Gryffindors princess

By athenaflorence

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Astrid Orla Clearwater, Wizarding royalty and well known all over the world. You grew up listening to stories... More

ₖₙᵢgₕₜ bᵤₛ
En france, on va!
Larmes d'anniversaire
Professor Hagrid
Arresto momentum
Old friends, new enemies.
In your defence.
P E R S E P H O N E.
Stars of Eumoiriety.
s c a b b e r s.
A long awaited win.
Victories & Broken Hearts
Money n Power.
the family map.
R A V E N C L A W.
Home is where the heart is.
G E O R G I E' S G I R L.
im just a girl.
red vipers
F R È R E.
Sanctimonia Vincet Semper.
Where wolf?.
1 step forward, 3 steps back.
T R A I T O R.
Always an angel.
my gentle secrets.
Hate to hate you.
The Evans Girl.
N E V I L L E .
Purus sanguis.
put it all behind me.
Khirad's donair.
Mornin' star
P e r c y
C'est la vie.
B E U X B A T O N S.
Heloise & Abelard.
land, sky & sea.
We are the champions
Teddy n Blaze.
The other woman .
ced + strid
R o m a n c e
b e t r a y a l
You bring me home.
Partners in crime.
storm before the quiet
seer of nothing.
Once a badger...
Diary entry 1
Diary entry 2
Letter to cho
cedric diggory.
end of an era.
Diary entry 3
Wolf + star .
golden four.
s i x t e e n
p r e f e c t s.
F I F T H Y E A R.
Once a badger.
Q u i d d i t c h.
f r i e n d.
what's done is done.
h a p p y p i l l s.
Homles and Watson.
Happy Granger Day.
B E A T E R S.
Dumbledore's Army.
army dreamers.
forest fire
Ballerina .
Always a badger.
l e s t r a n g e.
house on fire.
P i g g y
bruised egos
c l o s e .
Oak n honey.
g r i e f.
friend of a friend
U N B R E A K A B L E.
private lessons.

j e s t s

37 1 0
By athenaflorence

November 2nd 1995
Song: this house is a circus by the Artic Monkeys
Mrs. magic by strawberry guy
Late night talking by Harry styles
After the storm by kali uchis
Bad reputation by Joan jett
Supermassive black hole by muse


November 1st 1995
10 pm
📍The kitchens

"Shhh" Katie put a finger on her lips, looking back at the group of Gryffindors huddled behind a skinny pillar

She craned her neck, looking side to side before gently stepping away from the shadows and into the open ground where anyone could see her. Like a muggle cross guard she kept her arm up, her hand flat, stopping the others from following after her.

Katie waited a few moments, closing her eyes to hear sounds better and feeling the breeze hit the back of her neck before she re opened them and with a grin, waved the others over, lining up behind them once they had moved in a single file line down the stairs.

Astrid tickled the pear and held the door open for the others, watching them scurry in quickly, giving the open space one last glance before closing the door behind her.

"Well" George grinned "successful yet again" cracking his knuckles, clearly pleased

"Say that once we get back safely" Angelina pushed herself up onto the table, crossing her ankles and placing her hands in her lap as she watched her team relax into the warm air of the kitchens

"Imagine if sitting on these transported you to the great hall tables" Astrid giggled, placing a large container of chocolate ice cream onto the table by Angelina

"We still need a trick" Harry threw a bunch of bananas to Astrid next who rolled her eyes at him and put them down gently

"A trick?" Ron asked "what for"

"That little brother" Fred squeezed Ron's shoulders "you will find out very soon"

"Still hard" Astrid slammed the ice cream scooper into the dessert over and over again before giving up and sliding it to sit close to the fire place "guess we'll just wait it out"

"Go get bowls Harry and Fred grab the sprinkles" Angelina instructed, leaning back

"Why do we have to do all the work?" Fred complained, doing as told

"Because I'm the captain" Angelina flashed a smile at him

"So what is this tradition?" Ron asked

Astrid laughed lightly, checking in on the ice cream to make sure the plastic container wouldn't melt from the open fire.

