My Heaven Above, Simeon x Rea...

By T3u8e2

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Being In the Devildom you make bonds with the seven demon brothers and Angels, your good friend Simeon adores... More

Spring Day Chap.1
Admiration from afar Chap.2
Dreams In the clouds Chap.3
A Serendipity Chap.4
A heart that yearns Chap.5
Talks with Lucifer Chap.6
Date in the human world Chap.7
Prayers for Courtship Chap.8
You're my heaven Chap.9
My Angel and me Chap.10
Words of wisdom Chap.11
A Love not fated to be Chap.12
Apart Chap.13
To the Celestial realm Chap.14
Speaking with Michael Chap.15
Night Talks Chap.16
Testing ones Faith Chap.17
Reuniting for Good Chap.18
Ice Skating Chap.19
Fun in the snow Chap.20
Christmas together Chap.21
Wedding Planning Chap.22
Springtime Vow Chap.23 END
*Bonus Chapter* Summer Picnics
Luke's Birthday Chap.24
Blessings from Celestial Chap.25
Date Night Chap.26
Nausea and sewing Chap.27
Gender Reveal Party Chap.28
Cookies and Cuddles Chap.29
A Nursery Chap.30
Visits with Diavolo Chap.31
Walks and Naps Chap.32
A Little Christmas Chap.33
Baby Names Chap.34
Last Checkup Chap.36
The Birth Chap.37
Hospital Visits Chap.38
Back to the Devildom Chap.39
Introducing her Chap.40
Meeting's with Micheal Chap.41
Simeon's thoughts Chap.42
The Decision Chap.43
A New Beginning Chap.44 END

Surprise Party Chap.35

133 5 0
By T3u8e2

It was now your eighth month and It was within January, all was going well but your back pains had gotten worse along with the occasional cramping that you had, whenever you were in pain your husband would massage your back with the utmost care, and Simeon would stay by your side when you'd stay In the bathroom for a longtime while getting sick, It still pained him to see you like that but he knew all of It was tied into pregnancy, and you were almost In the home stretch of It too In which you were excited but also nervous, and today It was actually the day before your birthday but Simeon wanted to pur together a little party for you, and Luke was In on the idea too so they put their heads together along with Lucifer and the brothers, thinking long before they finally came up with an Idea, and they kept In mind about your delicate health right now but the question of how to keep the party a secret was the question, but Simeon had an Idea

you were currently In Seraphine's nursery, you'd bought another few little cute things to put In there so now you were doing a little more decorating, just then you heard the door open 

"My Lamb,"

you turned with a smile, "Hi Darling"

Simeon smiled and came to your side, "decorating some more I see"

"mhm, how does this look?"

he looked to the wall, "I like It, It's cute for her"

you nodded, "I think so too"

Simeon then chuckled as he kissed your forehead, "say, my sweet, do you remember that dress Asmodeus sent you a while ago"

"Yes, it was maternity dress that I'd like to wear but there's no special occasion for It"

Simeon nodded, "I see,"

you started thinking, "now that I think about It, I haven't tried It on yet I wonder If my stomach is too big for It now, I'll go try It on"

"Okay" said Simeon

you rubbed your stomach as you started out the nursery, and Simeon took out his D.D.D

Simeon: I mentioned the dress, and she said she's going to try It on for herself

Asmo: Great! now you have to figure out how to get her here everything is ready,

Simeon: Okay

Simeon then put away his D.D.D before he started thinking, and he then had It 

he went to the bedroom and knocked first "My Lamb It's me"

inside you'd just finished putting on the dress, "oh, come In dear"

he opened the door just as you turned around, seeing you In the maternity dress Asmo had gotten for you, it was long with sleeves and sky blue with lace detailing on the bodice

Simeon smiled, "you look beautiful"

you smiled, "Thank you, it's really comfortable and look It fits my stomach"

Simeon gave your stomach a rub, "My lamb, Lucifer Invited us to dinner with him and the brothers"

"oh that's nice, let me change"

Simeon started, "I um, actually he Invited us to go out with them for dinner"

you nodded, "oh, alright must be at Ristorante six or something like that I'll just go fix my hair a bit"

Simeon then gave you privacy while you changed your hair, putting It up into a high ponytail and you put a little makeup on your face that matched the dress, also putting on your coat as you came out the room seeing Simeon now changed into more fancy clothes too

"ready to go my sweet"

you gave a nod, but then you looked around "Where's Luke? Is he coming too"

