Far Away Reality

By 24azentner

7.5K 242 25

I don't own BBC Merlin or any of their characters. I only own any added storylines and my OC's. Arthur Pendra... More

Cast of: "Far Away Reality"
Chapter Two: Welcome to Camelot
Chapter Three: The First Meeting(s)
Chapter Four: The Dragon's Call
Chapter Five: Tournament
Chapter Six: Snakes
Chapter Seven: Talks with a Dragon
Chapter Eight: Morgana
Chapter Nine: The 'Plague'
Chapter Ten: The Afanc and Nimueh
Chapter Eleven: Arthur and Carly
Sneak peak at chapter twelve
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen (Part One)
Chapter Seventeen (Part two)
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter One: Ealdor

559 14 0
By 24azentner

Trigger warning: Panic Attack later in the chapter. I myself have never experienced a panic attack, but I have similar symptoms.

I have no idea how much time had passed before I came to but when I did I had a killer headache. I began to open my eyes and I saw an old looking, wooden ceiling above me and I could feel a blanket on top of me. Although, I could tell that I was not in my bed or at a hospital because the bed was way too hard and the room would not have a wooden roof.

"Mother! She's starting to walk up" I heard a male voice with an English accent say. But why would someone in the US have an English accent? Was he a tourist?

"Coming!" I tried to sit up but as I did I felt an excruciating pain radiate through my body.

"Hello, My name is Hunith and this is my son Merlin. We found you unconscious in the forest. Do you remember your name or how you came to be there?" Hunith (who also had an English accent) said calmly and slowly. I tried to sit up again as the first try was unsuccessful,"Hey, hey, don't try to sit up yet. You were out for quite a while. I am sure you probably have a concussion"

"Where am I?" I asked before answering anything.

"You are in Ealdor. In Cenred's kingdom" The boy, who apparently was named after a wizard, said.

"I'm Scarlett. To answer your questions: Yes I know my name, eheh obviously, and no I don't know how I got here" I said as I sat up, against Hunith's advice.

"Where are you from, Scarlett? You have an accent that I have never heard before" Hunith politely asked.

"I'm from the southern part of Virginia"I warrily answered. How come they've never heard an American accent when they are in America?

"What kingdom is that in?" Merlin asked rather suddenly.

"What do you mean? What kingdom? It isn't one at all, it's in the United States, it's a democratic republic based government" They looked at me very confused,"You know,'consent of the governed','We the people' and all that?"

"I am sorry. I've never heard of anything like that or of a place with the name 'United States'" Merlin said as both he and his mom looked at me weirdly.

"How have you guys never heard of the United States of America? It's pretty much impossible not to know about it in the 21st century. Where am I? I thought I was still in the USA" then I began to realize. Earlier they said I was in Ealdor and their names were Hunith and Merlin, like as in the 'BBC's Adventures of Merlin'. But how is that possible? It is one, a television show, and two it ended in 2012. I began to feel my chest tighten and my breath quicken. I felt scared and panicked, and I heard ringing in my ears.

"Woah, woah!! Are you ok?" Merlin asked nervously as he observed me.

"Can't breathe! I..I.. think.. I'm having...a... a panic attack" I said between gasps.

"Ok, darling, focus on me and try to breathe when I breathe. Can you do that for me?" I nodded as I stared at her face and followed her breathing,"Merlin, can you go grab a glass of water for Scarlett here?"

"Of course, I'll be right back"

"Ok, Scarlett. I need you to tell me five things that you see" Hunith instructed me.

"Uhh... You.. I see you... I see... the ceiling"

"Good, one more thing"

"The bed"

"Great job, sweetheart. Now, how about three things you can feel?"

I took a deep breath," I feel the blanket, uhhh, the bed, and..." she grabbed my hand and weakly smiled,"and your hand".

"And two things you can smell?"

"Forest, uhh,I mean wood, and honeysuckle"

"I brought the water" he handed it to me,"Are you feeling better?"

"I am now, thanks to your mom" I turned to Hunith who was still holding my hand,"Thank you, truly".

"It's nothing, I am just glad your ok"

"Wait... earlier did you say the 21st century?" Merlin asked curiously but also seemingly very confused by it.

"Ummm. Yeah. It's still 2022 after all isn't it. Time Travel doesn't exist after all" I said jokily with a small hint of sass. Hunith and her son shared a shocked and concerned look.

