Outcast (Original Story)

By GwendolynHerba

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A world that has been the same for centuries. There are four elements, either you are gifted by one of them o... More

Chapter One: The Herba Family Tree ~Gwen~
Chapter Two: North Star's Most Wanted ~Zeldon~
Chapter Three: Three Idiots in a Dark Closet ~Aylee~
Chapter Four: No Longer in a Dark Closet ~Gwen~
Chapter Five: Emotional Baggage Claim (AKA Death by Suitcase) ~Zeldon~
Chapter Seven: The Mysterious Weirdo-Note-Guy ~Aylee~
Chapter Eight: My Least Favorite Way to Crash a Date ~Zeldon~

Chapter Six: A Guide to Everything That Can Go Wrong ~Gwen~

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By GwendolynHerba

"Gwen?" I jerked and noticed my face was suddenly way too close to the oatmeal in front of me.

"Sorry," I mumbled, looking over at Aylee, Zeldon, and Nico, who were all staring at me.

"Stop worrying, you're making me sick," Aylee said.

"I can't! How are you not worried? There are a million things that could go wrong-" I blurted, shivering at the thoughts that were forming in my head.

"There's a million things that could go right," Zeldon interrupted, looking proud of himself for thinking of a comeback. I shook my head. Apparently, no one understood.

"Gwen, we have all our classes together. If anything happens we're all together and I don't think any of us even have the option to ditch each other, given that everyone hates..." she trailed off. "Never mind." But I knew what she was going to say. Given that everyone hates us. The worst part was, she wasn't wrong. "Sorry," Aylee said. "I didn't mean to say that." I shook my head again.

"Who's ready for science?" Nico asked, breaking the tension. Butterflies burst in my stomach again.

"You have science with us?" Aylee asked.

"Yeah. And a lot of other ones too I think." That was interesting. Zeldon's roommate happened to have almost all of his classes with us, and he was sitting with us instead of his friends. I wondered if someone was pulling strings.

"I hope we don't have homework," Zeldon added as we returned our trays and began walking to the classroom.

"We probably will," Aylee said bluntly. "I don't know what you expected from North Star." Zeldon shrugged.

"I know we have work, I wasn't expecting there to be torture on the first day." Aylee rolled her eyes but Nico laughed.

After taking multiple wrong turns and Aylee and Zeldon arguing over who's fault it was, we finally reached the science classroom. I exhaled slightly. Being late was something like, number three on my 'what could go wrong' list. A short man with gray hair and a happy face greeted us at the door.

"Good morning! Take any seat for now," he said, ushering us inside. There were already a lot of elves in the classroom. Of course. Everyone seemed to stare at us as we picked our seats, and I realized how much our uniforms stood out when we were among so many other elves. There was a chatter that filled the room but I didn't feel like talking. It's going to be fine. Aylee was right about one thing, none of us have anyone else. We're stuck together no matter what.

The professor walked into the room, smiling brightly. "Good morning students!" The room hushed. "My name is Professor Penson, and I'm so excited to have all of you here at North Star! In my class, we won't use a lot of magic, but we will certainly use things of magic significance, such as potions to study the aspects of chemistry and biology. Since it's the first day, I'm not going to hand out any homework-" some kids cheered and Professor Penson smiled. "But we will get started on our first project."

Some people groaned. It wasn't thrilling, but at least it wasn't hard. "But before we do that, I want to go over a few ground rules. I know, I know, rules. But they just keep everyone safe. So first, as you all probably know, you are not allowed to use magic in the hallways or classrooms without permission. The only other case is if in an emergency. You can, however, use magic at your own will in your dormitories, as long as it is unharmful. Also, as many of your teachers prefer, please address your teachers as 'Professor,' and raise your hands when you would like to speak. One final rule, please treat everyone with respect and kindness, whether you think they deserve it or not. That is all we ask of you." I nodded. I could remember that.

"Instead of introducing ourselves right now, we're going to get right into the assignment. The goal is to get to know your classmates. You're going to be put into groups of four, and research about your group members. Next week Wednesday, we'll be presenting to the class."

