Falling for you (Fruk)

By jelsa_fnaf_lover

5.3K 291 307

It is the roaring twenties and Arthur is known in London for being cruel. Everyone fears him and truly believ... More



296 15 7
By jelsa_fnaf_lover

"So?...did you ask me here to apologize?" I asked. I looked at Antonio with crossed arms. He asked me to come yesterday alone, so I did so. I knew he wouldn't try anything but I wanted to know why. "Well.... Yes...sort of.." he said looking away from. I looked at him annoyed and rolled my eyes. "At least look at me" I said. "Well..... I meant it when I said I was worried...and I know I acted a little harsh"

"A little?.... That's an understatement...."
"Okay!!!! I was an asshole!!! But still.... I guess you literally punched some sense into me the other night..."

I was still mad, I don't even think I'd want to be partners with him anymore. Saying sorry isn't going to do it for me. However, I'm still going to hear him out.  "But.... I did what you said..... I found his sister, seriously....she's inside" he spoke. My eyes widened and my face softened. "What?! Seriously?.... How?"

"Well... I talked to some of my workers by the channel and they said a woman had been around and they approached her, apparently she was looking for her brother.... I got work yesterday and they drove her here early this morning" he explained.

My eyes widened and I began to walk closer to him "show me.." I demanded. He nodded at me seriously and gestured for me to come inside. I watched him closely and made sure this wasn't some way to get back at me. I don't think I could ever trust him ever again, even if she was here.

He brought me to his study and slowly opened the door. Surely enough, there was a woman sitting there. It looked like he had made sure she was cleaned up and dressed nicely. Antonio stood to the side and I looked at him. He nodded at me and I began to walk closer. "Lucile Bonnefoy?" I spoke. Her head moved towards me.

Her and Francis looked alike.... It was definitely his sister. "Où est mon frère ? François ? Vous le connaissez ?" She spoke. I knew she asked about Francis. I nodded at her and relief filled her face. "She only speaks French.... But I'm sure you can handle it" Antonio spoke.

I took a deep breath out and smiled at her. "It's nice to finally meet you...." I spoke. Her eyes widened looking at me and her cheeks turned pink. "Likewise" she spoke. Hmmm? She understood that?

"Come on.... I'll take you to Francis..." I spoke. I gestured for her to follow me and she nodded. I offered her my arm to take and she did so gladly. We walked towards the door and Antonio looked to the ground. "Is there anyway we can forget about the other night?" He asked.

"I don't know.... I think that our relationship is strained... and I might consider cutting our ties..... but I might feel generous so who knows.." I explained. "I understand..." he spoke.

After leaving Antonio's home, Lucile took a ride back with me to my place. She looked nervous beside me and kept picking at her dress.

When we arrived to my place, I helped her out of the car and we walked up the steps. She looked around eagerly and I asked a maid to bring Francis down.

"Whoa!!! Is this her? Is that what Antonio wanted to talk about?" Alfred spoke out of no where. Matthew followed behind and introduced himself to Lucile. She looked so happy to meet someone who spoke French.

"Yeah.... But I told him it is going to take more for me to forgive him.... So we will see what happens" I explained. "Lucile?...." A voice spoke.

We all looked to the stairs where Francis stood and he was in shock. Lucile smiled at him and began to lift her skirt to run to him. "Francis!!" She cheered. He began to run down the steps and they immediately ran to hug one another. It was really sweet and pulled at my heart strings. He held her tightly and she began to cry in his arms. Francis kissed her forehead gently and looked at her extremely happy.

They immediately began to talk to each other quickly and I stood there smiling. Alfred and Matthew walked on both sides of me and began to nudge me. "What?" I asked annoyed. "Awww you are so sweet for doing this!" Alfred teased. "I wish you loved us that much" Matthew bugged me. They began to nudge me and I elbowed them back.

"Arthur... thank you" Francis spoke. He smiled at me  sweetly. "Thank you!!" She cheered.

They both began to talk about something and I stood awkwardly seeing her point at me and him rolling his eyes and making gross faces. "What are they saying?" I asked Matthew.

He started to laugh at me and shook his head. "She thinks you are very cute" he laughed. My eyes widened and my face turned red. I can't believe she thought that way! "Francis says that she shouldn't waste her time with you because you are busy all the time" Matthew added.

I smiled at Francis and I knew why he said that. I would have too if I had a sister interested in the person I liked.

Francis came up to me and suddenly pulled me in for a hug. "Je t'aime Arthur... Je vous rendrai visite" he whispered into my ear. He pulled away from me smiling and suddenly began to kiss my cheeks. "Uhhhh...? Thanks?" I laughed turning red.

"Do you have to leave now? I can help till you get on your feet?" I asked. Matthew translated quickly and Francis shook his head. "Non ! Vous avez déjà assez aidé... Mais je te rendrai visite bientôt"

"He says that you've done enough... but they promise to visit" Matthew explained. My heart grew sad that he was leaving but I knew he had to. I'm sure they had a place they've been meaning to get to.

Francis suddenly pulled out a letter for me and my eyes widened seeing it. "I will... practice my English..." he spoke with a heavy accent. I smiled taking the letter, and they both began to walk out the door. "Good bye..." I spoke as Alfred, Matthew and I waved to them.

"Au revoir, Arthur..."

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