"Ummm, Scarlett it is 506 (a/n: IDK the date of the show as far as arthurian legend, I am just using the date used in "Paper Wings" by @abst0ries . Anyways, many believe the King Arthur legend and Camelot took place some time between the 4th and 6th century). Are you saying you're from the 21st century" After Merlin told me that it was no longer 2022, I felt like I was Claire from 'Outlander' when she traveled through the stones at Craigh na Dun to the 18th century. But for Claire Fraser it was only 200 hundred years, for me (if this is real) it seems to be about 1500 years. I thought for a few moments and I came to the conclusion that this may be the real Merlin and Hunith from the show. I mean if time travel is real then why not mulit-reality travel like in the MCU. Right now I feel like anything is possible. Anyways, I am getting sidetracked... I took about an hour to explain to Hunith and Merlin all I could remember from leaving Ada's house to now. I only told them because if this really is Merlin, then he has magic and most likely will believe me. Afterall, he and his mom look just like they do in the show and I mean identical to Colin Morgan and the actress who portrayed Hunith.

"Wow, that is a lot to take in" Merlin stated.

"Yeah, no duh, Sherlock" I said quietly and Merlin gave me an odd look. We all were silent for a solid 2 minutes, "So... Do you believe me?" Dear Jesus... Please let them not think I am crazy and help me to survive whatever on Earth this all is.

"Yes" They both replied at the same time.

"Really? You don't think I am a raving lunatic?" I said cautiously with hope.

"Yes. So.. what are you going to do? I know you know a little about this time from your.. What did you call it? Television show about me and people in my life. Which is still bizarre to think that there is a show with me in it" Merlin said as Hunith left to do some chores that needed to be done. As she did so she told me to rest and told Merlin to keep me company and make sure I rest.

"I am unsure as to what there is that I can do. I honestly don't understand how I got here or is I am even in my own reality" I sighed," I must sound like someone from "Doctor Who' or some kinda sci-fi, fantasy story"



"What's Doctor Who? And what's Sci-fi?" Merlin asked. Oh boy... I am going to have to be careful with my 21st century slang. Otherwise I will just keep confusing people.

Over the next couple months, I healed up nicely thanks to Hunith and Merlin's help. They are truly the kindest people I have ever met. Hunith allowed me to stay with them and I helped them make an extra bed (I took woodworking in school and I know how to chop down a tree). Once I was all healed, I began to help Hunith with chores around the home and Merlin and I became friends. To be honest, I am surprised that he isn't creeped out by the fact that I know so much about him, like at all. He is really curious, just like in the show. He has asked me a trillion questions over the course of the time I have lived here in Ealdor.

"So... how is it living in the 6th century? Now that you've been here for a while. You have seemed to acclimate well" Merlin asked as we were walking through the village.

"It certainly is very different from home but it is not as bad as one would think" I said with a silly smile looking at Merlin, "Thanks for being my friend. Seriously it has made it a lot easier".

Merlin was trying not to smile,"To be fair, you have helped me as well. Before you came here, I didn't have many friends. Really, in truth, I only had Will. So, thank you for showing up here. Even if you didn't mean to and if you did get hurt in the process of it"

"So... When did you first figure out that you had magic? I know you've been able to use it since you were an infant. But, when did you really know what it was? I have always kinda wondered" I said, trying to change the subject after a few moments of silence. I really miss my parents and Ada but I try not to think about it too much since I don't really have anything I can do to change the situation. I might as well be grateful for what I have and let God do what he does best. Anyways, God always has a plan so some good will come from this one way or another. I have to believe that.

"I don't know the exact moment. Maybe once I was around other kids and mother would ask me to not use my abilities around them" Merlin said, bringing me back to the moment and out of my head.

"That must have been confusing for a kid... To be told not to do something and not know why. To feel your different from others"

"..." Merlin didn't answer and when I looked at him he looked distraught.

"Hey. Hey. Hey, there is nothing wrong with being different. God makes us the way we are for a reason. There is a purpose to your gifts, and I know God loves you no matter what others say '' I say with certainty that there was nothing wrong with Merlin and he should not be upset about being set apart.

"Thank you, Scarlett. Really, you're a God sent and my best friend" Merlin walked closer to me and pulled me into a hug. I smiled knowing I cheered him up and rubbed off on him. He wasn't a huge hugger with anyone but his mom before I came. But, now he openly hugs me.

"Merlin!!! Scarlett!!" Hunith yelled for us. Hunith has become like a motherly figure for me through these past few months and I am forever grateful.

"We're Coming" I replied. Speaking of me saying stuff. I am surprised that no one else in the village has said anything about my accent. I guess they don't care much; it is the only explanation I can think of. With that we walked back to the house.

"Hey, Scarlett, you may already know this... Merlin, I am going to send you to Camelot to live with Gaius... and I want you, Scarlett, to go with him" Hunith informed us.

Cliffhanger and in the next chapter a subtle time skip...

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