Them | JD

By annabelg1e

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BOOK 2 📚 Jackson Dean and Annabel Stokes love story More

Cast list!


592 4 5
By annabelg1e

5 months later...

December 17th 2022

"so this is it?" Mia asks as we carried my last boxes down to the moving van. "this is it" i nod, tearing up. "3 years man" i laugh looking at the house. "3 years, 3 relationships" Thomas laughed. "oh that was a good one" we all laugh, i look over seeing the others walking over.

"oh so proud of you kiddo, going off to college. mommas so proud" kristian fake sobs pulling into a hug. "Jesus mom" i groan sarcastically. "seriously i'm so fucking proud of you" he smiles kissing my head. "thank you, i'll send you some merch" i smile.

"Don't be to much of a nerd now" Bryce smiles pulling me into a hug. "cmon now i'm not Ace in math class" i laugh. "okay just because- okay you have a point" ace huffs as we do out hand shake. "oh boy, this one's gonna hurt" i think as Jacob pulls me into a tight hug. "i'm so so proud" he mumbles. "Jacob are you crying?" i ask. "yes" he admits "your leaving for university, i thought we were gonna be roomies for life" he laughs sniffling. "Jacob you got the water works going already" i pout. we finally pull as he wipes eyes.

"Cmon Tommy you know you want a hug" i smirk, he pulls me into a tight hug, rubbing my back "i watched you find yourself as a person so many times, and now your off to university, almost 2 hours away. the 4 years i've been used to having you down the hall and now your a full road trip away" he mumbles. "Thomas man, i love you. i wouldn't have gotten here if it wasn't for you" i smile at him as we hug once more. "i love you too kiddo" he nods kissing my head.

"leaving me to be with 6 boys, we're doing a Friday night dinner every night and we'll take turns. We'll come to your apartment, you come here" Mia smiles as we hugged. "can't wait" i nod. "god 6 years of having you around and your leaving to go off to college" she breaths out. "i'm so proud"

"text me if they get to annoying, you know i'll have a Mia room at my apartment" i smile as she hugged me again. "please don't go" she mumbles. "i don't want to, but i gotta" i chuckle softly. "don't forget me" she frowns opening my car door.

"WAIT DO NOT GO" i hear some yell from the door, we all turn seeing Jackson rushing over. he leans over with his hands on his knees breathing heavily "Annabel- i- i love you" he says between breaths. "Jackson-" "i know we said we were done but i love you, i can't loose you. please let me go with you" he cuts me off.

"got your bags" i mumble. "mhm, boxes are loaded as well-" "some of that's yours?" Mia asks. "yeah i mixed them in with hers" she shrugs. "man now the house is gonna be empty empty" Jacob frowns.

The boy say goodbye to Jackson as i continue to hug Mia, "ready to go?" i ask him. "yeah" he nods giving Mia a hug, i close my car door as he gets in beside me. i let go off mias hand frowning as i drive off. i watch in the mirror as they all stood huddled together.

"Our apartment has an ocean front view with a balcony looking over it" i smile. "our apartment, i like the sound of that" he smiles. "to a new start?" i ask him. "to a new start" he nods connecting our hands.

Sara's 1st birthday 2024
- July 1st-

"happy birthday to you!" we all sing as she clapped her hands together blowing out the single candle on the cotton candy style cake. "woo" we cheered. "happy birthday princess" Jackson smiled as he fed her some cake. "d- dada!" she squealed at him.

"OH MY GOD" i gasp. "SHE JUST SAID DADDA!" Jackson cheered. "She's a daddy's little girl" i nod. "just like her momma" my dad smiled kissing my head. "for sure" we laugh.

The wedding 💒 💘
- December 3rd 2024 -
"i do" Jackson nodded not breaking eye contact with me. "you may now kiss the bride" The priest finished. our lips connecting as he leaned us down, his hands on my waist.

"momma!" i hear Sara yell, i pull away gasping at the toddler on mias hip. "say it again" mia nods at her. "momma!" she giggles. "sorry to ruin the kiss but she just said momma" i laugh as tears rolled down my eyes. "ayyyy!" Jackson cheered.

After Party 🎉

"okay now we're gonna some close friends of the married couple, say their speech's. first is Thomas Petrou, a brother/ dad figure of the bridge"

"first of id like to say congrats on getting married! and Jackson, you choose an angel of a women" he smiled standing in the middle of the dance floor. "Growing up i didn't have a close bond with my younger sibling, in 2017 i was sleeping on the couch of my cousins in his tiny apartment down in Carlsbad, I remember it like it was yesterday when i helped a 13 year old up after she'd fell of her skate board, i almost recognised her immediately, The girl who controls things her mind" he said as the crowd laughed. "i wasn't sure what i was doing when 2 years later i formed a content house and invited a bunch of teenagers to live in a mansion, the first one the list was the Carlsbad crew, Annabel wasn't so sure if she wanted to join but she still agreed, i watched my little sister go from being a clueless nut head to being one of the most successful people in LA.... and she still falls of a skateboard" he finishes.

"thank you tommy" i pout at him. "For our next speech we have Bryce Parker"

"I'm ugh very awkward to say the least, so i apologise in advance" he chuckles "my best friend, Jackson Dean. he's uh he's like one of those high school bullies in teen movies. if I'm honest this couple a new version of Jess Mariano and Rory Gilmore, except they last more than one season" he paused as i gasped, shocked he'd actually gave in and watched it. "in late 2021 i stopped talking to Annabel as we'd broke up and went different ways, now 3 years later she's married and, i couldn't be more proud. I don't have much else to say other than thank you both for being my best-friends. now i gotta get back to Sara before someone steals the coolest uncle badge from me" he laughs.

"lastly Mia Hayward"

"i'm so so proud of you both. I actually used to babysit Annabel when she was little and during summer she stayed at her dads. our favourite thing to do was go out and get ice cream and walk along the beach then go home and watch the same Disney movie for the 7th time that week, And now i'm saying a speech at her wedding. Which is crazy! it was like yesterday we were talking about your celebrity crush on oh who was it? ah Jess mariano. which is odd since we all see you and Jackson as them" she laughed. "And Jackson, the past 2 years we've known each other you have been my favourite for sure, you took my best-friend and helped her find herself. and Sara! oh she's the cutest! I am so so proud of you both" she smiled.

"alright now the Couples speech's!"

"When i was little i grew up not knowing what marriage was like, or having kids or anything like that, growing up in a family with a lot of distance and problems made me take the idea of all of that and just chuck it away" i laughed "but The man himself, Jackson dean brought it back and together we created our gorgeous daughter, Sara Thomas Dean. i remember when everyone was meeting her and i told thomas and mia her name, it was the third time i'd made thomas cry" i laugh as he shook his head. "I'm at happiest whenever i'm with my family, blood or not" i smile before passing the mic to Jackson.

"to start off, i definitely see the Rory and Jess connections" he chuckles "she is one smart cookie. when we broke up later 2022 i didn't wanna talk to anyone, i only wanted her in my arms, you take my breath away especially that day before you left for santa Barbara" he chuckled "now every night i hold you in my arms, i love you Annabel Rose Dean" he smiles.

"i love you Jackson Dean" i smile.

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