Loving my protecter:James Mas...

By SusanSchmidt

16.5K 433 93

Riley Evans is a girl being hunted...only she doesn't know she is or that she is being hunted by a vampire or... More

Loving my protecter
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chaper 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 1

1.3K 32 5
By SusanSchmidt

"Please protect her James" Lilly begged. "I will" I said taking their baby. "She can’t know what you are just take her to her grandparents" I nodded "Thanks James.  The few years I known you you helped us." I picked up the baby bag "Before I leave what’s her name?" Her parents looked at each other. "Riley. Her name is Riley “Lilly said. “I’ll take care of Riley" I said walking out their house. "Let’s get you to your grandparents before they find you" Little Riley looked into my eyes as she held onto my finger "I will protect you"

-18 years later-

I sighed and threw the bag over my shoulder “It’s not your fault" Logan said. "I know but what if she is in trouble? How can I find her?" I asked looking at him. He shrugged "Let’s just get to school" I nodded "Thanks for letting me move here" Logan nodded and got in his car.

"Miss Evans" a girl turned around...Evans maybe its Riley "Yes sir?" She asked. "This is our new student would you mind showing him around?" She looked at me and said "I guess I can" I held my hand out and said "James Maslow" She shook my hand "Riley Evans" Riley finally I found her "Nice to see-I mean meet you" She looked at me then shrugged. Taking my class list she said "Looks like we have all our classes together so just follow me" I nodded and fixed the bag on my shoulder

-Riley’s pov-

"Riley!" I turned around and saw Carlos running towards me "Hey Carlos What’s up?" I asked once he got to me. "Did you hear theirs a new student?" He asked opening his locker. "No who is it?" I asked looking around. "They are in the office. I didn’t get his name" I nodded and fixed my brown hair. "You like fine" a familiar voice said. "Thanks Kendall" I kissed his cheek and shut my locker then looked around "Where’s Emily?" I asked. "Where do you think?" Carlos said looking in the corner, she stood flirting. "Of course" I put my bag on my shoulder and sighed "Let’s get this school day over with" Kendall and Carlos nodded. "Miss Evans" I sighed and turned around "Yes sir?" I asked. "This is our new student James would you mind showing him around" I looked at this James guy "I guess I can" James looked at me "James Maslow" He said holding out his hand. "Riley Evans" I shook his hand. James smiled "Nice to see- I mean meet you" I raised my eyebrow then shrugged it off. "Looks like we have all our classes together so just follow me" James nodded and fixed his bag that hung on his shoulder.

"So where are you from?" I whispered. "San Francisco" James whispered back. "Why would you move to New York?" I asked.” Miss Evans Mr. Maslow are you talking about the project?" Mrs. Freeman asked. "Yes Mrs. Freeman" She nodded and walked off. "What away to start your first day right?" I joked. "Yea I know. So what are we going to do?" James asked "Um I don’t know I’m not good with history" I said. "Okay um well we could do it on World War 1"

"Okay sounds good" I looked up into James eyes and something about them were familiar. Then I heard a voice inside my head say 'I will protect you' "Riley?" I blinked and looked at him "Yea?" James passed me the book "I said is it okay if we work at your house?" I looked at my paper and wrote down the topic. "I don’t think that’s a good idea my grandparents don’t like me bring guys home even if they are just friends" James nodded and looked around "There’s my roommate ill see if it’s okay for you to come over" He stood up and walked over to his roommate. Wait that’s Logan, I haven’t seen him since that fight last year. Him and a jock got into it and he disappeared for a few days. James looked at me and Logan smiled and nodded. "Riley" I turned and saw Carlos's face in mine. I jumped as he laughed. "What Carlos?" I asked a bit mad. "Sorry but what are you doing tonight?" He asked. "As of now I might be going to James's and Logan's place to study. Why?" I thought a growl come from Carlos "Just wondering" He turned back to Kendall and I heard James sit down. "Logan said its okay if you come over. Did you drive here or take the bus?" He asked. "Carlos drove me" James looked behind me and nodded "Well Logan said you can ride with us if you want" I smiled and nodded. "You now for a new kid you’re not shy. Were you popular at your last school or something?" I asked. "Something like that" James smiled and wrote on his paper. "James have we met before?" I asked. He froze his eyes stayed on his paper. "I...don’t think so" I nodded and put my folder in my bag.

Well this is chapter 1! Hope you liked it! I think this is going to be one of my favorites so far.


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