Broken Home ; muke

By Rudemgc

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(COMPLETED) (FIRST BOOK) Michael and his sister Macy got separated and put into two different foster homes af... More



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By Rudemgc

[ Before you guys read this can you take like 13 minutes of your time and watch this video on the side. This video is what inspired me to write this story. The video is emotional but please watch and tell me what you think. I didn't make it but I wanna know your opinions. ]

May be triggering. Slight sexual assault scene.


Wednesday and Thursday flew by. When Michael went back to school Allana would make sure he ate and of course he would get snappy with her at times. She was patient though and it didn't bother her. She just wanted to help her best friend. She bought dunkin doughnuts the one day.

Michael wasn't happy doughnuts are very fattening. But of course he had to eat one. In the total of the past couple of days he had maybe a total of 500 calories? Everyone was so proud of him? He didn't understand why? He felt disgusting.

Today was Friday tonight is the party and now he has to go to his first therapy session. Ashton and Michael made up on Wednesday and Michael apologized for being snappy with him. Basically they made up and made out. Ashton asked if Michael was coming to the party and Michael was hesitant but decided to go. He wanted to try and be different instead of being the antisocial outcast loser.

Luke found out and wasn't happy. He ranted on about how Michael shouldn't trust Ashton and should definitely not be going to a party tonight with him. Luke was going too so Michael sorta felt a little better.

"ready to go?" Luke asked and Michael nodded suddenly having a nervous feeling.

They drove to the small building and Michael walked close by Luke. He was so nervous that he accidentally grabbed onto Lukes hand. He of course tried to pull away once he noticed but Luke held his hand tightly. Not tightly were it could hurt Michael.

They walked to the receptionist desk and the older lady smiled warmly at them.

"Hi! How may I help you?" Jean was her name.

"Michael Clifford has a therapy session or something." Luke said knowing Michael was to nervous and shy. She looked threw her computer.

While she was doing that Michael looked around the waiting room and saw some teenagers like him that were skinny. Like they were super skinny to him. Is that what he looks like?

Luke noticed michaels shocked expression and squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"Ok so here is Michaels therapy schedule." she said holding out a paper. He has to go every Friday. Luke nodded taking the paper. She pulled out another paper

"Okay and here he just has to sign a few things nothing major." so Michael signed whatever and she smiled and said thank you.

"Okay also this is a group therapy session. They usually last from 10 to 11. But you guys can go sit and wait." and they nodded and sat down. They still had their hands intertwined.

Michael was fidgeting and bouncing his leg around. God he was so nervous. He looked and saw a boy sitting next to him and he was super skinny.

"Luke?" Michael asked and Luke replied with a hum

"Do I look like him?" Michael asked pointing to the boy with black hair.

"Yes." Luke said and looked around the room. Everyone looked as skinny as Michael. Luke has never seen anything like this. He never thought that so many people would try to starve themselves or make themselves throw up.

"you're gonna be fine okay? This is a big step to recovery." Luke said and Michael sighed not wanting to be recovered. He still wanted to lose weight not gain.

A door opened and a tall man walked out.

"Alright everyone here for my ten o clock appointment may come in now." he said Michael frantically looked at Luke.

"You've got this Michael. I'll be here to get you right after it's over." Michael nodded and then released Lukes hand and walked where everyone else was walking.

Luke slightly frowned missing the feeling of michaels hand. But he got up and left.

Michael took small steps into the slightly large room and saw a circle of chairs. The room was very large like a warehouse type of room. There was at least 15 to 20 chairs. He took a seat next to the boy he was by in the waiting room.

"Alright so welcome everyone! Before we get started we have a new person here with us. His name is Michael." everyone looked over at the lavender haired boy who suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Ok so Michael I'm Dr. Tom I want you to say your full name, disorder, and something interesting about yourself." the man said and Michael noticed the glances and noticed they weren't judging glances. But caring

"Michael Clifford.. I'm anorexic apparently... And I love music." he said shyly.

"Nice to meet you Michael." everyone said and he fake smiled.

"Ok so the first thing we are gonna do is get everyone's weight and write it down on the board." his eyes widened and he noticed that there was already people's names written down and numbers next to names.

