Danny Phantom x Female reader

By Laylachan22

140K 3.7K 998

Highest ranking: #1 in Dannyphantomxreader Season one of Danny Phantom with you thrown into it. (I do not o... More

Chapter One: Casper High~
Chapter Two: Mystery Meat
Chapter Three: Gigantic Meat Monster
Chapter Four: Changing the Menu
Chapter Five: School Lunch Battle
Chapter Six: Parental Bonding~
Chapter Seven: School Dances
Chapter Eight: Shallow Witches
Chapter Nine: Feelings
Chapter Ten: One of a Kind
Chapter Eleven: Sampson
Chapter Twelve: The Hunter
Chapter Thirteen: Skulker
Chapter Fourteen: Sampson Vs. Skulker
Chapter 15: Attack of the Killer Garage~
Chapter 16: The Party
Chapter 17: Danny Vs Technus
Chapter 18: Splitting Image
Chapter 19: Pointdexter
Chapter 20: Suspicion
Chapter 21: The Halfa
Chapter 22: Bitter Reunion
Chapter 23: Vlad
Chapter 24: The Truth About the (L/n)'s
Chapter 25: Emotions Intertwined
Chapter 26: Fright Knight
Chapter 27: Haunted Houses
Chapter 28: Fright Knight's Reign of Terror
Chapter 29: The Sword Must Sheathe in Pumpkin Near
Author's Note!
Chapter 30: Control Freaks
Chapter 31: Circus Gothica
Chapter 33: The Grim Reaper
Chapter 34: Free Will
Author's Note Update (One year later)!
*BONUS Episode* Fanning the Flame (Part 1)
*BONUS Episode cont.* Fanning the Flame (Part 2)
*BONUS Episode cont.* Fanning the Flame (Part 3)
*BONUS Episode Cont.* Fanning the Flame (Part 4)
*BONUS Episode* 13 (Part 1)
*BONUS Episode* 13 (Part 3)
*BONUS Episode* 13 (Part 4)

*BONUS Episode* 13 (Part 2)

1.4K 43 16
By Laylachan22

*Danny's POV*

"Oh, my gosh!" (Y/n) gasped in fear, putting her hands over her mouth.

I was already transformed. I had to hide behind tents to go ghost without anyone watching and I headed straight for the coaster. The coaster was flying off its tracks.

I quickly flew over to grab onto the big guy who sat in the middle. The coaster dropped down, and the two kids who were at the front flew back into him and he caught them.

I struggled to keep afloat as I carried the big guy. "Well, that's everyone-" I started to sigh in relief until one more kid flew past me and I gasped.


I watched as the kid fall into the ball pit, which is where I made a really huge sigh of relief. He smiled, and cheered anyways, even though I didn't do anything.

Then, I heard my sister scream.

"Jazz!" I shouted, and saw the coaster heading straight for her.

I didn't see what happened next. The coaster had already collided into the fence, and a huge smoke appeared.

I set the people I rescued down to the ground, and I quickly found a spot to change back to normal. I ran over to Jazz who was standing next to-.

"Jazz, are you alright?" I asked.

"I'm fine." She smiled. "Thanks to-"

"Johnny." The guy I fought last night said. "The name's Johnny." Johnny glared at me. "Shouldn't you be somewhere else?"

"No." I growled. "Shouldn't you?"

(Y/n)'s eyes widened, and she came in between us. "Danny..." She said. "Don't be rude, it's okay." The dude in the leather jacket's jaw dropped when he saw (Y/n), and I swear, he had a really creepy look in his eyes.

"Hi, I'm Jasmine. Jazz." Jazz introduced herself to him. He smiled sheepishly, and shook her hand kindly. Then, Jazz leaned over to one of the mirrors and scoffed in disgust. "I look like I was almost run over by a roller coaster."

"We-" Johnny said. "Excuse me. I'm just glad you weren't hurt." Jazz smiled, and they let go of each other's hands.

The dude walked over to (Y/n) and I scowled. "Hi there, I'm Johnny." He said, and (Y/n)'s arms were folded at her chest.

"I'm (Y/n)." She said, and eyed him carefully. "Can I help you?"

"Actually, yeah, here, I bet you'd look great in this, kitten." He reached into his jacket and pulled out a scarf to hand to her.

"A scarf?" She took the soft and silky scarf from him and patted the cloth material down. "Wow, it's...so soft. Also, my name's not kitten."

"Her name's not kitten." I said at the exact same time. I didn't know what came over me, but all I know was that, I was angry.

Jazz glanced at me, and elbowed me in the ribs.

"Ow!" I said.

