wish you love: a sokeefe story

By bethwilson14

44.6K 244 799

we sokeefe fans have been waiting to long! let us relish this story between Sophie and keefe as they find the... More

Sophie part 1
keefe part 2
Sophie part 3
part 4 (random info)
keefe part 4
Sophie part 5
keefe part
about me!!!


1.2K 9 7
By bethwilson14

okay!! hit 500 reads, and i try not to break a promise, so this will be Lestie's point of view! hope you like it!!

Lestie grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. she lay on her bed and stared at the ceiling. she got angry fast, but it subsided fast to. she sat up at looked at the photo with her family and friends. her eyes lingered on her mother. she had a smile that made her eyed squint as if she was looking into the sun. she was wearing a delicate white dress. aunt Biana once told her that her mother used to hate dresses. it seemed hard to believe now. Lestie looked in the mirror next to photo. he eyes her brown like her mothers, without the gold. Lestie sighed. she was so plain. she knew her father would argue. he always said she reminded him of her mother, but her mother was beautiful. Lestie grabbed the mirror, and stared into it, trying wilfully to make herself the wat she wanted. 

"who is it?" Lestie asked quickly putting the mirror back in it's place. her father opened the door. "hey moonlark, you want breakfast?" the name moonlark was what her father often called all his children. Lestie looked up at him, and frowned at his hair. it looked like it had been dyed grey and had glue poured into it. must be Jolie's doing. "no thanks dad, but, umm, I don't know how to say this, but, your hair looks... not good." keefe scoffed. he reached for her mirror.

"what? never has my amazing ever-" he gasped, and bran his hand to his mouth. his eyes widened. he felt it, and Lestie's theory was right. it was stiff with glue.

"ahhhhhhhh!! who has done this to my perfect hair?! I'm ruined!"

he glared at Lestie. Lestie shrugged, as keefe breathed deeply.

"it was that sneaky little devil wasn't it?" he hissed. "she thinks she is a little mini me, but trust me, this deserves revenge more epic than the great gulon incident!"

and with that worrying statement he turned and stalked away, probably to find aunt ro, who still lived with them, to ask her for bacteria. Lestie sighed as her stomach rumbled. she could smell delicious. how easy it would be to go and eat it. then she caught her reflection in the mirror. she scolded herself. no eating. no one had really noticed that she hardly ate except for Luka, her twin. the argument this morning had started because he had confronted her.

"Lestie, you need to eat! look how skinny you are! you are pretty enough! literally all my friends like you!" he had screamed at her.

" you don't understand! you don't have to look a certain way! you just wake up and think about annoying people and food!"

"you don't have to look a certain way either! what are you talking about!"

Lestie felt a small sob rise up her chest.

"yes I do! everyone is pressuring me to be like mum! I'm not like her! does no one see?!"

"I see! I see you as you! can you just please eat, for me?" 

Lestie went quiet. Luka jerked his chin up in anger.

"fine then." he stalked over to her hairbrush. "I'll give this back when you eat." he grabbed the brush and ran to lounge room, Lestie followed, her fists clenched, and the rest is history.

Lestie was staring into her mirror, willing herself to go another day without food when luka entered her room.

"stop staring into that mirror. it's all you do."

she glared at him, but put it back.

"what do you want?"

"nothing, I just came to give you some breakfast."

Lestie looked away.

"I'm not hungry."

"yes you are." Lestie looked up and saw her brother was close to tears. "please Lestie?" 

Lestie sighed, she was really hungry. she reached out for the food, when her reflection caught her eye. she shook her head, on the verge of tears, and pulled her hand back.

luka grabbed her mirror. 

"luka! stop!"

he stared at her, brown eyes to brown eyes. Lestie's widened as he brought the mirror crashing to the ground. she watching as the glass scattered across the floor.

"what is going on here?!"

Lestie and luka looked up in shock to see their mother, eyes blazing.

okay, guys, thanks for reading, sorry if this story brought back memories, or put you through trauma. if you need some support please talk to a trusted friend or family member, or ring a trusted help line. thanks again for reading and remember you are all beautiful!

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