So everyone stood up and got in a line. He glanced up at the board and noticed next to the name Jamie it said 93 and then 99 then 104 then 115 and the number went up to 131.

So everyone got weighted and it was finally his turn. He hesitantly stepped on the scale terrified to see the numbers.


He frowned but the man just wrote it down on the board next to his name.

Some people seemed so happy with their weight? Why? Don't they feel disgusted? But it didn't make sense because they looked skinny and good.

Why can't he look good?


About 35 minutes after that everyone was sharing stories from how they got involved in their eating disorders. Michael actually grown to like this a little bit.

He felt he was the only one suffering from problems like this but there is people just like him.

"Michael how did you get started?" He was snapped from his thoughts. Everyone looked at him. He didn't want to say.. But everyone seemed to trust the group. He's heard some people talk about things he would never say.

"My step father always told me that if I wanted to be the best son ever I would have to weigh between 90 and 100." michaels small voice replied. The man nodded understandingly

"And do you still live with your step father?"


"Okay so did your mother kick him out?" The man asked again and Michael sighed

"My mom and him got arrested." Michael said and looked down at his lap.

"Oh. Would you like to tell us why? If you don't that's fine. Just remember we are all here to listen." he said and Michael felt like he shouldn't be talking about it, but he also wanted to get it off his chest.

"They were arrested for child abuse and smoking and drinking I guess illegally." Michael said not really understanding the whole situation.

"I'm sorry Michael. So you are living with..." the doctor looked down at the clipboard "Liz and Andrew Hemmings." Michael nodded

"How are they?"

"They're very nice to me." Michael said and smiled lightly.

"And now you have siblings? H--"

"No I have a sister. Macy lives in London. She was taken away the same time I was" Michael said and some kids gave him sympathetic looks. He didn't want sympathy though

"oh. How old is your sister?"

"She's 9" the doctor was very hesitant with the next question

"Was she abused too?" Michael nodded and sniffled. He didn't want to start crying but that's what happens when he talks about his sister.

"She was but not as much as me. I would always take it instead of having her get hurt." Michael croaked and felt a single tear fall from his eye.

"That's very brave of you Michael." the man said

After they talked a little more it was 11. He was handed a paper with goals of calories he needs to eat each day.

When he left he saw Luke waiting outside but with Rebecca. Why did he bring her? Michael stopped in his tracks and looked around at his surroundings

No he's walking

He actually snuck passed them cause they were laughing and were to caught up in each other. Of course Michael was kinda excited to see Luke but then Rebecca is always there to ruin it.

"Michael?!" Luke shouted and pulled away from Rebecca and ran after the boy who was walking fast. Michael ignored him until Luke stood in front of Michael

"What are you doing? I'm driving you back!" Luke said and Michael rolled his eyes and pushed past the blonde.

"Piss off Luke." Michael said coldly

"What is your problem?" Luke asked rudely

"My problem is you and Rebecca. Maybe I didn't want my problem announced to her." Michael mumbled and Luke frowned. He didn't even think of that

"Michael I'm sorry it's just she was coming over an--"

"I don't care leave me alone. Don't talk to me." Michael snapped.

"Fine whatever find your own way back." Luke said and shrugged before running back and leaving.

Michael scoffed

What an asshole


So Michael eventually got home but he was very sweaty and tired. So he showered and then got ready for this stupid party tonight. Ashton texted him saying he was on his way.

So he was waiting downstairs by the window.

"Hey man where you going?" Ben asked

"to a party."

"Who you going with? Ashton?" Ben asked and Michael nodded.

"Ok well be careful. Is this your first party?" He asked and once again Michael nodded.

"they are sometimes fun, they are usually crazy. Try not to get to wasted." Michael laughed. He won't be drinking

Eventually Ashton came and they went to Rebecca's. Her house was a mansion. They walked in and young rising sons song High was blaring threw the house. They went to the kitchen where they were handing out drinks.

Ashton grabbed a bottle of vodka and Michael cringed and looked for water. But immediately changed his mind. The water could have some drug in it.