Simeon smiled, "yeah he's already there with the others"

Simeon put on his coat before he came to your side, holding you from behind as he then transported you using his powers, and you soon reappeared outside of Ristorante Six

"Oh my Lamb, could you close your eyes for me please"

you were confused, "oh?"

you looked at your husband wondering what on earth this was about, before you sighed and closed them, with Simeon leading you as you walked up to the place and into the restaurant In which was decked out beautifully for your party, as Simeon led you further inside he saw the others In place with the confetti poppers, and Simeon couldn't wait for you to see 

he then stopped, he smiled "you can open your eyes love"

you opened your eyes just as you saw confetti come your way, along with seeing everyone 


you silently gasped, placing a hand on your heart "oh my goodness, but guys my birthday's tomorrow"

Belphie smiled, "We know, but Simeon wanted to do something for you earlier"

you turned to Simeon, and you hugged him "Oh, Darling thank you so much"

Simeon smiled and kissed you, "of course"

you kissed back just as you heard a little bark, seeing Lucky running up to you and Simeon followed by Luke, and he came to give you a careful hug 

"Happy birthday (Y/n)! I helped them decorate and I even made you a cake!"

you smiled, giving him a motherly peck on the forehead "Thank you Luke"

Luke smiled with rosy cheeks, "your welcome!"

you went to give hugs to each of the brothers, and they were mindful of your big stomach as not to squeeze you too hard, and after greeting them Simeon led you to your table, he helped you to sit down before pushing your chair in carefully, before he went to sit down next to you 

and everyone came to sit at the large round table as well, just as the food came out and you instantly noticed that it was an array of human world food,

just then Asmodeus took out his D.D.D, pointing It in your direction "(Y/n), you Simeon and Luke get closer"

Simeon had his arms around you and Luke, "Alright say Birthday!"


Asmodeus snapped the picture "Perfect! aww you look so cute! I'll send this to you guys"

Luke then went back to his seat as you all started eating, while talking just as Lord Diavolo showed up though rather late for the party "I'm so sorry everyone, I didn't mean to be late"

he came over and fixed his fedora, "Happy Birthday (Y/n)"

you smiled, "Thank you, and it's alright Lord Diavolo don't worry"

he leaned and gave you careful hug before he went to sit down, and Lucifer asked Diavolo curiously what held him up so, and he answered that he'd gotten behind on council worked

"the pasta is really good, " said Simeon

you smiled with a nod, "Mhm, it's been a long while since I've had Carbonara"

you twirled the pasta on your fork and had another bite, but then you felt movement coming from In your stomach and you winced a bit, knowing It was Seraphine moving around 

"are you alright?" asked Simeon 

you nodded, "yes don't worry, Seraphine was just moving a bit"

"Seraphine? is that the name you decided on for the baby" asked Lucifer 

you smiled, "It is, Simeon came up with It"

"Aw It's so cute!" said Asmo

you rubbed your stomach once more, continuing to eat until the next course soon came out and It was roasted chicken with vegetables, In which you enjoyed it very much, 

"I can't wait to meet my little sister!" said Luke

Simeon chuckled, "We know and we're very excited too, but don't worry she'll be here with us next month"

"Really! It seems that not that much time has passed" said Diavolo

he then smiled, "I don't know much about childbirth or babies, but I hope all will go well for you, I can tell you and Simeon will be loving parents"

you smiled, "oh, Thank you very much"

"Yeah, that means a lot" said Simeon

just then one of the servers brought out Demonus, but you had a sparkling drink instead of Demonus since you were pregnant, and Simeon stood up to make a toast 

"Thank you very much for coming everyone for celebrating my wife's birthday with me, throughout all this time we've been together I sometimes forget that I'm the angel, and I wonder how I ever got so lucky,"

 Simeon looked to you "I can't wait to welcome our daughter to the world next month, thank you for your never-ending love, my Lamb I love you, Happy Birthday"

you felt yourself get teary eyed, as everyone lifted their Demonus before having a drink and Simeon came to your side as you hugged, before sharing a kiss just as a birthday cake was brought out with sparklers lit up, you closed your eyes before blowing them out while everyone clapped, you felt yourself getting even more emotional and couldn't hold your tears 

"Thank you, much,"

everyone came over and shared a group hug with you while you cried a bit more, they were only tears of joy as you loved your husband, your children and your Devildom family very much.

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