House Rules

By hearteyes4killmonger

210K 6.6K 4.4K

After meeting on a dating app, you and the hypersexual Erik Stevens decide to develop a weekly movie night as... More

The Set-Up
Questions Answered

Questions Answered #2

2.3K 62 17
By hearteyes4killmonger

E_Moneyy oh she a freak

Show me your face, was the message at the top of Erik's DMs waiting for him to respond.

He went straight to her profile, impressed by the couple photos on display. She was fine, but she was a switch which wasn't bad.. but it had the potential to be.

Ask me nicely, he responded to her message.

Pretty please?


Lmfao. Fair.

He was torn on whether to proceed. A little attitude and naughtiness could be fun if it ended in submission, but there was a line between brat and dom breaker. Which one she was remained to be seen.

Cards on the table? You're sexy as hell and I'm looking for a trusted, experienced dom who can fulfill my inner desires. As you can see, I am a dominant, but I'm also very submissive to the right partner. I'd like to see if we're compatible..

Erik considered it. He was curious and she was fine.

Let's meet and talk further, Erik suggested in the FetLife DM thread.

Are you in my city?

I can be anywhere you need me to be. Drop the location, I'll meet you.

She named a restaurant he recognized having been there. He met her, shook her hand, and sat down at the table to talk experience. He wanted to hear about her experiences in the kink community but she had other plans. She was ready with a hard copy of her STD test results that she pulled from her purse and slapped on the table without prompt. He laughed tickled by the boldness and she added the information about her IUD.

"Aight," he smirked with his eyes on her suggestively. He was ready to get down to it too, but he had to be thorough. He took her number and texted a photo of his recent STD results. They were clear. "And I'll take another one if needed."

"I'd rather talk about kinks," she leaned forward, her foot on his leg under the table. His eyes went straight to her cleavage.

His kinks were listed on FetLife, but like most women her ears seemed to be a direct path to the pussy.. He licked his lips.

"Let's see.. there's bondage, breath control, voyeurism, orgasm denial, and primal play," he stared gaging her reaction. He could see her getting turned on as he spoke. She bit her lips absent-mindedly.

"We may be compatible afterall, but.. there's some kinks I didn't mention on my profile.."



"You said some.. what else?"

His head tilted when she hesitated, dragging it from her.


"Ok ok," he nodded leaning forward. "We'll get into that, but first.. tell me about your experiences as a submissive. How many doms have you submitted to?"

"Two. The first match was nice but we dissolved that part of our relationship. We're still friendly. I see him at munches. The second, it didnt yield what I needed it to. I think I was too much for him."

"Too much how?"

"I know what you're thinking, I'm a good girl I'm just very vocal about what I need. Not every man can handle that level of feedback.."

It was a red flag in Erik's book.

"I'm not a switch," he warned her. "If you looking to exercise your dominance this isn't gonna work. I'd rather we part ways now."

"I want to be submissive.. to you," she assured looking firmly in his eyes. "I'm telling you the truth. I wouldn't have exposed myself otherwise."

She did trust him with her more secretive kinks.

He decided to move forward. If she proved herself they could continue. If she tried to trick him, he'd have to cut her loose.

"What are you limits," he asked to be sure he never crossed them.

"I hate the sight of blood. Any bodily fluids other than sweat, cum, and saliva.. Nothing resulting in permanent harm, and absolutely no ageplay. Soft limits are electrical stimulation and impact play. I'll do it but within negotiated paramenters.."

"Perfect. Add dom breakers and those are also my limits, minus electrical stimulation. I'm kinda into that."

Leaning forward once more, he gestured with two fingers for her to meet him and do the same.

"Tell me a fantasy you have.. that you haven't told anyone else," he whispered. That was when she'd told him and he'd decided to make her taboo fantasy come true.

On a agreed upon day, he chose a random hour to appear. It was nearly 2 AM when he pulled up a short distance away from her address casing the house until 3 AM. Nothing was strange so he got out and approached the home with his gun in his waistband just in case. Dressed in all black, he checked the front door of her home finding it unlocked as she said it would be. He poured himself a glass of wine in her kitchen and swallowed it in a sip before quietly making his way up the stairs, pulling down his ski mask and checking corners, hand on his gun.

She was in bed and under the cover, but when he soundlessly walked around the foot he could see the red bra straps sticking out along with her head and bonnet. She was fast asleep.. probably waited for him in that lingerie all day. The thought pumped him up.

Slowly he uncovered her body revealing the sexy lingerie style he liked to refer to as classy French hooker. She looked too edible in it and she smelled even more amazing. He could imagine the sex they'd have in the light of day. He'd fuck her in the sunlight, watch her skin glow with hopes of getting caught by her neighbors.

The lively red complimented her smooth skin. He licked his lips breathing deeper and sweeping his fingertips gently under her jaw. His thirsty eyes traveled down her toned legs and back to her silky shoulders. All he had to do was take it! She turned searching for her blanket and his hand clamped tightly over her mouth shocking her awake. She must've forgotten for a second it was play. He muffled her scream in his hand pressing her head back against her pillow and ripping her panties in his rough attempt to pull them to the side.
He could feel her heart pounding.

