More than Friends (M!reader x...

By Slayflower

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"Hinata... do you want to be... more than friends?" His eyes widened as he thought to himself before giving h... More

Key + basic info


2.1K 73 69
By Slayflower

I totally could've made this chapter 0 or a prologue BUT I DIDNT AND I WONT

It was the first day of preschool, and you were eager to make friends, but in all the excitement of the first day, you ended up not talking to anyone else until recess.

Your eyes were instantly focused on fluffy orange hair, and you ran over to the sandbox where the owner of that hair was.

"Hi I like your hair it's orange do you wanna be friends?"

He smiled widely at you,

You plopped down right next to him in the sandbox.

"My name's (l/n) (f/n), what's yours?"

He orange headed child finished digging his hole,
"I'm Hinata Shoyo!"

The two of you became very close friends after that, spending many days and nights at each other's houses, and eventually being seen as family by each other's parents.

~skip to middle school~

"Cmon (l/n), pleeeaaassseeee?"

For the past week, the short orange haired boy had been trying to convince you to join the volleyball club and so far, you had rejected his advances. You originally wanted to join the [activity] club, but he'd been asking you so earnestly for so long, you couldn't keep denying him.

"Fine, Hinata. I'll just be the manager or something though, got it?"

His face lit up into a bright smile, and he jumped at you to give you a hug.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou! You won't regret this!"

With a smile, you sighed.


You weren't surprised that the club had no other members, the volleyball obsessed boy had already explained that much to you. But what he didn't inform you of was how the club didn't even have a designated space! You watched as he went from place to place, bumping into other clubs as he tried to practice by himself.

Although you were just the manager, you couldn't help but feel bad at how he was practicing alone, so you offered to throw the ball to him a few times, which he happily accepted.

You ended up learning a little more about volleyball, and how the game was played, but you were far from being a fully fledged player.

It was about time to go home now, but Hinata seemed adamant to practice till he dropped. You weren't going to have that though. You had made a promise to yourself to never let him overwork himself, and you'd be damned if you broke that promise.

You decided to bring out the big guns immediately.

"Hey Hinata, if you get ready in five minutes, I'll buy you those meat buns you like,"

Hearing these words, the short player rushed to clean everything up, and soon was right in front of you, ready to get his snack.

"Really like those, don't you?"

He guided his bike along next to him as he walked with you to the convenience store,
"Of course I do! They're delicious!"


You had bought the meat buns for him, and were sitting outside with him while he was consuming them.

At some point, you heard him sigh loudly, and you looked over to see him in a beaten down position, his face not being its usual boisterous self.

You put your arm around his shoulder and pulled him closer to you, and he rested his head on your shoulder.

"Dont worry Hinata, I'm sure you'll be able to get some people to join soon,"

He took a bite out of his bun,
"How'd you know I was thinking about that?"

You chuckled, and started to stand up.

"I've known you for how long now? At this point I can just tell,"

You extended your hand to him, and he took it, helping him stand up.

The two of you walked home, and conveniently, you were both next door neighbors.

"Goodnight Hinata,"

You gave him a quick hug, which he returned.

"Night (l/n)!"


Eventually the club was able to get more members, although by this time the two of you were in your third year of junior high.

Three new first years! Before it wasn't really possible to have any actual matches because of how few members there were in the club, but if your numbers kept going up like this, then you'd finally see the club go against another school! Not to mention the three newbies were adorable, and you couldn't help but hug them all.

"(F/n) stop! You're gonna scare them off!"

"Oh hush, Shoyo!"

You looked at the three first years,
"Am I scaring you?"

Only one of them spoke, and with a shaky voice at that.

"A-a little... but your hug was very nice though!"

The other two nodded along, and you gave a smug grin to your friend, who pouted in response. You went behind him and gave him a hug, startling him.

"Oh cmon Shoyo, don't be like that!"

His face went pink as the new members just stared.

"S-stop it! You're embarrassing me!"

You let him out your grasp and he brushed himself off, taking a confident pose.

"I'm Hinata Shoyo, president of the volleyball club!"

You leaned your arm on his shoulder,
"And I'm (l/n) (f/n), the manager. And I guess I'm the vice captain too if you think about it,"

The three rookies thanked you both, all three of them still seeming a bit nervous, but you assumed that in time, they'd get more comfortable.


