The Seventh Swordsman

By Raihantheruler

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"My sword is yours in victory and defeat", Naruto remembered pledging those words to the Second Mizukage as h... More

The Seventh Swordsman
The Plan
The Raid
Twin Flash
Lost Boy Chronicles: Part 1
The Sword Of Darkness
Hero Of Mist
Lost Boy Chronicles: Part 2
I am Death
Lost Boy Chronicles: Part 3
No Mercy
The Black Flash
World Of Victors
Madara Uchiha
Naruto Namikaze
A New Leaf
The Dark Prince
Lost Boy Chronicles: Part 4
Operation Thunderbolt
My Honour Was Loyalty
World of Lies
Broken Crest
The General
Rebellion is a Hero's Privilege
Civil War
A Price for Peace
Breaking Bad
A New Dawn
Battle of the Raging Seas
Surgical Strike
Battle of Rezang La
Battle of Hydara
Cycle of Hatred
Reach Into His Heart
The Great March
My War
Winds of Change
The Beginning of the End
The Kage Summit
Declaration of War
Battle of Nations
Final Hour
So It Begins
The Young Wolf
The Last Spartan
The Fall
Hero Of Humanity

Last Light

899 22 8
By Raihantheruler

Naruto stood alone in his bedroom as he examined the gear currently displayed across his bed. Four different scrolls containing kunai and shuriken, even the exploding ones. Beside that rested a medkit, a sturdy pair of ropes and another scroll containing sealing tags alongwith his custom made gear.

A standard blue shirt over which he would wear a common grey-colored flak jacket which was prevalent among Kumo shinobi and dark black pants. Unlike the past where he preferred combat boots, this time he was wearing combat edition sandals as only the Kinkaku were allowed combat boots in Kumogakure.

Another change was the fact that he was not going to carry Muramasa with him in this mission. Just like every other swordsmen will be leaving their infamous swords behind and only carry standard weapons.

It would reduce their power nearly by half but the main objective of this mission was to break the Land of Lightning's unity, that would never happen if Kirigakure was found to be behind the assassination of the Daimyo and his family.

It was why he was carrying his sword from his Anbu days. It was a sharp weapon and extremely light in nature, the fact that it could channel chakra was an added bonus.

At the end of this gear was also a will he had written should something happen to him.

It was a possibility every shinobi had to prepare for and he was no exception. After all these years, it was second nature to him. Previously, he had willed to have his assets and wealth be distributed to the orphan children of Uzu.

While that mandate still existed, he had also added another part of his will that made Ino his beneficiary for all the wealth he had earned in Kirigakure. Suffice it to say, considering his vast Anbu career and current enlistment as one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, would not leave her wanting for money.

Satisfied that he had everything in place for tomorrow's mission, he quickly placed the entire set in his wardrobe carefully, to be taken out tomorrow night when he embarked on the mission.

Just as he finished, he heard a soft knock on the door and saw his wife standing there patiently with a resigned expression on her face.

"It's tomorrow, isn't it?" she asked knowingly,


He narrowed his eyes in curiosity when she nodded and then went out for a moment only to come back with a soft wooden box in her hands. He walked towards her and didn't miss the apprehension on her face.

"Open it" she requested, earning a nod from him.

He gingerly lifted the lid and blinked in surprise when he saw what she had got for him. He looked at her and saw her fears clearly.

His hand picked up one of the custom made kunai that was neatly placed in the box. Unlike other normal kunai, this one was completely different. For starters, there were three sharply edged blades instead of one possessed by normal kunai. While it was a little heavier, its handle was made of fine leather that made it easy to hold. He also didn't miss that it had tiny slot over which any seal could be placed to make it an explosive weapon.

This weapon would prove extremely helpful in melee battles and long range fights as well. Plus, there was another idea that was forming in his mind for which he could use these kunai.

A weapon like this could only be crafted by the chief blacksmith of this village, one who had made his prized sword.

And his services were extremely expensive, even most Jounin couldn't afford to buy his weapons.

Ino had brought two dozen of such kunai for him if that other box of similar design resting on their dining table was any indication apart from the one in his hand.

He lowered his gaze as the gift he had for her paled in comparison to what she had given him.

"Is it not good? I'll bring something better if.." said Ino worriedly,

He immediately looked up in alarm as she was about to take his silence in the wrong way. Their gaze met and he said two words that destroyed all her fears.