Anything but presentations. Number four on my list would definitely be getting a really awful person in my group. "Don't worry, it's not going to be a long or difficult presentation," Professor Penson assured us. "Most people give a summary about what they learned about their partners, enough so that everyone can get to know them, but not so much that it takes longer than five minutes." I took a deep breath. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe we could pick our groups? "I've randomly placed you all into groups," Professor Penson began (to my despair), "so for today I just want you guys to start getting to know each other. When I read off the groups, stand up so you can locate your other group members and then find a table to work at," Professor Penson motioned to a bunch of tables in the back of the classroom. "One more thing, please be respectful," he added, smiling. "Our first group will be Maya Skye, Jamison Klev, Cole Kinson, and Ellie Patterson." 

Three elves stood up and looked around for their fourth member. An Ember nudged a boy sitting next to her with jet black hair. He shook himself and scowled as he stood up, eyeing his partners. "Please find yourselves a table," Professor Penson said kindly. Cole was muttering things under his breath the entire time even though the Professor told us to be respectful. "Next we have Oliver Jackson, Kye Richardson, Zeldon Coalstone, and Felix Poule." Zeldon looked surprised as he stood up, and made a face back at us that seemed to say, "Not too bad." "Next is Nico Jets, Aylee Young-" Nico and Aylee looked surprised at each other. "Jace Relson," Aylee's face instantly darkened, "and Ash Summers." Despite the Professor's warning, Nico dropped his face into his hands. Zeldon smirked from across the room and Nico looked up and glared at him. Aylee looked ready to murder everyone in the room.

I felt bad for thinking it, but I was kind of interested to see how their group played out. And at least Ash wasn't in my group. But poor Aylee and poor Nico.

A small chatter was already building in the back of the room, and Professor Penson named two more groups. "Let's see...ah here. Opal Poule, Flynn Ellison, Gwendolyn Herba, and Astelle Nitson." I blinked.

 I didn't know anyone except Opal, and we hadn't even spoken before. 

I stood nervously to my feet as Opal jumped up and a girl with long wavy dark brown hair and emerald eyes stood gracefully from her seat. I assumed she was Astelle. I looked around the room and watched as an Ember boy stood up. He had curly dark brown hair, tanned skin, and brilliant green eyes similar to Astelle's. He smiled slightly at me and I felt a blush creep to my cheeks. I walked over to a table where Opal and Astelle had headed and nervously took a seat.

"Hi!" Opal exclaimed in her signature accent. I noticed she had a bunch of pins on her uniform shirt. Flynn sat down next to me.

"Hi," he replied.

"I'm Opal," she added.

"I'm Flynn," he replied.

"I'm Astelle," Astelle said, with an even further aura of grace.

"I'm Gwen- er- Gwendolyn, but I go by Gwen." I stuttered, blushing again. Flynn nodded. "Opal, Astelle, and Gwen," he repeated.

"Who wants to do who?" Opal asked, pulling out her notebook. I pulled out mine too, waiting for someone to give a suggestion.

"How about this," Astelle said, thinking. "I'll do Flynn, Flynn does Gwen, Gwen does Opal, and Opal does me," Astelle suggested. I nodded.

"Sure!" Opal agreed, writing in her notebook. "It'll be easy for me. Astelle's my roommate," she smiled. "But there's always more to learn I guess, right Astelle? Ready to spill some secrets?" Astelle looked worried for a moment but regained her composure and smiled softly.

"If you are." I definitely understood her worry. Spilling secrets didn't sound like any fun. They're secret for a reason, and they should stay that way.

"I have icebreakers!" Opal said. "Everyone can take notes on their elf but then we can all learn about each other!" I felt nervous again. How personal were we getting? "Well I guess this one's obvious but it's probably necessary. What's your magic?" she asked. I felt my ears burn. Of course the first question was about magic.

"Arboreal," Astelle said.

"Ember," Flynn answered.

"I'm a Delta," Opal replied. Even though I already knew, I wrote it down anyway. All eyes turned to me and I felt my face heat up again.

"Umm..." I couldn't bring myself to answer.

"Are you a void?" Flynn asked gently. I didn't answer. Opal suddenly gasped.

"Wait! Wait, wait, I remember you!" Well, it was fun being accepted while it lasted. "You have one of the new elements, right?" she asked, looking excited. Flynn and Astelle looked surprised. I nodded softly, looking at the floor. "Wasn't it ice? They never told us." I nodded again, refusing to look into any faces of hatred. "I can't believe it! I was hoping I would have classes with one of you! I have so many questions! It's just so cool!" I looked up.

"Cool?" She beamed.

