Ezeabata In A Golden Marriage

By PrettyDaniel9

295 13 1

How many people are willing to walk through rough patches, to achieve love that can be envied, one that stan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2


4 0 0
By PrettyDaniel9

Olumide got back to his shop and everyone questions him concerning his whereabout but he hardly replied anyone as they told him he missed a lot of his customers. He started packing up his tools for work to head home, he was done for the day.

"Olumide you really took a long while. Is all well?" Asked his widowed landlady

"All hasn't been this well for me in a long while ma. I can finally say, i am ready to start life over again. I am glad Cheta came for me today." Replies Olu

"I told you he meant well. I am glad you went to speak to him, even i can see that you will never be the same again and i am happy for you. I believe you're going home now abi? See you on monday then. Bye says his widowed old landlady as she retires to her house.

"Odaro (good night in yoruba language) ma." Olu says with a satisfactory smile about to leave, he locks the iron doors to his shop.
Ezeabata sits outside most saturday evenings relaxing or excercising. He loves nature a lot, so much so that it seems the birds that comes to recline on the trees he has in his compound understood him well as these birds will after he sits, keep chirping and tweeting as though they were celebrating a long lost but found friend. So does his dog Randy, a very fierce, brown and black really hairy but a very beautiful animal to behold.

"Woof  woof" barks Randy at the sights of his master. Wagging his tail, he jumps and jumps in this stylish way that only he as a dog, knows best to celebrate his master who in turn loves him as much as he does him. Even the whole neighbourhood talks about the dog Randy and how unique he guards the master's house. Visitors always dreaded a visit to Ezeabata's compound because of his no nonsense dog.

"Agu!" (Tiger in igbo language) shouted Ezeabata which is what he refers Randy as. He keeps hailing Randy and the dog dances around Ezeabata also makes short jumps resting his hand on the master's waist. He keeps barking and Ezeabata says

"Gboba! Ezi nkita m! (bark my good and loyal dog) hails Ezeabata, petting his dog. Eventually the dog would gradually calm down after celebrating his master well enough. Ezeabata will call for some biscuit bones for Randy and his driver would bring some which Ezeabata would always instruct that he buys the best bones from the butchers at the market. Randy would sit and eat his meal.

Ezeabata will then turn to the tree and starts to hum as though he was responding to the birds chirping on it. This way it seems he is saying hello to them too. He finds peace in doing all these and he is like this too to the people around the neighbourhood.

There were times after he is done with the dog and the birds, he will go outside the gate of his compound and greet with neighbours, as many as saw him outside, sometimes will come with their problems, he will listen and as much as lies within him, he will help solve their problems whether monetary or otherwise. He finds peace in doing all these and much more. He also finds peace in God Who he worships, serves and reveres

"Where is your father Heaven?" Inquires Nkechi racing downstairs

"Mummy, your husband you mean" laughs Heaven who is on her way to the kitchen but stopped at the tail end of the stairs to answer her mum.

"I am not in the mood of your jokes" Provokes Nkechi

"Appreciate my sense of humour mumsy. Don't you think, it will be nice sometimes to hear you call him that. I have been with you and dad to events sometimes and dad will ask people when we are ready to leave "have you seen my wife?" Some other times when we are ready to leave and you are the one inquiring of him from people, you ask " have you seen daddy?" I find it awkward you know" says Heaven who desires to calm the mum down not knowing why she was hurriedly looking for Ezeabata.

"Are you setting me up or something" asks her mother looking at her sternly

"No mum, not at all. You see mum,  (Heaven went close to the mum and held her by the arm)  i just desire peace please and a little show off of love wouldn't hurt anyone you know." Requests Heaven

"Okay. Can you now let go of my arm? I need it to move my body" Requires her mum and Heaven did.

The thing in Ezeabata's household is that Heaven and his father has been out zoned. It seems the house has been divided into two, her mother and siblings at one side and she and her father at the other side.

"There are conflicts in relationships but when one side always want things done in their way being inconsiderate, can be annoying." Thought Heaven letting go of her mother's arm.

Nkechi goes through the front door into the compound, pulls a seat not to close to Ezeabata and sits down.

"Daddy like every other person in life has made mistakes. He has been making efforts to correct and rewrite a lot of it but i desire mum to make some efforts, let there be a balance. The efforts seems one-sided." Murmurs Heaven to herself.

"My God nothing is above you" prays she and goes into the kitchen very much worried about her parents relationship.

Meanwhile Echeta couldn't do much, his evening is far spent with Olumide. He thought of seeing Heaven briefly before going home but the thought that he might be delayed there and tomorrow being sunday, isn't going to make it any easier for him.

None the less he thought it will be nice to suprise Heaven. I mustn't go there without picking something for her, she would have done the same and courtesy demands so he concluded. He drops by a chicken suya (smoked peppered meat) joint and got more than enough for his wife to be and her family. Also among what he bought, was a basket of various fruits from a fruit vendor next to the chicken joint.When he got to Heaven's house, he then called her.

"Omauma asa ahu" (one who needn't a bath to prove her beauty in igbo language) he says with an amusing igbo intonation he and Heaven often jokes around with.

"I am outside. I thought to see you before heading home. I am through with Olumide." Adds Cheta.

"Oh i see" says Heaven in a tearful shaky voice

"Someone is not happy that i came around, perhaps i should turn back?" Asks Cheta.

"Turn back to where? I am coming out" sighs Heaven.

Cheta knowing Heaven very well, immediately knew something is wrong.

Heaven leaves the kitchen without informing anyone that Cheta was around, she didn't want to rudely interrupt her parents conversations as it was heating up a bit, but they kept their voices down, knowing they were outside and her mum may think she is meddling. She went outside to meet him through the back gate.

"Hey yo...u" greets Echeta and Heaven rests her head on his chest and started sobbing profusely.

"What is going on? Please can you calm down? I am here with you now, relax dear" consoles Echeta

Heaven weeps for a bit and tries calming down as Cheta held her close to his chest, showering her with pecks on her fore head, he picks out some tissues from the pack he had on the dash board and started drying her tears.

"Are you going to be okay?" He asks

"In a bit, ye...s" whispers Heaven

"Sure?" Inquires Cheta

"Mmm huh" nodded Heaven finding comfort and warmth in Echeta's embrace. She sighs and pulls away from his chest as he lets go of her.

"You really smell nice. Is it a new perfume you're wearing?" Asks Heaven as she continues to wipe what is left of her tears away

"Yes madame, it is" affirms Cheta planting another peck on Heaven's fore head.

"Glad you noticed despite being troubled" adds Cheta.

"I was tearing with my eyes not my nose you know." Jokes Heaven and they both shared a laughter

"There, already feeling better with my magical touch special" smiles Echeta with his fingers in the air in quote

"Don't flatter yourself " blushes Heaven. They laughed furthermore

"Okay beautiful can we talk now? So tell your prince charming what happened" chuckles Echeta

"Prince charming? Sure. Even you don't believe that, which is why you chuckled" giggles Heaven

"You're breaking my heart" says Cheta joking with his hands positioned on the right side of his chest

"Uso m (sweetie in igbo language) " my knight and shining armour" jokes back Heaven with their usual playful igbo intonation.

"Now you're talking, that is me. The only one no number two" he says

By now they had their hands locked up in each others hands smiling and Heaven says

"Promise me Cheta that we won't allow negative energy in our home no matter what"

Echeta sighs deeply, he says

"Is this what all these is about?"

Heaven nods quietly almost tearing up again

"Mmm. Do you want to talk about it?" Asks Cheta

"No" insists Heaven.

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