"It's perfect"

Ino felt a great weight had been lifted off her chest, watching him smile at her warmed her heart.

Getting these kunai had not been an easy task. For starters, the blacksmith had refused her quite a few times when she went to gave the order. Only when she revealed her full name did the blacksmith immediately accept her offer, although it didn't change his exorbitant rates.

Still, she had enjoyed that old fool's reaction when she introduced herself as Ino Namikaze.

That memory made her blush as it was the first time she had truly acknowledged being his partner from her heart instead as a part of her mission.

Something had changed inside of Naruto, she could see it even if he never said anything. He had always been considerate about her, but since past few days he made sure to assist her wherever he could. Though, cooking was something she made him stay away from if both of them wanted to live.

He also took her out for outings and dinners, even when she insisted that he didn't have to. The fact that he took her to her most favorite places in the village showed her that something between them had changed.

"I also wanted to give you something" he said quietly, bringing her out of her own thoughts.

"You don't have to" she replied quickly, for she had not given him this gift and expected one in return.

"I'm really grateful to you for all that you have done for me. It might not seem much in your eyes, but it is for me. Although I doubt my gift will be as good as yours" he added sheepishly,

He respectfully kept the kunai box on a nearby table but did hang on to the kunai in his hand quite possessively which made her smirk.

That smirk vanished when he opened one of his smaller drawers and produced a fine diamond necklace.

Ino gasped as he approached back towards her, his own fears easy for her to see. However, her gaze was fixed upon the Namikaze clan marking on that necklace.

"It belonged to my mother. I want you to have it" he said with a smile,

"Naruto, I can't...this is a part of your family. And I am not one-"

Her eyes widened as she finally understood his feelings. She looked in his serene blue eyes and found nothing but endless love and affection for her. It brought tears in her eyes which made him panic instantly.

He sheepishly babbled and apologized before she silenced him with a fierce kiss across his lips. He stood still for a moment before giving in as he wrapped his arms around her and returned her gesture.

When they finally broke apart, she looked deep into his eyes to make sure he knew what he was doing.

Naruto didn't flinch and understood her question even if she never asked him in words. He knew despite the gift which made things pretty clear about his feelings for her, he had to confess. This was not the way he wanted this to happen, but he couldn't go back now.

"You're very important to me, Ino. I remember the day we met, I nearly told you to mind your own business" he said apologetically, making her roll her eyes at him.

"You were an ass back then. Still are to some extent" she teased him, and was hoping he would retort back. Instead, he just smiled at her which sent a tingling sensation in her heart.

"Still, you're a stubborn woman. You made sure to keep me focused and functional, you took up responsibilities for the both of us without expecting anything in return. You comforted me during my nightmares, even when I disrespected you" he remembered shamefully,

It had been the earlier days of their partnership where he was wary of her. She had tried to comfort him during his nightmares only to receives warnings to stay away and even nearly coming to blows.

"Things were different back then. You have been through a lot, Naruto" she reassured him, but he shook his head.

"My crimes are mine. What I am trying to say is that you never gave up on me, supported me and cared for me despite not knowing me. You allowed me to make peace with my past, make peace with myself. Because of you I have hope for a future that I have never seen and I want you to be a part of that future" he confessed,

"Naruto, what are you?" she asked, her throat feeling dry as he looked at her with a smile and blush covering his cheeks.

"I love you"

He didn't look away even when her eyes widened and her lips trembled. A part of him was scared for going so far knowing how dangerous their jobs were. A part of him was scared of losing her...

One more time.

He repeated that mantra over and over again in his heart for he wanted to believe in the future, wanted to believe in her for she was worth it.

She lowered her gaze and he tensed when a few tears fell on the floor but then she wrapped her arms around him to pull him into a warm embrace.

"You took so long, Baka"

His hands trembled as he melted into that warm embrace but deep down a hole in his heart was filled.

Ino groggily opened her eyes when she felt the warmth beside her had gone missing. She flinched when she felt the evening rays of the sun penetrating through their room's window.

She had never felt so tired and so fulfilled at the same time. The memories of their actions last night made her blush, the fact that she had slept for most of the day showed how tired she was.

Her gaze fell upon her partner who had finished dressing up for his mission which would begin tonight.