"I wish I had different magic. And no one's ever heard of there being different elements, and now there's three! There could be like, hundreds more!" I felt stunned as I looked at Flynn and Astelle. Astelle nodded.

"It's very unique," she said solemnly. Flynn opened his mouth to speak and I felt dread build inside me. He probably hated me.

"I agree with Opal. The new elements are exciting. You're really lucky," he flashed a bright smile. I blushed.

"Well...thanks. You're all the firsts."

"That's ridiculous," Opal frowned. "I don't know what everyone's problem is."

"I think you mean Ash's problem," Astelle said, lowering her voice. I glanced anxiously at Flynn. Maybe he was friends with Ash.

"She isn't very nice," Opal commented. Flynn sighed.

"Ash has never been nice. To anyone. My parents said that she and Jace's families were going to try protesting against...well...you know." Protesting? Wasn't Jace in Aylee's group? I looked over at her group. She was sitting as far away as possible from everyone except Nico. She was glaring at her notebook, rolling her eyes, and doodling uninterestedly. Jace looked over and made direct eye contact with me. I blushed and looked away quickly.

"Elves like that are awful," Opal said sadly. "But...we should keep going. What about siblings?" Opal asked. "I only have one, Felix. He's my twin." Flynn looked surprised.

"I didn't know you were twins." She nodded.

"It's probably a good thing, because he always needs my... never mind." I thought it was nice that Opal refused to say anything bad about him.

"I have one brother, Vince. He's two years older than me," Flynn answered.

"I have four siblings," I replied.

"Four?" Flynn looked surprised again. I nodded.

"Terran, Holly, Flint, and Willa. I'm the oldest."

"I wish I had siblings," Astelle said. "I'm an only child. It's just me and my parents."

"It seems nice until there's never peace or quiet anywhere," I replied, laughing slightly as I remembered what our typical mornings looked like. "Sometimes the quiet is too quiet," Astelle answered. Before I could respond, Professor Penson clapped his hands.

"Alright everyone! There's only a few minutes left of class, so pack up any of your things and arrange the next time you want to meet with your group mates! Have a lovely day!" The classroom buzzed once more.

"Could we meet again this afternoon?" Opal asked.

"Okay," I agreed.

"Maybe... 4:00?" Astelle suggested.

"That sounds good," Flynn answered. I nodded.

"See you then," Astelle said. I smiled. I really had gotten lucky with my group. The bell rang, and I joined up with Nico, Aylee, and Zeldon, who were all wearing bitter expressions.

"Byeee Nico!" Ash squealed, as she walked past him. She smirked as she passed the rest of us. Nico turned red and looked at the floor.

"I wish she'd leave me alone," he growled.

"Ash isn't the main problem. It's Jace," Aylee said darkly. She looked at Nico's flickering face, and added, "You wouldn't understand." Nico nodded.

"But I do know that Jace used to be a great guy. He changed a lot, and I don't know what got into him."

"Ash," Zeldon supplied. Aylee snorted. "Oliver and Kye are okay but Felix is a little...weird." I gave Zeldon a look. "What? I'm not being mean, it's true!" Aylee looked at me wistfully.

"You're so lucky. Your partners seem nice."

"They are," I agreed.

"Can we trade?" Zeldon asked. I laughed.

"I think I'm good. We already decided to meet up later today," I said.

"We're meeting after dinner," Nico mumbled.

"Oooh! Double date? You and Aylee, Jace and Ash?" Zeldon said, and Nico jabbed him in the ribs while Aylee punched him in the arm. "Ow! It was a joke!"

"What about you, Zeldon?" I asked, breaking the tension.

"Well, Felix, Kye, Oliver, and I are meeting tomorrow."

"I'll see you guys later," Nico said suddenly, turning a different corner. "I have magic with the Gales."

"See you," Zeldon said. "Speaking of, where's our magic class anyway?"

"Zeldon!" I exclaimed. "Did you not look through your schedule at all?"

"I did! I swear, I just forgot." Aylee rolled her eyes.

"Headmaster Rieson's teaching us in his office. What we're doing there, I have no idea."

"Where even is his office?" Zeldon asked.

"I don't know, genius. Where do you think we've been walking this whole time?"

"I don't know. I was just following you guys." After five more minutes of listening to Aylee and Zeldon argue, we finally found a door labeled, 'Headmaster's office.' Zeldon knocked on the door and to our surprise it opened its own. I still wasn't used to Gale magic, which I remembered was Headmaster Rieson's magic. The door revealed a large open space and the Headmaster sitting at his desk with a few of his personal belongings.