"Not really a tradition, more like a cheat day I guess" Harry shrugged "we sneak out once everyone's asleep and have a team sundae where we just bond as a team, this also means eating clean for the rest of the game season"

"Than we come up with a prank to pull on Slytherin" Katie added excitedly "course it's the twins that come up with it"

"Last season it was letting the mice from transfiguration out in their lockers before the game" George pridefully said "chewed up all their uniforms"

"Had to wear their old uniforms from years ago" Fred laughed "capris and crops tops, surely was a sight to see"

"Flint got dress coded too" Astrid added "said he was showing to much leg and midriff"

"Very hairy" Katie made a disgusted face "he walked by me and I swear his leg hair tickled my legs"

"Gross" Astrid scrunched her nose

"The funny part is they never know it's us" Harry laughed "stupid gits"

"What're we doing this time?" Ron asked, excited now that he had something more up his alley to indulge in when it came to Quidditch

"Good question" Angelina sat up straight, looking to the twins "boys, think of anything yet?"

"Oh we sure did" Fred looked to George "we've got a tall collection of fire ants we've been meaning to use. If we sneak into their dorms now, we can let them loose on their beds, a night of getting bit"

"Hmm" Astrid nodded her head

"why have you got fire ants?" Harry asked

"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to young one" George crossed his arms over his chest

"I asked them to come to Hermione's house with me and they decided to dig in her backyard like dogs burying a bone, don't think Henry will want us back anytime soon" Ron frowned

"What else have you got?" Astrid asked "something that can embarrass them infront of the entire school without getting us in trouble for cheating"

"Itching powder, Canary Creams, Nosebleed Nougat and Ton Tounge Toffees" Fred named, scratching his chin as he watched Astrid think

"How long does the itching powder itch for?" Astrid asked

"Depends on how much you use" Fred shrugged "one whole spoon is an hour"

"Fifteen minutes" Astrid pouted her lips "or ten, will that work?"

George nodded his head "what're you thinking?"

"Put itching powder inside their uniforms and let them prance around in the air when they're doing their entrance with Lee?" Katie guessed

Astrid nodded her head "not all of them, I say we pick one member, the most crucial one, who the game depends on, who's embarrassment will be the most foul and affect the team the most"

"Malfoy" Harry grinned "the seeker"

"Now this is going to be fun!" Ron looked to Harry with an amused smile

"What's the plan?" Angelina asked "they haven't put their uniforms in their lockers since the rats"

"Leave that to George and I" Astrid smiled "I'll get Theo, Blaise and Malfoy on their own and distract them, giving George the chance to sneak the powder in"

"Good plan team" Angelina hopped off the table "now we make sundaes"

Everyone laughed and talked as they scooped ice cream into their large bowls, throwing sprinkles into each others hairs and Fred smacking Harry and Ron in the face with his banana peel.

"Do that one more time and I swear you'll die in this very school" Ron threatened

"Awe" Fred mocked "is ittle wittle ronny mad?"

"Shut up Freddie" Astrid laughed "you sound dumber saying that than Ron does getting angry"

"You're just no fun Strid" Fred huffed "always boring"

"Too bad" Astrid stuck her tongue out at him "you find me boring because I have my own brain and the brain missing from your head too"

"I'm going to get George to slip itching powder in your panties too" Fred pulled at her hair "gingy"

Astrid laughed at Fred's stupidity "George will barley make it to the powder before getting distracted, firecrotch"

"Gross" Ron voiced "stop talking like that"

"So you're free tonight?" George asked, an eyebrow raised

Astrid grinned in return "not for you"

Arthur Weasley holds no expression as he walks into a long stretch of a corridor, keys jangle in his pockets every fast paced step he takes and his eyes flicker from side to side. Suddenly the man stops, a droplet of sweat falls from his hairline, down his forehead. He takes a deep breath in from his nose, turns and freezes. His hand only stays at his pocket where his wand is, never going in to grab it. He stumbles backwards opens his mouth and closes it, his face looks clawed, blood splattered all over his face and the dark tiled floors "please" he stretches a hand out "please" he finally pulls his wand out, his other hand still up in defence. His eyes flutter and he slumps back onto the ground, possibly dead.