(Y/n) wrapped the scarf around her and pulled out her hair from underneath it. She smiled to herself. "Thanks," She said to Johnny. "Don't know why I'm accepting this from a stranger, but..."

"Want a ride home, kitten?" Johnny asked her. (Y/n) looked confused. She glanced at me, and then Jazz, who shrugged, holding her hands up in defense. It wasn't Jazz's place to say, but she knew (Y/n) would have to take it upon her own parents that a stranger older than her was taking her home.

"I'll be the one taking her home, thanks." I spoke up without realizing. It came out more defensive than it needed to be. Oops.

Johnny handed her a helmet to wear and she quickly hopped on the motorcycle.

When I got home late that night, I saw his motorcycle at the front of my house. "He's here?" I asked myself. "Oh man, this can't be good."


*Third person POV*

Johnny and (Y/n) were sitting on the couch of Danny's living room. "You do have a last name, don't you?" (Y/n) asked as Johnny smiled at her.

"Yeah," He said. "But everybody calls me Johnny 13. I kinda got this reputation for being unlucky..."

"Well, the way you swooped in and saved Jazz's life out there, that was pretty lucky." (Y/n) said, softly. She was nervous, not knowing that this was a good idea. Maybe he was a serial killer. Maybe she should've brought him to her own house, but no one was home. The door was locked. Normally, when that happens, she has to go over to stay at the Fenton's for a while.

He handed (Y/n) a red coat out of nowhere. "Here, try this on."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." (Y/n) said as he handed the coat to (Y/n). "I can't be accepting all of this. Don't you think this is going a bit too fast?"

"Uh, no," He said, with a smile. "Not at all. Here, try it."

(Y/n) slipped her hands through the sleeves and it fit her like a glove, which surprised her. Suddenly, the front door was thrown open and Danny was standing there, angry.

"Hey, ain't you have a place somewhere where we can...uh, you know, be alone? Like a basement?"

Don't do this, (Y/n)...She thought to herself. This is where it all ends in movies.

But she couldn't even listen to her own words. It was like it was being clouded. "As a matter of fact, I do." She smiled. "Come on."


*(Y/n)'s POV*

No one was downstairs. Which was good. Bad, but good. Mine and Danny's parents must've been out on their own stake out, or having dinner together. I was in the clear.

I showed Johnny around the lab and found a machine that Mr. Fenton had showed me and Danny yesterday when we got home from school. I put my thumbprint down on the genetic lock and showed Johnny the ghost portal.

"Whoa, cool!" Johnny complimented.

"It really is." I said. "At least no one can bug us down here."

"(Y/n) (L/n)?!" A voice bellowed from upstairs. "You know you're not allowed to bring an authorized personnel down here!"

I looked over to see Danny with his arms folded over his chest. He was leaning his back against the wall with a smirk on his face. "You know better!" Mrs. Fenton added.

My parents came rushing downstairs with Mr. and Mrs. Fenton and Jazz. They were all angry at me. "You were about to let some strange punk activate the Fenton portal?!" Danny, dad, AND Mr. Fenton all shouted at once.

I glared right back at them, and especially Danny.

"Hey, lay off!" Johnny said. "It's not her fault. We weren't doing nothing pops!" He glared at my dad who was seething at the seems.

"HIS NAME ISN'T POPS." Danny and my mom shouted together. Jazz just stared at them, but all this was pretty normal to her.

"Yeah, whatever," Johnny put his hands in his pockets. "This place is getting a little too cramped for my style, anyway."

"I'll walk you out, Johnny." Jazz offered, while she noticed I was about to follow Johnny out.

"And could you be any more like them?!" I asked Danny, who looked back at me in surprise.

I stomped up the stairs in anger to go back home while hearing all five of them shout after me, "I AM NOT LIKE HIM."

Danny followed with, "...This is awkward." and I slammed the door on them.


*Danny's POV*

(Y/n) didn't show up to lunch with us the day after at school, and I was getting more and more concerned. "The weirdest part was our folks and I were actually on the same page!" I explained to Sam and Tucker. "I'm not like them...Am I?"

"Let's see..." Sam muttered. "You're stubborn, overprotective of the girl you like, your last name's Fenton, you share the place with again the girl you like, and you hunt ghosts."

"Only thing you're missing is the hazmat goggles and the wonder gut." Tucker said, which didn't make me feel better.

"Why isn't (Y/n) with us today, anyway?"

We sat down beside a couple of teenagers and they looked at us in shock. "It's bad luck Tuck, yo!" One of the kids said. "We out."

Tucker was upset and held out a spoon. "I am not bad luck!" His spoon was thrown up to the bee's nest and bees started swarming at the whole student body.

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