"Welcome," he said, standing up. "Has everything gone well this morning?"

"Yup," Zeldon said, answering for all of us.

"Good. Let's get started. Of course, we already know each other, but I thought I would explain what we're going to do," he decided. "Each of you is going to have about a fifteen-minute turn to work on your magic. By working, I mean practicing control over your magic, and perhaps learning a few different aspects of your unique abilities."

I stopped, mid-nod. I thought Headmaster Rieson was going to help us fix our magic. Find what was wrong with us, correct it, and help us lead a normal life. But what he was saying sounded the opposite.

"Headmaster?" I asked timidly. He acknowledged me. "I thought we were going to try to fix our magic," I said, trying to sound polite.

"Well, as of right now, I don't see a way possible. I also don't think attempting to 'fix' your magic is such a good idea. Your magic is very unique and unlike anything the elvish culture has seen before. There is a reason why you have been given these unusual talents, which I hope to discover as I work with you. But thank you, Gwen."

My heart sank. Did Headmaster Rieson not understand? I didn't want my magic, I wanted Arboreal magic. As much as ice magic was unique, I didn't want to be unique. I wanted to be like everyone else.

"I thought I would add," the headmaster began, "that this class is as much of a learning experience for me as it is for you. I have researched much, but I hope you aren't expecting perfection." Headmaster Rieson made a motion with his hand, and pieces of paper and pencils flew from a cabinet, landing in front of us.

"Is this homework?!" Zeldon yelped.

"Magic takes time to understand. It is crucial that you learn and explore it first." I could relate to Zeldon's uninterest, this did seem pretty boring. "The first thing is to understand where your magic comes from. The first page of this packet is a log. Anytime you use magic, I want you to describe how it feels. Some people feel a tugging sensation in their gut. Others feel their hearts flutter. Others feel pulsing. Once you locate this, it will be much easier to summon and control your magic. If you remember anything from the first time you used your magic, write it down now." I frowned.

I could barely remember what I had felt during the Calling. I hadn't even tried to use my magic since then. Aylee and Zeldon scribbled something down on their papers, but my mind was blank. "If you don't remember, that's okay. We'll be working on this during our sessions," Headmaster Rieson told us.

"Is that all? Like, are we gonna do cool stuff?" Zeldon asked.

"You will be using magic, if that's what you mean by 'cool'." Zeldon nodded.

"To help you understand this feeling, I am going to attempt to activate your magic." I shivered. I had a bad feeling. "This brings us to the second page of your packet, activation. You probably haven't fully located your source yet, but we'll use the other steps. I want you to locate a memory where you felt extreme emotions. No need to share it out loud, but concentrate on reliving it."

This was what I was afraid of. I felt like I could never control my emotions, I was subject to them. The only way to keep them under some control was to stuff them way down and forget about them. This would be the opposite. "Then locate the emotion and delve into it, letting yourself re-experience it."

Why had I chosen North Star? Maybe I could just claim to be a void, go to a smaller school, and live a disappointing but quiet life? "After you feel this emotion, channel it to where you feel your magic coming from. Direct it toward your goals. I understand this can be complicated. Just try your best." I can't do this. Magic and emotions? They were the ingredients for something terrible. "Gwen, I need you to focus." Headmaster Rieson turned to me, his sharp eyes staring through me. I blushed.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, noticing how my hands were shaking. I can't. I closed my eyes, trying to regulate my uneven breathing. I felt tears prick my eyes. Stop! Stop it, not now. This is a terrible idea. An idiot who can't control their own emotions shouldn't be in a class like this. "I need all of you to take a deep breath, and try to find a memory," Headmaster Rieson instructed. I took a lungful of air and closed my eyes.

Were there any memories I had that didn't involve me crying or wishing I could disappear? See, there you go again. Can't you just stop? Find a stupid memory. "Re-experience the emotions. Channel it," Headmaster Rieson said softly. Find a memory. Willa's last birthday party? No, I had ended up crying because I wanted things to be perfect for her. The last time Holly and I painted each other's nails? What emotions were even there? Happiness? About what? I can't. A strange whispering sound filled my head. I tried to ignore it. Come on. Come on, find something.