Astrid had been having this nightmare for months now. Every three sleeps new information was added, every three sleeps she woke in a fright, sweating. Every third morning she kicked herself for not sleeping long enough to see who attacked Arthur Weasley, long enough to see if he lived.

Every time she looked at Ron, his fathers dying face appeared in her face. It took her back to when she was a kid, stood before the dead body of her aunt, powerless and frozen, every time she felt guilt.

Astrid rubbed her hands down her face, looking at the clock on her night table. She hated early mornings, Quidditch didn't even provide her with the thrill it used to. Now she felt so ill that even getting up was too nauseating for her to do.

She pushed herself to get up anyways, stretching her back and arms before making her bed and giving Forest some breakfast.

She tried to be as quiet as possible, knowing where the floor creaked and at what speed she should open the door to make sure it didn't make any noise.

Once she had finished fixing her hair she left the bathroom, still in her pyjamas, like always planning to stay in them until she needed to change into her uniform.

"Good luck Astrid!" Lavender yawned "you'll be brilliant"

Astrid smiled to herself "you don't need to wake up this early for me"

"How am I meant to wish you good luck than?" She shot Astrid a sleepy smile

"Very well than, I'll see you out there" Astrid felt a great feeling of gratitude towards the curly haired girl, slinging her heavy bag over her shoulder and gently closing their dorm door behind her

She walked slowly down the stairs, letting her furry little companion hop down one by one before he scratched at her leg to pick him up.

Astrid laughed, reaching her hand down and letting Forest jump on before she fixed the strap of her gym bag to sit like a crossbody, properly holding her bunny with both hands and kissing his head.

"Did you enjoy your breakfast?" Astrid asked, going towards the hole in the wall

She smiled when he purred in response, stepping out and smiling even harder at the head of raven hair that bobbled up and down as he walked

"Harry!" She hollered, grabbing his attention

He turned with his lip in his teeth, grinning back at her, stopping with his hands at his hips. He wore a pair of flannel pyjamas and a cheesy Clearwater family hoodie Jasper created on their trip to France summer of 93'. He had on a pair of brown slippers with white fur on the insides, a Christmas gift from Hermione's father. His hair messy as usual and his glasses lopsided.

"Mind if I join you?" She asked, catching up to him, knowing what the answer would be

"Is that even a question" he noogied her, messing up her freshly pinned-back hair

"How are you feeling this morning?" Astrid asked, scratching Forests head gently

"Was anxious from Ron but better now that you're here" he looked at the paintings they passed by, admiring the empty castle early in the mornings, without the rush of classes pushing them to be blind to the beautiful structure of the building

"Is he awake than?" Astrid asked "Ron"

"Already at breakfast, since forty five minutes to be honest" Harry pressed his lips in a thin line "I woke up to him sat upright, you know how he does when he has a nightmare, he's got it bad"

"My goodness" Astrid laughed, a bit more worried for Ron's mental state than anything "he did well in practise, remember he hit the bludger with his foot, he'll be fine"

"That's what I've been saying" Harry stopped before the great hall doors, only about ten other students sat inside, plus Ron who sat alone at the Gryffindor table.

"What?" Astrid asked, looking to her watch, in ten minutes the great hall will be full of other students, waking up early to bid the players good luck and travel down to the pitch once breakfast was over

"I forgot my Quidditch bag" Harry admitted, eyebrows scrunched as he scratched the back of his head, smiling at Astrid

"Harry!" Astrid dragged his name out, she shook her head and placed Forest on the ground "go get Ron"

They turned away from the great hall and walked back where they had came from, Astrid keeping an eye on the time to make sure they made it back to have breakfast with the whole team and have a few minutes to spare before the match.

