it all started in vegas

By sunshine_temptress27

24.4K 558 242

She was lost, at 25 years old she felt stuck in life, depressed and trapped by the small borders of her home... More

The Piano Room
The lounge
Blue eyes
Pleasure and Pain
Books and Records
The pier
Love me or Lose me
All shook up
Back To You

Welcome to Memphis

922 20 8
By sunshine_temptress27

It's way too early, I have a love hate relationship with the airport, I like flying but being up this early in the morning is not my idea of a good time. On top of not being a morning person, I was up all night on the phone with Austin, he called me while I was cooking yesterday and we ended up talking till 3 am, which normally I wouldn't complain about but I had to be up at seven to catch this flight.

My flight is rather short but I know it is gonna feel like forever with the anticipation of seeing him again. I tried to look somewhat presentable but i've been up since seven and had about four hours of sleep so I did the best I could with what i had going on, spandex shorts, a long graphic tee, some sneakers and the absolute bare minimum amount of make up on my face.

Once it's time for take off I try to get some sleep before I get there because it's not likely i'm gonna have time to nap once i'm in Memphis, however my mind has other ideas. Ever since I decided to make this trip my mind has tried to take me to the bad place. I did my best to ignore the negativity but sometimes it won.

'This is a fling for him, he will see you for a few more weeks then start filming and forget all about you.' 

'He will leave you just like everyone else'

That last one stuck with me more than I cared to admit, I have a rather lengthy list of things in my life I'd rather forget but nothing tops my mother.

I have lived with Gram since I was five, my mom dropped me off one day to go to work and never came back. I only hear from her when she needs money or to yell at me for not being a good daughter and taking care of her.

As for my dad he died when i was three, from what i know he was a great guy who did everything and more for my mother and me but she couldn't step and be an adult when he was gone so, off I went. I was an inconvenience to everyone but Gram. We didn't have much when I was young but she made my childhood the absolute best she could, and i'll never be able to repay her for that.

I spent the better half of my teenage years trying to compensate for that in a very unhealthy way, that's how I met James, he was the result of one bad choice after the other, and in the end he did nothing but dig the hole I had tried to bury myself in deeper.

Austin was a breath of fresh air to me, he's respectful, mature, damn near perfect and I think that's what scares me, is he too good to be true? Only time would tell but I know one thing, i'm not the girl I used to be, I swore to myself that night I  walked out of James apartment I was going to change, not let people walk all over me anymore and take care of myself first.

"Ladies and Gentleman, Welcome to Memphis"

Oh damn so much for sleeping.

I grab my bag from the overhead and start to walk towards the door, outside the gate I send Austin a text to let him know I had landed and was walking towards baggage claim. After a few minutes there was no response, maybe his flight was delayed or his phone is still on airplane mode.

I get to baggage claim and sit on the small bench while I wait for my bag to come around.

"My my, aren't you a sight for sore eyes"

My head whips around in surprise at the voice coming from behind. I move around the bench to stand in front of him unsure if I should hug him or grab his stupidly beautiful face and kiss him. I chose a hug because i'm a chicken and siked myself out.

I wrap my arms around his waist and push my face into his chest "Hi'

He tightens his arms around my shoulders and places a kiss to the top of my head "Hi sweetheart"

Reluctantly i pull myself away from him and take a step back to look at him.

"Let's grab your bag and then we can head to the hotel"

I turned around to see if I could find my bag and luckily it was the first one I saw, I reached down to grab it but his hands beat me to it grabbing my suitcase in one hand and his in the other. We walked towards the front of the airport to hopefully catch a cab.

"Did you have a good flight?" he looks over to me as we are sat on a bench waiting for a cab.

"Um it wasn't too bad, it was only a quarter of the time yours was so I can imagine if i'm this tired you must be exhausted" I let a small laugh out and look down to see him taking my hand in his. I had missed this it was such a small gesture but for us it had become our thing in a way.

"I am but you're here now so i can suck it up for a couple hours" He laughs before catching the sight of a cab and hailing it over.

He takes our bags and puts them in the trunk before walking back to my side of the car and opening the door for me, a small task he never failed to do. 

"You know I still don't know anything about this trip"

I feel the nerves begin to buzz all over my body, I typically like to have some sort of plan when I go places but he was adamant about taking care of everything so I was clueless.

"Well we are staying at a hotel about 15 minutes from Graceland, we will be going there hopefully tomorrow and the rest we will figure out as we go." His hand goes back to holding mine in an attempt to soothe the nervousness I was surely wearing all over my face

"Don't worry, i got the whole thing planned out"

It's like he knew exactly what to say to calm me "I trust you."

"Then you have nothing to worry about"

We get to the hotel and get checked in before heading up to our room, the only thing I was aware of before I got here was that we would be sharing a room, he called me to make sure it was okay before booking it, reassuring me that either way was okay and he didn't mind booking me my own room. Of course I was fine with it how could I not be.

I set my bags down in the corner before throwing myself down face first on the bed and let out a sigh of relief. I feel the weight of his body fall on the bed next to me before his hand moves to caress up and down my back.

"Do you want to rest a little before we go out and find something to do?"

I roll my head over to look at him "I would kill for a nap right now but if you have plans I can wait till tonight"

" I need one too I haven't slept since the night before last, get comfortable and get some rest, it's okay I don't have anything planned for tonight"

With that I pull myself up to un-tuck the comforter and get underneath leaving space for him on the other side. I am laid on my side facing the wall almost asleep when I feel his arm creep around my waist and rest his hand on my stomach. He pulls me into him, and rests his head right behind mine.

"I missed you" his soft voice whispers into my ear.

I smile into the pillow 'I missed you too"

I close my eyes just taking in the comforting warmth of his body on mine, a few moments later his lips find my neck placing soft kisses down to my shoulder, only a second later I was out.