"Whoa!" Zeldon yelled, which startled me. I opened my eyes in just enough time to duck as a ball of electricity flew toward me. I screamed as another one narrowly missed my face. About six other random bursts of electricity were bouncing and zipping around the room. I noticed Zeldon's arms were straining as if he was physically trying to hold on to something. "Hey! How do I stop it!" he yelled, sidestepping as he almost got hit. 

Headmaster Rieson was writing things down, using Gale magic every time electricity got close to him. Aylee had practically flattened herself against a wall to avoid being hit. "Headmaster!" Zeldon shouted as he started to shake. "I can't make it stop! How do I- I can't hold it b-" Zeldon started to actually glow, and I hurried away from him, not knowing what was coming next.

Aylee dashed over to a corner of the room just as an extremely loud zapping sound echoed through the room, the sound lighting makes when it strikes. Energy seemed to explode from Zeldon as a wave of electricity burst out of him. I screamed as I went flying backward, and all the lights went out. There was a silence.

"Well done, Zeldon" Headmaster Rieson's voice came from out of the darkness.

"Yeah, thanks for slamming me into the floor," Aylee mumbled. I could barely see anything.

"Uh, no one told me how to stop!" Zeldon protested. Headmaster Rieson sighed.

"Were you not listening?" his voice had an edge. "You needed to activate your magic. Nothing is beyond repair, the power will be fixed by our technicians shortly. And Aylee, your performance was excellent," Headmaster Rieson commented. Had Aylee done something? "You were able to hear thoughts, correct?"

"Yeah," Aylee replied. Had she heard the battle in my head? Was that where the sound had come from earlier? I head the loudspeaker click on.

"There has been a temporary power outage due to an unknown cause in the central wing. Power has been restored, lights will return shortly. Thank you for your patience."

"Unknown cause," Aylee snorted under her breath.

"It's not my fault," Zeldon huffed.

"Then who's fault is it?"

"Says the one who hasn't even done anything!"

"That's not even true. I heard all of your thoughts."


"How would you know? Have you ever read someone's m-"

"Alright, that's enough," Headmaster Rieson intervened. Aylee rolled her eyes and Zeldon scowled. "Gwen, we need to activate your magic," he added. I felt sick.

"I tried," I protested. "It just...doesn't work!"

"It never has to work on the first try. You might need more attempts." Zeldon and Aylee got it first try.

"C'mon, Gwen," Zeldon encouraged.

"Just concentrate on a memory," the Headmaster told me. I swallowed and closed my eyes. Can you please do something right for once? What about the Calling? That was terrifying. The way every single elf in the room was silent and staring. The blood draining from my face. The sick feeling in my stomach. Wanting to wake up. Dad hating me, glaring from across the whole room, messing everything up. That's exactly who you are anyway. Destined to be someone special? More like destined to be a failure. Someone who messes everything up and cries all the time. "Channel your emotions, now. Find where they're coming from." I took a shaky breath. It felt like my thoughts were slamming into me and piercing my skin. Never good enough... freak... disappointment...I don't even want to activate whatever curse this is! It only makes me more of a monster. I felt tears prick my eyes. I felt them fly open. I heard my quick breathing. I could barely look into anyone's face.

"I can't!" I exclaimed, and I felt a tear spill over. I wiped it away hastily and I felt my face burn with shame.

"Just try again. Don't let your emotions control you," Headmaster Rieson told me.

"I...it doesn't work! At least not for me. Just...work with someone else." I was surprised to hear the harsh words come out of my mouth. I felt the heavy gazes of Aylee and Zeldon.

"Gwen, you were not accepted into North Star because you were expected to give up."

"Then maybe I shouldn't be here," I mumbled into my hands.

"Gwen," Aylee said suddenly. "You need to chill out, I can hear your thoughts. Get out of your head for once." If she didn't want to hear it then why was she in my head? I took a deep breath.

"Sorry," I mumbled again.

"There's no need to spend time apologizing. It's important for you to activate your magic," the headmaster told me. But I can't... just try. I nodded. It has to be better than being a void. I took another deep breath and tried to bring myself back to the Calling again. I felt the same terror and sickness climb through me again. I relived the memory and recounted every facial expression, every feeling, and every action. I felt my hands tremble but I took a deep breath. And I let it all out. It felt like the emotions were slamming into me. I felt a lump form in my throat and my hands shake. Stay focused. I felt my heart flutter, and then it felt like all the cold air in the room was pulled around me like a blanket. I quickly shifted my focus to a chair, and tried to channel the cold air. There was a loud SNAP, and my eyes flew open.