She watched him move around making sure to not her presence be felt. He grabbed most of his gear before looking at himself in the mirror. Her breath stopped when he activated those red eyes that resembled the Sharingan so much.

He quickly practiced a strange set of hand seals at speeds which was impossible for her to follow.

What happened next clearly baffled her...

"So this is how you are going to make sure that airdrop succeeds?" she whispered in awe,

He blinked in surprise before looking at her and had to control his urges firmly when he saw her naked body and the memories of last night came rushing back.

She smirked on seeing his reaction before walking towards him without any shame.

"This jutsu belonged to my little brother" he confessed somberly,

"Nagato?" she asked, remembering one of their recent conversations when he had revealed the names of his deceased family.

The sadness in his eyes at the mentioning of his brother was enough for her to understand that perhaps Naruto loved his little brother more than anyone. That feeling was quickly replaced by hatred as he clenched his fists.

"He was a better shinobi than me. I can barely even master a small portion of this jutsu, but he could do so much more. He could have been so much more..." whispered Naruto bitterly,


"Finally after so many years I will get the chance to avenge my little brother by killing the man whose ambitions led to his death" promised Naruto remorselessly,

"Revenge won't give you peace, Naruto" she warned him, and saw him stare at her with mild disappointment in his red eyes.

"So this is the Senju's Will of Fire? Hashirama, even dead you still haunt this world with your mistakes" spat Naruto furiously,

"What?" asked Ino in surprise, she had never imagined Naruto carried so much bitterness towards the First Hokage.

"Even dead, he still lives on through you and all those who carry his will. But he was wrong" said Naruto fiercely,

He kissed her before departing a few moments later, however their conversation haunted her as it only solidified what Tobirama had said to her a few days back when she had been placed on guard duty.

She watched Naruto walk away from their balcony as Tobirama's words terrified her.

The Namikaze clan is extinct because of Kumogakure. His parents and sibling are dead because of the ambition of the Land of Lightning. His comrades were butchered by the very same nation.

Naruto carries all the hatred of the Namikaze clan, of his family, of his brother, of his comrades and will strike the Land of Lightning with that curse.

For that is his ninja way.

When Naruto reached the operation area, he was not pleased.

The reason for that was plain and simple. His original planned involved seven highly skilled operatives taking part in this mission, but now there were seven in the area apart from him.

His cold blue eyes narrowed at the unexpected addition of Mei Terumi.

Even if she and the others had their faces covered by Kumogakure Anbu masks, he could easily identify each and every member of his squad. They must have also sensed his ire as Mangetsu immediately stepped forward and handed him a sealed scroll that had the Mizukage's stamp on it.

Sending one scathing glare at Mei who flinched, he opened the scroll and clenched his fist as he read the order.

Your backup plan.

Those three words alone had sent his plan for a toss much less jeopardized the entire mission.

"I have filled her in on the plan as per the Mizukage's orders" informed Mangetsu curtly, and didn't flinch when Naruto glared at him furiously.

"This is a mistake" cursed Naruto,

Mei was extremely heartbroken on hearing those words but did not back away even as Naruto marched towards her. She remained tall and strong even as he mercilessly strapped that old seal back on her shoulder.

"I don't know how you played on the Mizukage's fears but know this that you have crossed a line with me. Your presence here puts our entire operation at risk" scolded Naruto, even as he activated the seal that would keep her from activating her beastly powers without his explicit content.

"The village cannot afford to lose seven of its best warriors for one mission. I am here to ensure all of you return back alive, Naruto" answered Mei curtly,

"That's Commander for you and you will not use your powers unless I say so. You will not disobey me or I will kill you"

Mei gulped when those merciless red eyes activated again in the Commander's gaze which clearly showed how serious he was about the threat he had just made.

"She might come in handy if we are deep shit" countered Ameyuri,

"A Jinchuuriki is an open target and one which can be easily identified. Kumogakure will already have her marked and known to each of its shinobi" argued Jinpachi furiously,

"But the same could be said for us-" argued Haku,


The bantering instantly stopped when that command was issued by Naruto who was looking at the night sky.

"We improvise. That's how the Blackops function"

He received grim nods in return as everyone fell into line which finally made Naruto send a nod towards Mangetsu who started performing a familiar set of hand seals.