I woke up to the sound of my own voice which was slightly terrifying, I rolled over to find Austin leaning his back against the headboard looking down at his phone smiling.

"Is that me?" I look at him with my eyebrows raised still feeling half asleep.

"Oh um yeah, it's from when you were cooking last night, I was screen recording because you looked adorable in your little apron and then you dropped the phone" he lets out a little breathy laugh

"Oh god that was almost bad" I laughed back at him remembering our conversation last night
"What time is it? I feel like I slept forever"

"It's 9:30"

"AT NIGHT?!" I turned to grab my phone off the table, there's no way I slept for almost nine hours. 

"Oh my god i'm so sorry"

He sets his phone down in his lap and looks to me "It's okay I only woke up thirty minutes ago, guess we both needed the sleep"

"We slept the whole day away" I look down at my hand feeling guilty for wasting the whole day.

"It's okay, the nights not over yet, hey did you bring a bathing suit?"

I look back up at him with a questioning look "Yeah why?"

He hops out of bed to grab his suit case and set it on the end of the bed, "Go put it on"

Still unsure of where this is going I grab my suitcase and head to the bathroom. Luckily I never go on a trip without one, you never know when you could need it so its an essential in my book. I look through my bag and grab the simple black bathing suit I had packed and put it on, throwing my t-shirt back on before heading out of the bathroom.

When I walk out i'm welcomed to Austin standing at the end of our bed in only a pair of black swim shorts that fell right below his thighs. I had only seen him like this over a phone screen and I can confidently say it's much better in person, his body is as perfect as a statue you would find in the arts museum, every single muscle was on display and I had a hard time keeping my eyes in one place, from his arms to his chest right down to his hands that still had a few rings strategically placed on his fingers.

'Are you ready?" he starts walking towards me and I feel my heart fall to my feet.

"Yep" he is now so close to me that if I moved even an inch I would smack right into him. I realize that i'm staring straight forward at his chest but if I look up at his eyes I can't be held accountable for my actions.

He places his thumb and forefinger on my chin in an attempt to get me to look at him.

"Why do you look so nervous?" a small smirk plays on his lips that makes it feel like someone lit a fire inside of my body.

"I'm not nervous, no reason to be." At least that's what I hope I said.

He stifles a laugh before reaching behind me to grab the door, he walks out of the room and down to the elevator. There is so much tension in the air as we ride the elevator down to the lobby floor I feel like i'm going to combust. Finally the doors open to the completely empty lobby and he grabs my hand in his walking down the hall and opens a door to the pool.

He sits down on the side of the pool before pushing himself in.

I walk over a few feet to the wall before i move my hands down to my side and pull my shirt off my body setting it on one of the chairs against the wall. I turn around to walk towards the pool when i see him watching my every move in a way that makes me feel very exposed but in the best way possible.

When I get to the edge and sit down his hands reach up to my hips to lift me up and pull me in the water with him, shocking me slightly. I try to set my feet down on the bottom but his hands stay planted on the underside of my thighs keeping me wrapped around him.

"You are absolutely stunning did you know that"

A blush creeps onto my cheeks "Hardly" I move my arms to wrap around his neck as he walks us back into the deeper end.

"Can i ask you a question?" 

"You can ask me anything" he says ever so softly.

I try to build up the courage to ask the question that's been on my mind for way too long "Why did you ask me to come here with you?"

"I missed you, leaving you in Vegas was one of the hardest things I have had to do. I know I haven't known you for all that long but when i'm around you I feel like me and I haven't felt that way in way too long" His eyes find mine and I find it hard to keep talking.

"I know the feeling, when I finally left my ex it took me years to get back to being a good version of myself. I didn't truly find it till I ended up in Vegas." I feel my eyes threaten to tear up at the mention of him but I pull it together.

"I don't know exactly what happened with him but I want you to know that if you decide to stay with me I will never give you a reason to have the look in your eye that you do right now, you deserve the world and more Cami."

I look back at him and place my hands on his cheeks "Stay with you?"

He lets a small laugh pass his lips "Well i was hoping you'd consider a little more definite situation with us."

I want to say yes, god do I want to "How is this gonna work?"

"We will take it day by day and figure it out together. Life's gonna be kind of crazy here soon but I want this, I want you." He brings his face so close to mine I can feel his breath on my lips.

"I want to kiss you"

He smirks up at me "So kiss me"

And I did, I pulled him into me and kissed him in a way that felt like all the oxygen in my body had floated up to my head making it impossible to think straight. His hands moved from my legs to my ass moving us backwards to the wall of the pool.

I felt my back hit the concrete but had no time to focus on the slight pain it brought as his tongue entered my mouth ever so gently.

When his lips are on mine I lose all sense of thought, he has completely taken me over and I couldn't be happier about it.

He breaks away from my lips to move them to my neck up towards my ear.

"Does this mean you're mine now?" he says in a whisper that sent shivers down my spine.

"Yes" I reach my hand up to his jaw to turn him towards me "Are you mine?"

He lets a dark laugh out and looks from my lips up to my eyes "I've been yours since the first time I saw those beautiful eyes sweetheart"

I press my lips to his before he breaks away for a moment.

"You ready to go to bed" He smiles at me

"I am far from tired" But I knew exactly what he meant.

"I didn't say you had to sleep"

Authors Notes :
Hello loves! this is a long chapter but i really enjoyed it. I'm still trying to figure this all out so if there's some plot holes just bare with me. We learned a little more of camis past and they are together! Now they just have to navigate a relationship, easy right?? nope! The next chapter gets down to business, pleasure mixed with pain, i'll let you figure that one out.

See you soon!
Love, C :)

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