"Whoa!" Zeldon exclaimed. "The whole thing is ice!"

"Good job Gwen," Aylee told me, smiling. I looked at the chair. Zeldon wasn't lying, it almost looked like a sculpture instead of a chair.

"Well done, Gwen. I want you to unfreeze it now." Headmaster Rieson said. I sighed.

"I don't know how-"

"Just give it a try," he encouraged. I took another deep breath and nodded. The emotion of pride filled me. I had done it. I focused on removing the cold air. I felt heat rush out of me and I heard another snapping sound. The ice was dissolving. It wasn't even melting, it was just fizzling away.

"Well done," the Headmaster said again. "All of you. Tonight as homework, I want you to describe the experience and what you learned in the packet. You are dismissed." The door opened.

"Thank you," I told him. He nodded in my direction and we filed out the door.

"That was so cool!" Zeldon exclaimed. "Yeah, I guess so," Aylee replied. "I'm glad you were able to do it, Gwen." I nodded. "We have M.P.E next," I added. "That's a stupid name," Zeldon snorted. "It stands for Magic Protection Educa-" "Yeah, I know, but it still sounds stupid."

We finally found the assigned classroom, which was a very large open room. There was an area that resembled a classroom with tables and chairs, but the rest was an open concrete floor. We found an open table and sat down. There was a big whiteboard standing in front of us and a desk for the Professor, who wasn't there.

I looked around the classroom and I saw Nico, who was talking with some other Gales. I saw Astelle as well, and she was sketching on a piece of paper. A tall elf suddenly strode into the room. He had cropped dark hair and mysterious green-tinted eyes. He glanced at each and everyone one of us, before saying sharply:

"Stop talking and listen up, we're going to begin now!" he barked. Everyone quieted at once. "Everyone is going to stand up and state their name and magic," he demanded. Everyone looked at each other, and I noticed that even Ash didn't have the courage to speak first.

Until the ominous and strenuous silence was almost unbearable, Professor Krypson broke it. "Since you all seem unable to follow basic instructions, here's a demonstration. I am Professor Krypson, and I will be addressed by that only! I have been an M.P.E. instructor for fifteen years, and I have studied Ember magic for even longer. You, go," Professor Krypson barked, pointing to Zeldon who began to talk in an uncomfortable voice:

"I'm Zeldon and I have electricity magic." Professor Krypson stared at him, looking slightly menacing.



"You will address me as 'Professor!'" Professor Krypson yelled. Zeldon flushed.

"Yeah, Professor."

"Sit down. You," he said, pointing to Astelle.

"I'm Astelle...N-Nitson and I have Arboreal magic," she said almost calmly, taking her seat.

"Go," Professor Krypson said, and pointed to me. My legs felt even weaker, it was like they struggled to support my weight.

I nervously cleared my throat quietly and tried to talk as calmly as possible.

"I'mGwendolynHerbaIhaveicemagic," I said in a rush, and sat down.

"Slow down and talk louder!" he bellowed. "No one could understand a word you said." Professor Krypson demanded. I felt my face heat up and desperately tried to slow my words down.

"My name is Gwendolyn Herba, and I have ice magic."

Professor Krypson squinted for a moment and I held my breath.

"Fine. Sit down." My face was on fire as I returned to my seat.

Professor Krypson continued to call on more elves until only Aylee was left.

She swallowed and began in an admirably stable voice,

"My name is Aylee Young, I have mind magi-"

"What do you mean by 'mind'?" Professor Krypson interrupted.

"I can receive strong emotions and thoughts from other people." A murmur rose from the class. Some elves looked nervous, and some looked threatened.

Aylee looked uncomfortably around the room until looking at Professor Krypson for a command.

"Why are you still standing? Do you need a round of applause? Sit down!" He snapped. Aylee did, her cheeks a bright pink. "Now I will explain how the class is going to go. I expect your full attention, and for you to follow the rules closely. In this class, you will be trained in defense, using both your magic and physical abilities. Do not slack off. Do not expect to get special treatments. Raise your hand. Do not expect things to be easy."

Professor Krypson talked the entire time, snapping and raising expectations. At the end of the hour, he concluded with, "Tomorrow, you will start physical training."