They sat on the couch and Ashton talked to people and Michael just sat there. Luke and Rebecca were sat across from them. At times he felt Luke staring at him but would ignore it and try to act like he was involved. But he ended up just playing on his phone. He was looking at pictures of him and Macy and he made a Twitter account. Not that many people would follow him. But he followed all his favorite bands and made his icon of him and Macy.

He felt someone else staring at him. It wasn't Luke every time he looked up at the guy, he would immediately turn his head and look away a smirk plastered on his face.

"You look frightened." Luke said and plopped down next to him. When did Ashton leave?

"Some guy keeps staring at me. It's creeping me out" Michael mumbled and Luke looked around.

"who is it?" Michael looked up at the man

"The one with the black shirt dancing by those girls." Luke looked over and his eyes widened when realizing who it was

"That's Tony stay away from him." Luke warned glaring at Tony. He looked over and noticed Luke glaring at him and smirked and winked.

"Why? Who is he?"

"He's known for hurting people." Luke said. Michael froze and suddenly felt nervous.

"Where's Ashton?" Luke shrugged

"I was looking for Rebecca but I can't find her. I'm gonna go look for her you should look for Ashton." Both boys nodded and stood up and walked around looking.

Michael started with the kitchen he then went threw the crowds of sweaty dancing people, looking around and then finally went up stairs. They were all bedrooms...

"Ashton??" Michael called feeling his heart beat fast. He paced back and forth threw the hall.

"You looking for someone?" He turned and saw Tony standing there with a smirk.

"Uh yea my boyfriend." Michael said and tried to get past Tony but couldn't cause he was blocking him.

"Can I go!?" Michael yelled annoyed. Not in the mood for any of this. He should have known not to go to this dumb party.

"Nope." Tony teased and Michael rolled his eyes and tried to get past him once again.

"Hmm you're cute. You'll be even more cute when you're squirming around underneath me." Michaels eyes widened and his heart stopped. Oh my god


"You'll see." then Tony grabbed placing his hand over michaels mouth causing his screams to be muffled. He dragged Michael to a bedroom. Michael fought against his grasp. Kicking things and knocking them over and Michael stomped down on Tony's foot causing him to scream out in pain.

He turned Michael around and slapped him hard across the face causing Michael to fall to the ground. But because Michael was so use to that he recovered quickly and ran to the window of the room because Tony blocked the door.

he saw Luke outside the window looking around but the building was two stories. He banged his fist against the window

"LUKE! LUKE HEL--" he was cut off by two hands grabbing him by the back of his shirt and throwing him against a table. His small back hit the table and pain shot through his entire body and he cried out.

Michael got back up though

He was clutching his side though. Tears were falling from his eyes and he ran for the exit until he was tackled to the ground. He cried out in pain as his wrist hit the ground at a weird angle.

Michael was turned over on his back and Tony was straddling him. Michaels arms were pinned to the ground above him.

"You're being very bad Michael." Tony said his face red from anger.

"Someone help--" Michael was cut off by a harsh stinging pain in his right side of his cheek.

"You scream one more time and it's not gonna be a slap!" Tony screamed into his ear. Michaels head was tilted to the side as he tried to recover from the pain.

Tony positioned himself so he was between Michaels legs, he pushed himself against Michael causing him whimper and he then unbuckled his jeans sliding them down to his ankles

Michael didn't want to see this. So he looked at the ground as tears fell from his eyes and hit the hardwood floor. His whole body shaking and his breath picking up

"Michael?" Lukes voice echoes threw the hall and just like that Michael suddenly had hope.

"Luke I'm in here!" Tony put his hand over michaels mouth. He looked around trying to find something to keep Michael quiet

"Where? Where are you?" Michael tried screaming into Tony's hand but he squeezed michaels wounded wrist and caused him to whimper into his hand

Footsteps walked away and Michael started sobbing warm tears pouring down his face. Luke didn't hear him. He couldn't find him.

"Alright let's start this." Tony said excitement lacing in his voice and Michael tried thrashing around but his body was to weak from not eating much. Michael knew this was it. It was the end. He was hoping in this moment his life would end. Maybe he wouldn't wake up after it was over.

Tony unbuttoned his own pants pulling them down and Michael just screamed and nobody heard..

(A/N btw I already had this written from like two years ago. I'm just publishing it all now

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