"Summoning Jutsu"

The Hozuki clan ninja summoned forth a large eagle that stared back at the shinobi with a curious gaze. Mangetsu quickly hopped on top of it and took up what could be called the pilot seat.

"Use chakra to keep yourselves seated and make no unnecessary movements or you will fall to your deaths" instructed Naruto crisply,

He watched as the squad took up positions over the large bird and when his red eyes confirmed that each of them had grappled themselves with the summon through chakra, he nodded in satisfaction.

"Cover your eyes for the skies will be violent tonight"

As planned, the squad instantly donned their combat glasses including Mei. The fact that she had the same gear as everyone else was a small relief for Naruto as he had feared she had been sent in unprepared.

"Our hearing will be limited up there and during the jump, so we must rely on hand signs. Repeat them all once more" he commanded,

He was pleased to note that everyone perfectly mimicked the hand signs for various short messages. The fact that Mei did not falter showed that Mangetsu had been thorough in her briefing.

"Check your gear and supplies"

Nobody protested as they ran one last check over the limited but critical gear that they would be taking behind enemy lines. One by one they offered a thumbs up, and as Haku gave the last one she received a firm nod from Naruto.

Silence prevailed in the forest around them as Naruto steeled himself and hopped on the bird.

They all looked at each other and didn't miss the fact that somewhere deep inside their hearts they were nervous. It was very likely a one way trip and if caught, then their ends would not be pretty.

But they were all seasoned shinobi who had lived through war, so no more words were required.


Mangetsu sucked in a breath as the command was given by their leader which was soon followed by a battlecry from the eagle as it flapped its massive wings kicking up dust and debris.

Mei was unable to stop her shaking as the beast took the skies and she felt a nauseous feeling in her gut when she looked down at the increasing distance from the ground.

A firm hand was placed on her shoulder and she looked back to see Naruto staring back at her with a firm but reassuring gaze. It was still clear that he was not happy with her presence but had accepted responsibility of her life as their Commander.

His soothing chakra made the uncomfortable feeling in her gut to remain in control and on his advise she didn't look back down again and only stared at the sky and the vast sea ahead of them.

(Ten Hours Later)

Zabuza grimaced as another strong wave of chilling air hit him and if not for the Commander's earlier instruction of using chakra to keep himself steady over the bird, well it was safe to say he would have met a crappy end considering all he saw around him were clouds.

Very angry clouds.

Haku let out a small shriek when the clouds nearby her roared in fury spitting lightning across the skies. To her embarrassment, Ameyuri saw her and laughed back even as the red head woman tried to stop her own flinching.

Mangetsu felt it extremely difficult to see anything as the constant rainfall made it impossible even for him to see through his combat glasses. Even his summon felt uncomfortable flying at 25,000 feet in the midst of a violent storm and heavy rainfall.

Jinpachi and Kisame looked at each other with the latter giving a smirk as the former tried to scratch his balls which felt like frozen ice after hours of sitting and enduring violent storms.

Mei was shivering from the cold as the temperature was a lot more lower than she had expected. She was also facing difficulty in breathing leading to more and more labored breaths. She chanced a peak backwards and saw Naruto standing at the rear end of the bird and observing the invisible ground with a nonchalant gaze. She could not imagine what kind of training and hell this man must have been through to remain so composed and unaffected when others around him weren't.

The Commander then turned towards Haku and raised his right hand to form a fist.

The female shinobi gave a single nod as she performed few sets of hand seals.

"Wind Release: Wind Rotation"

The Yuki clan warrior managed to create perfect small pockets of air concentration across each of her team members faces. After some adjustment, she also added a watery looking mask that trapped the limited but critical amount of air against her teammates's masked faces. She also left behind a minute opening for contaminated air to be released.

Naruto smirked when he noticed the relief across his teammates as they could properly breathe again. He then looked at them and raised his clenched fist.

One by one they all carefully got up from their seats but made sure to keep their feet rooted to the bird's back through chakra for the violent winds and heavy rainfall were trying their best to make them all fall.

Naruto entwined both of his hands and received grim nods from his squadmates as each of them raised their right arm in a pledge and linked it upon the shoulder of the warrior in front of them, with Mei extending her arm towards Naruto.

He could see easily that she was terrified of the next part but something within her gaze showed that she wanted to trust him. That only added more weight to his consciousness as for a second he saw the faces of his S-Program comrades staring back at him.

