My Adopted Dogs Are Alpha Mal...

By Adorable_sam

53.3K 1.4K 108

Kamila is a successful business woman who doesn't have luck with love. After her last breakup, her best frien... More

Author's note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Author note 💌
Chapter Seven
Thank you 💕💕💕
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Bonus Chapter One
Bonus Chapter Two
Bonus Chapter Three
Bonus Chapter Four
Bonus Chapter Five
The End
Wattys ✨✨✨✨
New Book✨

Chapter Eleven

1.2K 41 3
By Adorable_sam

Kamila's POV

When I got up the next morning. I knew I had a dream but I couldn't remember what it was about.

As I brushed,my mind kept drifting off to the dream but I only came up blank. The dream felt strange and familiar at the same time even though I didn't recall any single detail.

After dressing up for the day in a black with gold lines one-piece dress and heels. I picked my bags and left to the kitchen.
Dylan was busy making breakfast. "Morning love." He said without even turning. I hugged him from behind enjoying his body warmth before replying, "Morning." "Where's Ryan?" I asked looking around slightly.

"Outside. Said your car was a little too dirty." Dylan replied. I nodded leaving him to take my seat as he dropped a plate and a cup of coffee.

"You know, you guys haven't told me about your home." I said after my first bite. "Yes,I agree." Dylan nodded. "Maybe during dinner, you will know all about us."

"Morning darling." Ryan said joining us. He only kissed me so as not to get me wet. "Morning,thanks for cleaning my car. I was meant to wash it the last weekend." I told him.
He only waved his hand dismissively. "Nah,it's nothing."

"Oh shit. I haven't been to the glasshouse in a while." I groaned fearing the fact that some of my flowers would wilt. "I take care of it while you are at work so don't worry, none are dead." Dylan told me.
"You guys are life savers,I honestly thought I would have tons of weeding to do."

After eating, I left for work in my car. Arriving at the office, Leslie joined me giving me a questioning look. "What?" I asked.
"Are you going to tell me who is that guy that brings you lunch every single day?" She asked.
Funny how she thought they were only the same person.
"My friend. Dylan." I told her.

I couldn't help but imagine the look on her face when she sees the two of them today. Apparently,no one knew because they both used Dylan's name.

"How did you two meet?" Leslie asked. "Long lost friends." I replied. "Oh. So why is he bringing you lunch?" She asked.
"Dylan has always been a mama bear so that is his way of ensuring that I eat." I replied.

Leslie finally left after she was satisfied with the answers she got from me.

After I was finished with the little work I had on my table for the main time. I fished my sketchbook out of my bag and opened it to my recent sketch,the dragon, I kept staring at it and finally turned a new page leaving the half sketch.

By lunch break, I had completed a sketch of Dylan and Ryan's dog form. Because it's been a while since I had sketch, it wasn't as easy but I got the hang of it.

Leslie came into my office looking like she has just seen a ghost. "You didn't tell me they were two!" She squeaked. I only laughed. "Now you know."

Dylan and Ryan came in smirking like they were up to something.
After Leslie got over it, she left the office leaving me with the guys.
"Hi." I said getting off my seat. We kissed and sat on the cushion. "What do we have for today?" I asked. "Beef sandwich and protein shake." Dylan replied.

After eating, I adjusted my position. I had my back against Dylan's torso and my legs on Ryan's thighs.
"Do you want to talk about our hometown now?" Ryan asked. "Yes, that will be great." I giggled when he tickled my legs.

A/N. The town is a name I made. If there is a town like that, I really want everyone to know that it is a coincidence.

Dylan was the first to talk. "Our town is a small town around Chicago. It is called Sunville and the population is roughly 2000 although probably only 300-500 are humans. Which means the remaining are members of our pack. The Silver Moon pack, which makes us one of the largest pack on the continent.
The humans in the town, most of them are mates to other werewolves while others are just living there. Which means we watch how we shift and there are some part of the forest that is closed but that is where we hunt and train."