"Hey" Ron's voice was breathy as he caught up to them, Forest cuddled into his sweater "where are we going? Is the game cancelled! Please tell me it's been cancelled"

"Don't be ridiculous Ron" Astrid laughed "we're going to your dorm, Harry forgot his bag" she stepped aside and pulled Ron to walk in between her and Harry

"I forgot to pack it last night too" Harry smiled once again cheekily

The common room was busier than when Astrid had left it this morning, some students sat on the couches with books in hand, others huddled in corners making bets on who's going to win. They all looked up when the three fully entered the room, heading towards the boys dormitories.

"Let's go Gryffindor!" They cheered, howling and clapping their hands

Harry merely smiled at them where Ron nodded his head, he looked like he was going to be sick.

"What did you even do for the whole hour you sat there?" Astrid asked Ron who passed Harry his things from his closet

"I just sat and stared at the windows" Ron shrugged "thinking of how stupid I was to even join the team in the first place"

"First day jitters are normal, just relax Ron, you had some great saves last practise" Astrid reassured him seriously, pinching her nose and holding Harry's Quidditch shoes with two fingers to give to him

"Do they really smell that bad?" Harry grabbed them, sniffing them as he stared at her

"Disgusting Harry" Astrid made a face she found herself often displaying when the boys did something odd or disgustingly man like

There was a banging at the door, shaking them out of their conversation as Ron sprinted for it and Harry dragged his bag after him lazily, Astrid checking her watch and letting a breath of relief out at seeing they weren't yet late.

"Can't find Astrid" George's voice drifted into the room as Astrid grabbed her own bag and Forest "we have to enter as a team, with our new captain you know"

"Come on" Ron held the door open, Harry shuffling by them, out the room and standing at the stairs to go down once they all exited their dorm

"There you are" George smiled at Astrid

"Here I am" she awkwardly held an enthusiastic fist up

"Alright" Angelina waved them all down to hurry

The common room was empty apart from the team "let's do this"

They walked into the great hall together, Angelina leading the way, her two beaters behind her, Katie and Astrid behind them and Ron and Harry last to enter.

Astrid scanned the room at the loud applause and cheering that followed the team to their seats, she stared with a conflicted face at them all watching the team with hopeful eyes, Lorenzo and Nick waving their hands frantically to which she nodded her head

"Slytherin" Harry whispered in her ear, sending a shock up Astrid's spine, almost forgetting their plan from the night before

She glanced over at the table, pulling George with her quickly to the doors "want to get a make out in?" He asked

"Did you bring the itching powder?" She ignored him as they walked to the end of the corridor and slowly walked to the great halls to "causally" bump into them

"Oh...yeah, I did, enough for ten minutes" George showed her a little baggy he hid in his pocket

"There they are" she whispered, wearing a fake smile on her face "Theo! Blaise" she ran up to them

"Hey" Blaise greeted "how are you feeling? Are you ready?"

"Oh I sure am" she placed her bag down "look, I know I say this every game but there's a lot of bitterness and hostility between our houses, and now that you two are actually in the team I don't want things to change between us"

"The game will stay a game, no bringing that stuff off of the pitch" Theo smiled "we promise"

"Good" she pulled Theo into her arms, hugging him tightly like she always did

She held her other arm out, Blaise joining in the silly group hug Astrid forced them to do before anything that could cause an issue in their friendship

As she expected, Theo pulled Malfoy by his elbow, his gym bag slipping off his shoulder and onto the ground, forcing him into the group hug.

"Oh I can't wait to see you two out there" Astrid sighed dreamily, indicating to George with a finger what bag belonged to Malfoy

"You know I'm here too" George said aloud, once he successfully coated Malfoy's uniform with itching powder, waiting a minute for it to settle

"Oh right" Astrid broke the hug "we should go, good luck to you three!"

"Wicked" George whispered to Astrid once they were out of earshot, wearing a grin as they re entered the great hall, holding their thumbs up to their team who clapped their hands and fist bumped one another in pure excitement

"I guess that's one thing to look forward too" Harry nudged Ron

"Indeed it is" Astrid placed her bag down and sat on the wooden bench next to Katie, stirring a mix of berries into a bowl of porridge instead of eating

"I need you to be your best version" Angelina stared Astrid down "as chaser and my co captain, that means eating proper meals and taking care of your body"

Astrid looked down to shield the look of embarrassment on her face, quietly pushing a spoon full of sweet berries and oats into her mouth and swallowing it.

