NOT PANIC! BC I NOT GOING ANYWHERE. BC I WANNA SEE WHERE THIS BOOK GOING AS MUCH AS U!

Firstly: IM NOT LEAVING OR DISCONTINUING THE BOOK! (I RLLY WANNA MAKE THAT CLEAR!!!) Before you blow up my notifications with 'oh no! Don't leave!' I'm not going anywhere so chill!

What I want to say is that I've decided to take all your comments into consideration and.. IM MAKING A SEQUEL TO THE BOOK AS IM LOVING WRITING AS MUCH AS U LOVE READING SO YEAH IM MAKING BOOK 2 OF THE BEAST AND LOUIS!

I have all the plots and everything sorted (no spoilers 😁) plus a brand new oc that will occur their head. And a little surprise too!

But before all that, we have to finish this book! So stay tuned and I will try get the next chapter out to you shortly!

Omg a thunder storm just started out side and I heard the builders working on the houses outside (bc I'm living in a estate in construction temporarily) shout 'OH SHEEETTTTT!!!!' Before trying to evacuate the site to get to their cars. Lol 😂 . Serves them right when they started construction at 6 DAMNED AM and woke me up when I was trying to get some beauty sleep before getting up to do absolutely nothing all day. THANKS BOB 😭👍

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