"Just give me what I came for and I won't have to hurt you," he muttered in her ear hearing her subtle sigh of relief.
That was when he entered her starting slowly to ease her into it, not knowing her tolerance or preference for dick on her cervix. Once her breathing leveled, he continued those thrusts, his hamd still over her mouth. Her breaths turned to muffled moans and he released her mouth sliding his hand down her chin to her neck while making trial strokes.

"Stop," she whispered looking down at his arm. His fingers added light pressure to her neck. "Please," she cried.

"Please," he mocked. "Shut up.."

He followed his intuition pulling her legs up over his shoulders, pushing her thighs and going deeper into her pussy so she could feel him stretch her and have something to cry about. Her eyes popped wide and he threw her into the bed feeling juiced.

"Fuck! Get off of me," she soft-yelled wriggling her body and pushing him. He pushed her hands back dropping dick in her while she cried "Please stop.." She attempted to barter, still begging as he rubbed her clit holding it hostage to force her to cum.

She begged for him to leave, to unhand her, to spare her and he gripped her throat once more tightly cutting off her air supply.

"Shut the fuck up," he growled as her eyes rolled and her thighs twitched. "Gimme this pussy."

When she couldn't speak, he slammed into her mercilessly, bottoming out. He didn't stop until real tears flooded her eyes and by that time, she was begging him to let her cum again and again.. and she did.. all over her comforter.

She squirted all over her sheets too. That's when he abruptly let her go and pulled out. In his experience, some subs needed to disengage quickly and go directly into aftercare. He was sensitive to it.

"Where you keep your sheets?"

"Hall closet."

He picked her up carefully in his arms and stood her up while he stripped her bed and changed her sheets, laying her back down and tucking her in. He could tell it wasn't something she was used to. She held onto his hand looking him in the eye with extended eye contact before letting go. He rubbed her legs through the blanket.

"Goodnight," he whispered. "Sleep tight."

He crept from her room standing in the doorway until she closed her eyes and looked away to go to sleep.

That was their first sexual experience and in Erik's opinion, it had gone well. He could handle this..

elizzy_206 He is the creampie king 😈

There was a routine Erik's subs had to cycle through regularly if they wanted continued access to him. STD testing, body mapping, and open conversations of needs, desires, limits, and expectations. If they couldn't communicate these things, they didn't pass. If they said they had no limits they didn't pass. If they didn't produce evidence of recent testing, they had to schedule to get tested or he'd provide a home testing kit and physically watch them piss in a cup. Most women didn't want that. They provided proof of testing and proof of birth control which was their choice but preferred. Afterall, he made it abundantly clear if they ended up pregnant it was their problem. He'd provide the funds for an abortion once. That in mind, he reiterated to each sub that it'd be easier on their bodies to just take the damn birth control.

Out of all his subs, only one fucked around and told him she was pregnant.
Erik sighed deeply contemplating why she let it happen and rubbing the crease between his brows. He was sitting shirtless at the foot of her bed having shown up solely to eat her pussy after she'd called. His beard was still greasy when the bullshit came from left field.

"Is this a joke?"

"It's not a joke," she stared sitting up and sliding to prop up her back. He waited for an explanation but she gave none. She'd shown him her birth control, ensured him she didn't want to get pregnant in this way by her dom. She wanted to save that for her life with her future husband. He wondered what changed, and then he thought about it..

Her biological clock was ticking, she wasn't married, and she wanted to be so bad that she was putting the cart before the horse just doing anything even when it went against their agreement.

"You stopped taking your birth control. Why not just be honest about it and tell me what you were thinking?"

"Because you'd have talked me out of it or you'd have left.. and I don't mind raising a child alone."

"So what you gonna do," he looked over his shoulder, irritated.

She stared, her answer obvious.

"Hey," he shook his head not making eye contact. "That's on you. Your body yo choice." He stood picking his shirt from the bed and pulling it over his head finding his glasses and putting them on. "Good luck," he tossed on his way out.

"Wait, so that's it?"

"What you want me to say," he stopped abruptly turning back to her. She looked like she was hoping for something more. The picture became even more clear. "Look," his voice softened. "You don't know anything about me I'm just the nigga that eat ya pussy from time to time and fuck you when you ain't got no one. That's literally it. I'm not your man sweetheart.. I'm not him.. I'm sorry," he shrugged backing out. "Good luck though," he yelled on his way out her apartment.

He waited 72 hours to see if she'd hit him for abortion money before making one last call to her.

"You decided to keep it," he guessed when she answered. She agreed that she had. She wanted the baby, so he hung up and blocked her on his apps, deleting her contact. She'd never see him or hear from him again. He was pissed but that was a risk of not using condoms.

The ordeal changed the way he communicated with his submissives. He was even more thorough with his questioning and more hesitant in taking new subs.

Anymore questions?
Ask away.

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