"Who the hell" a voice hissed "who the bloody hell is that bloke!"

Everyone looked to the great hall doors, following a laughing Hermione came in a tall, lanky brunette boy. His face painted all red, down to his lips and eyelashes. His exposed chest too painted red with a number four painted in gold, 'Clearwater' written under it.

Astrid's mouth dropped open as she pushed the bowl of porridge away, to her uttermost surprise another man came in, he wore a red hoodie, a white poster taped to his chest that read 'Gryffindor kicks the ass Slytherin eats'

Edmus turned and another poster was taped to his back
'Go Ron!
Go Harry!
Go Astrid!'

"Anthony!" Astrid gasped, running up to him and hugging him tightly, not caring if he got red paint on her new pyjamas "you came, you actually came!"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world" he kissed her head "not me and not him" he opened the gold locket that rested closest to his heart, showing her a photo of Cedric in it

"Thank you" Astrid smiled once more, she turned her head to Edmus as the other members of the team got up to say hello to their old friend and quidditch nemesis "and you came, of course you came, without me even asking!"

"How could I ever miss such a big day for you three idiots" Edmus grinned

"Come" Astrid pulled him "sit with us"

"How is our newest member doing?" Anthony asked, the red on his lips smudging onto the cutlery he used to eat his French toast

"I'm rubbish," croaked Ron. "I'm lousy. I can't play to save my life"

"He's just nervous" Astrid laughed "isn't that right Harry?"

"Oh yeah" Harry agreed "just you know, first game nerves"

"Ah" Anthony looked Ron over "I remember my first game...." He began to share his experience with the rest of the team

"Get a grip," said Harry sternly, whispering to Ron so no one else heard "remember that save you made with your foot the other day, even Fred and George said it was brilliant—"

Ron looked at Harry miserably "That was an accident," he whispered. "I didn't mean to do it — I slipped off my broom when none of you were looking and I was trying to get back on and I kicked the Quaffle by accident."

"Well," said Harry looking at Astrid who was just as shocked to hear this

"These mistakes are what make us win" Astrid was quick to say "keep it up"

"Yeah" Harry nodded his head enthusiastically "yeah"

"Hello," Luna came over, she wore a large hat shaped like a life-size lion's head, something that had the whole room pointing and laughing "I'm supporting Gryffindor," said Luna, pointing at her hat.

"Looks brilliant Luna" Astrid complimented "and your support means the world, thanks"

"Look what it does. . . ." She tapped the hat with her wand. It opened its mouth and gave an oddly realistic roar that made everyone near by jump "I wanted to have it chewing up a serpent to represent Slytherin, you know, but there wasn't time. Anyway . . . good luck, Ronald!"

"Well" Harry watched the girl walk off, still recovering from Luna and what had been discovered the short minutes before she arrived

"Creative" Astrid nodded her head "very"

"Alright" Angelina stood "we're all heading down, come when you're ready, but be quick!"

"We will" Harry assured "we've just got to get some breakfast in Ron"

"Just eat" Astrid repeated, over and over again "one more bite" as she finished her own porridge and toast

"Let's just go than" Harry stood after ten minutes

"Don't let Ron see what's on those Slytherin badges" Hermione whispered quickly to Harry who than walked over and told Astrid

"Good luck, Ron," said Hermione, standing on tiptoe and kissing Ron on the cheek

A slow smile spread on Astrid's face, her eyes shining bright

"What?" Harry shook Astrid's shoulders

"my dreams are coming true" Astrid shook Harry back with both hands, jumping up and down and clapping

"I don't understand" Harry looked to Ron who's face was hot as he grazed the cheek Hermione had kissed with two fingers, in a haze

"When do you ever" Astrid punched Harry's arm annoyed

"Good luck to you two" Hermione hugged Astrid and Harry quickly

"Let's go" Astrid pulled Ron with her, Harry taking the chance to look closely at the Slytherins who walked passed them with silver badges clipped to their chests

Anytime Astrid came to the Quidditch pitch she thought of Cedric, of the games they played against one another, the warm up runs. She thought of how hesitant he was to be graduating a year earlier than planned, how he didn't want to leave Astrid behind.