"So you guys are from Chicago. If the town consist mostly of werewolves and you are Alphas, does that make you the mayor?" I asked. "In a sense, yes. But, our dad controls the mayor office while we control the alpha office." Ryan replied.

"What if humans who are not members of the town comes in. Maybe to stay for a while?" I asked.

"Well, in that case. Our town is almost a tourist attraction so we have visitors most of the time. The werewolves are warned not to shift in just any part of the forest and the visitors are reminded of the rules, even though they are just visitors." Dylan explained.

"But if Sunville is so far. How come you guys got here?" I asked.
"While we were traveling and the attack happened. The pound van which picked us up took us to a pound but that one was too full and the only option was to bring us to the other center in New York." Dylan said.

"How was it in the pound?" I asked.

"Not fun. That dog food was a poison for the devil. We had to act wild so they won't have to take tests on us and discover our true nature but that made them not to allow us play and stretch our limbs.
They kept shooting tranqs at us to make us fall asleep but that won't work on us so they gave up only coming to our cage when it was time to feed us."

"Wow. So they were scared of you guys." I said.
Ryan nodded. "Especially this one guy, every single day he goes around singing with his awful voice. One evening, I managed to scare him." He said with a smug look.

"When do you want to return home?" I asked. "We want to return home with you so we can introduce you as our Luna to the pack." Dylan replied.
"Oh. So when do you want us to go?" "We are ready whenever you are." They both said making me giggle.

"Since we are not going soon. Our parents wanted to come over here." Dylan said. That made me sit up immediately.
"Really?" I asked. They nodded.

"They can come. I get a chance to meet your family. They'll stay with us, there's enough room. When are they coming?" I asked in one breath.

"Whoa,calm down. Eager to meet them." Ryan said. I nodded.
"We will call them and they would be here soon." Dylan replied.
I persuaded Dylan to call his parents immediately and he did. They planned to leave for here tomorrow morning which means they will be here by early evening.

I quickly finished up for the day and we left for home. "Who is coming?" I asked during the ride home.
"Our parents, sister and beta." Ryan replied. I nodded. That meant I had to prepare three rooms.

My house was pretty huge,with eight rooms exactly. I only got a huge house because my parents thought they could use my place as a spot for family get-together. Which explains my big backyard,and extra rooms.


It was the day of the guys parents arrival. I took my car to work after Dylan convinced me that he had made arrangements on how to pick them up because I was planning on forfeiting my car.

Zoe showed up few minutes to the end of work for the day. "Hey darling." She said throwing herself on the couch.
"This visiting time of yours is suspicious. What are you up to?" I asked my best friend. "Ran away from work. It isn't ending anytime soon so I sneaked out and that leaves my assistant to deal with it on my behalf." She replied.

"She always know why you come to hide, Zoe." I told her. This was not the first time Zoe is running from work and her assistant, Diane always comes here to drag her back.
"She is too busy to come get me." Zoe grinned.

She followed me home. We were already going in when I finally remembered that the guy's parents were around.
Dylan joined us by the entryway. "Evening darling." He kissed my forehead. "Hey." Zoe said. "Hey Zoe." Dylan replied.

We went to the backyard to see few people under the gazebo. "Who are those?" Zoe asked me. "The guy's parents." I replied.

We finally joined them. The young lady was staring at Zoe so intensively. She muttered something under her breath that made Marie gasped.
"Sarah,are you sure?" Ian asked. "Yes. I know what I felt." She said her voice coming out breathless, I felt Zoe shudder beside me.

"We'll get to that later." Dylan muttered. "Mum, dad, Sarah meet our mate Kamila and her best friend Zoe." Dylan introduced us. Marie was quick to hug me. "Nice to finally meet you darling." She said.

Sarah kept staring at Zoe during the introduction. "What is going on actually?" I finally asked.

Dylan looked at Zoe and I. "Spill it already." I added. He now stared at Zoe. "Zoe is Sarah's mate."

Hola. Another update so fast.
I know I am amazing. 💜

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