With that, the bell rang, and we made our way to the cafeteria. Zeldon was more than disappointed to find out that the lunch wasn't some sort of luxurious three-course meal. Nico decided to sit with us instead of his Gale friends (which I found a bit strange).

After lunch was over, we had two final classes, Arithmetic with Dr. Eastwood, a kind, dark skinned woman with shiny black hair. I could tell that her class wouldn't be

My last class was with Professor Raye, the astronomy teacher. She had sleek long red hair, and a happy expression. Just like Arithmetic, the class was pretty fun! Professor Raye was very enthusiastic and seemed to really like teaching.

We were all pretty tired and decided to just relax in the library for a bit.

"Everyone seems really nice...except for Professor Krypson. Why do you think he acts like that?" I asked.

"'Cause he hates us," Zeldon answered.

"I think he just wanted to get to know people. And hate is a strong word..." I said cautiously.

"C'mon Gwen, it's so obvious that he doesn't like us."

"Yeah, but maybe he just had a hard day or something," I protested. Professor Krypson wasn't that bad, anyway. He just seems like he was angry or upset.

"Sure. A hard day," Zeldon sarcastically, rolling his eyes. It was clear that everyone had a long day, so I just decided to move on from that subject.

We talked for a while longer until Zeldon and Nico decided they wanted to go outside and explore more.

"Want to come?" Nico offered. I shrugged.

"Sure. I could use the fresh air." I turned to Aylee, who shook her head.

"I'm going back to the dorm. I'm really tired. But I'll see you at dinner." Nico's face fell slightly, but he quickly covered it up.

"Sure. See you."

"Where are you guys going?" I asked. Zeldon sighed.

"I don't know, anywhere but here?"

"What if we check out the quadracross fields?" Nico suggested.

"Oh yeah, I've been wanting to see those!" Zeldon agreed. I nodded. "Do you play quadracross, Gwen?" I shook my head.

"My brother does though, and I've been to a few games."

The three of us trooped outside to enjoy the sunshine, and it appeared a lot of other elves had the same idea. The yards were filled with elves sitting and talking, running around, and playing quadracross. Some girls were making an elfin pyramid, and they were all stacked on top of each other. They were doing some sort of a chant, and I assumed it was for cheerleading. The girl at the top looked familiar, she had long, shiny, red hair in a high ponytail. Nico groaned and ducked behind Zeldon.

"Do NOT let her see me," he muttered. I looked confusedly at Nico, but a grin spread across Zeldon's face.

"But it would be such a shame if Ash didn't get her daily dose of flirting in," he teased, moving away from Nico so everyone could see him. Because Nico was in such a strange position, it brought him all the attention he didn't want.

The girl on top of the pyramid, Ash, noticed us immediately. She called something out, and everyone helped her down. Nico scrambled to his feet, trying to run away, but he tripped and fell again. It took all my willpower to not laugh, but Zeldon was less successful. He was almost having trouble breathing from laughing so hard.

Ash quickly approached us.

"Nico! I haven't seen you all day!"

"Imagine that," Nico muttered. Ash pretended she didn't hear him.

"Did you see how good our pyramid is? We'll be all ready to cheer you on during quadracross! You play, right?"

"Yeah," Nico muttered.

"Perfect!" Ash squealed.

"I play too," Zeldon interjected. Ash's grin slid off her face and morphed into a disgusting scowl.

"If it isn't electro boy. What a surprise."

"Pleasure as always," Zeldon added.

"Did I hear what I thought I did? About you playing quadracross?" Ash asked.

"I don't know, did you?"

"They don't let trash on the team," Ash retorted. I gasped. Who was she to think she could be so mean?

"I didn't think they'd let it on the cheer team either but I guess I was wrong," Zeldon replied, smirking. Ash's face turned red and I could almost see steam pouring from her ears.

"Watch your back, or else," she hissed, and stormed away. Nico grinned and patted Zeldon's shoulder.

"Thanks, you totally demolished her." I cringed and Zeldon shrugged.

"It was easy."

"Why is she so mean?" I asked quietly. Both boys stopped talking and looked over at me.

"Gwen, you can't take anything they say seriously," Zeldon said.

"I know, but that doesn't give her an excuse," I protested.

"Whatever," Zeldon said. "Can we play quadracross now?" I sighed as I followed Nico and Zeldon to an empty field. Maybe Zeldon didn't think it was a big deal, but their rivalry could turn into something much worse. 

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