Astrid stopped in her tracks, heading towards the change rooms to meet up with the team. Today was their first match of the season, first match with their newest member, without Oliver.

This was the match that really mattered, against their biggest competition, against Slytherin.

"Okay, I've only just found out the final lineup for Slytherin," said Angelina, once they all had changed and entered the main meeting place "Last year's Beaters, Der- rick and Bole, have left now, but it looks as though Montague's re- placed them with the usual gorillas, rather than anyone who can fly particularly well. They're two blokes called Nott and Zabini, I don't know much about them —"

Harry and Ron side eyed Astrid who awkwardly picked at her fingers

"Well, they don't look bright enough to tell one end of a broom from another," said Angelina, pocketing her parchment, "but then I was always surprised Derrick and Bole managed to find their way onto the pitch without signposts."

Astrid snorted, putting her hair up in a ponytail

"They're good" Harry admitted "but I heard Montague say their places aren't exactly final, said if they're too friendly, too gentle I mean, he'll replace them with Crabbe and Goyle"

"It's time" Angelina stood up, shouldering her broom "Good-luck team" and she walked out of the change room to be addressed by Lee to the school, though they already knew who they were

Fred and George followed after, than Katie and Astrid

"Blow me a kiss Clearwater" Lee whined "just one kiss"

Astrid laughed, flying around the pitch and blowing a kiss at Lee before descending to the ground and standing behind Angelina

She watched Ron fly out, still looking sick as he had all morning, he pulled himself together shortly to wave at the cheering students before he was back down next to Astrid, Harry following.

"This is the fun part" Harry grinned, watching the Slytherins enter

The crowd, along with the Gryffindor quidditch team roared in laughter once Malfoy had entered.

"Getting jiggy with it I see" Lee laughed "nice moves Malfoy, didn't know he could move like that"

They watched him almost fall off his broom over and over again as he bent backwards and forwards, itching himself with his hands, rubbing his leg against his broom.

"Training for the ballet Malfoy?" Astrid snickered as Malfoy came down to the ground, throwing his broom away and spinning madly as he dug his hands in his shirt, itching his back

"Need a head scratch do you?" Fred asked "have you got fleas?"

"What the bloody hell are you doing mate?" Theo asked, looking embarrassed

"What the hell does it look like I'm doing?" Malfoy slid his palms up and down his legs "whoever did this better count their days"

"Quit itching your arse" Blaise said through gritted teeth

"I can't" Malfoy hissed "my skins burning"

"What a loser!" The a boy yelled

"He looks ridiculous" a girl laughed

"Are we meant to put our game on hold cause Malfoy's caught something?" Astrid asked "he won't turn into a ferret again, will he?"

"Course not" Montague gave her a threatening look "let's begin"

Hooch nodded her head "shake hands"

"Have you got something too?" Angelina asked, looking down at Montague's extended hand

The Gryffindor team laughed once more with the crowds before Angelina finally shook hands with Montague, who evidently, from the smirk on his face, tried crushing Angelina's fingers. They mounted their brooms and shot up at the sound of the whistle.

Astrid watched Ron zoom towards the goal posts, as much as she wanted to keep a close eye on him, she knew it was impossible as a chaser, so she flew behind Katie, looking for opportunities to intercept goals. The group of students below laughing at Malfoy who was swirling around in circles trying to satisfy his itch, something that would benefit Harry for another five minutes before it wore off.