Dismissing those thoughts, he remembered and performed the hand signs that were once made by his little brother before shaking his hand with Mei.

The female Jinchuuriki felt a foreign chakra invading her body and the same feeling was experienced by each of her squadmates one after another as they felt the same power enter their body.

Naruto looked down and through his red eyes he saw they were at perfect height for their jump, he also felt the barrier that was waiting to detect them on the ground at 1000 feet.

It was time.

He gave a nod and couldn't help but respect the fact that Mangetsu didn't blink as he jumped off the bird. Zabuza was next followed by Kisame, the others followed suit mere seconds later until only Mei and Naruto left.

A lone tear fell from her eyes and her hands were trembling.

Naruto gave her a reassuring nod which allowed her to steel herself before she leapt away from safety. Immediately, she regretted her decision as she saw herself falling through the sky with her teammates right below her.

She craned her neck but could not see Naruto but did feel the bird disappearing which meant the Commander had jumped or was made to jump in worst case.

Rain and strong winds lashed against her body as she tried to keep her heart from exploding.

She saw Kisame pointing his hand downwards and understood the signal as she forced herself to fall faster.

It was minutes or mere moments, Mei couldn't tell but soon enough she saw the silhouettes of her entire team except for the Commander flying nearby her.

Jinpachi raised a single hand seal and summoned a water based jutsu in the form of a rope. With a practiced movement, he threw the rope in a circular motion making Mangetsu grab it first who then flew towards Zabuza who grabbed him, followed by others until the entire squad was circled around each other and falling together.

Zabuza yelled something with a crazy grin but nobody could hear amidst the rain and storms.

Apparently, he was asking them to make room which was understood by Jinpachi who forced everyone to create some space in their circle and just in time as they saw their Commander appear in between the circle.

Except he was sporting large black chakra powered wings on his back.

Naruto made a hand seal and called forth the chakra he had distributed among his team before the jump. As if on cue, the chakra rose in the form of ash which quickly took the form of large black wings and not too soon as the ground started to become more and more clear.

Mei felt the feeling of weightlessness vanish as those wings on her back slowed her fall as they started to flap.

The same was the case with the others who too were now aligned around the Commander who was concentrating and keeping the jutsu running by joining his hands.

"Ash Release: Multiple Wing Formation"

Blood freely flowed from the Commander's eyes and nose but he didn't falter which in turn allowed him to take full control over the descent of his squad.

At this reduced height, few of them felt the barrier approaching and Mangetsu quickly signaled to Ameyuri.

The female swordsmen grinned before performing a quick set of hand seals.

"Lightning Style: Rain of Death"

Summoning forth the bubbling and unstable energy among the clouds, Ameyuri made dozens of lightning strikes fall upon the ground which sent ripples across the barrier.

Zabuza and Kisame were quick to follow suit as they too made more and more raindrops fall towards the concentrated area where Ameyuri was raining lightning strikes sporadically.

The enemy would easily detect them had they tried to infiltrate during daytime or during peaceful nights as their chakra would been have registered once breaching the barrier. But on a stormy night like this with lightning strikes and heavy rainfall, it would be difficult to differentiate a water or lightning penetration from a chakra based humans entry.

For this purpose, the entire squad suppressed their chakra as much as they could for they soon breached through the barrier, all except for the Commander who simply threw a three pronged kunai which was caught by Mangetsu.

Mei saw Naruto hovering above the barrier and controlling their descent with the wings he had created, but he couldn't enter for he was using maximum chakra which the barrier would detect should he breach.

The entire team gave out painful grunts when they managed to hit the ground in a rather ungraceful fashion but quickly regained their bearings and took up combat positions.

A bright yellow flash appeared beside them as Naruto rejoined them by teleporting and grabbing the three-pronged kunai in Mangetsu's hand.

The Commander instantly took to one knee and placed a single finger on the ground.

For a few moments nobody spoke and observed their surroundings carefully for any sign of intercepting patrols to attack them. But nothing came and that was when Naruto gave a grim smile.

"Successful breach"

The squad breathed a sigh of relief on hearing that reply but soon had to reign in their delight as they saw the vast and tall mountains around them alongwith the treacherous forest. The reality of being behind enemy lines and completely cut off from any aid hit them all as everyone took out their weapons and looked at Naruto who gave a firm nod.

"Showtime, boys and girls"

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