Known to you

By randxm_fanficz

504 15 8

Will Byers and Mike Wheeler are two kids from the 80s who are blearily surviving. Will they reunite? Or wil... More

Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six

Chapter one

76 2 1
By randxm_fanficz

*Wills pov*

It's been over a year since we've moved to the city.  A lot has changed. 

Jonathan and I now share a room again.  We lived in an apartment so mom and dad shared a room as well.  The apartment sucked.  It smelt like alcohol and cigarettes and was always a mess. 

Dad hasn't changed at all either.  Everything basically went back to the way it was.  I try to stay in my room most of the time but sometimes I can't.  I just got emotionless to the abuse all over again.

School isn't any better.  I get bullied just like I used to, and I don't have any friends.


I miss my friends.  I miss Mike more than anyone or anything.  I think about him all the time.  I constantly play around with my promise ring.

I laid awake looking at the celling.  It was seven in the morning on a Saturday.  I couldn't sleep last night.  I had a nightmare of Mike killing himself.

I grab my promise ring off the floor and put it back on.  I close my eyes and think about Mike.  I miss Mike.

Tears formed in my eyes and I blink them away.  The thought of Mike always made me cry.

*Mikes pov*

I laid awake in my bed.  I held my Walkie-Talkie in my hand with the metal pole up.  It was seven in the morning on a Saturday. 

A lot has changed since Will left.  I never talk to anyone unless someone asks me a question.  I never even talk to my friends.  My parents knew what I was going through but they didn't seem to care. 

It was October, in my last year of middle school.  I wasn't ready for high school.  I had always imagined going to high school with Will.  Biking with him everyday, studying with him everyday, eating lunch with him everyday.

I start crying into my pillow.  I took a deep breath and held down the button on my walkie-talkie.

"Will?  It's's Mike.  It's day 546.  I'm still here."  I say with a sob.  "I'm still here Will.  Please tell me your alright.  Over."  I say while crying.

There was nothing but static coming through the small machine.  I sob more and throw my Walkie-Talkie across my room.

I miss Will.  I miss his voice, I miss his smile, I miss his hugs, I miss everything about him.  I cry harder into my pillow as the sun comes up. 

*Wills pov*

Jonathan and I walk out to the kitchen together after he wakes up.  Dad was in the living room watching tv, mom was in her room. 

"You better not be wasting my food."  Dad says coldly from the couch.

"Yeah we're not."  Jonathan says annoyed.

"Don't give me an attitude!"  Dad shouts.

Jonathan rolled his eyes and got us both a bowl of cereal.  I ate it quickly before dad came out to the kitchen.  He kicked my chair and grabbed another pack of cigarettes. 

I ate another bite of my cereal and dad grabbed my bowl and brought it into the living room for himself.  I roll my eyes.

"Want another bowl?"  Jonathan whispers to me as he puts his in the sink.

"No I'm fine.  I wasn't that hungry anyway.  But thanks."  I give him a weak smile.

"Oh come here, I found something last night."  He says and we walked back to our room.

He digs around his bed and I look at him curiously.  He motioned for me to sit down on his bed so I did.  He finally found what he was looking for.  It looked like pieces of paper.

"I was going through my clothes last night while you were sleeping.  I found these."  He hands them to me and I turn it over.  They were the pictures of Mike and I at the snowball.  I look at them for a good minute before I break down in tears.  Jonathan pulls me into a hug.  I sob into his shoulder.

"I miss him Jonathan."  I said in between sobs.

"Sh.  I know you do Will."  He whispers.

"I want to go back."  I cry.

"Soon Will.  We are going back soon."  He says while tightening his grip around me.

"When is soon?"  I whisper.

"I don't know Will.  But I promise.  I promise you'll see him soon."  He said and pulled away. 

"Thank you Jonathan."  I say while wiping my face.  He gives a weak smile.

"Anytime kiddo." 


*Mikes pov*

The whole weekend I stayed in my room.  I didn't want to get up on Monday.  I didn't want to go to school either.  But I had to.

I walk to my art class (my 1st class of the day) alone.  I hate art.  Art reminds me of Will.  I sigh and walk into class.  I walk to my seat.  Dustin, Lucas, Max and Jane were already here. 

"Hey Mike!"  Dustin greets me as I sit down.  Him and Lucas were holding hands.

"Hi."  I Mutter and put my head down.  I didn't want to be here.

"You can't still be upset about Will.  It's been over a year."  Lucas says.  I put my head up and look at him.

"Yeah.  Maybe you should move on.  Find someone new!"  Dustin says with a supportive smile.

"You don't understand.  I love him.  I'm not moving on."  I said defensively.

"Mike what if he never comes back?"  Jane asks.

"He will.  He'll come back.  Now stop talking about it."  I say and put my head down again.  The teacher starts the class and I sigh again.


*Mikes pov*

The party and I sat at our usual lunch table.  Lucas and Dustin held hands, same with Jane and Max.  I started thinking about Will again.  I hope he's safe.  I hope Jonathan is looking after him.  I hope he still loves me.

"Mike?!"  Dustin yells my name.

"Sorry.  What?"  I ask as everyone looks at me.

"Lucy is staring at you."  Lucas laughs.  I turn to look, Lucy was in fact staring at me.

Lucy was someone I never had talked to.  She's popular, on the cheer team.  She has brown hair and brown eyes.  I guess she was pretty but I don't feel attracted to her.  And I never will.  I turn to look back at the group.

"I don't care."  I shrug.

"Come on Mike."  Lucas tries.

"No.  I told you I'm not into anyone except Will.  Now stop it."  I said annoyed.  I pick up my lunchbox and run out of the cafeteria.

I'm so sick of everything.


Sorry this chapter is so short!  I promise this story will get better.  There will be a four month time skip between now and the next chapter.

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