"And it's Johnson, Johnson with the Quaffle, what a player that girl is, I've been saying it for years but she still won't go out with me —"

"JORDAN!" yelled Professor McGonagall, Astrid laughing loudly, trying to block out Lee's voice

"Just a fun fact, Professor, adds a bit of interest — and she's ducked Warrington, she's passed Montague, she's — ouch — been hit from behind by a Bludger from
Nott. . . . Montague catches the Quaffle, Montague heading back up the pitch and — nice Bludger there from George Weasley, that's a Bludger to the head for Montague, he drops the Quaffle, caught by Katie Bell, Katie Bell of Gryffindor reverse passes to Astrid Clearwater, she won't date me either sadly, she likes gingers better, she's one too herself, see her new look?  oh sorry professor, right Astrid dodges away Warrington avoids a Bludger — close call, Astrid — and the crowd are loving this, just listen to them, what's that they're singing?"

Weasley cannot save a thing,
He cannot block a single ring,
That's why Slytherins all sing: Weasley is our King.
Weasley was born in a bin,
He always lets the Quaffle in,
Weasley will make sure we win,
Weasley is our King.

"What the hell" Astrid looked to where all the Slytherins were sat, passing the Quaffle in her hand to Angelina

Ignoring Lee's voice got harder as Angelina's goal was saved by Bletchley, he began to speak louder to cover the horrid singing from the crowd below.

Weasley is our King,
Weasley is our King,
He always lets the Quaffle in,
Weasley is our King.

"Shut up" Astrid hissed into the air "just shut up"

She went after Warrington who shot towards Ron, frantic at the sight of Ron spreading his arms out

"it's the first test for new Gryffindor Keeper, Weasley, brother of Beaters, Fred and George, and a promising new talent on the team — come on, Ron!"

"Come on Ron" Astrid whispered

Ron dived with his arms still held out, allowing the Quaffle to go through the open space his arms provided and into the goal.

"No" Astrid closed her eyes, avoiding eye contact with Ron as she flew after Warrington

She darted to Pucey after Warrington passed him the Quaffle, trying not to think of the late night in the Slytherin common room, their hands that touched the Quaffle touching her, how helpless she had felt.

"Focus" she told herself

"Nice Bludger from Fred Weasley, I mean, George Weasley, oh who cares, one of them anyway" Lee commented

Astrid smiled to herself blocking Pucey who dodged her and flew away, the sound of groans coming from Gryffindor

Twenty to nothing

Forty nothing

Angelina scored

Forty to ten

Astrid felt all her hope and desire of winning melt away, they were horrible this game, one of their worst seasons so far.

"Hey hot stuff" Warrington came to her, grinning "not doing good are you baby"

"Bugger off" Astrid rolled her eyes

"When we win I want you as my trophy" Warrington nudged her "give me something to show off at the party you know"

"Oh please" Astrid flew faster, she was starting to believe Slytherin would win and all her snarky remarks leading up to the game were something she would stay up at night thinking about, cringing internally.

"Harry's going for it" Katie flew to Astrid, getting hit in the head by Blaise, the Quaffle falling out of her grip

"Harry's going to fall!" Astrid yelled

Harry jerked off his broom, getting hit at the back of his neck by Theo once he had seen Harry with the snitch, landing flat on his back.

"Idiot!" Astrid insulted Theo

"He's okay!" Angelina yelled to the others, helping Harry onto his feet, the snitch in his hand

"Good one Harry" Astrid and Katie hugged the boy, the rest of the team dismounting and cheering loudly, all but Ron who disappeared into the change rooms

"Like my song?" Malfoy asked Harry

"we wanted to add more lyrics" Montague laughed "but nothing rhymed with ugly and fat, we wanted to sing about his mother you see"

Astrid gasped angrily "I bet you were just itching for this attention, weren't you?"

"— we couldn't fit in useless loser either — for his father, you know —"

"Don't" Angelina held Fred back, Katie pushing him from his chest "he's just a sore loser"

"They're pathetic" Astrid helped hold Fred back "leave it Freddie, you know what they're like"

Harry holding onto George, looking around wildly for some help

"Oink oink" they all snorted "oink oink"

"Does it make you think of your mummy?" Malfoy asked, walking backwards "does the Weasley's pigsty house remind you of yours, potter"

Astrid let go of Fred, Harry and George bolting at Malfoy

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