The big day had finally arrived! By convincing two of his other friends to join, the club finally had enough members to actually participate in a tournament!

You didn't have high hopes for the team, seeing as almost all of them were still new to this, but you didn't tell that to Hinata. He'd been looking forward to this day for so long! You didn't want to crush his dreams.

"Uhhh captain? Shouldn't we warm up?"

You watched from the sidelines as your team talked amongst themselves. Meanwhile, you walked around to check the scheduling and to make sure everything worked in the technical side of things.

You looked at the schedule.


You looked at your watch (that you totally have) and saw that somehow time had sped up while you were gone, and you rushed to the court just as the match was about to start.


Your words of encouragement weren't enough to calm the nerves of your team, but from the looks on their faces, they were greatly appreciated.

The team did just about how you expected, and seemed very down from their loss. You watched as they all filed out of the gym, and you saw your orange haired friend chase down someone from the other team.

To be honest you weren't paying much attention to what the other player was called, but you could tell that his personality equated to a rotten apple.

You could hear them both shouting at each other, and by the time you got there it had already ended.

"Shoyo... were you crying?"

He turned away from you,

You gave him a hug, which he reluctantly accepted.

"You did your best Shoyo, and your best was amazing!"

You looked to the rest of the team, who were kind of just awkwardly standing there. You motioned towards them,
"That goes for the rest of you too! Group hug!"

They seemed hesitant to join.


They quickly joined in, which they didn't end up regretting.


The days had gone by, and toda you set your bag down before sitting down on the couch, the soft cushions feeling WAY better than the wooden seats at school.

Your [parent] approached you,
"Oh (f/n), I was meaning to tell you, once the school year ends, we're moving,"

Your eyes widened in shock,
"What? Why?!"

"Your [other parent] and I both got better jobs where we're moving,"

"Oh, that's okay then I guess,"

You were pretty bummed that you were moving, but you also knew that these things were out of your control, so you didn't really explode at your parents. What you were really worried about though, was how you were going to break the news to your best friend.

"Wait, when does the school year end?"


You sat there for a moment, shocked.


The last day of school had finally come, you were sad that you'd have to leave them all, especially your precious first years.

Eventually you found your friend, standing in one of the empty classrooms, looking out the window.

"Hey Shoyo?"

He turned his head and looked into your eyes.

"Do you want to be... more than best friends?"

His eyes widened as he thought to himself before giving his answer.


Internally you felt yourself explode, and not in the good kind of way. You should've known he'd be this dense.

You sighed with a smile,
"Yeah... super best friends,"

You walked up next to him, staring out the window with him.

"There's something else I needed to tell you,"

You could hear him turn his head.

"I'm... moving,"

He grabbed onto you.


"My parents got better jobs somewhere else, I'm not sure where, and todays my last day here,"

He hugged onto you tightly,

You pat his head soothingly,
"I just found out yesterday..."

You could hear him say something, although you it was muffled as his face was buried in your shirt.

"I'm staying over at your place tonight then! No buts!"


The two of you spent your time reminiscing over old times, sitting in your empty room, surrounded by packed up boxes.

The time flew by, and it was soon time to go off to sleep. The two of you laid down next to each other, something that was normal between you both due to how long you knew each other.

The short boy yawned,
"I can't believe you're leaving me... and right before Highschool too!"

You pulled the blanked over your shoulders,
"Yeah... I can't believe I'll have to spend the juicy part of my teen years without you,"

You were going to say more, but your "super best friend" had already drifted off to sleep, snoring.

"Goodnight Shoyo, I'll miss you,"



The boy was driven to tears, and you almost cried as well. Almost.

"I'd never forget you Shoyo! I promise I'll write to you!"

You shared one more tight hug,
"You better!"

You pulled away, deciding to ignore the wet stains on your shirt.

You got into the moving truck, and waved goodbye to your friend for what seemed like it would be the final time. As the truck started to drive, you could see him chasing after it, yelling goodbyes.


Some time had passed, and you were settled in your new home in Miyagi. You had become friends with your neighbors, but you still couldn't fill the short orange haired void in your heart.

Your first day of Highschool was approaching, and you couldn't have been more excited.

'Karasuno here I come!'



Edit: formatting also maybe I'll put in a new chapter sometime

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